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JC and gold-making potential of other professionsFollow

#1 Sep 13 2012 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
678 posts
So in my latest alt I decided to opt for jewelcrafting. I had not one toon with JC and I like all of them, including alts, to be maxxed out, they feel incomplete without that. This incredibly late in the expansion, two weeks before MoP ... I still make gold out of JC. I had to farm 4-5 hours Azeroth ores since the alt in question is a DK, but after that I've spent no more than 400 gold in leveling JC, which now stands at 424, before starting to make gold back. I am in shock truly. So far I have a grand total of one JC pattern and I've made 200g in three days, with a grand total of 10 minutes spent on it.

Enchanting used to be a good gold-maker before disenchanting became available for everyone else freely, but since prospecting is your sole reliable source of gems, this side of the odd gem dropping for miners, JCers have an unparalleled gold-making potential right now at the moment IMO.

This got me thinking that perhaps Blizzard should also revisit other crafting professions adding perhaps head/shoulder/trinket enchants/modifiers through other professions too. Even mount enchants/modifiers, Why not?
#2 Sep 13 2012 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
Inscription used to be one and coming next x-pac it will be. Now as for everything else.. item enhancements still sell for a ton. Yes as an enchanter you have to rely on your scrolls selling over your raw mats....
#3 Sep 13 2012 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
3,441 posts
darkpoetinc wrote:
Inscription used to be one and coming next x-pac it will be. Now as for everything else.. item enhancements still sell for a ton. Yes as an enchanter you have to rely on your scrolls selling over your raw mats....

Given that Books of Glyph Mastery have the same recipes as the Northrend Inscription Research, it means that all Glyph recipes are far easier to learn, and from what I've seen thusfar, they all use the same easy-to-get materials.

Surely, the glyphs shouldn't sell for THAT much, especially considering there's only a handful of them that are really worth paying any real money for (who's going to pay a hundred+ gold for a 'flavor' or 'aesthetic' glyph?).

What made Inscription so lucrative in Cataclysm, was that some of the recipes were pretty hard to obtain (the Glyph Books were expensive/rare) and the glyphs were more-or-less mandatory (the Primes especially), and the only glyphs that were actual money-makers were the Primes that came from Books of Glyph Mastery.

Now that we no longer use Relics, this removes 1 item that Scribes could use to make money, now they only got what, a staff, a fan, and some OH items?

I suppose they got Shoulder enchants now, but still...
#4 Sep 13 2012 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Now that we no longer use Relics, this removes 1 item that Scribes could use to make money, now they only got what, a staff, a fan, and some OH items?
I suppose they got Shoulder enchants now, but still...

And Darkmoon Cards. Lots of mats/time required, but very profitable for quite some time at the beginning of an expansion depending on the server.
#5 Sep 13 2012 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
3,441 posts
Tellaria wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Now that we no longer use Relics, this removes 1 item that Scribes could use to make money, now they only got what, a staff, a fan, and some OH items?
I suppose they got Shoulder enchants now, but still...

And Darkmoon Cards. Lots of mats/time required, but very profitable for quite some time at the beginning of an expansion depending on the server.

If you're fortunate enough/lucky enough to get the right cards, and/or do lots of Herbalism (and now with Spirits of Harmony) mob farming right near the beginning of the expansion, and have Lots of spare time to make sure you're one of the few to get to Lv90 first, sure.
#6 Sep 13 2012 at 9:18 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Tellaria wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
Now that we no longer use Relics, this removes 1 item that Scribes could use to make money, now they only got what, a staff, a fan, and some OH items?
I suppose they got Shoulder enchants now, but still...

And Darkmoon Cards. Lots of mats/time required, but very profitable for quite some time at the beginning of an expansion depending on the server.

If you're fortunate enough/lucky enough to get the right cards, and/or do lots of Herbalism (and now with Spirits of Harmony) mob farming right near the beginning of the expansion, and have Lots of spare time to make sure you're one of the few to get to Lv90 first, sure.

I knew you'd find something else to complain about there, but I was just pointing out another option they have for making money since you were whining about them "only" having a few ways. People who are serious about making cash with inscription will make sure they do lots of herbing and mob farming. If you don't wish to put in that kind of time/work, then choose another profession. And I seriously doubt that making glyphs easier to learn will have much impact on the glyph market. There were at least 6 hardcore glyph sellers on my server throughout Cataclysm (I was one) and we all had the exact same recipes and I was still pulling in tens of thousands of gold per week. Like everything, it varies server by server, but there are plenty of people who will buy glyphs for alts (and mains, even) off the AH because it is easier than finding someone to make them.

That said, I find Inscription insanely annoying with all the milling and then crafting ink and trading it in, I think I will be mainly focusing on Jewelcrafting as a source of gold making in MoP. Going for my second gold cap.
#7 Sep 13 2012 at 10:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
(who's going to pay a hundred+ gold for a 'flavor' or 'aesthetic' glyph?).
You'd be surprised.

Edited, Sep 13th 2012 10:35pm by Poldaran
#8 Sep 14 2012 at 1:00 AM Rating: Excellent
678 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Lyrailis wrote:
(who's going to pay a hundred+ gold for a 'flavor' or 'aesthetic' glyph?).
You'd be surprised.

Edited, Sep 13th 2012 10:35pm by Poldaran

On that, Why not give Blacksmiths, Leatherworkers and Tailors the ability to sell aesthetic modifications to plate/leather-mail/cloth armor?

Enchanting needs OTOH to be completely revamped, on the auction house. Some people, like me, don't use an add-on to scan the AH. If you're going to sell enchants through the AH you should be able to at least list them by slot, possibly by ilevel requierement too IMO.
#9 Sep 14 2012 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
LGarth wrote:
On that, Why not give Blacksmiths, Leatherworkers and Tailors the ability to sell aesthetic modifications to plate/leather-mail/cloth armor?
At the very least, a set of no-stat transmog fodder recipes would be kinda cool. Hell, even some recolored versions of older stuff would be nice.
#10 Sep 14 2012 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
1,080 posts
LGarth wrote:
Enchanting needs OTOH to be completely revamped, on the auction house. Some people, like me, don't use an add-on to scan the AH. If you're going to sell enchants through the AH you should be able to at least list them by slot, possibly by ilevel requierement too IMO.

Hell yea, this would help a lot. Just looking for enchants on the ah is a pita. You find them by ilevel tho, just click on that icon at the top of the column and it'll stack them high to low or the opposite.
#11 Sep 14 2012 at 6:12 PM Rating: Default
3,441 posts
Wow, I sure seemed to have gotten on someone's nerves by telling the truth.


Dunno what I said wrong up there, perhaps whoever it was who thought I wasn't telling the truth could offer their input if they think I'm wrong about what I said?

since you were whining about them "only" having a few ways

I wasn't "whining"; I was merely explaining that the profession isn't an instant "get-rich-quick" like it was in Cataclysm.

Sheesh, I think people need to step back and not assume someone is "whining" before they get all defensive.
#12 Sep 14 2012 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
395 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Wow, I sure seemed to have gotten on someone's nerves by telling the truth.


Dunno what I said wrong up there, perhaps whoever it was who thought I wasn't telling the truth could offer their input if they think I'm wrong about what I said?

since you were whining about them "only" having a few ways

I wasn't "whining"; I was merely explaining that the profession isn't an instant "get-rich-quick" like it was in Cataclysm.

Sheesh, I think people need to step back and not assume someone is "whining" before they get all defensive.

I already did offer input as to why I think you're wrong. And again here you're stating that inscription isn't an instant "get-rich-quick" like it was in Cataclysm. First, you can't possibly know that yet since Mists of Pandaria isn't even out yet. You're assuming that because you think no one will pay hundreds of gold for novelty glyphs that inscription will be worthless as a gold making profession. As Poldaran already said, you'd be surprised at how much people will pay for items that other people think are worthless. You are entitled to your opinion of course, but I would not write off inscription yet. When they announced that glyphs would be permanently known and could be switched with a reagent, many people freaked and claimed that it would ruin inscription's gold-making ability. But guess what? It certainly didn't, since as I stated above, I made a killing in Cataclysm selling glyphs. It's completely premature to state one way or another how inscription will turn out in MoP, but I'm fairly confident that it will remain profitable.

Edit: I also forgot to thank you for mentioning earlier that Northrend Research now teaches the glyphs formerly taught by the Book of Glyph Mastery, I somehow missed that change. I had previously learned all the book glyphs, but then they went and added some apparently with 5.0.4 and those books are still selling for stupid prices on my server.

Edited, Sep 14th 2012 8:23pm by Tellaria
#13 Sep 14 2012 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
3,441 posts
I already did offer input as to why I think you're wrong.

Some, but there's some points you Didn't cover.

And again here you're stating that inscription isn't an instant "get-rich-quick" like it was in Cataclysm. First, you can't possibly know that yet since Mists of Pandaria isn't even out yet. You're assuming that because you think no one will pay hundreds of gold for novelty glyphs that inscription will be worthless as a gold making profession.

"Not Get Rich Quick" != "worthless as a gold making profession"

There _is_ a difference. I never said Inscription would be worthless, I said the profit margins won't be as high as they were in Cataclysm. "Not as High" does not equal "none" or "worthless".

Face the facts:

1). All glyph recipes are easy to obtain, there's no "rare" ones that are worth more.
2). The glyphs themselves are far less powerful, and are nowhere near as mandatory and the ones that are "mandatory", there's a lot less of them.
3). The glyphs are even cheaper as all of them take Light Parchment -- no more Resilient Parchment.
4). No more Relics.
5). Cards require Spirits of Farmony; you have to farm mobs as well as the items, which will add quite a bit onto how long it takes you to make the cards for the decks. This would drive prices up, sure, but it will limit how many you can produce in a time-frame, making it harder for you to actually complete a deck. You can't just get your Volatiles while Herbing like you could in Cataclysm.

What are they doing in MoP that *increases* Inscription's profits?

They're giving us shoulder enchants, staves and fans.

If you disagree with any of these points, feel free to say why.

As Poldaran already said, you'd be surprised at how much people will pay for items that other people think are worthless. You are entitled to your opinion of course, but I would not write off inscription yet. When they announced that glyphs would be permanently known and could be switched with a reagent, many people freaked and claimed that it would ruin inscription's gold-making ability. But guess what? It certainly didn't, since as I stated above, I made a killing in Cataclysm selling glyphs.

You made a killing selling glyphs because 58 of them were very difficult to get and only a few people on each server had those recipes. On top of that, the primes were mandatory; if you didn't have them, you got kicked out of groups, laughed at and ridiculed. Oh, and there's the fact that anything that WASN'T one of those 58 were <50g per. Why? Because everyone knew those recipes. Too much competition.

It's completely premature to state one way or another how inscription will turn out in MoP, but I'm fairly confident that it will remain profitable.

Never said it wasn't going to be profitable. I only said that there will be less profit. Again "Less" does not equal "None".

Edit: I also forgot to thank you for mentioning earlier that Northrend Research now teaches the glyphs formerly taught by the Book of Glyph Mastery, I somehow missed that change. I had previously learned all the book glyphs, but then they went and added some apparently with 5.0.4 and those books are still selling for stupid prices on my server.

Yes, they added some glyphs, and some people want them NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW so they'll buy the glyph books because they can't wait those extra 1-2 weeks. Been tempted to sell some of the ones I get (they appeared to increase the drop chance; I've found like 5 in one week where I'd go months without before).

Edited, Sep 14th 2012 8:50pm by Lyrailis
#14 Sep 14 2012 at 10:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
You made a killing selling glyphs because 58 of them were very difficult to get and only a few people on each server had those recipes. On top of that, the primes were mandatory; if you didn't have them, you got kicked out of groups, laughed at and ridiculed. Oh, and there's the fact that anything that WASN'T one of those 58 were <50g per. Why? Because everyone knew those recipes. Too much competition.
My level 20ish inscriptionist made a couple thousand gold just selling glyphs you learn from the trainer. So I'm not so sure rarity is a necessity for making a killing. Sure, I was only making 15-20g profit per sale, but it added up quite quick.
#15 Sep 16 2012 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Jewelcrafting is pretty funky right now. My Horde characters can buy an Agile Shadowspirit Diamond for less than 100 gold while my Alliance characters can't even find one on the AH and every other meta gem costs between 800 and 1,200 gold

I went JC on my Warlock, but only because it's the one profession I haven't really tried out yet. Originally wanted to go Tailoring and Enchanting, but prices on low level disenchants and magical gear are ridiculous. A pair of level 10 +1 intellect trousers cost 1-2k gold. Smiley: lol

Edited, Sep 16th 2012 5:33pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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