I am proud to represent my clan, Fever, in this recruitment thread. Fever is an exceptional community with a large and diverse Membership. We are one of the biggest multi-gaming clans with over 1,200+ active members. Our members play a wide variety of games (WoW, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Dota 2, CoD’s, BF’s, Warframe, CS:GO, Smite, Neverwinter Online, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, Marvel Heroes, Eve Online, ESO, DCUO, Rift, Minecraft, Path of Exile, World of Tanks, Simcity, Civ 5, Crusader Kings II, consoles, and the list goes on).
FeverClan hosts a TeamSpeak server which can hold up to 500 people and usually has 100 - 150 people online nightly. FeverClan also has an extremely active forums (over 2,200+ active members) where members can talk with each other on just about anything.
FeverClan also has community coin (reward) system where you can earn coins in many different ways. These coins can be used to get your own TS room, custom signature, beta keys, steam games, and much more.
The requirements to join Fever Clan are simple:
1. A player must be 16 years of age or older
2. Players must be on our TS3 server when grouping up with other Fever members
3. Players must be active on the forums
To join Fever Clan please register on http://feverclan.com, and apply by clicking on Join FeverClan from the title menu.
The answers to these questions are as followed.
How did you hear about Fever Clan: Fever Member Referral
Referrer Username: Leo
If you have any questions you can post here or PM me on the Fever website.
Thank you for your time! I hope you choose to join us!