You may want to check with the Advisors in oasis to make sure you do not have another infection already (just in case).
Having said that, I've only done infections on 2 of my toons and have helped about 3 or 4 others get infection...but neither were for Wolf.
It sounds like you are in the right Areas and doing the right things. Remember, when dealing with Infection, luck does play a HUGE part. Twice in dealing with infection difficulty, I broke away from the common spots and went roaming. Preferably Odus (though EG might do as well too) looking for greater whateverweres and stuff to fight.
And lastly, just a common sense note: if you are using a purchased account (of course no one does this, i'm just throwing it out there) make sure the toon isn't branded WH. Easiest ways to check it is to see if CMs like 'Gypsy Lore' or 'Combat Readiness' are available to you.