Sorry.. Can't find the original thread..
Just wanted to let everyone know I have released a new version of The Lotro Builder!
Just a quick FYI.. When you hit the site you'll notice a lot has changed. The site has been updated to support more games than just Lotro. The Lotro Builder will still exist independently but now has a few more feature..
Important features
* You can now edit your builds
* You can now change your level during character creation
* I've added key equipment to the build
* There are now forums integrated into the site. Useful for bug fixes and features
* Added the "RateOMatic". This allows you to randomly pull up a build for rating. Rating the build takes you to the next build.
I'm really sorry it took so long to add these features. Having a full time job makes it tough to get a lot of work done on my side projects. Thanks for waiting!