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Diablo II onlineFollow

#1 Jul 23 2008 at 1:38 AM Rating: Good
So I jst bought Diablo II and am enjoying giving myself RSI in singleplayer. However the guides on GameFAQ confuse me a little. They all talk about a ladder and the online stuff, so I thought I'd check to make sure I got this right. Diablo II has servers for a couple people to play together online? So like a really small MMO with hundreds of servers or something? How do you compare gear and such (something I heard alluded to in one guide) if you're all on seperate servers? Can you carry characters from singleplayer over (guessing no)?

Any other information a newbie could use?
#2 Jul 23 2008 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
You basically create a server yourself. Either a private one with a password, or a public server. Once you log out of it (and all others do as well) that server cease to exist. Then you can create a new one or join someone else's. Think of it as a RTS session. It only exists as long as the players in it exists. You can have up to (correct me if I'm wrong, been a while since I've done big runs) 16 players in one session.

The progress of the character who creates the session dictates what's open and available, but if someone further along joins the session and travels to higher areas in the act... Well, he can open portals the original player can go through and thus skip content if he/she so wishes. A common way to level up fast is to get a friend to port you along to all key areas up until Baal. Then the original player can just join Baalruns for xp and some loot.

To compare gear you join sessions with whoever you want to "inspect".

You can carry characters from Singleplayer to Multiplayer in LANs, but I seem to recall BNet characters are BNet chars only. Be aware that after (again, correct me if I'm wrong) about two months of inactivity, your BNet character is wiped.

So, newbie info:

1. Do away with the first two/three acts quickly. Then get a friendly soul to port you quickly up to Baal.
2. Do NOT join in on a Baalkill. Only kill his minions before he runs into his portal for xp and loot.
3. Solo Mephisto. Most classes (especially Sorc) can do Meph really quickly and safely. This will net you loot.
4. Never throw away/sell Runes. Some of the Runewords are really powerful.
5. Never kill the Cow King in the Cow Level. This will close the Cow Level permanently.
6. Try to find a working Maphack. It's technically cheating, but everyone and their grandmother use it.
7. Get friends. Especially friends with high level Sorcs or Javazons. You won't regret it when they'll run you through Cow Level and Baal repeatedly. Best xp/loot you'll ever see.
8. When you have farmed enough Baalruns for xp and levels you can kill him. Make sure you've gotten some Resistance stuff by then, and have decent gear. That way you'll be able to just run through the first few acts in a very short time to get up to Baal once more.
9. The game doesn't really kick off gear or character wise until you've gotten to the hardest difficulty.

If you have any questions, just come here and ask.

Runewords page
When you hit the second difficulty level, farm Enigma runes (Jah, Ith, Ber). Most classes will benefit alot from it that early on, and getting Teleport will really speed up your progress.

Also, if you are curious about how various classes should be built for best performance, just ask. I've built most classes at some point, so I think I can remember most of what you need to consider before putting points anywhere. Remember, a used skillpoint is gone forever and you can't rebuild without rerolling.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2008 6:43am by NorthAI
#3 Jul 23 2008 at 3:35 AM Rating: Good
Thanks North! I think I'm going to complete Singleplayer before I roll on so I'm not a complete tard. I have a lvl ~22 Hammerdin somewhere in Act III, not optimal build, but it will get there. What is the level cap? And you should probably expect a few PMs a little further down the line. Smiley: tongue
#4 Jul 23 2008 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
They have their own servers on but the terminology north used was kind of inaccurate. "Once you log out of it (and all others do as well) that server cease to exist."

You create games on which run on servers (a server is a physical machine) up to 8 players can be in the same game. Once all of the monsters in a single game have been killed, or if you simply want to kill a single boss over and over for another shot at rare loot - you simply make a new game and carry your character over.

You cannot carry single player characters over to they can be used on "open" which uses your machine to host a game)

Diablo 2 characters are super easy to "hack" and by hack I mean modify. This is why you cannot use single player characters on the servers.
#5 Jul 23 2008 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
If you do play online, tell me which realm(us east,us west,europe,asia) I'd imagine you'd choose europe but be weary of all the frenchies and hungarians. I logged onto europe once and couldn't find anyone who spoke english.
#6 Jul 23 2008 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, my terminology kinda sucked there but I think he understood.
Anyway, a Hammerdin is actually a very good farm build. Once you have Enigma you'll be quite a farm machine. Teleport to boss/farm area and just Hammer away. Make sure you've got enough Pots to stay up though, you'll be in the field of fire quite often with a Hammerdin since you have to stand still alot to fill the screen with Hammers.

The level cap is 99. I had two 99 chars back in the day (Javazon and Blizzard Sorc) but it takes quite a few Baalruns to pull off.

You'll start recognizing baalruns from the game/session list once you start playing on Bnet. Usually named something like "Baal01" or a variant of such. You'll just join and wait in the Barbarian town while a Sorc (or another class with Enigma teleport) ports herself to Baal's room and opens a portal. Then you and the rest of the runners pour into his room and kill all the trash until he starts spawning craploads of minibosses which nets you guys a fuckton of xp. As soon as the last miniboss is down, everyone leaves and immediately joins "Baal02" and repeats.

Fastest way to level and gear up.

Ow, once you hit Mephisto, here's a little strat tip:
If you've got ranged attacks, you can make him stick. Note those little corners around the stairs from where he starts. You can position yourself so he tries to move towards you but can't get through that corner. Stay just far enough away to see him and close enough for him to want to attack you, and he will stay there. Then you can just stand there and nuke him with whatever ranged skill you have. (Hammerdins, Javazons and especially Blizz Sorcs excel at this)

Ow, remembered another thing. Once you've killed Andariel, Charsi will take a normal piece of armor and enchant it for you. Don't use it immediately. Wait at least until Act IV or Act V. Then you can buy yourself the finest stock armor and go back to Charsi and she'll make something that just might be an excellent start item when you hit the next level of difficulty.

And sure, PM me if you want. I'll help if I can.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2008 8:12am by NorthAI
#7 Jul 23 2008 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
NorthAI the Hand wrote:
Yeah, my terminology kinda sucked there but I think he understood.
Anyway, a Hammerdin is actually a very good farm build. Once you have Enigma you'll be quite a farm machine. Teleport to boss/farm area and just Hammer away. Make sure you've got enough Pots to stay up though, you'll be in the field of fire quite often with a Hammerdin since you have to stand still alot to fill the screen with Hammers.

The level cap is 99. I had two 99 chars back in the day (Javazon and Blizzard Sorc) but it takes quite a few Baalruns to pull off.

You'll start recognizing baalruns from the game/session list once you start playing on Bnet. Usually named something like "Baal01" or a variant of such. You'll just join and wait in the Barbarian town while a Sorc (or another class with Enigma teleport) ports herself to Baal's room and opens a portal. Then you and the rest of the runners pour into his room and kill all the trash until he starts spawning craploads of minibosses which nets you guys a fuckton of xp. As soon as the last miniboss is down, everyone leaves and immediately joins "Baal02" and repeats.

Fastest way to level and gear up.

Ow, once you hit Mephisto, here's a little strat tip:
If you've got ranged attacks, you can make him stick. Note those little corners around the stairs from where he starts. You can position yourself so he tries to move towards you but can't get through that corner. Stay just far enough away to see him and close enough for him to want to attack you, and he will stay there. Then you can just stand there and nuke him with whatever ranged skill you have. (Hammerdins, Javazons and especially Blizz Sorcs excel at this)

Ow, remembered another thing. Once you've killed Andariel, Charsi will take a normal piece of armor and enchant it for you. Don't use it immediately. Wait at least until Act IV or Act V. Then you can buy yourself the finest stock armor and go back to Charsi and she'll make something that just might be an excellent start item when you hit the next level of difficulty.

And sure, PM me if you want. I'll help if I can.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2008 8:12am by NorthAI

Pretty sure you're confusing the bolded part with the Horadric Malus quest, which has nothing to do with Andariel.

Edited, Jul 23rd 2008 12:09pm by Kayne
#8 Jul 23 2008 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Kayne is correct; it is the Horadric Malus quest that once complete will let you imbue an item.

The same thing goes with the first quest of Act V, which will add a socket to an item. Both very useful if you save it for higher level items.
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#9 Jul 23 2008 at 10:31 PM Rating: Good
Ah yes, Horadric Malus. I usually do that whole dungeon in one sitting, finishing off Andariel as I go. Thus Andariel kill = Charsi for me.
#10 Jul 24 2008 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
Hey North,
I played a mod that fixed the whole cow level closing deal.
It put a way point into the cow level Smiley: grin.
That being said, I will probably reinstall DII tonight (as I uninstalled it to get rid of a mod).
DII LoD + Median 2008 = Fun!
Though I might also start a BNet character as well.
#11 Jul 28 2008 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good

I installed Diablo2 LoD and just finished the first solo difficulty level with a necromancer. Doing just fine in Nightmare so far, but I'm still in the first act.

I have a sorceress (static charge and warmth only, planning on taking all the other talents that augment static charge before I take anything else) on US East, but I wouldn't mind re-rolling on a European server if some of you feel like playing together. Living in Lebanon makes it so the time zones in Europe are better for me.

Edit: Update, the European servers are not accessible. I tried to make a character there and it didn't connect. Asian, US East and US West were fine, Europe wasn't Smiley: glare

Edited, Jul 29th 2008 9:20am by danieldakkak
#12 Jul 29 2008 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
Someone tell me a BNet server to join up with that I can play with some of you.

Also I am horribly bad at D2 when it comes to planning out skill trees (Especially Barbarian, cause you pick 1 weapon mastery, and then uniques and rares drop for the other weapon mastery's >_<)
#13 Jul 29 2008 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
USEast is ftw.
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#14 Jul 29 2008 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
Princess Vataro wrote:
USEast is ftw.
I might make a toon on there sometime tonight (dunno what part of the day/night it will be for you guys though, probably 3-4am).

Character name will probably be Ruinpa or somthing (Polearm specced warrior, was always a fan of Polearms)
#15 Jul 29 2008 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
my account name is Vataro if you ever happen to find me online Smiley: tongue.
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#16 Jul 29 2008 at 11:00 PM Rating: Good
I am really a newbie at Battle.Net

Any commands I can try out to see if you're online? Ruinpa and Vataro? (Others please provide names, leveling alone with latency is horrible Smiley: wink)
#17 Jul 30 2008 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
@#%^ing DRK
13,143 posts
Just started again since I'm going to have some vacation down time. My Necro is level 6.Smiley: glare

EDIT: Actually, I was wrong. When I posted this I was was level 9. Now I'm 13.

Edited, Jul 30th 2008 6:46am by Paskil
#18 Jul 30 2008 at 3:44 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
if you type "/help friends" (minus quotes) it should pop up with a list of useful commands that you can use for your friends list. I think you can also type "/help command" on any of the commands in the list to get more information.

Basically, the things you'll want to know:

"/f list" brings up your friends list in the chat pane.

"/f add username" adds a person to your friends list. You have to use their account name though, not character name. You can view someone's account name by hovering over their character icon at the bottom of a screen when you are in a chat channel with them, or if you are in a game it is the name in parentheses.

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#19 Jul 30 2008 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
My Barbarian (Ruinpa) is now lvl 4, and I have only used 10 attribute points, and 0 skill points (I'm so damn scared of ******** up my build that I'm waiting, only talent I know that I'm going to be maxing at the moment is Polearm Spec, but I found a nice Berserker build that I'm going to try).

Also been lucky and found lots of pots and javelins, so I've been able to get quite a bit of gold already.

And Vataro, be online when I'm on damn you! Smiley: mad
#20 Jul 30 2008 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
You can contact me through skype/aim/msn next time you're getting on. Vataroh for skype/aim or for MSN.
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#21 Aug 02 2008 at 9:53 PM Rating: Good
Galkaman wrote:
Thanks North! I think I'm going to complete Singleplayer before I roll on so I'm not a complete tard. I have a lvl ~22 Hammerdin somewhere in Act III, not optimal build, but it will get there. What is the level cap? And you should probably expect a few PMs a little further down the line. Smiley: tongue

DO NOT DO THIS! Roll on and create all your own games and password protect them. This is basically the equivalent of playing the game single-player. The only difference, however, is HUGE. If something amazing drops that your current character cannot use, you can actually trade it with other players for something you can use, or you can transfer it to another one of your characters with some help from a friend.

I only state this so passionately because this is the same thing I thought when I wanted to learn the game. I rolled a Palidan, and got a drop of one of the rarest Runes available. Since no Runeword could be made with it that was used by my character, it just felt like an amazing waste. If my Pally had been online, I could have gotten some nice things in a trade for it, and someone would have been extremely happy to get it.

Just roll online, and lock everyone else out. I still kind of suggest against that even, since other players can really help you.
#22 Aug 03 2008 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
With my Polearm Zerker, I haven't been locking my games.

I get spammers come in every now and then to spam their ads, but while they're connected, the enemies get a little harder, but give more xp.

And Vataro, I still have to add you to MSN, but good news is my Barb is now lvl 8 and I have actually figured out my skill tree plan.
#23 Aug 03 2008 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
This is good.

And you should add me, because I've basically been sitting here bored for the past hour or so, if you had let me know you were on we could have played!
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#24 Aug 03 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
Well Vat, it's actually 11:47 am here, so I wouldn't even be on the game for another....6 hours.

Probably have to wait till the weekend before I'd be able to hop onto D2 while you're awake (Unless you plan to be awake for another 8 hours so we can have some time in-game to slaughter thangs)
#25 Aug 03 2008 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Nope, I don't plan on staying up that long on weekdays (or most weekends Smiley: tongue).
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#26 Aug 03 2008 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
Vataro, Eater of Souls wrote:
Nope, I don't plan on staying up that long on weekdays (or most weekends Smiley: tongue).
No, on weekdays it's that long, weekends I'll be able to play most of the time.
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