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SE says Chrono Trigger isn't selling well enough for sequelFollow

#27 Jun 13 2009 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
Worst. Title. Ever!
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thatdamnelf wrote:
Crisis Core says hi.
Used to be one could assume if it put out by Square, you could safely assume it was good. Rare were the not so good games. cough Mystic Quest cough Now thats reversed, I find myself wary of plunking down any money on pre-orders for anything they make. I now have to "wait and see".

Ok, so what Square Enix games released since FFXI were not considered good. Or is 12 your entire basis for the hatred? Enough to warrant premature hatred of every Square Enix game to come out new? I don't think so

(Leaving out the re-releases for the GBA and DS)
Last Remnant - Good enough. Fun new battle system.
FFTA - Good
FFTA2 - Good
Valkyrie Profile - Good (but strange getting used to killing your teammates to become stronger)
Infinite Undiscovey - Dunno, never played it.

It's like Square Enix does ONE game different to try to get out of the whole "Same old same old" routine and people BOMB them with hatred saying all their new releases SUCK. People demand something new, and when Square Enix offers, they release the Hatred because it's not the same as the old stuff.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#28 Jun 13 2009 at 5:57 AM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
uhh..pensive the reason why they will stop making them is because it's a loss. They can't make money on it. So what if they want a sequel, if people are going to just pirate it to the point where they get no return on investment, they will have to deal.

You're rapidly approaching absurdity. Tirith has obviously shown that it's possible to pirate software on damn near any console, handheld or not. There's no reason that any company should make any game for any console in this ridiculous chain of reasoning. They're perfectly within their rights to just stop making games outright to spite the pirates, and go bankrupt.

Sounds like a winner of a plan.

This, it isnt even totally about pirating, low sales for CTDS could very well mean that newer gamers arnt interested in CT, therefore making a sequal just for fans would be a pretty bad move, they need to have more support than that.

That's a much better point.
#29 Jun 13 2009 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
I just brought up the piracy issue, because in the past, Square Enix has specifically mentioned Chrono Trigger DS in their anti-piracy statements.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#30 Jun 13 2009 at 6:14 AM Rating: Excellent
2,793 posts
TirithRR wrote:
thatdamnelf wrote:
Crisis Core says hi.
Used to be one could assume if it put out by Square, you could safely assume it was good. Rare were the not so good games. cough Mystic Quest cough Now thats reversed, I find myself wary of plunking down any money on pre-orders for anything they make. I now have to "wait and see".

Ok, so what Square Enix games released since FFXI were not considered good. Or is 12 your entire basis for the hatred? Enough to warrant premature hatred of every Square Enix game to come out new? I don't think so
Don't make assumptions and put words in my mouth. I didn't say I hate everything they do, I said they aren't up to the gold standard anymore*. It more like..Bronze now. They've sucked enough lately to not have everything they do automatically be considered omg awesome anymore. I am far from the only one to feel that way about the company.

You know, I can't think of a single title I hated let alone disliked from back before they merged with enix, aside from mystic quest and even it wasn't really that bad. My opinion is something like Dirge of Cerberus would never have gotten published before, and now it would. The bean counters are in charge now. I'm not blaming Enix either there, I liked Enix games to.

*all companies have put out some crap at some point - Square used to be considered immune to crap creation. Alas, the gods bleed afterall.

Edited, Jun 13th 2009 10:35am by thatdamnelf

#31 Jun 13 2009 at 9:02 AM Rating: Excellent
4,445 posts
Before Squaresoft became Square Enix you could depend on about anything released to be epic. Final Fantasy X-2 was ok but kinda meh and of course Final Fantasy 12 was terrible. Also the Crystal Chronicles game released on the Nintendo DS was just not up to par either.

Its more then just 1 game that has turned people away from them. Before all of that if they released a RPG game you could count on it being great because of the name. I won't be rushing out to preorder anything now until I read some reviews or play a demo etc.
#32 Jun 13 2009 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
TirithRR wrote:
thatdamnelf wrote:
Crisis Core says hi.
Used to be one could assume if it put out by Square, you could safely assume it was good. Rare were the not so good games. cough Mystic Quest cough Now thats reversed, I find myself wary of plunking down any money on pre-orders for anything they make. I now have to "wait and see".

Ok, so what Square Enix games released since FFXI were not considered good. Or is 12 your entire basis for the hatred? Enough to warrant premature hatred of every Square Enix game to come out new? I don't think so

(Leaving out the re-releases for the GBA and DS)
Last Remnant - Good enough. Fun new battle system.
FFTA - Good
FFTA2 - Good
Valkyrie Profile - Good (but strange getting used to killing your teammates to become stronger)
Infinite Undiscovey - Dunno, never played it.

It's like Square Enix does ONE game different to try to get out of the whole "Same old same old" routine and people BOMB them with hatred saying all their new releases SUCK. People demand something new, and when Square Enix offers, they release the Hatred because it's not the same as the old stuff.

Don't forget the world ends with you.
#33 Jun 13 2009 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
You're rapidly approaching absurdity. Tirith has obviously shown that it's possible to pirate software on damn near any console, handheld or not. There's no reason that any company should make any game for any console in this ridiculous chain of reasoning. They're perfectly within their rights to just stop making games outright to spite the pirates, and go bankrupt.

Sounds like a winner of a plan.

You can't reduce it to a general principle. The specific game chrono trigger was heavily pirated on a specific platform, to the point where they think a sequel on the same platform is not economically viable. It's not like they can constantly afford to do next gen sequels or new IP- SE seems to be doing literally single games per platform, just because of the cost of it, and the increased risk they will tank.

and SE isn't alone. We won't see a sequel to retro game challenge pretty much because of the same way, people pirated it mostly and the sales for a niche game simply aren't enough to localize the sequel. The specific cases are what is important, it's not a general principle to be applied to all instances.

You won't see a sequel to GTA on the DS either. They'll just continue to move in the direction of downloadable content expansions on xboxlive-it can't be pirated easily at all, and there is no physical product to be resold.

The irony is that the more popular the game, the more likely it will be at a loss because of piracy. Not enough people care about the dark spire or luminous arc 2 to pirate it, but they pirate the hell out of the big releases.
#34 Jun 13 2009 at 2:55 PM Rating: Excellent
10,359 posts
It's not like they can constantly afford to do next gen sequels or new IP- SE seems to be doing literally single games per platform, just because of the cost of it, and the increased risk they will tank.

I'm trying to figure out exactly how @#%^ing crazy you are.

Do you honestly think that, given the immense popularity of chrono trigger, that a crystal tools, well funded, and quality sequel to chrono trigger on a next gen home console would not make them money?


If something like that didn't make square money then it's probably because it's a terrible game.


There are several massive internal contradictions in your train of thought. The most obvious one is that Square shouldn't bother making any more final fantasy games because they are quite obviously much larger name releases than chrono trigger, and are so obviously going to get pirated that it wouldn't be good economic sense for them to finish the game.

The other is that you linked CT to a large and costly project on a next gen console when you already have sh*t like Infinite Undiscovery and Last Remnant out on the 360. The unreal engine probably didn't help much. Now I liked those games, but a lot of people really despised them, mainly because they were trying something new. Quite obviously making new IPs didn't make them a ton of money either.

What the hell are they supposed to do? They can keep making new IPs which are generally regarded as mediocre at best by longtime fans, milking final fantasy until the fanboys die, or split the difference and bring back some of their older IPs, most of which people loved.

The only game that they've released recently that I've seen across the board positive reviews for was Twewy. Even freakin' Yahtzee didn't totally hate it, and he hates everything associated with RPGS. Somehow it survived on the DS, and unlike chrono trigger, it couldn't have really been done on any other system. CT could; there's nothing stopping them.

Edited, Jun 13th 2009 7:07pm by Pensive
#35 Jun 13 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
I agree that SE needs to get off the handheld market.

Those are the most pirated. PSP and DS. Unfortunately most of the new games for their biggest titles are coming out on either or.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Rings of Fate (DS)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time (DS)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS)
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (PSP)
Valkyrie Profile (PSP) (two different games as well, I believe)

While not pirate proof, the next gen consoles are less pirated. I'd rather see a good full quality Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts game come out for the 360 or PS3. The graphics on the handhelds, while good for handhelds, are not great.

Edited, Jun 13th 2009 7:10pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#36 Jun 13 2009 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Do you honestly think that, given the immense popularity of chrono trigger, that a crystal tools, well funded, and quality sequel to chrono trigger on a next gen home console would not make them money?

What is this immense popularity? there are two versions of chrono trigger, one on snes, and one on the FF anthology for playstation. Both are pretty rare, on hardware that is getting increasingly harder to find. So SE re-releases it in a near perfect format on the most popular format for portable and sprite-based rpgs, the nintendo DS. And no one buys it.

How is this popular? the forum people say one thing, yet they don't put their money where their mouth is. Why should it be any different that Chrono Chross was? Or the sequels to secret of mana that people ignored, or FF tactics?

So they should go spend 4+ years of dev time to release it on the ps3 only to find it sells about the same as the last remnant? Look what they did with FF 4 the after years, they put it on wii ware, and ff 4 to a lot is just as big as chrono trigger.

Heck, even Disgaea didn't go the full next-gen route, disgaea 3 is a ps2 game in essence. Everyone talks big about how much they loved CT, but if no one buys it, you start to think they love the idea more than paying money for it.

While not pirate proof, the next gen consoles are less pirated. I'd rather see a good full quality Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts game come out for the 360 or PS3. The graphics on the handhelds, while good for handhelds, are not great.

They can't make money that way though. Every large studio supports itself with cheaper products. The true-next gen market is just a huge gamble. SE has had 4-5 year development times for its projects, that's a tremendous amount of money to spend. The game has to be a blockbuster just to recoup costs.

If they got out of the handheld market, you'd just see them push mostly the wiiware/ps store/live purchases instead. I don't think even EA can solely make next-gen franchises without other things to pay the bills. Usually the studios that try make one game, and flame out because it isn't good enough.
#37 Jun 14 2009 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
How is this popular?

Because everyone (according to you among others) pirated it instead. Do you know what "popular" means?

the forum people say one thing, yet they don't put their money where their mouth is.

Because they pirated it instead. Why should they buy something that they can pirate? Take away the piracy, increase sales. How are you having such a hard time comprehending this assertion? You aren't even questioning it as a fact or not; you're just blatantly ignoring the prescription.

Hmm I really like this game, and I can get it for free. Wait, I can't get it for free anymore? Well damn I guess I need to buy it now. If you want something, then you'll probably try to get it. If the easiest way of getting it is buying it, then you'll probably buy it. This cannot be made any simpler.

Your argument leaves no room for square to make anything at all, ever. They obviously can't make handhelds anymore, because everyone pirates them. They obviously shouldn't make next gen stuff anymore because no one cares about them and it's a loss anyway. Really unless you want them to live entirely off of 14 and 11 you have not one single constructive idea for how they should conduct themselves.

Look what they did with FF 4 the after years, they put it on wii ware, and ff 4 to a lot is just as big as chrono trigger.

It was a cell phone game. What the hell did you expect?

The game has to be a blockbuster just to recoup costs.

Alright then.

Name an alternative game that you think is a better choice for next gen development. If the next words out of your mouth aren't "final fantasy 15" then I want some of that crack you're on.
#38 Jun 14 2009 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
Gave Up The D
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Chocobo Tales or a 3-D remake of Legend of Mana (***** you I liked that game).
Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
Cooking/Fishing 100

"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#39 Jun 14 2009 at 9:53 AM Rating: Good
4,445 posts
There have been studies shown and in alot of cases people who pirate software really had no plans to buy it. Think about it your walking down the street and you see a brand new sealed copy of a video game laying on the street your going to take it right? Now that you own it, maybe even play it, does this mean you were going to buy that game? Game companies will throw these wild numbers out at how much they lost because of bootlegging. They try to claim if a person has 100 pirated games that they lost $5000 (valuing them at $50 each) That person who has 100 pirated games prob hasn't even played half of them and if he had not been able to get them for free he prob wouldn't have any of them. I think there was even a case somebody was trying to claim $50 each for people who had roms on their system.

I used to download alot of roms and Ps1 games (not anymore mind you)but once again none of the stuff I downloaded is something that I would have actually went out and bought. In fact if I had never played the rom of Chrono Trigger I would have never bought Chrono Cross or Chrono Trigger for the PS1, so in this case Square actually profited from me playing a rom. When I first played Chrono Trigger you couldn't find it new anywhere and it was some obscene amount to buy a used copy from ebay.

When a game came out I wanted I went out and bought it. I don't like to mess with pirated stuff anymore because most of the time you either gotta boot it up in a abnormal pain in the *** manner, or it is constantly locking up and/or corrupting your save games (DS/GBA bootlegs do that as I found out once). With roms you can buy hardware I suppose but still that hardware is cheaply made and very prone to once again delete save games and lock up (been down that road too) If I am going to play a game I would just as soon get a legit copy that I know works and play it on the proper system with the controller it was designed for.

I bought a GBA game off Ebay not knowing it was a bootleg once. I got my money back and turned the seller in before it was all said and done. The game would constantly freeze and about every 3 or 4 times playing the save games would be gone.

I don't think pirating hurts game companies near as much as they try to make people believe. I mean plenty of game companies are profiting quite well off the hand held market and you don't hear them whining that they can't make games because of pirating? Not creating a game over bootlegging is a **** poor excuse as far as I am concerned.
#40 Jun 14 2009 at 5:08 PM Rating: Excellent
1,594 posts
What is this immense popularity? there are two versions of chrono trigger, one on snes, and one on the FF anthology for playstation. Both are pretty rare, on hardware that is getting increasingly harder to find. So SE re-releases it in a near perfect format on the most popular format for portable and sprite-based rpgs, the nintendo DS. And no one buys it.

That's precisely because it already released twice before. Anyone who knew anything about it already played it, and it's already easy to find it for SNES and PS emulators.

Why would I buy a game that I can already play legally in two ways, and illegally in three ways?
#41 Jun 14 2009 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
2,196 posts
fronglo wrote:

Yeah, I can pretty much vouch for what he's saying. Every game I pirated, I had no plans of spending money. I can say the same for at least 5 friends who do the same. I ended up buying some games like Oblivion IV so I could get the game without some of the glitches and whatnot.
#42 Jun 15 2009 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
10,359 posts
Piracy might even help game companies occasionally.

I pirated NeverwinterNights and then Diamond to play the expansions and the full game.

I promptly bought Diamond on Amazon about a week later. I wanted to support the company that made a good game. Demo Piracy or something.
#43 Jun 16 2009 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
I have just gotten around to playing Chrono Trigger thanks to the DS version. I'm loving it, and would never have played it if they hadn't released it for the DS. So yea, they should make a sequel.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#44 Jun 18 2009 at 11:10 PM Rating: Good
2,793 posts
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
Piracy might even help game companies occasionally.
I wonder if the cost of putting out free demo discs with no purchases would be worth it for these companies. PC games have had free demo's for years, mostly distributed with cheap magazines or by download. Console demo discs I've only seen distributed with 2 maybe 3 mags or the console (the older playstations, been awhile since I got a new console do they still do this/did it catch on with other companies?), tended to be way shorter, and stand alone demo discs not free (9.95 bucks at the local wallmart last I saw).

Then again, I don't think the availability of demo's cuts down much on PC piracy either. Still, might be more effective than the amounts they spend on advertising with shiny graphic effects.

#45 Jun 19 2009 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
thatdamnelf wrote:
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
Piracy might even help game companies occasionally.
I wonder if the cost of putting out free demo discs with no purchases would be worth it for these companies. PC games have had free demo's for years, mostly distributed with cheap magazines or by download. Console demo discs I've only seen distributed with 2 maybe 3 mags or the console (the older playstations, been awhile since I got a new console do they still do this/did it catch on with other companies?), tended to be way shorter, and stand alone demo discs not free (9.95 bucks at the local wallmart last I saw).

You can just get demos on live/psn, there could be more but its a very effective way of getting demos out.

And i can almost guarantee that a pc game with a demo will get pirated just as much as one without.

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 1:21pm by MasterOfWar
#46 Jun 19 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 2:48pm by Pensive
#47 Jun 19 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
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And i can almost guarantee that a pc game with a demo will get pirated just as much as one without.

What I meant was, assume that your game is going to be pirated, and make it so good, as well as provide pirate proof dlc (such as premium modules in NWN (which to my knowledge require constant internet validation)) to entice pirates that have already stolen your game to buy it.

I know you're supposed to tease with a short little demo and make people buy the entire game, but that's not going to work if they've already stolen it. You might be able to instead tease people with the entire game and get people to buy your dlc. Haha ******** you got the entire game, it was good wasn't it? Oh yyyeaaaaah you want some more? You want some more of that? Well TOO BAD *****, buy it.
#48 Jun 19 2009 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
Pensive wrote:
as well as provide pirate proof dlc (such as premium modules in NWN (which to my knowledge require constant internet validation))

Pretty sure they can be, at least I remember having a burnt disc with NWN modules on them a friend gave me (NWN was the only pc game i owned at the time that wasnt an mmo), only names i remember are kingmaker, witch's wake and something crown though.

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 3:52pm by MasterOfWar
#49 Jun 19 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
10,359 posts
It wasn't changed until quite a while after they were released originally, unless there is some modern way to get around the internet validation that I don't know of.

When I tried to start wyvern crown of cormyr (fantastic paladin module, for the record) without a legitimate CD activation key it would always just stall on it. I guess it's the same way they stop you from doing online multiplayer without a legitimate key; I don't really know the technical details but I couldn't intuit nor research a way to circumvent it.

Pirates of the Sword Coast was my favorite though (ironically, I never pirated that one at all.) It was wonderfully humorous, had some nice equipment and a decent story. The only problem is that you turn into an undead creature halfway through so you need to export your character before that happens unless you want to be harmed by healing potions forever and ever.

Might be nice for a pale master though Smiley: lol

Aaaannnyways, obviously pirates (game pirates and not sword coast pirates...) are going to take whatever they can get and probably won't buy the stuff anyway. Occasionally though, just occasionally, you might be able to recoup the inevitable "loss" by swaying a few people that really liked your game to buy the add-ons.


I did think of something else that I've pirated, so I'm not quite as clean as I thought. I have downloaded a few VBA roms, the most notable of which were mother 3, riviera, and pokemon emerald. You can't buy that stuff new though, so I don't see how it's hurting anyone but gamestop. As a former GS employee, I relish that thought.

I wonder if the cost of putting out free demo discs with no purchases would be worth it for these companies.

Does PS magazine still give out demos? I remember when I was like 9 or something and got my psx I played the Intelligent Qube demo for hours and hours. I think that disc had a parappa demo on it also, but that might not be the right one.
#50 Jun 19 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
2,793 posts
MasterOfWar wrote:
thatdamnelf wrote:
Pensive the Ludicrous wrote:
Piracy might even help game companies occasionally.
I wonder if the cost of putting out free demo discs with no purchases would be worth it for these companies. PC games have had free demo's for years, mostly distributed with cheap magazines or by download. Console demo discs I've only seen distributed with 2 maybe 3 mags or the console (the older playstations, been awhile since I got a new console do they still do this/did it catch on with other companies?), tended to be way shorter, and stand alone demo discs not free (9.95 bucks at the local wallmart last I saw).

You can just get demos on live/psn, there could be more but its a very effective way of getting demos out.

And i can almost guarantee that a pc game with a demo will get pirated just as much as one without.

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 1:21pm by MasterOfWar

You trimmed off my 2nd paragraph.
Then again, I don't think the availability of demo's cuts down much on PC piracy either. Still, might be more effective than the amounts they spend on advertising with shiny graphic effects.
Console gaming has been getting more and more online, so that might help with distribution costs enough to make it worthwhile. PC demos I can easily get at zero cost though (beyond my internet bill). Theres also the matter of demo software getting hacked into or helping hack the copy protection of of the full version, happens on PC software and while right now it doesn't seem likely for console games the lines between pc gaming and console gaming seem to be getting blurry, future generations of consoles might be flexible enough to pull things like that off. Back when the snes I'd have never dreamed I could emulate a snes and play rom images on another console instead of a PC, but now I can on several. But I've gotten off topic here. *shrugs*

I just went and 180'd and made case for them not doing it didn't I? I gotta stop posting while decaffed >.<

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 6:42pm by thatdamnelf

#51 Jun 19 2009 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
5,644 posts
thatdamnelf wrote:

You trimmed off my 2nd paragraph
Then again, I don't think the availability of demo's cuts down much on PC piracy either. Still, might be more effective than the amounts they spend on advertising with shiny graphic effects.

That's because my first sentence was directed towards you about console demos, my second sentence wasn't directed at you but rather at anyone.

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 7:47pm by MasterOfWar

Edited, Jun 19th 2009 7:48pm by MasterOfWar
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