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Venture into Hyboria ContestFollow

#177 Apr 25 2009 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
It seemed like any other exploration of Riverne Site B01. Carefully traversing through the uneven grounds floating mysteriously in the air outside the remains of Tavnazian Safehold, Neriya was doing her best to avoid detection by the local wildlife that still prospered in these unusual conditions. On a hunt for a plant thought to be lost in the Crystal War called Rivernewort, the bard took care to examine all the flora as she passed.

Nearing an unstable displacement, a portal of light shimmering like waves of heat floating in the air linking one hovering island of Riverne to the next, Neriya noticed that this one was unlike the others she had come across so far. Tinted in faint hues of dark purple and gold, swirling together in the held position in the air, a faint breeze flowed from it carrying the scent of plants and flowers unfamiliar to the bard. Curious, Neriya picked up a stone near her feet and pitched it at the displacement, watching as it touched the light and disappeared while the portal briefly expanded, emanating a warm light and a stronger breeze before retracting back to its original size.

"I wonder what stories lie beyond this?" The bard gazed at the luring intertwining colors of light slowly dancing within the displacement for a few moments as she weighed the risks and possibilities. "Only one way to know." Stepping forward, Neriya entered the floating light, its warmth embracing her as the ground is dropped out from underneath her, plunging the bard into freefall.

Feeling the light touch of ground again, Neriya opened her eyes and rubbed away the fading dazzling light that had blinded her in the trip. A gentle breeze sifted through her short hair as the elvaan looked out at this new and unfamiliar land. Walking over to a lumbering tree nearby, Neriya gently traced her fingers along the bark and examined a recently fallen leaf on the ground. "Is this even Vana'diel?"

Walking into this new world, Neriya looked back only once to see a displacement of copper and gold not far from where she had appeared. Knowing that she could safely return at any time, Neriya headed forward in search of new adventures and tales to bring back home.

Edited, Apr 25th 2009 12:25pm by Nalyr
#178 Apr 25 2009 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
After the last skirmish the engine on my Vengance assault ship was overheating something terrible.
I couldn't engage hyper drive and I was thousands of miles from my home port. Things weren't looking so good.
A quick scan of the surrounding star system showed a planet that I might be able to use as landing sight.
I turned my ship in the general direction of the planet and tried to ease on the throttle. My craft began to move forward without too much complaint.
I tried to slowly descend through the planets atmosphere but the hull of my ship began to overheat anyway. I am not sure what happened next, either my hull gave out from the extreme heat, or someone shot me down, but what I do know is that I had to eject from my ship in a hurry.
As I was drifting slowly down with the aid of my anti-gravity plasma belt I watched my ship streak down towards the planet, eventually landing in a large fire ball of an explosion.
It took me another several minutes to reach the ground myself.
The site of my crashed craft was about thirty yards from where I landed. From the explosion I decided it wasn't worth trying to salvage anything from crash. I used my suits external sensors to test the atmosphere. Everything seemed within parameters. I slid the visor open on my helmet. My eyes stung. After they watered for a few minutes and adjusted to the slightly acidic air I could see.
The planet looked nice. There were green plants everywhere. I couldn't hear any animals, but I figured the noise from my descent scared them away.
I used my bio-radar to scan the area. I picked up large amounts of feedback in the same direction as my crashed ship. I decided to move in that direction.
As I was nearing the general area where my bio-radar picked up strong readings I started to hear screams.
I very slowly proceeded.
The wind changed and I could smell burning. Horrible burning.
I started to run towards the crash site.
I came out of a clearing and into a scene of mass carnage.
My ship had meteor-ed into the middle of a small village.
Women, men and children were running around on fire. Half the buildings were ablaze, and the other half were leveled.
I hadn't even considered the fact that my ship might land on a village or hurt someone while I was ejecting.
I envisioned the people running around on fire as my own Amarrian people.
I wept.
I wept as the little girls and boys burned and the old men and women smoldered.
What had I done.
Why had I not taken care of where I let my craft crash.
I vowed to myself, right then and there that I would help these people rebuild there village bigger and better than before.
I Conan the Amarrain would set things right!
#179 Apr 25 2009 at 5:35 PM Rating: Excellent
3,128 posts
EQ Expansion 19, VIH!
SOE axquires AOC and makes adds it to the EQ world as an expansion. Unlike the overwhelming majority of the posts above, this one could come true.

A level 1 one gnome fighter adventures forth from the EQ world into the exciting world of Hyboria only to be punted back like a wet hackysack.

Edited, Apr 25th 2009 9:38pm by fhrugby
#180 Apr 26 2009 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
Svenhard was born in the world of Norrath. He trained to be a wizard and loved to experiment with new ways to cast magic. One day while performing a new experiment, he created a portal unlike any that he had ever seen before. It grew in power, and began to suck Svenhard and anything else not bolted down into this portal. When svenhard woke up on the other end, he had been transformed and all non living things that had been sucked in, were gone. Svenhard then had to start anew in this new land, but that is a story for another time.
#181 Apr 26 2009 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
It was an Early Morning for Super Heroing but something told me to get the hell out of bed. (literally) it was another non-selfrelying old lady asking me to get her purse from a fiend burgler that had run off into the sewers. I agreed... However,I had to get some donuts you know... like the pro's do, so on I flew through Paragon City as I over looked the young heroes run through the streets taking care of small misdemeanor crimes in the name of justice it just makes me smile. So far this was just another day where I was in charge of all crime in this city until a voice from behind says ( Faintly but very Rough) 'No you're not' as I turned around I was struck to the ground by my mortal enemy a super villain by the name of The Catacalizmik Pussie.
(DUN-DUN-DUUN... <--dramatic sound effect)
So in my head I was thinking 'HOLY Surgar Honey Ice Tea!' This guy is gonna kill me, while my power was low I reached for my trusty tactical compound bow and hit him with my exploding arrow of OWNAGE lucky my aim critically hit him so his power and energy were both being drained by the burning flames of my arrow. Expectingley my arched foe pots up with every thing he has and pins me down using telepathy smashing a car on my chest as he kept smashing I blanked in and out eyes went black then a blinding white then over again. 'As soon as all hope was lost' <-- (considering it was me in this situation that took VERY VERY LOoong..xD) My child hood friend and trusted ally Nomad ZOOMED IN! at speeds unheard of, as he zoomed in he struck the Pussie With Great Force and knocked him to the ground. After nomad struck him I used my hero inspirations to regenerate my power then I pulled back my bow as far as it could go and I released directly on his heart. 'Finally I struck the him where it hurts' as I stood over the Catacalizmik Pussie I attempted to pulled out the arrow and a bright light flashed brighter than anything I had ever seen. Suddenly... I heard a voice that I thought I would never here again just laughing and yelling to me 'you have stricken me with great pain over these years and now the consequences shall be detrimental, young hero you shall pay, life as a hero is no more than a simple whimsical task done merely for fame but lets see if you can survive in a land where a task is done not for appreciation, but to hone your skills and keep your life and possessions from creatures, beast, and thieving humans alike. In this world nothing is given, or even earned with out risking life and limb and living on your last breath, a place so cruel, vicious, and unforgiving, with no one to trust except for the blade in your hand' Young hero Paragon city is no more...... goodbye and welcome you are now a thread waiting to be placed on the sheets of unfolding time in the Age of the great King Conan in the brutal world of Hyboria. Confused and disoriented I awoke on the sands of a strange island by the name Tortage..... so I was told by a man. As I started to gain my composer great pain struck my body then i remembered one word my nemesis had said 'Stricken' then as the man asked my name i said 'Stricken'
#182 Apr 26 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
It was about 2 am, yet Deadgye could still not sleep. This mithra has always had problems with sleep, it's like she was meant to be nocturnal. The music she listened to to pass the time didn't help matters much either; One hundred and eighty beats per minute and lyrics full of Smiley: cheese. Deadgye made sure to carry around a mini-subwoofer and glow sticks 24/7, just in case. As the day dwindled on Deadgye decided to craft to pass the time. She bought a stack of materials from the auction house and equipped her trusty apron and glasses. The goal was dragon cuisses and dragon finger gauntlets, as Deadgye was still skilling up her bonecraft. After 11 synths she took her last earth crystal and started to synth.. but something was wrong. For some reason the earth crystal had become 50 times bigger than it was supposed to and completely engulfed Deadgye, along with the 2 armor selling npcs next to her. As the synth failed all 3 of them passed out.

When she awoke, Deadgye could not believe what she was seeing. "This is not vana'diel!?" she exclaimed. Within seconds she noticed that the two npcs were also there. Taking into account that she had no idea where she was, she decided to make use of her thief skills and stole everything from them before setting off to find out where she was. The area was so unfamiliar, so Deadgye decided to do some fiddling around with a new mog tool she luckily had in her inventory. After a series of button presses and walking around she found the pointers she needed. She froze her Z value and subtracted 50 from it's current value so that she could see the landscape from above. What she saw was not a pretty site.. for she realized she was in a new land called Hyboria. And even worse.. her level had been reset.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#183 Apr 26 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
The day started as any other day in North Freeport. I was feeding my Burryani his usaul feeding of bones,water and fertilizer when I noticed a Gnome visitor wandering around my home. He seemed to be admiring the collection of war trophies now covering several walls of my home. He paused and looked at me for a moment then started to speak "You have traveled through many zones of Norrath to aquire such a collection."
I replyed to the visitor "I have vanquished many foes across this land and unless you wish to become a part of my trophies tell me why you are here old one"
The Gnome shifts his glasses higher on his nose and speaks again " Hold your place young shadowknght I come in search of a hero to validate our findings of a new land. We the engineers of homeland security in the Steamfont Mountains have created a semiconductor wormofajig that in theory will send a hero to this new land."
"My patiences is growing thin with you old man get to the point or feel the point of my blade."
The Gnome cleared his throat and started speaking again" We the gnomes of Homeland Security wish you to be that hero."
"Why would I wish to help your cause? I have no love for your kind or any others that are neutral or good aligned with Quenos. I fight for my way of life and no others."
The Gnome speaks again "There will be wealth beyond your imagination in this land and undoubtfuly new foes to take trophys from. This quest is not for Quenos but for all of Norrath. We must know what threats lurk in this land known only as Hyboria.
"Wealth and the glory of battle interests me old one. When do I leave?"
The gnome hands me a small glowing device. "Now place this in the center of your room and press this button when I am gone."
"Why only after you are gone old one?"
The Gnome in a lower voice states " As I told you hero this gizmo works in theory and has not been tried. Be well and good hunting young shadowknight"
With that saidthe Gnome hurries for the door and dissappeared.
I looked at the item the old Gnome handed me and placed it in the center of the room. "For Wealth and Glory" I shouted as I reached down to press the button. The item started spinning and throwing sparks setting fires every place they touched. The smoke was getting stronger and the glow from the device was so bright I could not see. As the smoke over took my body I vowed to get revenge on the old man for this deciete. I woke in a clearing still choaking from the smoke that was my home. A traveler passing by noticed me and stopped lending a hand to get to my feet. I was still dazed but was able to ask where I was.
The traveler stated "Why you are in Hyboria of course. Come lets get you some food and drink"
I looked around at this new land and knew my adventure had just begun.
#184 Apr 26 2009 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
Orgimmar sucks. Just as much as Undercity and Dalaran did.
Where can an undead rogue go to get some action?
I heard talk of a land called Hyboria where the women are beautiful... and uh... willing.

I haven't made it to Hyboria yet, but I did find a woman in Norath who knows how to show a guy a good time.

I have found Hyboria... there are women and are they ever hot.
I think a bony guy like me could have a good time around here.
#185 Apr 26 2009 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
The mighty dragon had been slain. The Lord of Magic, Malygos, lay dead at the feet of twenty-five champions. The leader of their ragtag band, a wry and frail mage named Kibalt, declared victory with a brief grunt.

“Alright, he's dead. Horrible loot. I'm leaving,” said Kibalt as he prepared to summon a magical portal to the nearest brothel.

An undead warlock, the infamous rotting corpse who calls himself Xenophage, interrupted Kibalt's spell with a demonic incantation that sounded not unlike someone clearing their throat. “Ahem! Wait! Kibalt! Dear friend, famed wielder of forces beyond mortal comprehension, tell me where you intend to go! Our battle may be won, but the war is not, and Azeroth is still in need of your wise counsel!”

Kibalt sighed in frustration. “Do not counter my spells again, especially if it involves excreting copious fluids of indeterminate composition from that rotting shell of yours. If you wish to know where I'm headed, you'll have to follow me, if you've got the balls. You still have your balls, right?”

Kibalt grinned and with a wave of his hand poofed out of existence. Xenophage snarled and looked around the room to see if anyone else had heard. Of course he still had his balls! They were safely tucked away in a pocket. Determined to follow Kibalt. Xenophage summoned his favorite companion from the netherworld, an imp named Karrin.

“Yes, master?” said Karrin.

“Karrin! Favorite of my companions! Hear my words,” replied the conjurer of evil marmot-sized critters.

“You mean slave! I hate it when you summon me into a puddle of blood in some creepy dungeon. What do you want, anyway?”

“Well, Karrin, I want you to go find our great champion, Kibalt. He poofed out of existence just a few moments ago and I wish to follow him. Once you've located him, contact me.”

“Are you serious?” replied the imp.


“I'll begin my investigation by noting the shimmering door over your head that says, 'Xenophage is a dunce.'”

“A what!?” Xenophage looked up frantically.

A menacing cackle erupted from the demon. “You're a dumbass, Xenophage. If I weren't enslaved by the engravings on those silly round trinkets you keep in your pocket, I'd chase you around with fireballs like a Koopa!”

“A Koopa?”

“Nevermind. Look, how about I just teleport you to Kibalt's location?”
“Very well, friend! Commence teleportation!”

Xenophage noticed a faint grin on the imp's face, and a slight hesitation. The imp snapped his fingers, and all went black.

When Xenophage awoke he found himself in a lush forest. A voice whispered faintly somewhere on the edge of his consciousness, “Are you sure you know where your balls are?” The warlock stood up on his staff and examined his surroundings. The air was fresh. Broken rays of light shone through a mist and the overgrowth of strange vegetation. The peculiar calls of animals unfamiliar to him created an eerie ambiance. Kibalt was nowhere to be seen.

His thoughts caught up to him. The blasted imp had sent him nowhere! Frantically he searched his pockets for his balls. Gone! For how long? As the events that had just transpired raced through his mind, Xenophage tried desperately to identify any particular cause for the present absence of his balls. Then it occurred to him, Kibalt had snatched them from his pockets in a brilliant feat of misdirection during their brief exchange. Without his balls, Xenophage's hold over his demonic minions was severed. Were Karrin and Kibalt in collusion, or was he tricked twice in the rapid-fire succession of his own compounding idiocy?

“I've sent you to Hyboria, dumbass. Have fun finding your way around, and try not to stare at all the breasts,” another whisper told him. Resigned to his fate, Xenophage set off through the strange landscape.

Edited, Apr 26th 2009 5:20pm by Xenophaage
#186 Apr 26 2009 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
Gandlof kicked me out of middle earth, and i followed a naked female barbarian into Hyboria!
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