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SWG worth coming back to?Follow

#1 Mar 23 2008 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
SWG was my first MMO and I loved it. I played from the time I got home from work till bed pretty much ever night (before I got married lol.) I signed up right after the CU so at that time didn't get the huge gyped feeling most of the other people had. The NGE on the other hand is what made me quit.

I migrated to WoW and now that I have multiple 70s and have done all the endgame raiding stuff I am looking for greener pastures. I have been back a few times but I always find the servers mostly empty (pre-NGE it was LAG CITY walking into the big cities.)

Anyways, are the server pops back to a reasonable level and do you think I should come back? I am downloading the trial as we speak.
#2 Mar 23 2008 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
i recently got the trial to help some people try and figure it out, cant remember what time it was i logged in, early morning i think, but there was around 3 mediums, maybe 4 or 5 lights, and the rest were very light, so i can imagine theres a server pop for everyone, though the server you played on might be very light, like sunrunner was for me.

wow, just logged in, there were 2 heavys, 6 mediums, 8 lights and the rest were very light.

#3 Mar 27 2008 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
I have played many mmo's. I downloaded the SWG trial a couple months ago,
and bought the game exactly 14 days later. Since then I have deleted everquest from my computer and subscribed an alternate account to SWG. I found my game.
Worth coming back?? Why did you ever leave?? Those pre-CU and pre-NGE's
I've read about are a bunch of whining ******** (yeah I said it).
I can see why the game was so great back in the beggining, but it is still
the best game ever made. If you want a heavy server hit up bloodfin.
I personally play on flurry. Welcome back.

Edited, Mar 27th 2008 11:54pm by Damiansquest
#4 Mar 27 2008 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
Damiansquest wrote:
I have played many mmo's. I downloaded the SWG trial a couple months ago,
and bought the game exactly 14 days later. Since then I have deleted everquest from my computer and subscribed an alternate account to SWG. I found my game.
Worth coming back?? Why did you ever leave?? Those pre-CU and pre-NGE's
I've read about are a bunch of whining ******** (yeah I said it).
I can see why the game was so great back in the beggining, but it is still
the best game ever made. If you want a heavy server hit up bloodfin.
I personally play on flurry. Welcome back.

Edited, Mar 27th 2008 11:54pm by Damiansquest

It is pretty good now compared to when the NGE was first released, but its probably a very good thing that you missed the first year of the NGE or you might very well have become one of the 'bunch of whining ********* i have to ask though, have you really only been playing everquest for the last like... 8 years? I probably played EQ for 3 or 4 years, but, i played quite a few other games too, particularly during the darker hours of SWG's history. but welcome to SWG, if a little belatedly... ..
#5 Mar 29 2008 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
A lot of people have moved over to RP servers. Starsider is one of the busyest. You could always try there. SWG has a lot of new stuff now so it may be worth coming back
#6 Apr 02 2008 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
I was checking out one of my old char's on Chilastra server yesterday, i was surprised to see that there were far more people around than i had anticipated, bearing in mind this is early evening UK time, the cantina was also quite full, i dont know about the rest of the servers, but, judging by the numbers i've seen on the servers i do have access to, then there really are a lot more players now than there were the few months post NGE, it finally looks like the game is reviving from the Exodus.
#7 Apr 02 2008 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
I think you are absolutely right. I WOULD have been one of the whining ********
I dont think I would still be complaining like I see in some threads though.
First and formost I hope I haven't offended anyone, I cant imagine doing that much grinding and then the Devs changing the entire format of my game.
But also, before I played, I heard nothing but bad things about this game and they were all lies.
This is still an amazingly indepth game and I think its reputation (caused by pre-NGE and CU players) has been the main cause of its loss in popularity.
And NOT the actual game content. BTW Thanx for the welcome cloudancer.
#8 Apr 25 2008 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
My only complaint of what they have done to SWG over time is that they gave the players the ability to custom make a character with the blend of skills that they would use for their character (ie. bounty hunter with a tad of riflemanm etc) and now they made it where you have to choose one profession and can only do what that profession is able to do. Now keep in mind that is ok if that is how they intended the game to be.....but they should have done that from the start. It's bad for morale if you give everyone the ability to be unique and cross-profession and then take it all away. Other than that the game has quite a bit to gaming, ground hunting, tradeskills, housing, guilds, cities, etc etc.
#9 Apr 27 2008 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
Damiansquest wrote:
I have played many mmo's. I downloaded the SWG trial a couple months ago,
and bought the game exactly 14 days later. Since then I have deleted everquest from my computer and subscribed an alternate account to SWG. I found my game.
Worth coming back?? Why did you ever leave?? Those pre-CU and pre-NGE's
I've read about are a bunch of whining ******** (yeah I said it).
I can see why the game was so great back in the beggining, but it is still
the best game ever made. If you want a heavy server hit up bloodfin.
I personally play on flurry. Welcome back.

Edited, Mar 27th 2008 11:54pm by Damiansquest

I missed the 1rst 3 months or so of the game but when I came right when the 1rst Jedi unlock was that week. It was an ugly mess. Everyone was wearing red composite armor, there were hundreds of ppl but many many AFK tags and everyone wear the stupid same red armor, being forced to AFK dance in the cantina on their grind for jedi.

From what I understand it was pretty cool at first. PvP was deemed too fast by the whiners or something so they brought in 90% armor and mega health buffs making everyone a tank. I remember players saying back then while watching 2 ppl duel for 20+ minutes "this looks so stupid" and it did.

they cried and whined about preCU just as much back then as they do about NGE now and they were extremely rude in game towards anyone not grinding for jedi. now they're bitter because alpha class is gone they have nothing to live for on somewhat equal ground to other profs

#10 Apr 27 2008 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
Jerok wrote:

I missed the 1rst 3 months or so of the game but when I came right when the 1rst Jedi unlock was that week. It was an ugly mess. Everyone was wearing red composite armor, there were hundreds of ppl but many many AFK tags and everyone wear the stupid same red armor, being forced to AFK dance in the cantina on their grind for jedi.

From what I understand it was pretty cool at first. PvP was deemed too fast by the whiners or something so they brought in 90% armor and mega health buffs making everyone a tank. I remember players saying back then while watching 2 ppl duel for 20+ minutes "this looks so stupid" and it did.

they cried and whined about preCU just as much back then as they do about NGE now and they were extremely rude in game towards anyone not grinding for jedi. now they're bitter because alpha class is gone they have nothing to live for on somewhat equal ground to other profs

Weird I loved PvP in the early days and if I had one complaint it would have been about the ability of combat medics to simply clone and run straight back into action before you had a chance to recover.
#11 May 14 2008 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
bomb droid were way funner preCU. but preCU favored melee over range. i liked CU combat alot. it made pistoleers able to fight melee classes. and /lastditch was amazing when it landed. feign death could have all kinds of fun with that one. i always ended up trying to tweak my character instead of pvping though- there was so much to mod. i was always wanting 1 more thing. a few more stat points, before i pvped and it was alot of timesink to me. the week before NGE i finally went overt and was a pistoleer/smuggler/rifleman with /cover so i could go off radar- i was alone. had a beautiful fight i think against a swordsman but i lost. but i had finally tasted a good factional fight and almost won thats when NGE came i was bloodthirsty from that fight anyway. still am i guess lol but my servers not favoring that population wise.
#12 May 16 2008 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
I started playing SWG for the first time a few days ago. I have to say I'm having trouble liking this game for all the bugs I'm running into. However I really like space combat, it's fun and challenging and gives me new skills as a gamer. However I've ran into the last dam bug today to make me not want to buy this game. First bug I've ran into is with targeting a ship out in Tatooine. I was finally able to target the ship I needed to dock with by moving my ship to the other side of said ship and moving out a ways.
Then in Mos Eisley, I start having issues with the rewards for doing terminal missions. Says it gives me -80k (random) for credit reward, but i got no credits (or lost credits) and no exp, I checked 4 times to confirm this. Then I have a issue with fighting some dewbacks, where they kill me and I'm not able to get back up for several minutes even after the timer counted down to 0.
I go to the bazaar terminal (which is poorly designed, wtf no level or race specific filters? lol) and look for some armor to wear cuz right now mine kinda sux. So I find a really nice padded helmet for a decent price. So I buy it, have to travel all the way to another planet to pick it up (lame, but w/e not a issue really). So I pick it up, I double check the details. It says I can equip it. No problem with race or anything else. So I try to equip it, and can't. Instead I get a message in my chat window saying I lack the certification. WTF? Didn't say that in the details. I sent tickets on these issues. This game's quality is **** poor.

Edited, May 16th 2008 4:20am by rremnar
#13 May 16 2008 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
what level are you? cause you cant wear armour in teh begining so ******** about that it doesnt say you cant wear it is stupid.

#14 May 16 2008 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
Armour, the combat classes (not jedi) can wear armour at level 22, but its only the armour applicable to your level, and i think profession, so before buying that piece of armour check a few things;

a, is the armour higher level than you?
b, is it the correct type of armour, ie, recon/battle/assault.
c, does it have factional requirements, ie, do you have to be not on leave, in order to wear.

dont get me wrong, swg is a simple enough game, but sometimes the details can catch you out.
#15 May 16 2008 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
i thought they removed the armour type restrictions, in favour of the expertise trees that improve certain armour types.
#16 May 16 2008 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
What I'm complaining about is the details in said armor, not that I can't wear armor at a certain level. When the details all check out and say I can equip it, but instead get that message, tells me the designers are the ones who are stupid. And since I am new to the game I can't be expected to know every fking detail about the game. Where does it say I can't wear armor in the beginning? I don't remember reading about this, after reading a shtload of information and going to the guides. I am comming from other online games that are point blank obvious on what you can or cannot wear. Normally I wouldn't be griping about things in this forum, but with all the bugs and bad design in the game, I had to state my concerns somewhere. This problem isn't with weapons, in fact the weapons state if I can or cannot equip it (level restrictions etc). The problem is with the details in the said piece of armor. Read thoroughly before you comment.
#17 May 17 2008 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
Okay, take a deep breath and repeat after me Oosfaba...

frustration is understandable, its easy to make mistakes, especially where the game sometimes leads you to think something is true, that isnt etc. if the only problem facing you, is that the armour is level restricted, ie, you can only wear it when you get to a certain level, then thats hardly the end of the world. as for the not being able to wear armour until level 22, its no big deal, you can get that level easily in just a couple of sessions of gameplay :D
#18 May 17 2008 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
I agree, I've been very frustrated lately with the game. However the issue again wasn't about level requirement details because there was none on that piece of armor. But w/e I have to do more research.

I got a email response from a GM about the issue I had about the mission terminal. Even after asking helpers, no one knows about this.

"The reason that it shows negative credit is that you can only get credits from mission up to 50,000 credits, after your character has 50k in credits, no matter how you got them, you will no longer receive credits from these missions as long as your account is in trial status. This was done to combat against credit farmers."

You know if this was stated in the newbie guides or as a sticky on the newbie forums on the main SOE SWG or these forums, I wouldn't be squakin so much. Since I received a somewhat decent response by the GM, I'm not so angry about all these issues now. But as for buying the game I'm still thinking about it. Hopefully I'll get a better feel of it after another week of the trial.

I'm still running into problems while playing. I deleted my smuggler and created a commando. I'm liking it so far. I joined the Empire and started an Imperial assignment to track down a NPC who was about to sell some info to the rebels. Well I found the guy, killed off his henchmen but the NPC I needed to talk to was inside a player house. Or what I thought was a player house (like all the ones all over the place). So I'm thinking, Oh great another bug or issue. But I am also thinking maybe it's by design and it's not a player house. Since the door isn't working maybe I can blow it up? I can't talk to the NPC through the wall although I can click on him.
#19 May 19 2008 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
I have played SWG since the start.I have three accounts but I just quit! I find it to be too boring.

I think if you go into the game with an open mind,then you'll like it.If you can,find a big guild so you wont have any trouble finding a group.

Dont listen to all the whinners.See for yourself.

Would I recomend this game to a friend? NO. But thats just my opinion.

Good luck!

#20 May 31 2008 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
#21 Jun 01 2008 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
451 posts
Hmm guess im a (whining ********* I do remember a time when this game rocked. When you had to Grind to get a lvl. Me and my friends could play for 12 hours and never run out of things to do. This game Before NGE was the greatest of all MMO. The crafting is what made the game so fun. Now you cant craft anything worth crap! IMO this game now, WOW and Conan are based on equal pvp fighting. Back in the day before NGE and CU every class had its own advantage. When a well equiped TKM was had to kill unless you knew what to do. I only wish that some of you that have started playing in the last 2 years could play the old game and then you would see what us (whining *********** talking about. Oh well we know SOE will never admit they are wrong and until someone makes a game like that again then I will play my WOW and Conan MMO and do the best I can to forget the past!
#22 Jun 02 2008 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
There's still plenty to do, provided you have a good guild, and you're on the right server.
#23 Jun 07 2008 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,856 posts
TKM... that was one scary skill set, but, i have to say, it was also one of the coolest, watching a couple of tkm's fight was definitely one of the games highlights, its a shame really that they ditched it, some of the changes the NGE made even now still dont make sense, but the game isnt as bad as it was when the NGE was released, that was a complete failure imo, but now, its starting to get back some of its former shine, if not quite in the same way as it was before. its a shame, and i really miss that game, but, its still the only half decent mmo out there, that doesnt involve lawn ornaments ;D
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