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AOE Loot collection seems light in old instancesFollow

#1 Sep 12 2012 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Part of the fun of having a Tankadin is being able to pull most of an outdated instance, down the mobs, and quickly move on.

Last night I hit up H.Shattered Halls.

1. I noticed the random greys seemed light. I would have expected to get more random grey items.
2. The actual G collected seemed light. I did the entire place in about 3-4 pulls. The G was - Totaling about 1G 50S -to- 2G per pull... Or a total of about 8G (excluding bosses)

1. The number of "Greens" seemed about right. 5-6 per run
2. The amount of cloth seemed right - 4 to 5 stacks per run

Overall it just seemed light. Usually when i do this i don't remember to empty my bags. So I walk in with all my off-spec gear, raid-pots, etc.... Usually after one or two runs, I start to need to drop useless or cheap items (usually grey). It just seemed really light last night. Realistically - If you pulled everyone prior to the first boss in SH, downed them... You would expect more grey items and G....

Can anyone confirm this? If you down large pools of mobs, do you end up getting short-changed on the drops? *I'm talking 15, 20, 30+ mobs...
#2 Sep 12 2012 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
I farm Kara weekly for the Fiery Warhorse and pull the entire set of Attumen trash at once (ret paladin). I don't remember the specifics, but I had so much loot drop yesterday that I had to loot twice. I know there were 3 or 4 greens there, a few greys, a bop epic, 16 useless Soul Essences and almost a full stack of Netherweave, but can't remember how much gold was dropped. They nerfed the gold dropped by bosses in old content, I wonder if that had an impact on trash too. I still manage to completely fill my bags doing a run of Molten Core too, so maybe you just hit some bad luck. Or there's something affecting 5mans - I don't run old 5man content, just raids, so maybe that's why there seems to be a difference.
#3 Sep 12 2012 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
678 posts
I've been farming MgT for the mount (it finally dropped today!!!!!) and I wholeheartedly agree that drops seem to have been significantly tunned down. Perhaps a wee too far in my opinion. Before, when you pulled the whole room where the first boss is in MgT you would walk away with quite more than the boss drop, a grey and three gold. Sometimes you'll get a green too, but that's it. That's for 18 mobs and a boss.

As an unrelated note, the new system to area loot is fantastic. I love it.

Edited, Sep 12th 2012 3:59pm by LGarth
#4 Sep 12 2012 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
They said they adjusted loot for all dungeons, including 5mans, because they thought people were making too much money from them. Now, granted, someone making 500g+ from a couple BC heroics is a bit over the top but hopefully they didn't nerf it TOO much...
#5 Sep 13 2012 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
but hopefully they didn't nerf it TOO much...

They went way overboard with this, imo. As it stands now I make about half the gold I would get from dailies in the same amount of time when running old stuff. Sure, that's partly due to the fact that my factions economy is pretty much non-existent. But since many people play on servers with low population (thanks to Blizzard for not adressing this with any real solutions for years, lawlz CRZ) a thriving AH should not be factored in when calculating the profit from dungeons/raids.
#6 Sep 13 2012 at 4:42 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
but hopefully they didn't nerf it TOO much...

They went way overboard with this, imo. As it stands now I make about half the gold I would get from dailies in the same amount of time when running old stuff. Sure, that's partly due to the fact that my factions economy is pretty much non-existent. But since many people play on servers with low population (thanks to Blizzard for not adressing this with any real solutions for years, lawlz CRZ) a thriving AH should not be factored in when calculating the profit from dungeons/raids.

I will agree we need more *viable* solo money making methods other than just questing.

Doing Max-level LFD dungeons is out, you barely make enough to cover repairs.

Farming Max-level stuff? You have LOTS of competition on the AH usually, and now with CRZ, you're gonna have more competition for the nodes too.

Crafting Max-level stuff? lol. Usually when I try that, it just won't sell, or whatever I could make that WOULD sell is too complicated to really mess around with (that Truegold mess, etc).

Crafting Less-than-max level stuff? hahaha yeah right, sure.

So it used to be that soloing instances and daily questing were the only two things that made you any decent money... daily questing gets old after awhile. One can only run Molten Front so many times before they get downright tired of the place. It was nice being able to do 3-4 BC/Wrath heroics and get 500-600 gold. But of course, some players had to abuse it and do nothing but that day in and day out and make Thousands of gold so they nerf it down to where it isn't worth it anymore unless you want a piece of transmog armor (and even then you have to do it 50+ times before the damn thing will drop).

So we're down to what.... dailies as our only source of solo income?
#7 Sep 13 2012 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
I didn't know that people abused the older HCs. But why not just put a limit on the amount of dungeons one can visit per day? Don't know. 15 or 20 or so. Then remove the 5/hour cap. Or something like that. Instead outright destroying any incentive to do old stuff is just the kind of kneejerk reaction I would expect from the D3 team.
#8 Sep 13 2012 at 7:49 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
I didn't know that people abused the older HCs. But why not just put a limit on the amount of dungeons one can visit per day? Don't know. 15 or 20 or so. Then remove the 5/hour cap. Or something like that. Instead outright destroying any incentive to do old stuff is just the kind of kneejerk reaction I would expect from the D3 team.

Well, there's still transmog armor and achievements.

Apparently, Blizz thinks that those are the only reasons you should be running Wrath/BC content once MoP goes live. That and to run lowbies through dungeons.

They don't want you making decent money off of it, yet they don't mind that you spam easy-as-pie dailies over and over again.
#9 Sep 13 2012 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
My guess is that lots of people soloing instances might gum up the system, particularly since some of their resources are now going towards the cross realm zone thing. A related problem would be that a handful of players doing their run for gold is manageable; however, for every real player doing that there are probably numerous gold farmers and power levelers. Those easy as pie dailies don't have to be instanced and probably require less load on their servers.

Changing lockouts might have worked in a world with reasonable people doing things in a reasonable and honest way. Boris the Botter would find some way to exploit the system.

#10 Sep 13 2012 at 9:08 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
My guess is that lots of people soloing instances might gum up the system, particularly since some of their resources are now going towards the cross realm zone thing. A related problem would be that a handful of players doing their run for gold is manageable; however, for every real player doing that there are probably numerous gold farmers and power levelers. Those easy as pie dailies don't have to be instanced and probably require less load on their servers.

Changing lockouts might have worked in a world with reasonable people doing things in a reasonable and honest way. Boris the Botter would find some way to exploit the system.

I don't know about you, but I am absolutely sick and tired of my activities being nerfed/changed/etc because of stupid botters exploiting the system.

Why not get rid of the damn botters sooner, those people that do the same activity 24/7? There can't be much of any reasonable explanation why someone does the same thing over and over again for 12-16 hours a day, 6+ days a week.

And this whole CRZ bullsh*t is not something I'm happy with either. "Ooo, we get to see PEOPLE in the world now!" ... people that...

1). Are mining OUR ore and OUR herbs and selling the mats or the finished products on THEIR servers that WE can't touch,
2). Are killing OUR quest mobs,
3). Are killing OUR quest NPCs,
4). Cannot be invited to our guilds or PUGs without RealID/Battletag on friendlist.

So... what good is seeing them in the game world when they bring all of the negatives of a high population realm and none of the positives?
#11 Sep 13 2012 at 9:21 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
And this whole CRZ bullsh*t is not something I'm happy with either. "Ooo, we get to see PEOPLE in the world now!" ... people that...

1). Are mining OUR ore and OUR herbs and selling the mats or the finished products on THEIR servers that WE can't touch,
2). Are killing OUR quest mobs,
3). Are killing OUR quest NPCs,
4). Cannot be invited to our guilds or PUGs without RealID/Battletag on friendlist.

So... what good is seeing them in the game world when they bring all of the negatives of a high population realm and none of the positives?

Alternately, how do you know that

1. YOU aren't mining THEIR ore and THEIR herbs
2. YOU aren't killing THEIR quests mobs and NPCs?

I'm not a fan of it either, but it's not fair to always point the finger at the other guy, especially when they likely hate it just as much. It's impossible to say whether they're on your server, or your on theirs. I have no idea how the CRZ works in that sense.

Edited, Sep 13th 2012 11:22pm by Tellaria
#12 Sep 14 2012 at 12:35 AM Rating: Good
Netting 3g and change for killing Ragnaros in MC is a good example of overdoing it.

I am not impressed with where Blizz is taking us.
#13 Sep 14 2012 at 9:00 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
There can't be much of any reasonable explanation why someone does the same thing over and over again for 12-16 hours a day, 6+ days a week.

Lyr, sometimes you have a good point in factual terms but you are a bit careless about how it might read. You focus on your facts and miss tone. When I read this, I found myself thinking "I don't believe he went there". On reflection, I'm sure that you realize that this is exactly the kind of action you've expressed rather strong feelings about from another side of the issue. It appears that you would have them take action based on an appearance, but also think the cut off should take place somewhere safely after your threshold. I understand that probably isn't what you meant, but ...

Fast-forward a couple months later, she gets banned again, this time for "Exploitation of Economy". I send the appeal for that, and they un-do the ban, and in that email, the responding GM says that her activities were "suspicious" because she appeared to be doing "excessive farming". Now, it is true, mom would farm for 5+ hours a day, but she's 56 and she has nothing else to do for entertainment.

Yes, sure, mom's actions might have looked strange on their end, but I wouldn't call that proof.

Back before she was banned, we'd do probably 10k a week in Sholazar mining, if not more.

Edited, Sep 14th 2012 11:01pm by Rhodekylle
#14 Sep 14 2012 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
5-8 hours a day is a little different than 12-16+.

And she did it 3-4 times a week, not 6+.

But I suppose there's a *small* chance that Mr. 16-hour a day, 6 days a week miner/herbalist/dungeon runner/whatever could be an actual human being, I suppose.

Edit: I even said "I know it looks funny..." meaning that 5-8 hours 3-4 times a week is stretching the limits of what a normal person could do when it comes to some insanely boring/repetitive bot-like activity.

Edited, Sep 14th 2012 11:56pm by Lyrailis
#15 Sep 16 2012 at 12:21 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Blizzard wrote:
In general, enemies in raids and dungeons drop significantly more gold than outdoor foes, specifically because we are assuming that the gold is going to be split 5, 10, or 25 ways. As player power rises over time, it obviously becomes possible to complete old content with significantly fewer players, such that the gold rewards become disproportionately high.

In the past, our only solution was to drastically reduce the gold dropped by legacy content across the board (e.g., Magtheridon, much of Karazhan, etc.). In Mists, we have a new system in place that normalizes gold yield based on the number of players involved in the kill. If a Black Temple enemy drops 100 gold today on live, and you kill it with a 25-player raid group in Mists, it'll also drop 100 gold and each player will get 4 gold. If you solo Black Temple, that enemy will also give you 4 gold. If you do it with 4 friends, it'll drop 20 gold and each of you will get 4.

In other words, the gold obtained from killing raid or dungeon creatures no longer depends upon how many people you bring, or do not bring, with you. This system does not apply to anything in the outdoor world.

Above is the blue post that came out a couple of days ago on the subject.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#16 Sep 16 2012 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
It's a silly change. It only dissuades people from playing the old content except for "the experience" which, admittedly, is largely why I do it (the other reason being transmogrification). Unfortunately, 4g from a boss doesn't even cover the repair bill.

And I don't suppose they'll finally let us enter raids without first creating a raid group either? Which means I have to beg random strangers (all two of them) in Zangarmarsh and Tanaris to join my group for a moment while I enter the dungeon. Every. Single. Time. Massive pain in the ***.

Hopefully they'll realize that they overdid it and change it back to something more sensible.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Sep 16 2012 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
It had to happen.

Even at lvl 70, farming Strat was a good way to make cash. Me and my brother could full clear in under 15 minutes (sometimes under 12). We could pull 150g each, depending on drops and playing the AH. Farming Kara at 85 was something that we did as well, for larger amounts of gold. It was possible with 90 and with gear that you could solo raid content that mattered.

Though really, having a small bankroll and playing the AH is probably still the best way to make large amounts of bank over the long run. If you have the patience for it.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#18 Sep 16 2012 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Even at lvl 70, farming Strat was a good way to make cash. Me and my brother could full clear in under 15 minutes (sometimes under 12). We could pull 150g each, depending on drops and playing the AH.

When adjusting dungeon/raid drops, only the actual worth of the drops should be taken into consideration. Everything that is generated via the AH is highly dependable on server economy plus it has nothing to do with generating new gold (and hence gold inflation).

In my opinion this change is total BS. While a certain adjustment was absolutely necessary, especially for bosses like Malygos, Onyxia and such, this is just way too much.

First they say they want us to revisit old content, then they nerf the gold value of said old content through the ground.
They say options are good and then, instead of adjusting one option of making gold, they remove it.


Edited, Sep 16th 2012 4:10pm by TherealLogros
#19 Sep 17 2012 at 2:36 AM Rating: Default
Running a BC dungeon solo 40-60 times or more for a drop is bad enough and now you are nerfing the other drops. Wonderful Blizz, just wonderful. !@#$% . TG I've just about finished all the 5 man's I need for recipe drops for all 8 crafting professions. Just need the Flame deflector for my Engineer from Gnomeregan and I will be down to Raids and World Drops.

Edited, Sep 17th 2012 4:36am by JDLKY
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