Lydiaele wrote:
I'm a tinker (jeweller, prospector, cook) so I mine a lot but I don't need the hard metal ores, just the precious metals like silver and gold. I've made a lot of money selling iron and steel ingots in the Auction House. More often than not someone buys them all up for the buyout price I list. (Which probably means it's too low... )
Or it means it is fair :P Besides, while your's are selling other people's sit and rot on the AH
OldBlueDragon wrote:
correctimundo! 100 copper = 1 silver & 1000 silver = 1 gold
And with average quest rewards in the area of a silver or two & the average coin drop from a 2 legged mob hovering in the area of 20-50 copper, it would seem that money in Middle Earth is not that easy to come by!
That scales with level though... as early as about 25 you'll start seeing mobs drop SILVER, not copper, and quests will be 20s for completion. By 30, 3+ silver from mobs and 30s from quests if not more.