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ZAM's Lord of the Rings ContestFollow

#27 Jul 16 2009 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
LotRO player since publish. Graphically it's the most amazing I've seen, possibly excepting Lineage II. The only real gripe I have is the linearity introduced, and in fact made necessary, by the fact that the game is following a 'real' story. When I first started playing, I have to admit, meeting Aragorn, or Strider, and 'conversing with him' was off the charts cool.
Combat has gone through a change or two and is pretty decent. Turbine has resisted (so far anyway) getting into the store-front mentality (selling in game items for real world cash). There are hundreds of titles you can earn, traits, virtues, emotes that you can earn beyond the initial set. There are places and people from the books, and places barely mentioned yet truly expanded upon.
Crafting is easy to do, and I must say, this is the first game I've found that I actually like to do it, and what I make is useful and needed.
Plus they've introduced legendary weapons which are levellable and modifyable. All in all, Turbine has done top-notch job.
#28 Jul 16 2009 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
I have played Lotro on and off since release, and it is by far the best MMO I have ever played. Everything from the gameplay mechanics to the graphics are outstanding.
#29 Jul 16 2009 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Been playing lotro since beta and its had its fair share of ups and downs.

Heres some positives:

1. Lotro by far has the best graphics i have ever seen in any major MMO ive ever played. The scenary is amazing no matter where you go from the lush green hills on the shire to the dark depths of moria. Definite plus there.

2. Lotro has a great deal of used content. Most MMOs have alot of unused content such as WoW but lotro has many regions that you can level in and do instances in at all levels!

3. The animations and sounds for the skills are awesome. Nothing like riding up on a raid of monster players and shouting at them :D

4. PvP has only recently started to become balanced again but its a ton of fun having a 24 man raid against a 24 monster player raid in the open field of the ettenmoors.

5. There are many raids and instances that the developer team put in that takes alot of strategical minds to figure out. Such as the watcher in the water fight in the water works of Moria. Usually takes atleast a month or so to figure out these instances.

6. Crafting is a huge plus in this game! Many things to craft and many opportunities at great gear and a great fortune on the Auction houses.

7. Very friendly community and id recommend this game to anyone!


1. Gets frusterating at low levels to find groups for major quests but they are all bypassable by just doing solo quests instead though most of the low level group quests are a ton of fun.

2. Lotro doesnt have alot of maintence and downtime but when they do it usually takes 5-6 hours and sometimes longer.
#30 Jul 16 2009 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
I started playing Lotro in closed beta aswell.I have 110 level 50+ chars on 2 servers with a total of 13 GM+ crafters,not counting the harvesting ones.From the second week of beta I was pretty much hooked.
It has a great story line a lot of which is tied into the questing .Crafting is probably the best since SWG.
You can solo any class to the limit if you wish.You will miss some of the quests as there are a lot that are for groups.But you can solo.
PvP is completely deferent than any other mmo I have played or read about.At level 10 you can log into a lev.60 "monster"of which there are several types.There is a huge area for monster play.Monsters are limited to this area,but regular players can enter it for pvp action with a real meaning.
Some of the very best items are player crafted.
turbine regularly adds free content patches that contain land area(some times HUGE)new quests ,crafting items and a lot more.And as with any expansion ,sometimes there some "bugs".Turbine imho does the best i've seen about stepping on bugs.
Ingame customer support is really good.I have used it a few times and the longest I've ever waited for an in-game responce was appox 10 min's.And in each case my problem or question was taken care of post haste.
the Moria (paid for) expansion was HUGE.And added a lot to the game.
You can now buy the game,including the Moria expansion(which I just got a second account) for $10.USD..ten bucks..unreal.
People in the game seem(to me ) a more mature lot than a lot of games i've played.and I have played a lot of them.Starting with The Realm.
I like and continue to enjoy Lotro a lot.
If you really into ffa pvp,you probably won't like it.the early days of UO more or less ruined me from liking ffa pvp.
Imo it's a great game with,mostly, really good people and a great support staff.

#31 Jul 16 2009 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
Been playen lotro for 4 months now and is by far my most fav mmo ever. Ive been through so many mmo's (Age of Conan, WOW, GW etc.) but out of all of them lotro graphics gameplay and outstanding enviroments make it the best mmo out there for me.Not to mention the monster play in lotro which is awsome as hell. Where else can you play as a warg and attack the free people?
#32 Jul 16 2009 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Hello I have been playing Lord of the Rings for about 3 days now and I wanted to say the graphics are amazing! I'm on the trail account but I have read so much about the crafting and player housing in the game it makes me feel really exicited to continue my adventures. I play with a good friend of mine, but Since money is low right now I cant really purchase the game or the expansion. Trying to find a job so I can buy it and somone told me about this contest. I hope you guys choose me and I will provide any additional information. :-)
#33 Jul 16 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
Also I wanted to say I love the instances in this game, its very unique and the freedom is amazing. Like in WoW they control you more making you not able for instance to jump off a bridge. As soon as I entered the world as a night elf I tryed to jump and to my expierence I fell and my legs were broken for some time. It has huge detail and freedom is amazing. Best I have seen in a mmorpg in a long time.
#34 Jul 16 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
LotRO is a really amazing game, i have been playing it since the release and it has only gotten better. The constant updates and great community really helps. The game has just about everything you would want in an MMO and more. I can't wait to see what Turbine will bring to LotRO next.
#35 Jul 16 2009 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Do you play?

Yes everyday almost for 2 years plus (since beta).

Have you tried the game?

Yes as stated above

What do you like about it?

- I am a kinship leader, this has enhanced my and my kinships experience in the game.

- There is a lot of content, never could get bored. Sometimes do get frustrated, but that is called the "Challenge" of the game.

- I love this game and the lore, and the great job of the Devs in creating Lore to fill the gaps and accurately depicting existing Lore.

- LOTR is the ultimate fantasy story so I dont think there will ever be another game for me.

- I never get bored, if I do, I have one of seven Alternate characters to play. I enjoy the range of skills for each of the nine Classes.

- Devs are responsive and listen to players in the forums and explain why they are making changes to existing systems or quests.

- I enjoy the people I play with immensely.

What don't you like about it?

- sometimes I think the other players who whine when new content comes out and they rush to finish it as fast as possible then complain they are bored. This is not Turbine's fault. I am in this game for the long haul, it's a long adventure to Mordor and back.

#36 Jul 16 2009 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing LOTRO for almost 2 years now and am thoroughly enjoying it. Yes, it does have a few bad points, but overall I think the game is well-written and coded.
The characters and landscape look amazing. There have been bugs, but what game is ever completely without them. I have several toons on different servers, my main server being Nimrodel, where I have a level 60 Hunter. I've heard a lot of people complaining about the Devs nerfing hunters, but I have not really had any problems with mine. Granted, it is a little harder in some of the instances but they cannot make everything easy or it would become boring.
I've tried a couple other MMOs, like City of Heroes and started LOTRO simply because I am a huge fan of Tolkein and have read the books and seen the movies, so I was familiar with the world. I can't wait to see what the next content update and expansion have in store.
#37 Jul 16 2009 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
I love Lotro mainly because it is NOT like other mmo's. It is unique in that you can casually play or you can go deep into the game and story. For the hard core Lotr fans it is well suited inthat it has remained true to the story and world and the developers certainly know their Tolkien. The kinship and raid set up are fantastic and with ALOT of free updates there is always reasons to keep playing. They come out with expansions that arent just levels or new realms, they change the game play in ways that make you want to make a new character and do it all over again.

Love the game.
#38 Jul 16 2009 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing LOTRO now for about a year and a half now...late December 2007 was when I started. I have to say, I love many things about this game. The end game PvE is wonderful with countless things to do and group up for, which will keep you wanting to play your 60 for a long time. The PvP material is still lacking a solid PvP system such as an arena, but thus far the PvMP (player versus monster player) system is a lot of fun and keeps you busy and thinking about it at work ;). Turbine has done a great job staying up to date with their community and getting updates out fairly frequently. There are a bit of end game bugs, exploits, and balance issues, but they're nothing to keep most people from playing the game. As compared to a game like WoW, the graphics are much more improved, the PvE system is more enjoyable in my opinion, and the community is much more friendly and helpful. The only thing I see WoW being better in is their PvP system; if Turbine pushes on that, I see no reason why WoW would be better than LOTRO. Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed this game and expect myself to continue playing LOTRO for much longer.
#39 Jul 16 2009 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing Lotro quite awhile ago, but I'm not one of the founding few, and I was such a fan of Tolkien after reading The Hobbit, the Silmarillion, and the LOTR trilogy. Amazing stuff, and so I had to check out this game, and it has by far exceeded my expectations.

The amount of detail that went into development was great, and it was apparent that the developers have done their homework behind this great game. And I know that there's probably still much more content in the making.

There's too many good qualities to list about the game, but needless to say it's well worth the money, with the amount of content you get.

Great job Turbine
#40 Jul 16 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
I played World of Warcraft for three years before deciding to try another MMO. I tried Dungeons and Dragons, Hellgate: London, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Everquest 2, and LOTRO. Of all the above I enjoy the story the best with LOTRO. Being a big fan of the Tolkien books all the little quests that added backstory were very enjoyable. I played for about 9 months before I cancelled my subscription due to a lack of friends to play with. I have not yet seen raid content and LOTRO and that is what I loved most about WOW. I have no complaints about the gameplay of LOTRO and consider it my favorite MMO as WOW does not have as much of a fantasy world to draw its content from.
#41 Jul 16 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
I started the game again after being gone for about 2 years. I love the setting, the community, and the unique classes (from my perspective at least).

Level 27 at the moment and enjoying every minute of it.
#42 Jul 16 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
I do play, and have 3 max-level characters. I really enjoy the epic storyline, the maps/zones (they are simply stunning), and some of the little special things you find from the stories (such as the three trolls that turned into stone). I don't like that it is, ultimately, a standard MMO, complete with grinding, lottery systems, and raid tiers. Crafting isn't all that great, but it's at least better now than it used to be. Still, it's the game I keep coming back to ultimately because it has better things going for it than all the other standard MMOs.
#43 Jul 16 2009 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing Lord of the Rings Online since the game launched. I bought the lifetime account and I've definitely gotten my moneys worth! I also bought the game for my father (he says it is the best Father's Day present I've ever given him... I bought him the Mines of Moria expansion for his birthday last year, too) and we play together. I really, truly love the game because I CAN play with him. The environment is fun and family-friendly, for the most part. I also play with a couple of my real-life friends, one of whom recently moved to the other side of the country. It's great to be able to still interact with her and hear her voice (LotRO comes equipped with in-game voice, which is an EXCELLENT feature that allows for coordination between players better than text ever could).

I love the graphics of the game. There are areas of the game that are just GORGEOUS. The Shire is one of my favorite zones because it's so bright and beautiful. Forochel is beautiful in a different way, with a bleak, vast whiteness and the aurora borealis in the sky at night. Angmar isn't beautiful, but it's intricate and intense and so big that it is a joy to explore. I love how the characters play and move. I do wish that there was more customization involved in creating your character, but there is enough to distinguish your character from the next players, at least. The outfit system is nice, too, because it lets me play with pretty bits of armor, while still allowing me to wear the good (if somewhat ugly, lol) armor equipped.

The classes in the game are great, too. They all seem so unique and have a contribution of their own to make to any group (or what is called a Fellowship, in keeping with the lore). I play a Minstrel, which is a healer class. What really makes it fun is that I heal people with the power of my singing and instrument-playing! That's just cool, in my opinion. There I go, charging into battle with my trusty harp, ready to defend Middle-Earth from the powers of darkness by singing of the true light that overcomes all despair! If I can't sing well enough or fast enough, my warrior companions are defeated in the face of the darkness that they fight.

I love The Lord of the Rings Online. It's a great game and I would highly recommend it to anyone who asks about it. My server, Windfola is a smaller one, but a nice one to play on. Come join the adventure! :)
#44 Jul 16 2009 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
I've played Lord of the rings off and on for the majority of two years now; Unfortunately, every time I come back, I find it harder and harder to leave. The game is very well rounded, and very polished. But due to financial issues I've not been able to frequent the game as often as I'd like.

However, it's not just the gameplay that makes it such a great game. The two servers I've tried out, the people there are always great and very helpful. I've had nothing but very good experiences from the community in the game. Some of the best you can get, in my opinion, of MMO-ing.

The third and final bonus of the game, I suppose, is being a fan of Tolkien's work. The game is very well done in accordance to his actually writings and there's things in the that, I think, will make all of our inner-geeks squeal at certain points in the game.

All-in-all, it's a great game, well rounded, and well done; And having an amazing community of players is always a major plus for me in gaming.
#45 Jul 16 2009 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
I love LOTRO and play daily. I wish I had found this game before I spent two years on WOW. I love the quest lines and the "deeds". My whole family now has fun questing together and helping each other with the crafts.
The only thing I do not like about the game is the mail system. I am hoping changes will come soon with options to mail more than one object (at lower cost).
Thank you Turbine for such a great game.
#46 Jul 16 2009 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
I start play LOTRO yesterday (trail account) because I look at new mmorpg (i was playing World of Warcraft), before LOTRO i try Warhammer Online (WAR) which is poor game, with bad grahic, really bad control, and have lags i play maybe few hours. So i download LOTRO with good transfer speed (in WAR was poor) which make me happy. I make account, and start play.Cool think is that character creation is very good. Have masive number of options, its clear interface so no one should have any problem. Ok so i make my character, and log in.First what I do was set graphic to maximum and i can not say word. Graphic is greate, water reflect is so good that make me fun to look at it. So i start to make quests. They are easy to make, there is somethink like GPS, which help allot, you dont need ant addons like in WoW. Interface is nice, and easy to lern where everything is, this game is just easy to understand by player if he/she play before any mmo game. So at end i just want to say that making quests give fun, killing mobs give more fun, looking at water give so much fun that you will want to pay just watching at it. Ofcourse leveling is easy, and i make today lvl 10 which give me something fresh. Now lots of games try to be like World of Warcraft (most free to play masive multiplayer online games) and this is sometnog new eaven if interface is similar but this is really good thing.

Thanks for reading, and i just want to say that i live in UK 7 month so my English may be bad, but i hope that you will understand it.
#47 Jul 16 2009 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing online computer games back in the days of MUDs, and have tried many of the MMOs that have come out since. I played Ultima Online, Everquest, Dark Ages of Camelot, World of Warcraft, Everquest 2, City of Heroes, and others. These were all great games in their own right, however as I got older many things that appealed to me about these games started changing as the games got larger, more people got online, and my own personal life changed.

I hadn't played an MMO for over a year when I picked up Lord of the Rings Online, and immediately I was reunited with what I loved about those early games. The gameplay is well done, allowing for casual gamers as well as the more "hardcore". The world is beautifully rendered, the classes thought out, and the quests very detailed. This game took a while to be released from it's original concept (Middle Earth Online, circa 1998 I believe), but Turbine's wait proved to be a good thing. The fact it is still going strong 2 years after release is testament to that.

I have talked a few of my old WoW friends into playing it, and they feel it is much superior to WoW in all aspects. The fact they have so much additional material to pull from should keep this game going strong for another 5 years.
#48 Jul 16 2009 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
I'm rather new to LOTRO. But since I have started playing it I have come to love the game. There isn't any other game out there that I would want to play. I can admit, I did see the LOTRO when it first came out and I thought it was rather more of a cartoon than a MMO. But since then things have grown up and it has become a better game to play. I love being able to go out and just explore the area's that I can. My husband and I will fellowship together and even explore the higher level area's. We have died a few times exploring but we can't help but laugh at our own stupidity at it. It's just so much fun being able to explore.

About the only problem I have been hving with LOTRO is finding the stuff that I need for my characters, but that doesn't have anything to do with the game itself, that has to do more with the server that I am on. I am on a low populated server and sometimes it's very difficult to find armour or jewelery that suits my characters.

Out of the seven characters that I can have, I have four. None of which is below level 20. I enjoy the different classes that we can choose from and hopefully one day I'll have to time to have a least tried each and every class. Atleast that is my plan any way. My biggest character is my Guardian, gah i love the guardians. It's so awesome how they can stand there and fight and keep the enemies off their friends and still survivie. Unless of coarse she's out numbered, but even still I find that I don't have a lot of trouble getting out of that trouble. :-)

Anyways, I'm rambling now, but I just wanted to say how great this MMO is. I've never really had a better one, and I don't ever plan on leaving. Unless of coarse they nerf the hell out of everything and you sneeze on them and they die, roflmao.
#49 Jul 16 2009 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
I have played LOTRO for almost two years, and I participated in the open beta testing. This was my first experience with a mmorpg. I love the game. I have enjoyed success with a couple of characters. I even have gotten my brother involved. That said, there are a few things I wish were different about the game. First, I am a player that cannot play at set times and days. I need to play when I have time, therefore the kinship and fellowship aspects of the game are more challenging. I find it very difficult to develop friendships with people within the game due to the relative infrequecy of my play. Ther are a number of quests which are either undone or that I needed to complete at a higher level in order to allow me to complete them solo. Additionally, a few things such as purchasing from vendors can only be done as a single item or a stack of items. There should be a selection for purchasing a specific number as with the crafting interface. I think it might also be beneficial to allow users to choose perhaps a secondary vocation. This goes to my point of the game being a bit out of reach in certain aspects for the infrequent gamer. I find it difficult to find players willing to help craft items for me that I need in my own crafting. Perhaps make a second vocation available after a player has reached the master craftsman level. As a whole, I love this game. I find that I have become very efficient in questing and leveling with the limited time I have to play. It is enjoyable for me as a fan of the books and the movies. I cannot wait for the next expansion! Thanks
#50 Jul 16 2009 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
I have played from the beggining of the release, with breaks in between. I have to say that LOTRO is the most impressive MMORPG out there to date. The way that they have been able to encapsulate an entire world- (one which many of us are emotionally connected to already) is simply amazing. Not only do you feel like you are in middle earth- but your character feels like they belong there as well.

Now it's not a perfect game- but it is very good. One thing I would improve on is the amount of grinding. While I find it easier to level here than in WoW and the trait and title system does mix things up a bit, there is still a lot of grinding. Also I would add more customization- I always try my best to be unique but I do manage to see clones of my character running around every now and then. Having briefly played wizard class, I have to say I miss the Everquest days sitting and memorizing spells- it really made me feel like I earned it.

What's good? An immersive world which you can make richer (through music, housing, crafting, etc.) it really does feel like you have an impact on middle earth. Another good thing is grouping and the 'fellowship' moves. It's not as hack and slash as WoW or other MMORPG's.

While I have only played a few classes- I have to say the captain is my favorite and is definitely remarkable. The class abilities really reinforce what the character traits really would be. I can stake a battleground, give a warcry to inspire my followers and hold the line when things are looking tough.

Overall I have to say this is the best online experience I have ever had- but still not perfect.
#51 Jul 16 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
I played Lord of the Rings Online when it first came out and I loved the game. But inability to find a reliable kinship (clan) and good fellowship (group/party) members turned me off. I just started again a month ago and I'm loving it so far! You just need to get on a populated server and find some good people to fellow with. The implementation of DX10 is subtle, but it looks great. Gameplay is solid with the new content and the community is awesome!

My only gripe with it is that the crafting isn't varried enough, so you see most of the same crafted stuff over and over again. And that the character animations leave something to be desired.
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