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#1 Jan 07 2004 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
In the last week four of my regular gaming buddies have left the game. One of them because his speeder was being destroyed daily by overt players camping out waiting for tefs (and also the fact that these same overt players were sniping/griefing from great distances with cross fire zones so that noone could be left out). Another of my friends has left because she was told matter of factly that she would be raped by some morons and other things i can not repeat here. After she had stopped crying three of us put in harrassment reports on this. The next again night those same idiots were at it again (although not as graphically and twisted as how they treated my female friend). She quit that instant and her boyfriend in rl (my other regular buddy) also quit. My fourth friend quit because he sees no hope at all for this game when the community is made up of such people.
Being an optimist, i believe that the majority in this game are of sound mind and are not bellends. However, what can i do to get these players out of the game? I have their names and their guilds (i found out who their guild masters were, put my complaint to them and was promptly ignored).
I know of twelve other players (outside of my group) who have quit within my town alone in the last week.
I enjoy this game 95% of the time - but that other 5% (immature idiots within the game itself) is going to see me off.
#2 Jan 07 2004 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
it is sad to see idiots like that in the game ruining it for the decent people who just want to play a good game!
maybe u should post their names here and let them be the ones targeted by anyone who reads about them here?
#3 Jan 07 2004 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
230 posts
Name and Shame.

The harrassment reports needs to come from your friend who received the abuse. /report sends the last 100lines of text.
The CSR's do get around to this.
Unless you were in the vicinity of this when it happened (and have the text on screen when you reported) then there is little evidence for the CSR's to go on.
The Immature idiots will be found in any game but I am getting the feeling that SWG is going to have more than it's fair share as people get bored and decide they'll have fun at someone elses expense. This also tends to happen when the US servers are down, the Euro ones fill up with people who follow the concept of "Anything goes when know one knows you" You can only wonder what kind of griefers they are on their own servers where they play far more advanced characters.

It's sad to hear that someone was run out of the game by other players sexually harrassing her, tell her to take some comfort in the fact that they probably have little to no experience of the things they said, except for images and mpegs they have D/L'd. Also most games have an ignore facility, SWG's (/addignore <playername>) also blocks all emotes from that player, a little too late, now, I know.
#4 Jan 07 2004 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
name and shame them
#5 Jan 07 2004 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
238 posts
I've had trouble with people like that. The only thing i can do is to pack up and leave the vicinity (in-game), maybe forever, or maybe for just a few days, just to let my doubts about SWG fade and those idiots to get bored and move on. But I respect your friends decisions, especially based on that threatening (and rather EVIL) behavior to your one friend. I'm very disgusted by such behavior.

That is also why I like working in the ghost town cities (Doaba Guerfel, Wayfar, etc.) because of the lack of jerk players (but at the expense of losing precious interaction with quality (and nice) other player)

I end with a sigh and a disgusted look at the griefers and other player haters. I say ***** them and toss them to the wayside. Who needs such trash to ruin our lives? I certainly don't.

Edited, Wed Jan 7 06:51:29 2004 by AlavanceQZ
#6 Jan 07 2004 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
52 posts
Hey man, i'm sorry to hear that idiots like that ruined it for you and your friends. There are always people who are nothing in the real world, and come online to get payback for what the world does to them everyday. Its funny, yet sad. If it were me, i'd post their names, and guilds everywhere i could. I'd also post what was said, but thats just me. I hope your friends come back, and i hope that you can find fun in the game again.
#7 Jan 07 2004 at 7:14 AM Rating: Decent
Being a female player myself, I know of such events taking place, and yes you can ignore them, or place on ignore list.

I had a problem in EQ, and you could select the text, and send it to the CSR's, and they would get back rather quickly (that was EQ though).

You can name them and their guild, however, 1 wrong letter, and you could get the wrong person, also the guild suffers, even after the event of removing them from the guild. It can be hard to keep track of all players. The bad seeds can be removed, but its all too late.

There are always fools in any game of this type, and it is unfortunate. The guild I was in on EQ (closed the account since) really helped and rallied for me, but it was a bad experience, and it never seems the same game ever again.

Hopefully the CSR's are prompt in SWG and ruthless, when the facts are presented to them, so there can be no next time.

#8 Jan 07 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Default
Unless you are like 10 years old i dont know how you can get upset over someone in the game tellin you that they are going to rape you or some other thing. Its a damn video game for gods sake, dont play if you cant handle it (which was your friends solution) oh oh better yet, call the cops, I mean come on, they put chat filters in the game and ignore commands in the game, deal with the things thrown at you just like in real life, there are jerks out there , I think people like that in the game add to the realism.
Sorry I dont condone your whining or inablitiy to deal with someone calling you names IN A VIDEO GAME!! I guess you and your friends just had a sheltered life all these years. Oh and im sure you guys just curled up in a a ball on the floor and cried, maybe thats why they didnt report it because of what your "friend" said back to them.

Good thing they didnt put bloodsplattering in the game or you would be outside of SOE with a picket sign.

Have fun playing "Reindeer and Elves Kissing" on the Carebear server in the Land of Sheltered Kids.

#9 Jan 07 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
175 posts

People play for different reasons. Some of us like the social interaction with other PEOPLE even though it is through a video game. There is still a person on the other side of the screen none the less. Why act so crudely to others, just because anonimity allows this type behavior? Most people I know do not need to hide behind a screen to let their true nature be known, interesting isn't it? That we see what type of person really shows up when there are no consequences?

I bet those people who show aberrant behavior "in game" really have some problems. Now granted I think you do need a tough skin to play in a MMORPG but you see this isn't about game issues, its about people issues. Since SWG is like any other online game there will be some idiot saying/doing things that you don't like. But I assume that you responded so vehemently to the others here in this thread it must have bothered you? I normally don't respond to flames but your whining about how other people feel is well, kind of ironic.
#10 Jan 07 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
52 posts
Haha. I like that Maschinen. Well thought, and worded. I agree with you.
#11 Jan 07 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
Wyldewulf, Hey it's a MESSAGE BOARD! for god sakes!
Relax man, people come in and talk about the game, I'm sure they really enjoy it when some hard liner comes in and wigs out about it being a game. Let people talk about it and move on, don't sit there and be judgemental about it. It is a game, but it's a game that has real people behind the toons, with real feelings. Just bacause someone doesn't want to shell out $15 bucks a month and deal with real world stupidity, don't trash em for it.

My 2 creds worth /shrug
#12 Jan 07 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Default
Whining about people whining is alway ironic , so is ******** about people ********* I have heard it all before.

I dont know what qualifies as a Flame since i dont post that much but this one just caught my eye , and i even made a log in account because of it.
Wasnt meaning to flame so much as I was to just voice my honest opinion and how i feel the game atmosphere should be. In fact i think people would be MORE angry if you COULDN'T shoot and destroy speederbikes and mounts.

I mean some parents would be appaled at the fact that there are stat enhancing spices (drugs) in the game that make you vomit after using them, but you dont see narcotic anonymous people on here ******** how some smuggler tried to sell him spices at the cantina in the game and now he is back to doing heroine because he had a flash-back to his clubbing days.

Hello, its just a game. Get out of your house and go meet real people in the real world, they arent all nice. Oh yeah, and then they wont get to hide behind a computer while they be nice and or mean to you and then you can make them pay the consequences.
#13 Jan 07 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
How people act in a multi player game is an image of their true character. Why you ask. Because a game allows you to do whatever you want and to say whatever you want to say without real consequences. With complete free will and choice if you decide to be a jerk, griefer, thief, child etc., your real character at the bottom of it all, regardless of how you justify your behavior (only a game, not real, get a real life etc.,) is exactly what you have displayed.
#14 Jan 07 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
I would say that it's sad that she had to quit the game because of such behavior from jerks. On that note even though a little less harsh than his posts are coming off wylde does have a point, its only a game. Report the offenders /ignore and move on.

When you play any online game with lots of people immaturity shows itself. Just like in real life it's bound too. The net however allows this to go to another level because the person behind the other screen isn't right in front of you. Does that make it ok? No not at all but it happens and if it's not properly reported and nothing is done about it, just like in real life they won't stop.

If you have ever played madden or socom online the things I hear come over the headset make me blush. Should it happen ? No should you quit playing because of it? I wouldn't but it is a personal choice and only you can decide what is right for you to do.
#15 Jan 07 2004 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
I just don't understand how such behavior might hurt someone.
I mean, is there a reason you care about people harassing you? So people said things in a game, whoop de friggin doo. What are they gonna' do? Find you in the real world? Is that even possible?

The worst thing anyone can really do is tag along and block your view slightly. Unless you're overt, wherein you accept the responsibility of being attacked by other players, they can't DO anything to you. Are you're friends really that sensitive to what people say (even people who've never known them)? Is it really that difficult to ingore them?

About the speeder, how can they destroy it if it's stored? And why didn't he store it when they got near for a second or (if he's really that slow) third time. Also, you CAN run from place to place.
#16 Jan 07 2004 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
well, after anon was bnned i decided not to bother posting here again but then saw this thread.
Uly, if you are who i htink you are then i know exactly the incident your talking about man. I was ther in ah when it happened.
I dont blame you at all for what you are thinking but just to point out to the losers on here like wyldewulf and the guy above (no wonder so many are quitting when sad, dysfunctional little boys like this ar the community)these guys were most graphic with their threats saying to this girl that if she did not duel them that they would gang rape her and put a bag over her head while shouting stuff in her ears. the imps in the background were just laughing really and saying that this girl was a "manginga" (real clever, huh?). it did get more and more graphic and sickening and i put in harrasment report on it to.
to guys like wyldewulf, if you dont think there is anything wrong with behavior like that then you have something wrong (that really should get checked) or maybe you find the threat of gang-rape funny (dont know you, but you seem to have no problem with it). whoo!!! you have xp in the big wide world - who doesnt?? i for one do not pay a sub fee every month to listen to that sort of trash being emoted to anyonee. one other thing, not everyone is as hard, godly, invincible as you wyldewu;lf = some ppl have things called emotions and it doesnt surprise me int he slghtest that this girl has left the game (although getting your speeder blown up every day is funny hehe!) after that outburst and the utterly vile abuse she took.
why sould she have to leave anchorhead or run away from these guys? they are the ones that shoudl get booted
#17 Jan 07 2004 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
oh and istin you said
"i just dont really care how that wuld offend someone"
what planet are you from? maybe once you grow up/enter your first serious relationship/learn something about the nature of humanity then you will learn why girls dont really like being threatened with rape. game or in real life.
#18 Jan 07 2004 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
Well I can totally understand the frustration you are having. It is very difficult to deal with some of theses people. Some of us have to be amoungst morons everyday, so we might be a little more seasoned when it comes to handling their mindlessness. But, some people are fortunate or have put themselves in a place where exposure to idiots is at a minimum. Seems like a place we should all strive to be, but I must be a moron myself, because I actually think there is hope for the morons. I feel that they can actually be educated and guided to become good people. This is a serious social issue that most people would rather not deal with, and I can't blame them. Morons are usually not capable of understanding that what they are doing is wrong, making it almost impossible to explain anything that makes sense to everyone else. They think (and I can understand why) everyone is oversensitized and take everything way too seriously but are to weak to do anything about it other than tell on someone. This game is about a war, so I would imagine that there would a good population of aggressive minded people who don't care about peoples' feelings, because in war such a passive mindset will get you killed. There really needs to be a Roleplaying server, for serious roleplayers, no doubt about it, and it should include a warning, kind of like an R rated movie, that what you experience in this server might make you extremely upset. I love dealing with morons, I am probably half moron so I know where both sides are coming from. I don't want mommy or daddy CSR to come save me from the guy that is supposed to be my enemy in a war. I would rather kill him or members of his guild, or take down their base, maybe send a spy into their guild to dismantle it from the inside, anything as long as me, being the abused party gets to punish the abuser myself. But I doubt SOE will make a roleplaying server for fear of losing their casual gamer base, so really you have to trust that there are other nice people in the game, and group with them and be with them. Then the morons will not be intimidating anyone because they usually travel in small groups, where nice people tend to congregate in larger groups. As far as people sniping you while you are doing missions and you have a TEF, that's why you have a TEF, so members of the opposing faction can avenge the loss of their brothers. Really, there needs to be roleplaying server, this rambling can go on forever because there are people who see this as 'just a game', and others who have played enough games and are looking for something more, something with more substance, something more lifelike with real issues. I tend to be the latter, which would put me in the moron group, but I am tired of people be stool pigeons, we really need to learn to defend ourselves; people who make people suffer don't usually mess with people that will personally make them suffer back. Sorry for any rambling, but we all really need to learn to deal with problems amoungst ourselves, go to your peers for help before you go to the authorities, justice will be served much more swift and correct that way.
#19 Jan 08 2004 at 8:09 AM Rating: Default
Loser huh? i never said i condone it, i just said that its a game and people who pay $15 a month are free to do what they want, now get back to calling your slum lord and complain that the neighbors music is too loud at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Here is how the scenario would play out at my house, and yes i am married and have a kid -

Wife - "honey there are some people on here harrassing me, telling me they are going to rape my character" (notice i said character not me, i think thats where we have the confusion for all you online spacers)

Wylde - "what are their names?"

Wife - "Ed, Bob, and Kate"

Wylde - "oh ok, Just type /ignore Ed, /ignore Bob, /ignore Kate, you can even deny them business if you want."

Wife - "oh ok thanks"

Wylde - "What city are you in, so can come over there and teach them a lesson in humility"

WOW now that was rough!!!!
No lives shattered, wife didnt get raped, althought it was close i gotta admit, a few more seconds and they woulda had her. And now not only do i get to kill people (in the game , remember its a game), i now have a reason which we all now makes killin more fun right?"

I think there are more poeple in the game that need to grow up than the ones you are all pointing fingers at.
#20 Jan 08 2004 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
230 posts
X-Ray that is not what I would call a Role Play server, this game is based on Star Wars and not the harsh reality of war and human nature. It is a fantasy setting where, even in a time of conflict, we should be free of such base behaviour.
It might be a good idea, like the old SZ of EQ, for an anything goes server. Where staunch PvP'rs can enjoy the game for what they want it for...You might find a shortage of artisans and entertainers, tho' .
I don't think it would help much in this case, players like yourself (who seem more involved/interested in the conflict side of the game, the PvP element) would likely eat idiots, like this, for breakfast and that wouldn't be any fun for them, would it?

For those that use the "it's just a game" excuse for behaviour, well those a real people you are talking to/abusing, they maybe participating in a game but they still deserve to be treated with some consideration. If you think otherwise try taking your actions into the real world and see how long before you end up in A&E. If the fact that it isn't real life and there is no real come back for you means you feel that this is suitable behavior then perhaps you need to take a look at yourself a bit closer and maybe work out what that says about you.

The player in question does need a thicker skin. She does need to be able to file that harassment report then use /addignore. Then raise a ticket for it and personally if I saw them in game again I would ask why they were allowed to carry on playing? But you cannot lay the blame on her for this getting to her. No entertainment product is sold with a warning that you will receive (virtual) verbal and sexual harrassment in this game and meet the people that society has (rightly) forgotten about and boy are they bitter about it...Hey, perhaps all online games should now have such a warning.

Scotius, Istin never said he didn't care he said he didn't understand. Big difference there, although I am not sure how you would find it hard to understand that people can be offended and upset by this. I suppose it's because so many people are now hardened to this kind of abuse. They've played Quake and the like and sat in IRC channels and had flame wars with people. They've seen it so often it almost looks like fun. It isn't fun. It isn't fun for the person receiving the abuse that didn't expect and especially didn't deserve to have a group of characters threaten to gang rape her, going into detail on what they would do. I doubt she felt her safety was at risk but you don't know how that would effect her because you are not her, because you are not really in danger of being raped in real life, because walking home on your own doesn't hold the same kind of threat that it does for a woman.

Also Ulyssean and Scot, please, Name and Shame. Do you have logs you could post samples of? maybe censor them a little first, if you do. I would like to know who this was, incase I play on the same server. The single character per server is great for reputations. You're not ruining theirs by telling us, they ruined it themselves.

#21 Jan 08 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
230 posts
Since I made a double post I might as well use the slot.
Wylde, how would you teach them humility? Follow them around?
What if they just log off laughing at you.
Fight them? What if they don't accept or if they beat you...they laugh even harder at you.
Bad mouth them maybe? That should do it, no?

Paying your $15 a month does not entitle you to harrass other players. Sorry to break that too you although by your attitude here so far I imagine that won't change your outlook on it but just in case;

A couple of rules you might want to read

Here's some choice quotes for you;

1. You may not harass or threaten other players.
2. You may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language

And one more;

8. "Roleplaying" does not grant license to violate these rules.

But you paid ya' money you can do whatever you like, to hell with anyone else, they don't matter.

(edited for hopefully the last time, to fix the link)
Edited, Thu Jan 8 10:42:16 2004 by Fel

Edited, Thu Jan 8 12:32:04 2004 by Fel

Edited, Thu Jan 8 12:43:20 2004 by Fel
#22 Jan 08 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, thanks Fel for that unusually rational post (seriously, not a flame). The forth paragraph made me see what the deal might of been. Point of views vary. Like Wylde, I never said I condone it. Heck, it never even occured to me that it might happen in a game until I read this topic. And even then, it's a GAME (the only reason I take this topic seriously is because of the dramatic first post).

And if you're going to quote me, at least copy and paste so you actually DO quote me.
#23 Jan 08 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
This is an age-old problem; well at least since mmogs started.
Anytime you get a group together, there are bound to be some losers, whether in real life or online.
Just like in real life, you have the same defense mechanisms: Ignore, Flee, and Report. You wouldn't kill yourself IRL if you were threatened so why would you 'kill' your character in a game?

Hey, the jerks are wrong, no question. But how many times do you see something happen and there isn't a cop watching it?
I think it's an over-reaction to quit for one incident. But maybe there's more history behind it than we're getting here.
Yet, what did the person expect from an online game.
#24 Jan 08 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
This game is still around?

Anyway, I think that SWG has a very immature player base compared to the game I left SWG for, FFXI. The reason I think was hit upon by a previous poster and that is the lack of content is causing players to do stupid random things and act like idiots. At the tail -end of my subscription I did a lot of stupid things (nothing offense to other though) just because I didn't care anymore.

It is so sad to see a game with sooo much development and resources fail so miserably. =(
#25 Jan 08 2004 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
Ignore and report huh? I've been there once before and I can tell you, that while I can think back now about what I could have and should have done, it doesn't go through your head then when you need it. My condolences to your friend Ulyssean
#26 Jan 09 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
Honestly, not to be a pigme, I can see both sides of the argument. Yes I am male, and NO I do not condone the abuse or harrasement of women anywhere of any age or culture. I play SWG mostly because for a few hours a week I want to escape the reality which abounds around me. I plug in to a pseudo reality were as stated previously I can become what I want, and do what I want. This allows me to for a few brief moments to forget about my house payment, wifes car payment, student loans, work, kids, and any other new ordeal from which I have barely survived that day.

From a mental stance this allow me to take my everyday stress or distress which is bad, and convert it to eustress which is good. Distress is like the Ice burg on the titanic, where as Eustress is like the pressure that causes a diamond to form from simple carbons over many years.

I play to let go of my distress not create more. So I would say don't stress it, it is just a game. But to the foul mouthed goons I would say how dare you.

I have been roleplaying for many years now and never once have I verbally attacked another player character, a non-player character yes, but a player character never.

Play, release the preasures of your real life daily grind to the game. If when you walk away from your computer you find yourself more vexed for playing, then quit and take up underwater basket weaving or watever you find does allow you to relax.

If you curse me in game don't be surprised if I return volley, albight probably in a more creative mannor, not to metion I will then never trade sell or buy anything from you, nor will I ever assist your character if in need of aid. To me you will simply become nothing a figment of pixellary imagination


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