There is a charactor named [Red]SIRYOGURT[/Black]. As far as i can tell this charactor pops up from time to time. But i havent seen him level but a small amount. When i was new to the game and before i learned the art of trading was a victim of this trade scammer. Now some very rude people call a person stupid for being nieve. I dont think a person should expect to be ripped off in this game. I know have learned that as in real life you cant trust. Unfortunate that a place we use to relieve ourselves of the burdens of everydaylife has to be infected by these selfish few who only wish cause grief to others.
May i only br offered the oppertunity for a lil payback. But i doubt it. Since hes not talented enough to leave the major cities and xp.
Proud elder of THE ONE
castle lightwolf