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how to make the game funnerFollow

#1 Jan 19 2004 at 4:48 AM Rating: Default
most peole complain that they did a bad job making this game, and they should add more stuff. I agree that some of the stuff in the game could be alot better, but i mean come on people the games pretty fun, and if u get into it its alot of fun. first off the war is great, u can join raids, talk smack to the imps or rebels or just sit and watch. if u feel like going in a imp base and cussing out the imps go for it, people shouldnt get made they got fliters for that stuff if they dont like it click the fliter or ignore the player, i think the game would be alot more fun if people started to get more into the roleplaying and just started hated to hate the other faction partys more, instead of just sitting in the cantina saying oh there is rebels/imps out side stupid rebels or stupid imps i mean get in to it. YELL at the other people get into that game, its a war your supposed to have fun its just a game its ok to yell at someone in the game. if u dont like that play a different game or just dont pick a faction and just do your own thing. all im saying is stop complaining about all the stuff they could add in the game and have fun with it, if u spend time doing stuff thats fun instead of just talking about what they can do youll have alot more fun!!! at least i do
#2 Jan 19 2004 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
230 posts
If you want to get into the War go Overt and doing.
Rather than talking crap from the side lines.

Flamebait rating 6/10
Nice use of recent threads (Game Over) as a basis.
Nice use of phrase "It's a War, enjoy it" for the appreciation of anyone who has seen real conflict.

#3 Jan 19 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
most peole complain that they did a bad job making this game

I think most people say that because it's true. :-P

Two other things: Yelling expletives at opposing factions does not qualify as "role-playing". Proper spelling, grammer and usuage will go along way in convincing people to see your point of view.


P.S. I can't believe you used the word "funner" :-|
#4 Jan 19 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
I hate to see idiots yelling OOC crap. "LOL NOOB JOO GOT PWNED STFU IDOIT! yOUR MOM SUX!" Thats not what I consider RP its just noobish spam and just creates a crappy 14 year old battlenet style atmosphere. Not saying thats what you do but thats what I hate.

IMO most people just like to nic pic online games in general. But thats just message forums for ya. The people who like the game are playing it and feel no desire to daily express their feelings for the game like the passionate haters do. They just play it. So it appears from any MMOG forum that everyone hates it because ranters form like voltron and then go on and on about how everyone agrees with them and how bla bla cancel account bankrupt SOE bla bla. They feed off each others fustration and just snowball everything. (This is just IMO and it doesnt matter so dont get all huffy over it.) They have a right to voice their fustrations, even though most people reading their rants are like "yea so whats the big deal get over it" and arguing with them and telling them to stop doing that is just a pointless never ending deal.

IMO the way to enjoy this game and have a star wars feel is just avoid everyone and everything thats not an NPC. The game totally feels like star wars and is very fun, until you enter an area populated by other players.. Then it just feels as lame as Diablo2 with more than 8 people. Dam battle fatigue..
#5 Jan 19 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
alright your right i used funner lol i made this late last night after sitting in a cantina trying to hell my mind and bf, and i had to listen to a rebel and a imp complain to each how they made the game sux and how the PVP suxs. i mean picture sitting there seeing a rebel and imp just sit there and talk bad about a game and going on and on, every little detial of how the game could have been better. I mean to me thats boring, they should have been fighting so something they where both declared, and other people came in and started to complain to after awhile it was like i was sitting in a cantina listening to babys whine that PVP sucks(ok it kinda does but make the best of it its a game and your playing to pay so why not play and not complain). or how their speeders go to slow i mean ya they are slow get over stop just running through town saying the game sucks and do something that spices the game up thats all im saying. i think the game would be better if it was more like the old war rebels vs imps instead of tea time in the cantina and everyone talks about how the game could be better.
#6 Jan 19 2004 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Fel, Zorkpig and Jerok all have points I agree with completely, MK. Especially Zorkpig's grammar statements (OMG! My eyes! My eyes!) J/k.

Now I do not know how long you have been on SWG but one thing you may want to take into account, is that some of the people that you are "hearing" complain about the lack of content in the game may have been playing much longer than you.

I started on launch day, and I must admit, as much as I love the potential I see in this game, the present is as pointless as any game I have ever played.

Now, I don't go around ingame saying as much, but many are frustrated to the point that if they do not commiserate they may just quit altogether. People generally have a need to know if others feel as they do. It is human nature.

So before you condemn them, just imagine how it feels to have: mastered 12 professions,
completed all the (working) quests(and many that were broken just before the point of completion),
received your rebel B wing suit (condition 100/100) Oh boy!
and watched as your (nerfed to the point of embarassment) rancor drops at the feet of 2 nightsister slaves.

Doesn't leave one much to look forward to does it?

Maybe it gets better maybe it doesn't, but one thing I am absolutely sure of, no one in this game is paying a monthly fee just to find things to complain about. Anyone that is paying is there because they want to have fun. For some of us the fun, at this point, is all but lost.

Edited, Mon Jan 19 17:59:15 2004 by Viker
#7 Jan 19 2004 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
The main reason I quit was I ran out of things to do!! As master dancer one would hate to give those skills back because I never did afk dancing and those last steps where like climbing a mountain.. Then it wasn't fun to dance in a cantina because I spent too many hours there to get my dam Master title!!!!

As for the imp reb complaining to each other they might have been already fighting one another for an hour and needed to heal there BF. After a big battle like that one could (and usually does) meet up with the other foe in the cantina or hospital. lol!!!!
#8 Jan 20 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
Good points Viker!

I too was one of the many that started playing from day one and participated in Beta 3 some as well. I had big expectations but found myself, after 4 months, with no reason to log in.

Then the whole Jedi thing started. I thought that was the worst implementation the Devs could have come up with. "Master several professions to become force-sensitive", WTF?! I didn't master Teras Kasi and Brawler, then get my character tweaked with just the right fencer and pikeman defenses to become the best tank I could, only to have give them up and master Chef or Entertainer or Bounty Hunter or any number of "other" professions that I had no interest in playing. Then I realize that even though my character had one purpose, to tank, it was still no match and even less desired than a pair of rancors /sigh.

After that, I then realized how poorly SWG was designed. The utter lack of meaningful content, the monotinous terminal missions, class issues (not just balancing, but purpose as well) and basically the complete lack of any immersive experience.

I just couldn't keep playing a game that seemed more of a chore than play, regardless of how much I love the Star Wars genre.


P.S. I still hope that things will improve, that's why I keep checking up on things here, but I haven't seen it yet :-|
#9 Jan 20 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know about all of you and I won't pretend to speak for you...but I have fun everytime I play this game...the only time I get bored is when I'm sitting in a camp at 3am when the rest of my guild is fast asleep...

To me if your not having fun in the game you should try something else in the game....I recently spent a week trying to get enough faction points to reach the final promotion level... however I started to get a bit bored with the repetative nature of how I was doing it and went off to do something else for awhile... after all I can alway go back whenever I feel like it...

My holo's are now silent so I am now free to do whatever I want...I did master entertainer and then master dancer just because it might have been the key...(but it wasn't)...and I had a blast... never thought I would enjoy doing that...but the conversations and teamwork and I actually made good money by buffing everyone I could...I'm now off doing Squad Leader and Commando soon to be onto Medic and Doctor and I know I will enjoy them even more than Dancer...I even ran off the other day and did the Nym missions and got a cool Carbine at the end...

My point is that there is always something to do in the game... from missions to, PvP, to just being social and helping guild mates out...It's up to you to break your mold when you are getting bored...
#10 Jan 21 2004 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
Yea I totally realize theres different levels of time played and those relate to the enjoyment factor alot. And I'm not hear to disrespect anyones level or point of view. I sometimes try too hard to make people see the light of things but I know they have their right and reason that I dont understand cause my toons not at that stage. I'm a bit past the honey moon stage, about 2 and a half weeks. And I'm not so let down by the actual game yet. I just expected to meet more people with style. I just meet rude clones of power gamers over and over. Or someone looking to feel important. I came thinking people would be making jokes in a star wars way. But I'm over it. I'll still play regardless of the community and I know one day I'll just stumble across a player with a style similiar to mine.

My main problem is is I don't push a group, and all the other noobs seem to be looking for a leader or a daddy. Someone to tell them what to do and give them free stuff. But I just go with the flow. If the action stops, I sit down and start crafting until someone suggests something. They stare at me long times expecting something but the missions are over. I think this run alot of people off, that I'm not pushing the group towards anything but I do my damdest in a fight or go down blasting. They also freak out when I blast random blues while on the move to w/e. This really makes them mad sometimes Idk why tho there just like worts and rills, womp rats, or w/e. And besides the 67 rifle points add up over time. Is there any reason people should get angry about this, especially with one shot kills? I just can't figure it out.
#11 Jan 22 2004 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
Hello me again...just some more input....

One of my good friends both in game and real world plays right along side me and I know that 90% of his frustrations come from the fact that the game is NOT his style game...what I mean is this is his first MMORPG (mine too) and with it being turn based he has a hard time in PvP (which is what he lives for)...he has always played first person shooters and is just not that into the turn base system of play...he acts like he should be able to use his fast reflexes and hand eye coordination to out do his foes...

Another of my good friends thinks that diablo2 was one of the greatest games of all time...but thats because he is an items hunter...he lives to quest for that one weapon everyone has to have and sooner or later does...he acts like he should be able to build an uber character that can solo anything in the game and destroy any number of players before he runs into someone who has him beat by a 2% better armor rating...

My point is that this game is supposed to be unlike any other...(I haven't played any other MMORPG's so I can't say if it is)... and that may mean that it DOESN'T fit your play style...I bought the game knowing it was turn based...knowing that to unlock the FSCS that a GREAT deal of time and effort would have to be spent to do it...knowing that the game would be tweeked and tweeked for it's entire life span....knowing that no matter how much I tried I would run into very non-star wars players and non-star wars why complain about the very base facts of a game that will never change...I feel SOE and Lucas Arts have done what they said they would do...
could it be better....YES...
will it...Only time will tell...

I know this post may attract alot of flames but it's just my opinon...I play to have fun....I have my eyes on the LONG term goal...and I know I will continue to play for a very long time...yeah I pay the $15 a month just like everyone else and I feel I get my moneys worth out of claim I have done all there is in the game and seen all to be seen would be a false statement...I have played since day 2 (couldnt get on day 1) and I feel I have barely sratched the surface of things to do...

so please consider the fact that this just may not be your style of game before you publicly flame it...(heck I hated Diablo2 and never flamed it) let me know what ya think
#12 Jan 22 2004 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
286 posts
I agree (although I love Diablo 2, I still play it with new mods etc).

I have only been playing for about 3 months though and have seen a lot of high end people quit due to lack of content at that lvl. I think that really needs to be addressed, but that kind of thing is usually what expansion packs are all about.

Some have quit saying EQ has so much more to do at the high end... yes it does, but it has about 5 expansion packs are a few years under its belt too.

I think a lot of people will return when the space expansion comes out of course but for the moment Im still enjoying the game as I have yet to sneak up on an Ewok and blast him with my T21. What will I do after that goal is reached? hmm, I don't have a full set of stormtrooper armour yet to go slaughtering jawas with, guess that will be next :)

#13 Jan 22 2004 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
I guess I would fall into the powergamer catagory, although I really don't consider myself as such. I do tend to pick a goal in a game and push myself mercilessly until I reach it.

But most powergamers tend to group with other like-minded people to make grinding easier. I am a solo player by nature, I have a group of 3 others that came over (I talked them into it) to SWG with me from EQ, but my job allows me to play much more than them. They are definitely not power gamers.

They too are running out of meaningful things to do.

Look, I certainly wouldn't try to deter anyone from playing this game. I agree there is always something to do. That there are things to do isn't the the key, rather that there are fun and challenging things to do - that is the key!

This game is much different than other games on the market. Yes, you can add content with expansions. Yes other games have years under their collective belts. One of those games that took 4-5 years to get it's "act" together was EQ. That is what puzzles me about SWG. I'll explain this in a moment.

I was drawn to this game for 2 reasons. One, it is Star Wars and the possibilities of a game based on that are truly endless. Two, SOE was in charge of developing the online play. This is the puzzling part. In years of developing content for arguably the most played online MMOG, didn't they learn anything about including content from the start? The most notable power gamers you will ever find are the Devs. There is no way that they didn't know how soon this game would stagnate for gamers that play more than just casually.

I have to disagree with you Mr.Piggss. I shouldn't have to try profession after profession just to have more fun. Is the fun there to be had - sure. What happens when I run out of professions? I nearly have anyway.

The cardinal sin for a MMORPG is letting players, any players, hit the ceiling of the game. Many have hit that ceiling. So instead of being wrapped up in the game, they are wrapped up in waiting for the game to expand. That should never, ever happen.

The whole premise is supposed to be - mold a virtual character to your liking, then go out and encounter the Star Wars universe with that character. My character is ready. Where is the rest of the universe? It will be there , no doubt.

The complaint is that it should have been there already.

Edited, Thu Jan 22 23:33:01 2004 by Viker

Edited, Thu Jan 22 23:34:37 2004 by Viker
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