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Please help! A few questions.Follow

#1 Feb 07 2009 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
Hey guys, I got a few questions that i'd really like answered please :)..

#1: I just finished Legacy Quest at level 48.. What do I do now? I know I do the 10 missions a day from Mission terminals, what else is there to do? Like, what else makes the SWG experience what it is?

#1.b: Also, what other quests are there? For Exp.. Items, whatever, good quests. I've already done Jabba's Theme park.

#2: My profession is Jedi and it says +Double Bladed Lightsaber (Awhile back, this is just an example) what does this mean? I can craft it? Or what.. If thats right, How do you craft it? :/... Please help! Because I looked at level 54 and its not far away and it says +Second Gen Lightsaber, so like, what exactly does that mean and how do I get it? :P

#3: How can you get good weapons & armor? etc. Do you just buy it or craft it? Or what? How can you get Storm Trooper armor? Or like the Spy Armor, or the BH Armor, and so on.. Also how can you get the best weapons to suit your profession / playing style?

~ One last question :)

#4: Whats the best Profession for PvP & PvE and why? I heard Spy or Officer are the best for PvP? But I want peoples opinions on whats good and whats not on the aspect of PvP / PvE..
Also, where do you PvP anyway? Besides Dueling or whatever, where is the PvP zone thing? Where can you find the MOST amount of people to fight against/with?

Thanks for everyones help in advance..! :) !

And sorry for so many questions!
#2 Feb 08 2009 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
1) Go to Kashyyyk and do the quests there especially the Rryatt Trail quests, when you run out of those I recommend trying this...

2) Don't know not a Jedi and never want to be one I recommend tracking one down on your server and seeing if they can mentor you through the lightsaber manufacturing process.

3) Not much use to you there either but I know there re some reasonable Jedi armour drops on the Rryatt trail as I am destroying them all the time.

Over all I am going to suggest that you are at the point in the game where making contact with others on your server (guilds and individuals) would be very beneficial as they can impart knowledge a lot easier and quicker than we can, for example we can tell you what you need but in game friends can go that step further and help you get what you need.
#3 Feb 08 2009 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
1) Go to Kashyyyk and do the quests there especially the Rryatt Trail quests, when you run out of those I recommend trying this...

Thank you so much! -- Also where do I start the Kashyyyk quests?


3) Not much use to you there either but I know there re some reasonable Jedi armour drops on the Rryatt trail as I am destroying them all the time.

Ah, because I was thinking to changing to Bounty Hunter or Commando, and then i'd need good armor. Which ones better by the way?

So those Kashyyyk quest(s) give good armors? :O


Over all I am going to suggest that you are at the point in the game where making contact with others on your server (guilds and individuals) would be very beneficial as they can impart knowledge a lot easier and quicker than we can, for example we can tell you what you need but in game friends can go that step further and help you get what you need.

Ahh thanks, but to be honest, most of the time its hard to find people, and also alot of people are afk or ignore you. :/...

I've got about 10 friends on SWG but they are never online anymore :(...

Well thank you so much MontyB! You are such a great help! :D .. You also helped me with my other problems, I posted quest problems not long again.

Your help is/was much appreciated! :D :)

#4 Feb 08 2009 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
Well to be honest I would start out in the forest, to get to that you want to head out of the starport and go around to your left and across a sodding great bridge, follow the road until you hit a large gate.

Inside there are a ton of quests that will start out well below your level but they will eventually take you to the mid to late 60s as you progress through them, from there head to the Rryatt trail and follow that quest line through to the mid-70s and then from there Mustafar and the access quests.

While doing the Rryatt trail quests you will end up in an area inhabited by "Gotals", they are level 78-81 solo mobs and drop a lot of Jedi items.

As far as Commando or Bounty Hunter goes I would suggest that if you are leveling up then Commando is the better option because of its AOE capacity you can really fly through missions and quests that way, however if you like a lot of single target damage and very little area damage then go Bounty Hunter.

Not sure what server you are on but the best bet is to keep trying to find people as it only takes one to clear up a lot of your issues and give you some pointers, I would try everyone with the <HELPER> tag I could find until someone does help you.
#5 Feb 09 2009 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
Oh sweet, thanks. Is it that place where you go inside then its like kinda snowy around and you can't use vehicles? .. If thats not it, where? :P.. If it is, any way I could get some way points / guides for the quests? :P.. The place is big..

Also, what about the other Professions? Hows officer and spy?
#6 Feb 09 2009 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
ok i can tell you about pvp-spy. spy takes a certain amount of patience, you don't need the best stuff, and you dont need alot of buffs, (although if you have these then thats even better) but it takes alot of practice to understand your downtimes-

you'll do HUGE dmg but in very short "spikes" and you have TERRIBLE defense during your downtimes- you won't gain points as a spy with other players firend or foe- but it is probably the best solo prof for pvp. spies are assasins, You depend on no one, and you don't group much because other non spies don't always understand how your prof works and they get angry because their dead and your not- but its pointless to sacrifice yourself when everyones going to die anyway so you usually end up just leaving groups but you tag along with ally groups and you use ally players as a trump card during "spy wars".

Like you see a lone Jedi on your team/factoin, you know there's most likely enemy spies about, so you use that ally player as bait and wait for enemy spy to attack them then you nail the enemy spy.

Spy is a big headgame, some ppl enjoy playing it, but spy is not for everyone, and is definately not "the best", like certain profs your spy can kill real easy but other ones you won'e even try to mess with.

spy can be the best 1vs1 but spy does not fair well at crowd control, AT ALL. Like a commando can lay waste to a group of ppl- spy cannot. once spy is out numbered, thats when spy usually gets killed, the AoEs, and all the passive and active detects, each player having a chance to detect increases the chance the spy gets killed. and once someone pulls spy from cloak its usually over for that spy.

as a spy you learn to analyze a group and decide if its safe or not to try to assasinate one of the members, but generally you avoid clusters of enemy players and go after the stragglers- the more players clustered together the higher the chance is there going to detect you if you move in range of 12m

My spy is strong versus dark Jedi and BH, sometimes unbuffed mandos, but weak against light jedi and medics, and i won't even mess with alert smugglers..

basicly, once you have a real good feel for your downtimes, and an awareness that only comes from multiple defeats, you call the shots, you pick the fights when and where, and you don't even have to worry about having the best buffs or the best modded suits of armor, tho you will want a very powerful master crafted weapon, because thats your main thing as a spy is big damage.

your main defense is your stealth. Although you can build spy to try and tough it out, but spy is mainly designed as spike damage, get in do dmg and get out.

so spy has pros and cons- its not an I WIN like some ppl claim- i just watched last night on Bria this smuggler take out 2 spies at once in about 5-10 seconds- 2 spies who tried to ambush him and he wasted them both. but Spy is fun enough for me to have stayed with for 3.5 years

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 3:26pm by Jerok
#7 Feb 10 2009 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
Oh sweet! Thanks heaps Jerok for the info on Spy :D!.. But where do you PvP? Also, any chance you'd have any info on other professions? Or anyone else?

Also where is the "Myyydril Caverns" exactly? :(.. I can't find it. Theres like this BIG hill you can't walk up because the game stops you, and I can't find my way to the Myyydril Caverns... :*(

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 6:34am by Unknownusername
#8 Feb 10 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
384 posts
Unknownusername wrote:
Oh sweet! Thanks heaps Jerok for the info on Spy :D!.. But where do you PvP? Also, any chance you'd have any info on other professions? Or anyone else?

Also where is the "Myyydril Caverns" exactly? :(.. I can't find it. Theres like this BIG hill you can't walk up because the game stops you, and I can't find my way to the Myyydril Caverns... :*(

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 6:34am by Unknownusername

Here ya go..

Kkowir Forest Map.

Here is a map of Kashyyyk.

and lastly maps of the galaxy.

#9 Feb 10 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks yet again Monty!

Kkowir Forest Map.

Is the place you said there is lots of quests to low level quests that would take you level 60s then Rryatt trails to higher? Because thats where I am and i'm just making sure this is what you meant.
#10 Feb 10 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
Pretty much yes, the caves are should be late 40s-late 50s quests and there are a ton of them inside the caves themselves, outside the caves at the warrior village are a lot of 25-40s area quests that you may have to do to get into the caves I really don't know about that.
#11 Feb 10 2009 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
Unknownusername wrote:
Oh sweet! Thanks heaps Jerok for the info on Spy :D!.. But where do you PvP? Also, any chance you'd have any info on other professions? Or anyone else?

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 6:34am by Unknownusername

on bria i go to System- Rori/Restuss
it is a pvp zone in restuss- u get bonus GCW points for killing/staying in restuss- GCW points = more rank = you get more buffs and can call higher lev NPC (every 15 min)

my favorite tho is mos Eisley PvP (but there is no bonus points ther)

officer is hard to attack as a spy. i might kill an officer but there AoEs are very powerful and stealth does not help against officers AoEs.

its really hard to say what prof is best at pvp, commando is probly very good,

but all profs have their plus or minuses, and its some sissor, rox, and paper games also- certain profs axcel vs. other prof, and vice versa

I salute the devs at making all the combat professions desirable in some way

#12 Feb 11 2009 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
Oh thanks heaps but hmmm, whats interesting is... I finish most of a quest line (they're all like lvl 35 quests) but then the last quest is a level 65 one.. I'm level 50, I try doing it but I die waaay too quick. I can't finish it.. Then I try to start other quest lines but they won't let me UNLESS I finish the other one first..

Also my friends rarely rarely log on. What should I do... :/

Jerok, so you'd say Spy, Officer and Commando would be best for PvP?

Also thanks for all of your help :)

Edited, Feb 12th 2009 1:19am by Unknownusername
#13 Feb 12 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
384 posts
Unknownusername wrote:
Oh thanks heaps but hmmm, whats interesting is... I finish most of a quest line (they're all like lvl 35 quests) but then the last quest is a level 65 one.. I'm level 50, I try doing it but I die waaay too quick. I can't finish it.. Then I try to start other quest lines but they won't let me UNLESS I finish the other one first..

Also my friends rarely rarely log on. What should I do... :/

Thats easy, find new friends.
Unless you are on one of the high population servers you are a valuable resource to most guilds and cities especially with the house clean up nearing, use that to your advantage and find yourself a new home.

As far as the quests go I thought the ones around the village were level 25-35 and then the ones inside the caves were 40-60 range.
#14 Feb 12 2009 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
Unknownusername wrote:

Jerok, so you'd say Spy, Officer and Commando would be best for PvP?

Edited, Feb 12th 2009 1:19am by Unknownusername

spy just got an update. spy is now BEAST. its like they took commandos thunder and gave it to spy, we now are way overpowered i hate to say it but there's no way we can stay like this for more than 2-3months. its fun for me but they will nerf it soon. or other classes need to be brought up to par with us

they took away the only bit of risk versus reward from spy- we used to have to get close to do the big dmg but now.. right now were just an abomination

Edited, Feb 13th 2009 5:44am by Jerok
#15 Feb 13 2009 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
Thats easy, find new friends.

:/, I'm on Ahazi server and its so hard to find people, and when I do and try to talk to them they ignore me... But I guess ill keep trying, thanks...

spy just got an update. spy is now BEAST. its like they took commandos thunder and gave it to spy, we now are way overpowered i hate to say it but there's no way we can stay like this for more than 2-3months. its fun for me but they will nerf it soon. or other classes need to be brought up to par with us

they took away the only bit of risk versus reward from spy- we used to have to get close to do the big dmg but now.. right now were just an abomination

Edited, Feb 13th 2009 5:44am by Jerok

Oh what.. :O Very nice for you, that would suck for other people who are not spy though :/...

Also I read your post before you edited it, thanks for the good info, I was thinking of changing to Commando because of what you said, and also because Commando is pretty good PvE aswell?

But now... hmmmm, Spy spy spy.. best PvP now? Also how it Spy's PvE?
#16 Feb 13 2009 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Look me up

LVl 80 BH
Ahaziz or however its spelled
I will help the best i can. Im an NGE noob
#17 Feb 15 2009 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
Unknownusername wrote:
Thats easy, find new friends.

:/, I'm on Ahazi server and its so hard to find people, and when I do and try to talk to them they ignore me... But I guess ill keep trying, thanks...

spy just got an update. spy is now BEAST. its like they took commandos thunder and gave it to spy, we now are way overpowered i hate to say it but there's no way we can stay like this for more than 2-3months. its fun for me but they will nerf it soon. or other classes need to be brought up to par with us

they took away the only bit of risk versus reward from spy- we used to have to get close to do the big dmg but now.. right now were just an abomination

Edited, Feb 13th 2009 5:44am by Jerok

Oh what.. :O Very nice for you, that would suck for other people who are not spy though :/...

Also I read your post before you edited it, thanks for the good info, I was thinking of changing to Commando because of what you said, and also because Commando is pretty good PvE aswell?

But now... hmmmm, Spy spy spy.. best PvP now? Also how it Spy's PvE?

now players are adjusting to spies new power, there not invincible just hard to fight (spy's been this powerful in the past but not for 3 or so years) you won't do well venturing alone unless your a buffed up commando, light side jedi or medic. the other profs get mauled by spy when they wander alone

spy now is killer in PvE, i soloed some nightsister elites, plus you can steal loot from NPCs before looting them as a corpse

commandos still awesome. most spies pass commandos up- there just to hardened and soak up all the spies dmg and are very dangerous to spy's because stealth does no save you from commando heavy weapons as they splash dmg/AoE the area they saw spy disapear, commando can still withstand a spy

the way you survive and prevent spies from killing you is to not wander off alone, stay clustered together, there AoE is nothing and did not get more dmg than before update

or you have a couple friendly spies shadowing you and when you get jumped by a spy your spies are there ready for it and usually the enemy spy gets killed- if you do run off alone, there is a good chance a friendly spy is shadowing you waitng for this to happen and you don't even know he's there- a lil gaurdian angel. this is what i do now, wait to kill other spies.

smuggler can be a threat to spy also they can apply a 4 second stun, the spy must stand there for 4 seconds, can't cloak- dead spy.

officer can call alot of bombs and stuff in that alot of times can kill a spy in about 2 seconds, and they don't seem to need to be able to target the spy to do it they seem to be able to just target an area

the new rules of pvp- don't wander alone, stay together and everyones releasing their DoTs, although 2 enemy smuggler can mess up that kind of party real quick, but thats not very common


Edited, Feb 15th 2009 6:39pm by wqert

Edited, Feb 15th 2009 6:41pm by wqert
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