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Looking for couples who have met in LotR OnlineFollow

#1 May 12 2008 at 8:04 AM Rating: Default
We all know the stories of broken relationships and friendships due to people being addicted to playing MMOG's. On the other hand, the virtual world of MMOG's can also be a good environment for meeting new people and developing new romances and friendships.

For research reasons, I am looking for couples who have met in MMOG's and are having successful relationships (online and/or in real life), or are pursuing one. So far, most stories I receive are from people who have met in WoW. I am very curious though how many people have met in other MMOG's like LotR Online.

If you are a MMO-couple and would like to share your story and/or fill in my questionnaire to help me with my research, please visit my blog:

Thank you very much in advance. I am looking forward to your responses!

#2 May 12 2008 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
8,187 posts
I'm going to reserve a reply here by saying that the topic itself is interesting.

IN during: we will not do your homework for you.
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#3 May 12 2008 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
1,341 posts
Myself and my very soon to be wife (May 31st Smiley: eek ) Met in FFXI, dated close to 3 years, moved together and are getting hitched in 3 weeks...
#4 May 12 2008 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
273 posts
Is this the factor that kept you in FFXI?!?!? Resist the urge to splurge drulian
#5 May 12 2008 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
1,341 posts
Morarae wrote:
Is this the factor that keeps you in FFXI?!?!? Resist the urge to splurge drulian


And yes part of the reason we still play a few nights a week is the fact that its kinda our "game" if you will, kinda like a special song. That and we have alot of other friends in the game still, its basically a messenger service for us now. That and I still enjoy Dynamis/Sky events Smiley: nod
#6 May 12 2008 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
8,187 posts
Drulian, Pie Eating Champion wrote:
Morarae wrote:
Is this the factor that keeps you in FFXI?!?!? Resist the urge to splurge drulian


And yes part of the reason we still play a few nights a week is the fact that its kinda our "game" if you will, kinda like a special song. That and we have alot of other friends in the game still, its basically a messenger service for us now. That and I still enjoy Dynamis/Sky events Smiley: nod

Until one of you cyber cheats...I've seen it happe to a couple that I used to play D2 with. The guys wife left him for a player who lived in Texas. I was best man at their wedding, and I got sleep with him the day his divorce was finalized.

The couple who got me into EQ has also broke up. The woman who got me into playing EQ and all the other online games I've ever tried found her boyfriend had drilled a hole through the wall into her daughters bedroom and had been jerking off to her for quite some time.

He used a large shield to hide the hole in the wall...which looked completely normal in that apartment due to his collection of swords, staffs, lego castles, and other items you would expect to see in a normal fanboism fashion.

Lets hope there are couples out there who prove those statistics wrong.
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#7 May 13 2008 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
Not sure he/she was looking for that kind of data, Dyadem Smiley: wink

(Not sure how you code that either...)
#8 May 13 2008 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
The couple who got me into EQ has also broke up. The woman who got me into playing EQ and all the other online games I've ever tried found her boyfriend had drilled a hole through the wall into her daughters bedroom and had been jerking off to her for quite some time.

Damn you, Dyadem, that thought is going to haunt me all day. People can be so darn creepy!
#9 May 13 2008 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
Wife and I didn't meet in LotRO, but our anniversary is coincidentally May 31st.

We're an MMO couple in my dreams.

Rengawric, 14 Hobbit Hunter
Nedferny, 6 Man Loremaster

Edited, May 13th 2008 3:53pm by tfwagner
#10 Jun 17 2008 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
I take it what you really want to hear is one real success story? I mean the kind that everyone hopes they have when they meet that some one on-line?
Not sure mine is that, but here goes: (btw, grab something to drink and smoke'em if you have'em this is gonna take a while)

My now husband of three years and I didn't meet in LotRO, but we did meet online and in an MMORPG. We actually met in the first MMORGP, named The Realm.
We were both happily married at the time to other people, and became friends, best friends if you will. We could talk to each other about anything. And no, we didn't cyber, nor have we ever just to set the record straight from the beginning. His wife was in the Navy, and was stationed in Iceland, and I was living with my husband and children in the midwest.

(flashback about 12 years ago, I was around 25, and my now husband 26)
Eventually, over the years of playing the same game, we kept kept bumping in to each other, helping each other out with quests and hunting together, but we were never really "together" at all in the game. However over the years of playing, about four or five I would say, both of our marriages started having problems. He and his wife lost a baby, and it really tore their marriage up, and well as for mine? I was 15 when I got preggers with my first, and 16 barely (by two days) when I got married to my first husband. Eventually I grew up, and we (my husband and I) grew apart because I wasn't a little girl he could "control" anymore.

My now husband and I spent a lot of time just talking, listening, and comforting each other through the downfalls of our marriages. Never did it occur to us to start a "romance" we were and are still friends. We spent time together more than before but, that's as far as it went. More time talking, and trying to make sense of things going on in our lives at the time. Our self confidence was low, but we seemed to help each other out in that aspect. Our lives were in shambles, but for a couple hours, we could just be us, no expectaions placed on either of us. He and I went through a string of bad relationships with other people, some of which we met online in the game, others were people we'd met outside of the game. We'd talk, and lean on each other, but only as far as a friendship goes, nothing more. He even introduced me to some one in game, one of his friends, and his friend and I dated, even moved in together for a while. But, it didn't seem to work out for us, he was still hung on his ex, and managed to get me busted for having drugs in my house I didn't know about, which resulted in the loss of my child for a short time. I kicked him to the curb quick. However, he(my now husband) seemed to fall into a steady relationship about this time. And, like any friend of the opposite sex, I backed way off because I didn't want his girlfriend to see me as a threat, which I wasn't.

(flashback about eight/nine years ago)
We both eventually tired of the game were in, we'd both been playing it for some time, and each of us moved on. We kept in touch through IMs and email. Not very often, but occasionally. And, we never really told each other what new game either of us were playing until one day the subject just kind of came up. We'd both moved on to Ultima Online, different shards of course. He played on Oceanic, and I played on the east coast shard, I can't seem to remember the name now. The conversation actually started because I'd just become a GM in the game, which meant I had to choose a server to be GM on because it couldn't be the one I played on. When we realized we were both playing the same game, I decided to be a GM on his shard. This put us back in touch more, and our friendship grew even deeper, but still no "romantic" ties. We had moved to exchanging phone numbers and from time to time would actually call each other. By this time he'd moved back to the states of course. His girlfriend knew we were friends, and that we played together, and she didn't seem to have a problem with us talking. It never went anywhere it shouldn't. So, we just continued to be friends. I on the other hand was still going through a fairly rough time in the relationship department.

(flashback about seven years ago)
I finally met some one, actually fell really hard for the guy, and was building what I thought was a long-term relationship. He was in a long term relationshp, and so we just hung out and talked. Played togehter occassionally, flip-flopped back and forth between The Realm and Ultima Online, we couldn't make up our minds which game we really wanted to play. I was still a GM in UO so I had to work my schedual there on the Oceanic Shard, and I had quite a bit invested timewise on my home shard. But, the game was going through changes and I wasn't sure I liked the way it was going, nor was he. My relationship fell apart, so did his after some time, though he was still living with her. And one day, it just happened. It was like a bolt of lightning hitting us both at the same time. We'd spent all this time with other people, looking for something, looking for a best friend. When the whole time, it was staring us right in the face, some one we could talk to, confide in, have fun with, each other.

(flashback about six years ago)
We seriously started talking to each other about getting together as a couple, being together, and building a life together. But, we were both scared, we'd both been there done that with other people, and we didn't want to lose what we had by taking a chance on the unknown of whether or not it would work out. If it didn't, we would or could both lose our best friend. The one that had been there for us through thick and thin. Sat and cried with us when we hurt, laughed with us when we were happy, and that didn't expect us to say anything when we just didn't want to be alone. We played with the idea for about a year, and then his gf dropped the bomb on him... you know the one he was still living with, she turned up preggers. He was dissapointed, angry, and frustrated at the situation, and he felt like she'd trapped him into staying. I on the other hand pulled a dissapearing act, I was dealing with my own dissapointments and anger and frustration, and felt like I couldn't even talk to the one person that would understand me the best, him. For about the next year, that's how it went, we'd talk for about 2 weeks, then I'd dissapear.... rinse, repeat. I was hurt, lonely, and angry most of that time.

(flashback about five years ago)
Finally one day, I gave in to my better judgement. I'd had a small windfall come my way, and I posed a question to him. This is what I asked: "If I was to show up on your doorstep, what would you do? Would you stay with her, or come home with me?" It took him a long time to answer that question, and by the time he did, the money to make the trip from where I was to where he was living was gone, so we talked about "when we got our taxes" that we would do it. Well, I kinda jumped the gun on him, and fell into some money right before tax time, I'd been in a minor car accident, and had a settlement come through. Mind you I wasn't hurt, but it did some damage to the car, and I lost some time at work so I got a small amout for that. I again posed the question to him, he was quicker, much quicker to answer this time. And in return he asked me this question: "Do you know what it's like to be some place that it just feels like a little peice of you is dying inside everyday?". I could relate to that, my marriage of 10+ years was like that in the end. So, I packed an over-night bag, and my daughter and I went on a road trip, to get my now husband. But, dont' think the story ends here. There are more exciting twists yet to come..... It wasn't quite the happily ever after we'd hoped for.

My mother, my daughter, and I were living with my grandmother, and taking care of her. She'd been sick, and had a stroke, and needed some one to be there most of the time. My mother and I were also both working, to help support the household. When I decided to go get him, I sat down with my grandmother, and talked to her about the situation. I explained how much I truly cared for him, and she had heard me many times in passing talk about him to my mother and daughter, and was at the time thrilled for me and excited that I would finally get to be with him. I had suspected at this time, that my grandmother was in the early stages of dementia, she'd been having more frequent mood swings, and lashing out more at me from time to time. I had no clue how bad she'd actually gotten.

We got home, and we started to settle in, and get used to having each other without a keyboard and monitor, or a phone between us. And of course, you remember I told you we never cybered? Well, of course we went through that exploration stage, no details are going to be shared on that :P. By this time I was playing Ever Quest, so I got him into playing it as well. First thing he did was start looking for a job, keep in mind, he gave up a very good job to come be with me. But, finding work here wasn't easy, it took time, and when he finally did get a job, it didn't pay nearly what he was making out there.

About the time that he got his job, grandma took a turn or the worse. She'd become more spiteful, more angry, and more selfish than before. Just as we were getting ready to find a place, and move out on our own, He and I, and my daughter and mother, grandma threw a ring-tailed hissy. Of course, looking back on it, I'm pretty sure it was just her way of keeping herself out of the nursing home, because she knew if I moved out, that's where she was headed. I was the only one willing to take the time to take care of her at that point. So, she started a fight, accusing him of being lazy, and unmotivated, and that all he wanted to do was sit on the computer while I worked, which wasn't the case, he had a job, and was about to collect his first pay check! But, he didn't have it yet, and we couldn't move out on just my check alone. Grandma laid down an ultimatum, he had to go, or we had to go... not in a week when he'd get paid, but NOW, immediately. If we'd left then, my mother by this time was in the process of applying for her disabily due to severe Rhemetoid Athritis, the only income was mine, and his, to support the 4 of us, and since he wasn't getting his check until the next week... we'd have to go to a shelter, or if he left he'd have to go to one.

Well, this was a hard choice, due to the conditions under which I had gotten my daughter back, and the threats of my grandmother to call her father if I took her out of the home and moved to a shelter for a week with her. I stayed with my grandmother... so that I could keep my daughter from having to go back to an abusive situation. He and I fought, and we both said things we would later come to regret, but the biggest regret I have, is letting him go, making him go. He'd done nothing wrong, there was no reason he should have to leave, other than it was grandma's house, and this is what she dictated, knowing I had no where to go with my daughter.

We parted ways, to cover my own hurt, I told him I didn't love him, and that it wasn't working out. I could come up with a million excuses to lay the blame on the failure of the relationship, and make it my fault, trying to protect my grandmother. I cried, a lot. I missed him like crazy. I thought I would never ever be happy again. Two weeks later, my mother had a heartattack. I needed my best friend. I need him more than ever. Went to find him, I kind of knew where he was, I hadn't lost track of him, yet. I knew where he worked, and I went to see him, told him what was going on, we spent about a week, more or less together, while mom was recovering. He'd come to the hospital, and sit with me, we'd got out and grab a meal togeher, and he'd just hold me, while I cried, I was so scared because of my mom.

Once mom was doing better and got to go home, my chances to see him got less and less, now I was the only one working, mom hadn't gotten her disability yet, and we had only grandma's social security and my income to support the 4 of us in the house. I worked all the time, and my free time was spent taking care of 2 very sick women, and a teenage daughter. It was full of doctors' appointments and therapies and no time for me. He moved out of the shelter, and I lost track of him. I tried to email him, call him, everything I could think of, no response... I know I'd hurt him. I'd drug him all the way here, away from his child, and a good job, just to dump him and throw him in a shelter. My heart was broken, and nothing could fix it. So I worked, and I did what I had to do to take care of things, and I missed him every single day, I just felt empty and guilty.

(flashback roughly four years ago)
My grandmother was getting worse and worse, one night she let out my daughter's cat, out of spite I'm sure she hated the cat, and he got run over. My daughter had this cat from the time it was a baby, and loved it dearly. I had to break my daughter's heart and tell her. Grandma kept getting in my face, and putting herself between my daughter and I when I was trying to explain and comfort her. I lost my temper, my grandmother was in a wheelchair, and I physically moved her and the wheelchair out of the way, and stepped in front of her to get to my daughter and take care of her. Grandma again got in my face, and I bent down and looked her straight in the eye and told her to shut the F* up and to back off this was my child, and she was hurting. Grandma raised a hand like she was going to slap me for cursing .. and I spun her wheelchair out of the way.... got to my daughter. I then called my aunt, and told her to come deal with her mother, because I coudln't anymore, and my mother was in no shape to. Grandma kicked us out, with no where to go, telling my aunt I threatened to hit her, which my aunt knew wasn't true. Luckily, my aunt had a spare bedroom, and let us come stay with her.

Grandma was alone, and now my aunt, and the rest of the family that had always told me they couldn't tell that grandma was as bad as I'd say she was, had to deal more and more with her. She didn't want me around. Then the second stroke hit, this one incapacitated my grandmother, it was only a matter of time. I knew this, but no one else seemed to see it. My aunt offered to sell me her house, and she and my uncle were going to move into grandma's house, which they knew they'd get eventually, because it seems while my grandmother was mentally incompentant, some one took her to the lawyer and convinced her to change her will cutting my mother completely out of it, which we didn't find out until later.. So, my sister and I decided to take the house, and split the cost. Mom had gotten the disability by now, and so with that, and our incomes from working, we could make it. within a month, grandma passed away. My aunt got grandma's house, my mom got the shaft. And I made one last attempt to try to find him.

Success! I found him in a game we sometimes would meet in, and we talked. We decided to meet and spend some time together, to see if the magic was still there. Well, it was, about a month later he moved in, and asked me to marry him, we set a date. In the mean time, I was getting sicker and sicker myself, and went to a doctor, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and Osteoathritis in my spine, all of a sudden... our fairytale came crashing to the ground. I was unable to work, to help support us. Then I lost my dad, and I got worse. As our wedding day neared, I kept telling him, this wasn't what he signed on for, and I understood if he wanted out, but he stayed.

We got married in Feburary of 2005, and we've been together and happy ever since.

~~The End~~

#11 Jun 17 2008 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
527 posts
wow, can't say much else.
#12 Jun 17 2008 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
1,341 posts
Since this got bumped.... we did get married the 31'st, wonderful weather (Was an outside wedding) and we've made it 2 1/2 weeks now Smiley: tongue
#13 Jun 18 2008 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
8,187 posts
Belated condolences CoNGaRATS!!!

Pics or it didnt happen Smiley: nod
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#14 Jun 18 2008 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
1,341 posts
I'll post some, but not here, maybe on the TiNFS forums if I can still find the link.... (That and I need to log in again soon before I get kicked again Smiley: lol
#15 Jun 18 2008 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
8,187 posts Smiley: smile

Just one pic will do, to prove that you wore a tux. And of course so we can judge your wife based on her beauty.
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#16 Jun 19 2008 at 7:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,154 posts
I met my husband in DAoC, we married 2 years ago. We still MMO it up together often. It's great entertainment and is a way to interact with our friends together.

My story has been written up almost everywhere, so, not gonna repeat it here! lol

Oh, Yeah! Congrats Drulian!
#17 Jun 28 2008 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
I met my husband in Everquest four years ago. He was a wood elf bard, looking and behaving as a knight in shining armour, and I was a high elf maiden in distress. Romantic : ) We impressed each other immediately somehow.

But what has kept us together is awesome imagination and a strong tolerance of each other's fun and interests. He just happened to be many things I was attracted to, and vice versa. We both love to read and write and enjoy ideas without most fixed limits. If inventors thought things were impossible life would lose so much light... We tend to make each other laugh fairly often with roleplaying : )

We've been married over two years and have a wonderful 2 1/2 year old daughter. I can't say it's a great MMO dating success story; when we got together we broke up 2 other relationships which we both knew weren't working. But so far we're happy.

We do play the Lord of the Rings together, but we play separately in games nearly as often. I've met some fantastic people in that game and if I had been single when I began to play LOTRO, to be honest, I would probably have formed a relationship with one of the men I've met in the game. Whether it would have worked - who knows?

It might work if people in games tend to like you as friendly, and ideas are more important to you than physical looks.

Want more details? Take a look at


Edited, Jun 28th 2008 4:45pm by Rohawyn

Edited, Jun 28th 2008 4:46pm by Rohawyn
#18 Jan 18 2009 at 8:13 AM Rating: Default
Thank you all for replying/telling your story!
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