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ZAM's Lord of the Rings ContestFollow

#302 Jul 17 2009 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
I have been playing LotRo since beta and I absolutley love the game. The lore of the quests the beautiful graphics totally won me over. The community of players are also part of what makes this game so great. I play on the Elendilmir server and I am in a very active kin, all of this added to the beauty of the game make my life time account(s) well worth the money! The questing, crafting, and raiding are great fun as well!
#303 Jul 17 2009 at 8:07 AM Rating: Default
Love this game since day 1
#304 Jul 17 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
Yep - it's the storyline, mature (read: not immature) community and the ability to go deep into a semi-familiar Middle Earth that does it for me and my wife. As 55- and 63-year old players, we find the game fascinating! I played EQ and then WoW with my son, but LOTRO has brought in my wife like those games never could. We've both read the books countless times, and enjoy immersing ourselves in rich Middle Earth locations! Will be entering Moria within a few weeks, I think...
#305 Jul 17 2009 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
I have a founders Lifetime account have been playing from the launch I have played many MMORP games this by far is the most awsome of all of them I love the game and will continue to play as long as the game is here. There are some changes I would like to see come about and do think in the future they will. It just keeps getting better.
#306 Jul 17 2009 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
60 posts
I have been playing LOTR since release as a pre-order lifetime subscriber. I gave up playing the game a little over a year ago around level 35, but have since returned to the game recently.

I left for one reason: the dungeons were specifically designed for full groups only. There were no dungeons that could be duoed (I play with the wife) or soloed. For instance, the Great Barrows required a full group even when the dungeon turned green. Even when the mobs were gray, the wife and I would be overwhelmed and have to zone out or face the humiliation of death-by-grays.

I returned to the game not for any particular reason, however, I will list what I feel is attractive about the game:

  • Excellent crafting system
  • Very good and interactive combat system
  • Solo and duo-ability of outside game content

I was very interested to read that the expansion content this year might include a level-adjustable instanced dungeon generator. I hope to see this added to the game.

My one and only caveat for this game: no dungeons for me and the wife (up through level 35). Will be looking forward to exploring the MoM content although the official release news details solo dungeon instances and then 3-man instances. What happened to us duos?
#307 Jul 17 2009 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
I have been somewhat of a gamer since I was about 8 years old (Atari 2600). I would have to say that for me LOTRO is the best game I've ever played over all. I started playing in open beta and have kept my subscription current. In that time I have bought no other games for my PC. Its, for the most part, the only game I play. I've actually tried trial accounts for WOW and CoH and neither were any competition IMHO.
#308 Jul 17 2009 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
well when i first seen that a new lotr game was comin out i jumped on google and looked it up was middle earth online back then... but when it turned into lotro it turned into a real game for me... i pounced on the closed beta and they gave me an invite!!! so i have been playing ever since! it is such a great game the diffrence btw wow and lotro is that it has such a great fanbase the lore is deeper than anything i have ever come across in a game solely cause of the fact that the movies and books have been so popular. i think we are still waiting for something big hopefully in later patches that improve the pvp system that really is the only problem i have come across with it lets be honest here moors is fun but it gets old after a while oh and i think all of us die hard lotr fans are waiting for the monster playable classes should be levable and they should have a story and more quests!! .... moria is cool, legendary items are SWEEET, Dol Guldor SOUNDS amazing!!! raid battles are soooo freakin fun!! overall this is a game that has the potential to beat out wow but it hasnt revealed all the weapons in its ******* yet... i think we are in for a big treat later on in this mmorpg's future
#309 Jul 17 2009 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
This game was suprisingly easy to get into (I am rather new), I found the crafting especially enjoyable and rather useful to my character compared to other games. I think the pvp or pvmp for this game could be better and have better rewards.
#310 Jul 17 2009 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
My wife an I have had lifetime accounts for going on 2 years.
We have 3 matched pairs of characters, plus a "solo" character each. (for when we can't play together) We love the interdependancy of the crafting systems/professions. The game is always gorgeous, and we've enjoyed most of the changes to inventory "space" that have recently come about.

LOTRO is one of our top 5 MMO's of all time, hands down. (we've played nearly everything since back in the EQ days forward)

Tarlonis of Vilya server
#311 Jul 17 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
I have played Lord of the Rings Online since beta, and I have always been in love with its rich enviornments and deep story. The game has always had a great sense of immersion. Never have I felt so 'into' a game as I have with LotRO. I sometimes find myself looking over my shoulder in fear there may be an orc sneaking up on me!

Crafting in LotRO is a great experience. The system used is the game's crafting is practical. It is not over the top as it can be in many games, and is also much more useful than it is in others (Warhammer Online comes to mind.)

I would recommend LotRO to anyone, and as I work to bring my friends into Middle-Earth, I hope you will do the same. See you in Eriador!
#312 Jul 17 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
I played the game briefly nearly two years ago to see how it would compare to, say, WoW. I found it interesting for a number of reasons -- lore, for one. I love seeing characters I know and love from the books come to life in the world. There are a few things that ring false or slightly off for me, but for the most part I can accept things at face value and enjoy it as it was intended. The leveling process is slow and sometimes boring compared to WoW -- but in the end you cannot really compare the two because their roles are so different. LoTR is a game that follows the books; WoW is a game that diverts from the previous games. I like both games for their own reasons, and in fact play both now.
#313 Jul 17 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
Having been used to a quick reward hack-n-slash online game it took a while to get use to the slower thought paced Lotro. Checking the level bar seemed to be common place. I still considered Lotro a race to end game and did indeed get frustrated with the pace and inability to advance at a pace I was used to.

Step in Lore.....

Being an avid J.R fan I began to slow down to check out familiar surroundings and associate them with the Trilogy. I began actually reading the content of quests and not the where do I go and what do I get. This has not only made the game much more enjoyable I think it has lowered my blood pressure :-). If you can ignore the GO GO GO LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL race then it can be a very enjoyable experience. The graphics are phenomenal and the game mechanics superb.

The content has everything one could want if one takes the time to read and explore. Sure there are some non imaginative parts as far as added mechanics such as crafting and certain item base required instances but for the most part it all fits nicely. The strategy and thought processes that goes in to winning battles seem more enjoyable at lower ends and i believe this is due to a more variance in player level characters and gear variances. End game type instances are only for the strong so everyone seems to have the same gear and same strategies.

Although you can solo many parts of the game the high end content or at least high end reward able content is fellowship based and has forced one to create relationships and friends which is not a bad thing. I have made friends while in game that now go beyond the game itself.

A personal thought or suggestion would be to make Book quests a mandatory requirement for level advancement forcing people to enjoy what the story and game founding is all about. After all, the game makes you do a quest to advance in the crafting department so why not the story line as well.

PS.. Please give Wadens their r and heart back...and maybe a cooky.


#314 Jul 17 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
good game, not as good as before Moria expansion, but still easily worth the price.
#315 Jul 17 2009 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
LotRO can't just have open PVP like all the rest MMO's, obviously because of the lore. But PvMP has to be the most genius solution to this. I think PvMP is actually a lot more fun than any other forms of PVP i have seen. :)
#316 Jul 17 2009 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
LOTRO is far superior to most of the other MMO's I've played, but mostly it's the lore and the way Turbine has turned the pages of Tolkein's books into a living breathing world! PVP is the one area I believe lacking, but even it has a unique twist that adds to the total experience! I Love This Game!!!
#317 Jul 17 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
Do you play? Currently, yes. I recently downloaded the game and am trying the free trial.

Have you tried the game? Yes.

What do you like about it? As a former World of Warcraft player, I found the interface and game play easy to learn. I really like the graphics and story content. I've been an avid fan of JRR Tolkein since I was a wee lad. I read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings at early age. If I was to keep playing and be able to get a group of friends to play along with, I think I could get quite a bit of lasting enjoyment from the game.

What don't you like about it? So, far nothing, except perhaps it is a little too much like WoW. I don't really think it is a bad thing, but you can get into a routine and maybe not have as much fun. My only other peeve is just with MMO's in general. I don't like the monthly fee and am not particularly a social person, even less so when meeting virtual people online that I don't know.
#318 Jul 17 2009 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I have been with LOTRO for a while off and on. The graphics are good, and the quests are amazing. I am content with the game so far. I am getting the hang of Crafting. (Imagine that?) but anywho, the SoA was good by itself and then they added the mines...Well, I have never been one to get exited over an expansion but that one did it for me! I bought it and have been hooked. So, it has been my WoW-killer for now.
#319 Jul 17 2009 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
Been playing since closed beta (a friend of mine that played EQ with me got an invite too, how lucky!) LOTRO is a story driven game that has a rich and full enviroment. There is no lack of breath-taking views or clear story paths for your character take. While playing LOTRO has done a great job of making you feel that your character is personally in the story line and that your actions will effect the outcome, very exciting game play while doing the Book quests that evolve the story line.
The Good..
Awesome story, personal feel, Rich enviroments, plenty of 6 man, 3 man and even solo content with great rewards, quests are very well defined with clear directions for fast leveling, very helpfull and mature community of players.

The Bad..
Not alot of raiding content as compared to most other games, lack of multiple high-end, diverse targets for your kinship to keep busy, no updates to previous raid content to keep them relevant and active. The few raids that are available at 60 are 12 man max. There is one level 50 raid that does cater to 24 raiders but the rewards are not relevant for level 60.
#320 Jul 17 2009 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
I have been playing this game for the past few weeks and just got really interested in it, the detail on things has really helped make the game for not to mention I am a fan of the books The Lord Of The Rings.
#321 Jul 17 2009 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
Way back in the day, when I first learned that they where developing an MMO based on Lord of the Rings, I immediately started imagining what that would possibly look like. Most of my knowledge of LOTR, is based off of the movies (animated/current trilogy), and knowing that the developers would be following the books more closely then the movies, was exciting as well.

Like most people, I signed up for Beta as soon as I could. Waiting for quite a while, eventually I was invited to take part in the last phase of beta, which then lead into open beta. After playing most of the other MMO's that where currently released at that time, I was very impressed with how LOTRO had turned out. The graphics where great, easy to learn your way around. Crafting was interesting, very tedious work, but fun over all. But, the most fascinating thing was working through the epic quest's right from the start. It really made you feel as if you where part it. Also, it was interesting to learn what was taking place outside of fellowships journey.

I continued to play for about 6 months after launch, then left for a short while.. I tend to play for a few months, take a month off, the play for another few months or after a book update. Sadly I have not reached the Mines of Moria yet, but I am slowly getting there. No rush for me, just enjoying the game as a whole. LOTRO has been out for 2 years now, I think, and we are just now getting to the Mines of Moria, with plenty more to go. I can not wait to see where they take the game next.
#322 Jul 17 2009 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
Lotro is simply one of the best MMO's out there. I've played many of them, but Lotro has great PvE, fun PvP (PvMP where players can play as a monster if they want), in-depth crafting (which needs a little boost after Moria), and much more.

I really like the world itself. Class selection is great. The economy is even in pretty good shape. I would suggest this game for anything that is sick of the WoW mentality and wants something where they can relax a bit and have fun. All of the raid elements and big name things are there, but you don't have to feel rushed to do them all.

I left the game for about 14 months and just recently returned, since Warhammer just couldn't get it right... I couldn't be happier to get back. Now if I can just get a copy of this game for my wife we'll be golden!! :-P
#323 Jul 17 2009 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
Your experience was quite different from mine. I was one of the first to suggest things like adding 'Report as Gold-Spammer' to mail and chat channels, that the devs have implemented. There are probably half a dozen features that I have suggested that have made their way into the game. Of course, others have undoubtedly made these suggestions, as well; I'm not trying to suggest that it is my voice that has made the difference. But clearly the devs do listen and implement at least some player suggestions.
#324 Jul 17 2009 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Over the next couple of days we'd like to hear from you. Do you play? Have you tried the game? What do you like about it? What don't you like about it? We want to know! Of course, we value your opinion and as such, we’re giving away 14 copies of Lord of the Rings Online, several three month subscriptions and even a coveted collector's edition box set. Have you been dying to check out the game but you've been short on cash? Here's your chance.

I've been playing the game for about 6 months now.

Good Things
Plot and characterization
Inventive quests
Beautiful macro level graphics

Bad Things
Easily exploitable and poorly tested endgame
Not enough item skin differentiation
Lack of players to do low level stuff
#325 Jul 17 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
Love it, I dropped EQ after many years simply because it became a place for idiots and GMs with a God complex. The quests are numerous enough that you can solo as much as you want or need to depending on your RL stuff and the crefting is not so outragous that you could never hope to master it. Whats not to like??
#326 Jul 17 2009 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing lotro about two years now and love the game. The server I play on is friendly and helpful, and a bit goofy at times. The installer is a bit big and takes a bit but its worth it. Moria is a bit laggy at times and I wish there was a way to turn off fog and an easier way to get the lower tier ores like there is in Moria.
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