What is the best for the Bard epic weapons? Anyone know the stats from each? You get to choose what weapon you get seperate from the path choice right? I'd rather pick the best of 'em rather than just to go with the cool looking one.
I was always under the impression that you get your reward based on which path you chose, maybe it's different for other classes. I know on my war, on my 20, 30, and 40, I was not given a choice. And on my ench for my 20, I was not given a choice either. I'm not sure though, but I'm interested in knowing, god I can't wait to do my 49 for my war (then i'll just be anxious to do the next one thought, LOL).
i cant remember the exact stats, but the sabres main stat is like 8 hot for each. The rapiers add to dex and proc for damage. Most bards i have talk to say rapiers are the way to go.
Your 49 epic quest differs from the 20 30 40 quest in a few aspects. 1. You have a choice of two weapons (or two sets of wepons if you a dual wielder.
2 It is way harder, but is not as hard if you are in a good guild now that ppl can help you that are above 50(I hated the ranger one, real hard)
And i would suggest to take the ability that you took the whole way from lvl 20 so it is much stronger.
P.S Humdaan i saw that you were a war, and just thought you might want to know that the epic stats for the steelwinds(two swords) is 581dmg 50hp and i may be wrong but i belive it is 15str and 15 sta.
Your 49 epic quest differs from the 20 30 40 quest in a few aspects. 1. You have a choice of two weapons amd two abilities(or two sets of wepons if you a dual wielder.
2 It is way harder, but is not as hard if you are in a good guild now that ppl can help you that are above 50(I hated the ranger one, real hard)
And i would suggest to take the ability that you took the whole way from lvl 20 so it is much stronger.
P.S Humdaan i saw that you were a war, and just thought you might want to know that the epic stats for the steelwinds(two swords) is 581dmg 50hp and i may be wrong but i belive it is 15str and 15 sta.
SORRY: Internal error came up and it posted twice.
The weapons are Sabres and Foils. Which one you get depends on the path you take. I chose the power path which gives you the Foils. The foils are ok...nothing to holler about. As for the stats, I'll have to write them down and report later on it, I just cant remember numbers. One thing I will tell.... DO NOT SELL YE OLD WEAPONS RIGHT AWAY!!!! Why!?!? Wait till ye use yer epic weapons and then have to repair them! OUCHY! It just aint worth it. I only use me epics to show off with ...hehe.
Bard Epics are: Selos Jeweled Rapiers 561dmg 13dex 50hp 140 proc Ballad of Mithril 580dmg 50hp 8HoT It doesnt matter what path you pick, Power or Combat, you get to pick Epic...