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Epic Adventure my idea for a game (was forum=28)Follow

#1 Jan 18 2009 at 1:23 PM Rating: Default
Epic Adventure my idea for a game

This is my idea for a online game I would call Epic Adventure

WARNING: long post

Character creation - The character creation would be similar to spore as you can choose to be anything you want and will have the option to change your appearance later if you want at a cosmetic bank.
Talents - The talents will be similar to final fantasy tactics you get to choose your counter examples: Counter attack- 15% chance to attack with weapon in hand when physically hit, Reverse- 5% chance foe takes damage instead of you, Absorb 5% chance your healed instead of damaged, etc. Status talent will increase a certain stat examples: 10% increase in HP/MP/str/int. etc. You can choose a move talent examples: Walk on walls, walk on water, move hp up, move mp up, jump+, etc. Finally you would get to choose a special like in ff11 examples: Invincibility - for 30 sec you can’t be hurt, Time Stop - for 10 sec all foes within 30 feet can’t act, Reset - all cool downs for you and your party reset except for specials. Like your appearance you can change your talents later.
Leveling - You accumulate experience that you can save up and spend on what you want like on attachments.
Attachments - Attachments are your powers and how you level up, you can equip up to 10 and each attachment can level up to 10. 1 level in a attachment gives you 1% output for that attachment example: 1 lv in fire attachment = 1% in fire damage or output. Also each level in a attachment gives you a bonus stat you can spend on what you want example: 1 stat in hp+50hp, 1 stat in mp+25mp, 1 stat in str, int, etc = + 1 in str, int, etc. You buy spells or abilities for the attachments which can be used based on level example Fireball 1 can be used with one level in fire attachment and fireball 4 can be used if you have 30 levels in fire attachment. Spells and abilities go up to level 50, to get to level 50 in one thing you must equip 5 fully leveled same attachments example: 5 fully leveled healing attachments allow you to use level 50 spells, equipping more doesn’t give you more spells or abilities but does make them stronger. You gain attachments through vendors or AH, some quests and if luck some mobs.
Duel Wield and weapons - All can duel wield if they choose examples: sword and axe, wand and shield, etc, Some weapons are 2 hands, bow, big sword, staff, etc. List of weapons - Sword and big sword, Axe and big axe, wand, staff, bow, dagger, H2H, katana, spears, etc.
Types of Attachments - Magic types - Elemental - Wind, fire, water, earth, lightning, etc. Healing, Buffing, Debuffing. Weapon types - Sword- allows you to use abilities for sword and big sword. Axe attachment, Bow attachment, Daggers attachment, H2H attachment, Katana attachment, Spear attachment. ( weapons like wands and staffs don’t have an attachment) Tanking attachment- allows use of tanking abilities like taunt, etc.
Stat attachments - examples: HP attachment 1 lv = 50 hp, strength attachment 1 lv = 1 str, etc (having an stat attachment still gives you a bonus stat for each level to spend on any stat)
Summon attachments - Allows to summon a creature to fight along side you with it’s own abilities that increase as level increases (Can’t have more then 4 summons out at a time)
Area attachment - 1 lv = 1sq ft, (increases the area effect of spells and abilities.
Jump attachment - 1 lv= 1ft (great for getting to places or escaping foes.)
Spell and ability attachments - Example: Fireball attachment makes the fireball spell stronger 1 lv = 5% increase in fireball spell damage.
HP and Mp regain attachments - Example: 1 lv = 1 hp or mp per sec.
Class attachments - these are special attachments that take up all 10 slots. Example: Mage attachment - gives you access to all elemental powers up to level 50 but 1 lv = ½% output.

Switching Attachments - You can switch attachments example: you have 5 sword and 5 strength attachments and your fighting but your hurt so you switch to 10 healing attachments now you can heal but you can’t switch right back because there’s a 2 min CD. You can set up a attachment set Example: Set 1 - 5 healing 5 mp regain, Set 2 - 5sword 2 hp 3 str. You can give them names like healing, fire, sword, etc. Also make macros that do the same thing.

Partying and level restrictions - Lets say your in a party and you and your group are all level 20. You switch to another set making you level 50 reducing the experience everyone gets. With the level restriction you can set your level to stay at a certain level example: Level restriction level range 18-22 now you won’t go over level 22. Also party leader can set level restriction example: level restriction 30-35 now if the leader invites anyone they must be at least minimal level and if to high there level is reduced Spells and abilities are reduced to lower levels example: Fireball 4 would become fireball 3. Equipment is also reduced example: level 50 sword lets say 50 damage you get into a party where the level restriction is 23 to 26 your weapon dam would be 26 damage. This way you don’t have to buy new equipment when partying with lower level people. The reason for level restriction is so you can party with different level ranges and since experience is accumulated and saved you still get experience this way.
Searching for a party or party members -you look in the party search list where you can see the persons name, and see what they have equipped and even what they have in there bags including attachments, unless they choose the option to hide this information. You are given a class type based on what powers you have equipped example: 5 fire and 5 sword you are called a battle mage, 5 healing 5 buffing your called medic, etc. Also you can see what powers people have used the most example: fire 2%, earth 8%, healing 70% buffing 20%, summoning 0% etc. This way you can see what someone likes to do and search for people by ‘most used powers’ so if you want a healer and you see someone has healing100% you know that person likes to heal.

Titles - Titles are something you can gain through quests or buy that you will be called by npc’s example: your title is death bringer and you talk to a npc they will call you death bringer.
Don’t have list of titles yet but there would be hundreds of options to choose from.

Mounts - Like in wow you can buy mounts, one for land, air, and sea. There are also fighting mounts which help you fight in combat but aren’t as fast as normal mounts. Unlike wow you can choose what your mount looks like it’s form, color, etc and can be changed it’s looks later.

Beast and Ancient forms - There will be special quests where you can gain a beast form that you can transform into. This forms also have to 2 min CD so you can switch to them just like switching to another attachment set. Beast forms don’t have attachment slots and can’t use equipment but you still have to buy spells and abilities for them.
Types of beast forms and some of there powers.
Dragon - Breath fire on people and can fly (no need for a mount)
Mole- Can dig and go underground entering a stealth type mode and can sneak up on people, can also be used to dodge certain attacks and even dig up treasures.
Scorp - Can climb on walls, grab things with it pinchers and string with it’s tail.
Vinewhip- A plant like creature that can whip people with it’s vines and hold them, can swing from some places using it’s vines like a rope.
Ancient forms- these are ancient warriors you can change into buy gathering special equipment, when you have all the equipment of a ancient warrior you can transform into them. The ancient warriors can’t use attachments and you don’t buy spells or abilities all ancient warriors are maxed. Since there so powerful you have a 5 min CD before you can switch. All ancient forms have a special which is separate from your original special. Types of ancient forms:
Wingfield - can fly and has many debuff abilities. Special-Warp time- for 10 sec all foes within 50 feet can’t act.
Lelandra- Has passive ability which heals hp and mp of party members near her, many healing abilities. Special- Sacrifice life to fully recover hp and mp of all party members.
Valmore- A shadow creature that can teleport through shadows. Special shadow mimic- The foe’s shadow turns into a clone of them with all there powers and help valmore for 10 sec, max 5 shadow minions.

Special npc’s during missions - When doing a mission you and your party may have npc’s come with you and help you. Those who are not in your party can’t see them. They will help you fight but more then that you have the option to play them just like switching to a different party member in a rpg. Now when you play them the computer takes control over your character, the computer can’t use items or specials but can use your powers and change forms and attachments. You can set up how you want them to play with options example: random, mostly heal, don’t change form or attachments, etc. Now you can switch back to your character or other npc’s in your party unless someone else is controlling that npc. People in your party can’t play your character or you there’s.

Duels - You can choose to duel someone one and set up restrictions to the duel example: level restrictions for duel 40-45, no items can be used, no switching forms or attachments, no specials, etc. You can have 1 vs. 1 duels up to 5 vs. 5 duels even 1 vs. 5 duels for those looking for a challenge. Also you can make small bets if you want.

PvP - It’s like wow’s alliance vs. horde, The Ally’s Vs The Core. There are 5 types of territories, Friendly- Your territory enemies can’t attach you unless you attack them. Enemy- opponents territory you can’t attack them unless they attack you. Neutral- Can attack other side. Aggressive- Attack anyone from any side. Passive- can’t attack anyone from any side but these areas allow to group up and party with others from the other side.
Honor points for killing opposite player that you can buy things with. Tournaments including 1 vs. 1 up to 10 vs. 10. Wars- 100 vs. 100 if other side has more then your side you get a stat bonus you get 1% added to all stats for every person missing on your side example: 50 vs. 100 50% bonus to your sides stats.

Housing, teleport crystals and AH - Like in ff11 you get your own place that you can decorate, check mail, teleport to, etc. Teleport crystals allow you to teleport any where even if you haven’t been there even enemy territories. Teleporting to your house is free but ever other place cost gold to travel to cost is based on how far it is from your current location. The AH would be like wow where you can buy and sell your stuff including attachments. Winnings go to a mailbox which are scattered all over and at your house. Also you can visit a pawn shop which will buy your stuff but give you the option to buy it back within a week. Example you have 10 fire attachments but you want to try healing out so you sell your attachments at a pawn shop and buy healing attachments. You find out you hate healing so you sell them and buy your fire attachments back.
On the buying and selling attachments you can for example: sell 1 fire attachment with 6 levels on it or visa versa.
Gold sellers and buyers - If your caught buying or selling gold your not suspended, first offense you get a warning and a black mark next to your name for a period of time like 6 months that lets people know that you are a gold seller or buyer. People will be less likely to play with you and if your caught again then your suspended.

Link attacks - Like in Chrono Trigger and ff11 you can link certain attacks together example: player A and player B are close to each other one has fire magic and the other has water magic. Player A cast fireball, now Player B has a certain time after the spell to cast water ball, if successful a steam attack is done adding extra damage and causing a blind effect from stream.

Controls- The game would be for pc, 360 and ps3 kind of like ff11 and the set up is like ff11 and Kind of like kingdom hearts 2

Pc controls would be like WoW

Here’s controls for the 360 controller(ps3 is similar)

Arrow buttons up down left right- up and down to choose from attack or magic, etc then push A to select. If you select magic or abilities you can choose from a list. Left and Right to get to specials and change forms(not the only way to get to these.

Up Down Left Right arrows
Attack >>> left or right Change form
Magic-elemental, healing, etc >>> left or right Attachment sets
Abilities->>> left or right Special
Summons>>> left or right Link attacks
Bags >>> left or right

Xbox 360 controller - A-select/ X-Back/ Y-Rest/ B- Link attack/
L1- Macro set- left and right to choose macro example Macro 1 Fireball, Macro 2 Dragon Form, Macro 3 say hello everyone, Macro 4 Battle Mage, etc up to 12. Up and Down to choose Macro set example Macro set 1,2.3,etc.
R1 Powers- Quick access to powers example: Hold R1 and Y set as fireball, X set as Slash, etc.
R2 Switch- Quick access to switch forms or attachment sets example: Hold R2 and Y set up dragon form, B set up ancient form valmore, A attachment set 2 Fire, etc.
L2 Target - left and right to choose enemy, up and down to choose party member.
L3 analog moves camera, push in to activate mouse pointer acts just like a regular mouse.
R3 to move character push in to jump or fly.
Select- brings up a mini keyboard if you don’t have one.
Start- Menu- Where you can look at character information, equipment, items, attachments, switch attachments or forms, bring up map, quest log, choose options, etc.

Anyway this is my game idea now I know it will never be made into a real game but I still felt like sharing my idea with everyone. If you messed up somewhere or there’s a question you have let me know and I’ll try to answer it also leave a comment about what you think about my idea and I hope you like it.
#2 Jan 18 2009 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Smiley: oyveyx2
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#3 Jan 18 2009 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
Gave Up The D
12,281 posts
Seriously I don't even know if this belongs in =22 or the fiction forum.
Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
Cooking/Fishing 100

"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#4 Jan 18 2009 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Seriously I don't even know if this belongs in =22 or the fiction forum.

Vanguard forums.
Just as Planned.
#5 Jan 18 2009 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
This totally needed two threads.
#6 Jan 18 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
emag a rof aedi ym erutnevdA cipE

erutnevdA cipE llac dluow I emag enilno a rof aedi ym si sihT

tsop gnol :GNINRAW

.knab citemsoc a ta tnaw uoy fi retal ecnaraeppa ruoy egnahc ot noitpo eht evah lliw dna tnaw uoy gnihtyna eb ot esoohc nac uoy sa erops ot ralimis eb dluow noitaerc retcarahc ehT - noitaerc retcarahC
.retal stnelat ruoy egnahc nac uoy ecnaraeppa ruoy ekiL .slaiceps rof tpecxe teser ytrap ruoy dna uoy rof snwod looc lla - teseR ,tca t’nac teef 03 nihtiw seof lla ces 01 rof - potS emiT ,truh eb t’nac uoy ces 03 rof - ytilibicnivnI :selpmaxe 11ff ni ekil laiceps a esoohc ot teg dluow uoy yllaniF .cte ,+pmuj ,pu pm evom ,pu ph evom ,retaw no klaw ,sllaw no klaW :selpmaxe tnelat evom a esoohc nac uoY .cte .tni/rts/PM/PH ni esaercni %01 :selpmaxe tats niatrec a esaercni lliw tnelat sutatS .cte ,degamad fo daetsni delaeh ruoy ecnahc %5 brosbA ,uoy fo daetsni egamad sekat eof ecnahc %5 -esreveR ,tih yllacisyhp nehw dnah ni nopaew htiw kcatta ot ecnahc %51 -kcatta retnuoC :selpmaxe retnuoc ruoy esoohc ot teg uoy scitcat ysatnaf lanif ot ralimis eb lliw stnelat ehT - stnelaT

Ya... that wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#7 Jan 18 2009 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
TirithRR wrote:
emag a rof aedi ym erutnevdA cipE

erutnevdA cipE llac dluow I emag enilno a rof aedi ym si sihT

tsop gnol :GNINRAW

.knab citemsoc a ta tnaw uoy fi retal ecnaraeppa ruoy egnahc ot noitpo eht evah lliw dna tnaw uoy gnihtyna eb ot esoohc nac uoy sa erops ot ralimis eb dluow noitaerc retcarahc ehT - noitaerc retcarahC
.retal stnelat ruoy egnahc nac uoy ecnaraeppa ruoy ekiL .slaiceps rof tpecxe teser ytrap ruoy dna uoy rof snwod looc lla - teseR ,tca t’nac teef 03 nihtiw seof lla ces 01 rof - potS emiT ,truh eb t’nac uoy ces 03 rof - ytilibicnivnI :selpmaxe 11ff ni ekil laiceps a esoohc ot teg dluow uoy yllaniF .cte ,+pmuj ,pu pm evom ,pu ph evom ,retaw no klaw ,sllaw no klaW :selpmaxe tnelat evom a esoohc nac uoY .cte .tni/rts/PM/PH ni esaercni %01 :selpmaxe tats niatrec a esaercni lliw tnelat sutatS .cte ,degamad fo daetsni delaeh ruoy ecnahc %5 brosbA ,uoy fo daetsni egamad sekat eof ecnahc %5 -esreveR ,tih yllacisyhp nehw dnah ni nopaew htiw kcatta ot ecnahc %51 -kcatta retnuoC :selpmaxe retnuoc ruoy esoohc ot teg uoy scitcat ysatnaf lanif ot ralimis eb lliw stnelat ehT - stnelaT

Ya... that wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.

Did you do that manually? Smiley: laugh
#8 Jan 18 2009 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
No, I cheated and googled "Backwards Text"

Unfortunately if I copypasted the whole thing it removed the spaces and formatting, so I had to copy paste paragraph by paragraph... it got boring.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#9 Jan 18 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
My post got eated in the thread move. :(
#10 Jan 18 2009 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
#11 Jan 19 2009 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I didn't actually read any of that. I'm just going to assume that it's a terrible and idea and then post a picture that nobody here will want to see.


#12 Jan 19 2009 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
4,720 posts
That's hot.
Reiterpallasch wrote:
Horst needs a 1 minute, 15 foot doom aura. Get in, get out, or @#%^ing die.
Calmus wrote:
...draining with sambas is kind of like you smack the thing and as you smack blood flies out... normally the blood would just you know fall and be red an what-not, but, with the samba your all whacked out and decide to drink the blood as it flys out. thus not adding MORE damage just taking more advantage of your damage. at least thats my take on it.
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