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5.0.4 Hunter/Warrior/Death Knight/Priest/RogueFollow

#1 Sep 09 2012 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
So I finally got some time to sit down and play some more classes!

Yes, I have an 85 of all classes before anyone even asks.

So.... please keep in mind these are my solo PvE viewpoints; I've not done any dungeons or PvP yet.

1). Hunter.

*drool* I LOVE hunters now. All Pets can be any specialization type (you choose). I can finally dust off that old Ravager I've had since I made my draenei hunter. I tamed him at Level 10 and used him clear up until Level 70. Then Wrath came out and suddenly hunter pets couldn't hold threat worth crap. I eventually leveled him, but I had to use a different pet. Then they gave pets different specializations and Ravagers wound up on the Cunning list and he still couldn't hold threat. Now, I can give him Tenacity and he'll tank just as good as any other pet. Finally! Also worthy of note is that awesome awesome talent "Thrill of the Hunt", and also the removal of minimum shooting distance makes for much smoother play. Also, I picked the talent that gives me a 30% heal every 2 minutes which can be nice (especially since it heals the pet 100%). So far, my pet has never lost threat, and something (not sure what) keeps me healed between battles so it is very smooth.

2). Warrior.

Haven't tried Arms or Fury, but I played around with Solo Prot some. I'd have to say I'm loving the fact they got rid of the Rage requirement for a lot of our basic attacks. Gone are the days when your Charge is on cooldown and the only thing you have is Bloodrage and three over-eager DPS laying into mobs. You can at least build up some AoE threat even with zero rage at all! Rage doesn't take long to build up. Personally, I chose the Impending Victory, Double Time, and Shockwave talents, the last talent I wasn't sure what to pick because I was choosing talents with solo in mind and all of the talents on that tier are group-oriented (they all affect other players). Some things to note, I love how Thunderclap automatically procs a bleed (you don't have to Rend first, thus saving you a GCD) and I was throwing out Cleaves and Revenges all over the place along with Shockwaves whenever the cooldown was up. Double Time lets you round up a lot of mobs in solo play; you can charge two, taunt one and run over to a last mob if you want, not necessarily in that order. I'd have to say I'm pleased with the changes I've seen thusfar.

3). Death Knight.

Played Blood a bit, but I didn't like how much DPS it lost; killing mobs solo takes way too long. I tried Frost back early Cataclysm, but it was far too squishy for my tastes so I decided to give it a whirl again. I chose a bunch of health restore talents thinking it was still squishy, but the truth of it is, it really isn't unless you're rounding up multiple mobs at once, so I probably could have chosen other talents instead. I might look into that. The DPS is pretty dang good, I don't remember how much changed between Cataclysm and MoP, though, but I will note that my Death Knight was putting out better DPS than my better-geared Ret Paladin and was keeping her health up just fine. If I really got into trouble, I chose that Death Siphon talent, where you can use 1 death rune to heal yourself for ~12k health. Death Runes are constant, so it is more than enough. Even if it weren't, I still have Death Strike (esp with the glyph!). I'd have to say I'm pleased.

4). Priest.

Took my Shadow Priest out to kill some elite mobs in Dragonblight (those snakes). I didn't get a lot of time to test this yet, but I notice that some of her spells were hitting hard. I'm wearing 377 crafted PvP and using Ahune's Frostscythe (lol, I know, right?) and I was doing 34k crits with mind blast. Every Mind Blast gives me an orb and when I get three of them, I can nail a mob with a fairly strong leech spell (Devouring Plague). These two spells were more than enough (along with the occasional channeled DoT) to do the job. I wanna take her out and try some more against mobs closer to my level, but so far I like what I see.

5). Rogue

Tried my rogue too, a couple days ago. I love the new poison system (thank God we don't have to keep buying the stupid things). Much simpler and easier to use. I've always played Combat, so I'm going to say things from a Combat Point of View. They didn't change a whole lot, to be honest. It plays much like Cataclysm Combat did, though I seem to be doing more DPS. They sadly removed the "killing blow refreshes durations of Recup and SnD" or at least they removed it for Combat. The healing poison though, seems to be working fine if I stick to single mobs. I can always Recup if I fight 2 or 3 mobs at once, though. Getting the Insight buffs seemed much faster than before (I remember killing mobs and routinely only having Green... now I almost always have Red by the time the mob dies).

I did take my mage out for just a little, but hadn't had time to test it, nor have I had the chance to try Warlock. I've heard good things about it, though, so I'm going to try it soon. Hopefully they fixed Warlock; Cataclysm was some dark days for warlocks.
#2 Sep 09 2012 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Warrior (Protection) is awesome. I had a lot of fun tanking some heroics last night with it. Not sure how it measures up in terms of mitigation and survivability to the Paladin and Druid, though I felt a lot less squishy than on my Druid.

Priest (Shadow) feels weird. I'm not sure if I like the new Shadow Orb thing or not. Feels like you don't use it for a whole lot and AOE is very clunky (Mind Sear does very little damage), though that might be because of my gear levels. Definitely like the synergy between Mind Blast and Mind Spike now, though. And getting free, instant Mind Spikes that don't remove your DoTs is nice. I just wish that Mind Flay would increase the duration on Shadow Word: Pain. Having to recast it all the time is a bit of a drag.

In other news, Druid tanking has grown on me. After macroing in Savage Defense to my non-rage abilities, I no longer have to look at the button and can instead enjoy the scenery and pay attention to "Get out of fire, dumbass" comments from my healer, which is always nice.
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#3 Sep 11 2012 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
My feelings on the new Shadow Priest are mixed.

In PvP he is nigh unstoppable now. So many potent CDs.
In PvE he sure does nice damage (single target). AoE was very weak directly after 5.0.4 but got a slight buff since then (I think). Still not as strong as in 4.3 but better now.
I love being able to cast Renew/Leap of Faith without dropping Shadowform.
The speedboost after casting PW:Shield is extremely handy.
There are many things I like. Some minor glyphs are nice as well.

But I really don't like the new PvE rota/priority system. The old one was extremely fun to play. Now it's rather meh. I hope it will grow on me because Shadowpriest is by far my favorite class/spec.
#4 Sep 11 2012 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Yeah. I'm sort of torn on Shadow Priest too. I'm not a huge fan of the new system but it may feel better at 90. Time will tell.
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75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

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#5 Sep 11 2012 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
The thing I immediately noticed about Spriest is that I'm not expected to lay down two (or was that 3? I forget) dots before casting my first actual damage-dealing spell.

That's one of the things I never liked about leveling Spriest before (and also Warlock in Cataclysm) and why I usually got most of my experience doing town dailies or tagging along with someone while they quest. Using up 3 seconds while a mob is running towards you just DoT'ing up the mob always was kinda stupid.

Instead, it looks like there's only one dot? They changed one of them from some DoT that you're expected to keep up at all times to a spell that consumes Shadow Orbs to do a large amount of damage and healing when you get 3 orbs and I'm not sure what happened to that third DoT/debuff spell.

Its been awhile since I played my Spriest in actual combat, please forgive me if I'm forgetting abilities' names.

Edited, Sep 11th 2012 12:13pm by Lyrailis
#6 Sep 11 2012 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
When fighting quest mobs I always never use/used DoTs. Mind Spike + Mind Blast usually is faster. The exception is when I pull more than 2 mobs at once.

Pulling/killing mobs in short dungeon fights hasn't changed that much neither. SW: Pain pretty much took the place of Devouring Plaque and I tend to use Mind Spike less often but the gameplay feels at least similar. On bosses however the rotation feels far less fluid and intuitive than before.
Granted I thought it to be almost perfect in the 4.3 state.

Maybe the skill we'll get at 87 will help (Is it even a damage spell? Can't recall) or it's just the adjustment period.
#7 Sep 11 2012 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
530 posts
I've noticed my hunter has a lot more CC options which makes me really hope for more crowd control in MoP.
I also love the pet changes as I've never been a fan of bears/gorillas etc, for aesthetics i guess.

#8 Sep 11 2012 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
When fighting quest mobs I always never use/used DoTs. Mind Spike + Mind Blast usually is faster. The exception is when I pull more than 2 mobs at once.

Pulling/killing mobs in short dungeon fights hasn't changed that much neither. SW: Pain pretty much took the place of Devouring Plaque and I tend to use Mind Spike less often but the gameplay feels at least similar. On bosses however the rotation feels far less fluid and intuitive than before.
Granted I thought it to be almost perfect in the 4.3 state.

Maybe the skill we'll get at 87 will help (Is it even a damage spell? Can't recall) or it's just the adjustment period.

Perhaps it was just my gear levels, but when I tried leveling a priest in Cataclysm, I found that if I didn't use SW:P, then the mob survived just long enough to do enough damage that I wouldn't be healed up for the next fight. If I _did_ use SW:P, then the mob would usually only get to hit me twice and by the time I got the next mob ready I'd be pretty much healed up and wouldn't have to do anything special.

And also, there was Vampiric Touch... yeah THAT's the name of the third debuff I couldn't remember. Anyways, even with using SWP, sometimes I'd still get hit more than I'd like and you didn't heal much of anything back... unless you used VT IIRC. So, whenever you were missing some HP, you could... 1). Cast a Heal and waste a good chunk of mana doing so (and having to go back into Shadowform afterwards), 2). Wait/Bandage/Potion, or 3). Spend two GCDs on your next fight before doing a single damage point to the mob.

And then there was that whole "have to hurt yourself to get some mana back" that I didn't like either, having to do with execute spell, what was that called, Shadow Word: Death or something like that? If you used it and the mob *didn't* die, you got a chunk of mana back. Trying to ensure this happened could be a chore at times: it did damage to you if you suceeded, and sometimes, you crit with Mind Blast, and then crit with SW:D and the mob dies and you didn't get your mana. You also had the Shadowfiend, but that had a long-ish cooldown, as did Disperse which I tended to save for when I needed to get away from something due to the damage reduction it gave.

Anyways, looking forward to testing it more on relevant-level mobs to see if it really is better or not. Seems like they made Mana less painful for most classes, as I know a lot of players complained about constant OOM in Early-Mid Cataclysm.

Edited, Sep 11th 2012 1:22pm by Lyrailis
#9 Sep 11 2012 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Vampiric Touch is still in the game. It now regenerates mana whenever you hit something with the DoT on.

You apply Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch then keep Mind Blast on cooldown and Mind Flay until you get some of them free, instant Mind Spikes that don't erase debuffs (don't remember if it's a talent or a glyph). Once you hit three orbs, you pop Devouring Plague and /dance.

Just kidding, you can dance without Devouring Plague if you want.

I'm really, really liking the Warlock stuff. Destruction has been turned into a wannabe Fire Mage thing now, with only one DoT (Immolate) and none of the old synergy from what I can tell. Unfortunately, as it is right now, Grimoire of Sacrifice (is that the name?) is the go-to talent for Affliction and Destruction, so you sac your demon and run around playing Fire Mage or Shadow Priest, depending on your spec. Affliction has been turned into an all-out DoT spec now. Shadow Bolt turns into Incinerate for Destruction Warlocks and Malefic Grasp for Affliction Warlocks. Malefic Grasp is a channeled beam-thing that causes your DoTs to double-tick or something.

I prefer Demonology, because, honestly, what's a Warlock without a demon? And the fact that I have TWO demon forms I can change into and out of at will is just hilariously cool. One demon form buffs my damage output and the other turns me into a sort-of tank, which is excellent for questing and good if your 5-man tank dies. Since you can insta-summon a new demon when in a demon form, you can pop the Infernal and call out your Blueberry for some tanking action. Managed to prevent a couple of wipes that way. And I love how you spawn Wild Imps every 20 seconds. I've had up to four of those little buggers running around with me.

Also, Demonology has the coolest secondary resource indicator as well. Affliction Warlocks get Soul Shards hovering above their heads and Destruction Warlocks get all fiery when they get enough Burning Embers. Demonology Warlocks, however, get @#%^ing horns, man! Hell yeah! So I'm running around questing in my Dark Apotheosis form, which gives me big purple demon wings, and because I'm above 50% resources, I've got big purple horns. Love it!

Edit: Pictures incoming, because the above description does not do it justice.

Affliction at max Soul Shards: Ooh, look at me, I've got purple accessories hanging above my head. I'm so powerful, ooh.

Destruction at max Burning Embers: How'd it get burned? HOW'D IT GET BURNED?!

Demonology Warlock at max Demonic Fury, with Dark Apotheosis (wings) and on a Purple Skeletal Warhorse: MOTHER@#%^ING HORNS!

Edited, Sep 11th 2012 11:26pm by Mazra
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#10 Sep 11 2012 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Couple quick things:

Lyrailis wrote:
1). Hunter.

*drool* I LOVE hunters now. All Pets can be any specialization type (you choose). I can finally dust off that old Ravager I've had since I made my draenei hunter. I tamed him at Level 10 and used him clear up until Level 70. Then Wrath came out and suddenly hunter pets couldn't hold threat worth crap. I eventually leveled him, but I had to use a different pet. Then they gave pets different specializations and Ravagers wound up on the Cunning list and he still couldn't hold threat. Now, I can give him Tenacity and he'll tank just as good as any other pet. Finally! Also worthy of note is that awesome awesome talent "Thrill of the Hunt", and also the removal of minimum shooting distance makes for much smoother play. Also, I picked the talent that gives me a 30% heal every 2 minutes which can be nice (especially since it heals the pet 100%). So far, my pet has never lost threat, and something (not sure what) keeps me healed between battles so it is very smooth.

5). Rogue

Tried my rogue too, a couple days ago. I love the new poison system (thank God we don't have to keep buying the stupid things). Much simpler and easier to use. I've always played Combat, so I'm going to say things from a Combat Point of View. They didn't change a whole lot, to be honest. It plays much like Cataclysm Combat did, though I seem to be doing more DPS. They sadly removed the "killing blow refreshes durations of Recup and SnD" or at least they removed it for Combat. The healing poison though, seems to be working fine if I stick to single mobs. I can always Recup if I fight 2 or 3 mobs at once, though. Getting the Insight buffs seemed much faster than before (I remember killing mobs and routinely only having Green... now I almost always have Red by the time the mob dies).

1. Pets could always keep threat if you had the Misdirection glyph.

2. TotH is inferior in every way to Fervor and Dire Beast (DB is the best for every PvE spec); give that a try.

3. They removed Deadly Momentum because it's a glyph now. Read the patch notes, or hell, just look at your glyphs.

I played my rogue for the first time in BGs today, and I was destroying people. Took me a couple deaths to get back in the swing of things, and I'm still getting used to being Assassination with Shadowstep, but it's nice. I thought I may go hunter main for MoP, but now I doubt it because my rogue is pretty fun in PvP.

Leeching poison is kind of lackluster for me. It's definitely nice in PvE (solo and group), but there's nothing that makes it great in PvP.

I've also found that this is probably the best spec currently for PvP. I switch to Leeching poison for PvE.

Also, HUGE fan of the new Shadowstep; holy **** it's amazing. I 'step to my healers all the time in BGs now (focus-ShS macro), and it's amazing. Also, makes for hilarity when people don't realize that you can ShS friendly targets now.
#11 Sep 11 2012 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
1. Pets could always keep threat if you had the Misdirection glyph.

Yeah, but it is so much easier without it? *shrugs* Using Misdirection with the glyph meant you had to write up a macro, taking up one of your macro slots, and adding it to a hotkey (and to save hotkeys, you probably combined it with, say, Serpent Sting or whatever you usually open with), which adds another problem: What if you need to swap targets or get the pet to grab a new target in the middle of combat and you either didn't want to SS the new target, or didn't have the resources for it?

Either way, pets holding threat without misdirection now works much better and easier. I prefer it this way.

2. TotH is inferior in every way to Fervor and Dire Beast (DB is the best for every PvE spec); give that a try.

While casually soloing mobs, I prefer Passive talents to Active ones. Cuts down on how many hotkeys I need, and it is one less cooldown I have to keep track of. I'd probably end up switching to something else if I ever did Heroics, but meh. I rarely do heroics with crafting alts anyways.

3. They removed Deadly Momentum because it's a glyph now. Read the patch notes, or hell, just look at your glyphs.

Considering the glyph UI is bugged all to Hell when using nearly Any addon (except ones updated within the last 5 days, most of my addons haven't been), I haven't been able to set any of my glyphs. Every time I try, "xxxx addon is preventing a UI action. Disable/Ignore?" and I don't feel like logging on and off several times to set my glyphs for all 20 of my characters just yet. But it is nice to know that it does exist.

That and instead of changing the Prime glyphs to the new Majors/Minors, they made us do MORE Northrend Research, so my scribe still doesn't know a lot of glyphs yet.

Leeching poison is kind of lackluster for me. It's definitely nice in PvE (solo and group), but there's nothing that makes it great in PvP.

Well, given I said it was from a Solo PvE standpoint, yeah. It is nice in solo PvE. PvP, obviously, you take way too much damage for it to help you very much.

Edited, Sep 11th 2012 8:24pm by Lyrailis
#12 Sep 11 2012 at 9:13 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
1. Pets could always keep threat if you had the Misdirection glyph.

Yeah, but it is so much easier without it? *shrugs* Using Misdirection with the glyph meant you had to write up a macro, taking up one of your macro slots, and adding it to a hotkey (and to save hotkeys, you probably combined it with, say, Serpent Sting or whatever you usually open with), which adds another problem: What if you need to swap targets or get the pet to grab a new target in the middle of combat and you either didn't want to SS the new target, or didn't have the resources for it?

Either way, pets holding threat without misdirection now works much better and easier. I prefer it this way.

You should be killing mobs in PvE before SS can tick for it's full duration; it's a waste of focus. If you pull another mob, cast Misdirect again and start spamming Multishot. Your pet will spam Beast Cleave for every Multishot you do, and your Multishots will build threat for your pet.

Swapping targets is lame; just AoE the crap out of them.

BTW, I've never even come close to using all of my macro slots, and I've never deleted a macro.
#13 Sep 12 2012 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Even if you do pull aggro from your pet, minimum range has been removed, so you can still shoot it while it's chewing on you instead of your pet. The pet is just there to ensure that even the most mentally impaired person in the world still has a chance to get into my end-game PUG. Same goes for Warlocks, by the way.

I'm not saying Hunters and Warlocks don't use their pets. Demonology Warlocks and Beast Mastery Hunters obviously rely a lot on their pets to get the job done, but for soloing, the pet is just there to make stuff easier. My Warlock and Hunter could easily complete quests without Fluffynoodles and Mekatik teh Wrathlawd. Having a pet just means I don't die while I'm watching the purrty butterfwies!

Edited, Sep 12th 2012 6:25pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Sep 12 2012 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Mazra wrote:
Even if you do pull aggro from your pet, minimum range has been removed, so you can still shoot it while it's chewing on you instead of your pet. The pet is just there to ensure that even the most mentally impaired person in the world still has a chance to get into my end-game PUG. Same goes for Warlocks, by the way.

I'm not saying Hunters and Warlocks don't use their pets. Demonology Warlocks and Beast Mastery Hunters obviously rely a lot on their pets to get the job done, but for soloing, the pet is just there to make stuff easier. My Warlock and Hunter could easily complete quests without Fluffynoodles and Mekatik teh Wrathlawd. Having a pet just means I don't die while I'm watching the purrty butterfwies!

Edited, Sep 12th 2012 6:25pm by Mazra

Without a pet, my hunter is going to die if/when I pull my normal 3-4 mobs. I could do one at a time, but why do that when I can AoE the **** out of them without taking any damage?

Hunters were designed to have their pet take damage to reduce downtime; it's why mend pet exists. I'd rather misdirect my pet with a tiny macro than tank everything myself.
#15 Sep 12 2012 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
You guys are making me wanna come back to WoW. I wonder if my Annual Pass still has time on it?

But meh, that would mean reinstalling WoW on my PC. I'll have to check my annual pass status and possibly reinstall WoW this weekend.

I've got at least 5 85s that I remember that I wouldn't mind trying out.

Star Wars is getting a little stale for me. Did that happen with you too Maz?
#16 Sep 12 2012 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
You guys are making me wanna come back to WoW. I wonder if my Annual Pass still has time on it?

But meh, that would mean reinstalling WoW on my PC. I'll have to check my annual pass status and possibly reinstall WoW this weekend.

I've got at least 5 85s that I remember that I wouldn't mind trying out.

Star Wars is getting a little stale for me. Did that happen with you too Maz?

That happened at level 15 with my Sniper. I was like, "hm, this is roughly similar to my hunter, with a hell of a lot less polish in the game."

And then I came back to WoW.
#17 Sep 12 2012 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#18 Sep 13 2012 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Yeah, my hunter is still in greens. Which is what I meant. I mean, I probably could (I've killed players in epics in PvP), but it would not be fast, easy, or fun.

I'd much rather just tap my Misdirect macro and blow them the hell up. Much more better.
#19 Sep 13 2012 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
True. Having the pet tank stuff is much easier, faster and safer. Fun factor varies from person to person, I guess. I personally enjoyed kiting those ogres and nearly dying every time.

My point, however, was merely to show that you can take on an enemy without your pet. You don't have to do fancy kiting if you don't want to since the minimum range has been removed. You're wearing mail armor, so you can still take some hits, not that it matters as shown above, because the target dies before it comes even close to killing you.

If you go Marksmanship or Survival, you have almost the same burst as a Mage even without your pet. The difference is that a Mage can keep up the burst longer while you have to regenerate Focus at some point. For questing, however, you can easily take down an enemy of the same level as you without having to regenerate Focus. I killed one of the ogres by just spamming Arcane Shot and I still had more than 25% Focus left when it died.

The pet is a remnant from a time where Hunters and Warlocks needed a tank to keep the target busy while they peeled away its health. This is still true for Affliction and Demonology Warlocks (to some extent), but Destruction Warlocks and Hunters in particular can easily burst down a target before taking critical amounts of damage, mainly due to the large amount of instant casts and snares available.

But I mean it's not like anyone is losing sleep over the Hunters' and Warlocks' massive solo PvE advantage. Having a Warlock and Hunter myself, I definitely don't want them to lose the pet. It's just fun to think that a class with the damage output of a non-pet class needs a tank for solo PvE. Smiley: tongue
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#20 Sep 13 2012 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Yeah, I'm definitely going to resub. The only question is whether I will keep my Star Wars sub up at the same time.

The biggest obstacle to me resubbing is the fact that I'm on a server where I don't know anybody. I could always re-roll, but I wouldn't get 1 new character to 85 by the time MoP drops, much less the 6 I already have. And I've already paid for a bunch of transfers, so I'm not doing it again.
#21 Sep 13 2012 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
Maybe the Scroll of Resurrection could help you. If you qualify for it that is. :)
#22 Sep 13 2012 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
Maybe the Scroll of Resurrection could help you. If you qualify for it that is. :)

My account has been on the annual pass, I just haven't been playing. So technically, my account has been subbed this whole time so I don't think I qualify for it. I'll have to look into it tomorrow when I get a chance. In the meantime, I'll reinstall WoW onto my PC tonight.
#24 Sep 13 2012 at 4:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
@ spammerdude

Knock it off.

Smiley: tongue
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#25 Sep 19 2012 at 3:27 PM Rating: Good
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Yeah, I'm definitely going to resub. The only question is whether I will keep my Star Wars sub up at the same time.

You could always cancel your SWTOR sub until there's F2P this fall. Then just do the F2P part of the game instead of the paid portion. Sort of reminds me WAYYYY back when I played Runecraft when they had the paid members and the free. Oh the bad ol' days lol
#26 Sep 19 2012 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
xNocturnalSunx wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Yeah, I'm definitely going to resub. The only question is whether I will keep my Star Wars sub up at the same time.

You could always cancel your SWTOR sub until there's F2P this fall. Then just do the F2P part of the game instead of the paid portion. Sort of reminds me WAYYYY back when I played Runecraft when they had the paid members and the free. Oh the bad ol' days lol

I already have a raid-geared marauder in Star Wars, though, and you can't raid if you're not subbed. I think I'll just cancel the SWTOR sub for a bit, I'm thoroughly enjoying WoW. Even the annoying parts like grinding out 10 stacks each of fel iron and adamantite.
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