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ZAM's Lord of the Rings ContestFollow

#52 Jul 16 2009 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
Hello everyone,

Lord of the Rings online had me for a while. I played a hunter up to level 50 when the game first came out. I tried a few of the other class race combinations up to around mid 20's and I had 5 characters in all. I left the game due to the Lack of interesting or variable End Content options for me. I either had to spend 8 hours a day waiting and running Raids .. and then HOPE to get the ONE drop of a Random drop Item out of a huge group of people. Over and over again the Item I needed to aquire was not dropped by the end boss or the mini bosses along the way .. and When it did drop ONE time ... I did not earn the item.

I also got very bored camping mobs for my end level Items that had to be made out of special Items that dropped off of a certain Named mob and then it was only a chance to drop .. the list goes on. I felt too that as I gained levels my options got narrower and narrower as to where I could go and get quests and interesting things to do and see.

In the begining levels.. there were 4 areas to explore and quest in .. if I did not like Hobbit Land I could go do same level quests in the land Of MEN .. if that got boring I could head out to the Elf/dwarf area and pick up new and interesting quests. and then there was always Other areas that would offer quests of the same level. That dwindled out as we got older ... SADDLY .. very saddly. it was like they spent all their time making quests and enjoymemt for the early levels then went OH CRAPPO we are out of time to release this game .. and pushed it out the door with a few quests and very little new areas for the higher levels to explore and gain expieriance.

Those were the early days and what I can remember ... Having said all that .. I did raise a Hunter up to level 50 .. highest possible at that time .. SO I DID LOVE the game ....

I am back now .. not playing that same server .. and saddly the cost of transfering the pixels that make him up is not even in line .. 25 dollars to transfer a character ? wow .. get real here. SO I am starting over and having a blast. I like the new farming and cooking .. I like the new equipment and lots of what they have done with the game. I think the End Game equipment is even the way it should have been at launch .. I hope that Raid/endgame dungeons /instances are not as long and arduous as they once were .. Time will tell when I goet someone up that high to try them.

All in all I am happy to be back and enjoy my time in Middle earth much more then I did before.

#53 Jul 16 2009 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
I have been a lotro player since launch, and I must say, it is one of my favorite MMORPGs to date. I have played quite a few MMOs including Anarchy Online, EQ, WoW, and Guild Wars, but Lotro stands out from the pack for me. First of all, I am a huge Tolkien fan and am quite versed in Lotr lore, and I must say, Turbine really did their research when crafting this rendition of Middle-earth. Little details in the books make appearences everywhere, and there seems not to be a hair out of place. Second, the gameplay and the game itself is made quite well, including a diverse array of classes and an innovative title and deed system. If I were to point out my gripes with the game, It would be that a lot of the endgame content alienates many players, forcing them to grind instances which can only be completed by following a VERY linear path. I wish Turbine would allow for more freedom and strategies in challenging encounters, but the game is still fantastic in many respects, and it has the best community I have seen in an MMO. I highly reccomend Lotro to anyone interested in finding a new MMO to play.
#54 Jul 16 2009 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing mmorpg's for many years, many different ones, and I've loved some aspects of each one. I passed on the beta on LOTRO and after playing for over 2 months now I can just kick myself. The quest content is wonderful. No need to grind a level unless you want to. The Moria instances are just a joy to play. They have just the right abount of toughness without being a total nightmare. The crafting system is great. I've become a craft-a-holic and i've never really liked crafting before. I don't have a super duper computer but mine can handle LOTRO on high without any problems. The graphics are really nice, mob content is great. I find myself watching the clock at work and having problems waiting for LOTRO time. This is a really fun game and I can see myself playing it for a long time to come.
#55 Jul 16 2009 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing MMO's for about 8 years now, and this one is incredibly unique and fun. I've only been on the Arkenstone server for about 3 months, but I really am enjoying myself so far. I like the balance of group play and solo play...I always feel like there is something to do and people to interact with. I think the story could be a little more in depth and more cinematics would really pull you in, but if that's as bad as it gets, I think I'll live. The maintenance is great and the crafting is great as well. If there is one thing I wish to change, it would probably be to make pvp a little more engaging. I feel like it's not as strong of a part in this game...and like it might be a little too inbalanced between PvE and PvP. But that is a slight gripe and could otherwise be slowly changed over time. Thanks.
#56 Jul 16 2009 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
I have what some intellectual people in their educated circles might call an "addiction" to MMORPGs in general, but no "addiction" as been quite as long-lasting or endearing as my love affair with LOTRO. The reasons for this are many, mostly being based on my love of the lore of Tolkein. I truly love that LOTRO is based on the books and not the movies (quite so much as other games).

The areas are huge, vast and explorable. WoW has too many areas that look same ol' same ol' all the way from one end to the other of the world. LOTRO always offers something worth looking at and I love that.

I like and dislike the crafting system. Crafting is a little more expansive and I love that I have tons of options of what I can do, what I dislike is the dependancy on other crafters specialties to make stuff.

LOTRO has some great support from Turbine, I loved DDO for many many moons and feel that Turbine will continue making LOTRO awesome.

~Bitter Rizard
#57 Jul 16 2009 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing LOTRO almost a year ago (I started in august). I had just gotten OUT of playing Runescape for a couple years and decided to give LOTRO a try, as I LOVE the books and movies.

When I started my free trial I was instantly BLOWN away by the graphics and gameplay aspects of the game. They were like NOTHING i'd experienced before from Runescape. When my free trial ended on a friday I was especially impressed at the fact that despite the fact that my trial period had ended, Turbine was kind enough to let me continue to play through the weekend. At that point I knew that LOTRO was the game for me, so I went out and bought the game and signed up.

As I said earlier I've been playing almost a year now and I STILL LOVE IT!!!!!!! My main character is a lvl 60 LoreMaster, whom I love dearly. The attention that turbine has taken to the details of the game are wonderful. I also enjoy the original storylines that Turbine has created for both Shadows of Angmar, and Mines of Moria.

The crafting system is somethig I can't say much about really, as I dont use it that much on my LoreMaster. But it COULD use some non-gear related applications.

I'm currently working on Shadows of Angmar Book 14 and Mines of Moria book 8 in terms of the epic storylines.

If I had to rate this game on a scale of 1 - 5 I'd definetly give it a 5. It just BLOWS me away each time i play.

Great Game, LOTRO.
#58 Jul 16 2009 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
I truely love this game. Being a huge MMo fan I've played them all, and the biggest selling point for me when i first heard about this game, was the option to become a lifetime member right off the bat. No more paying month to month and worrying about if i was going to have enough after bills and rent in order to play a fantastic game. The game's enviroment is so rich and full of life. Ever place you visit in LOTRO is like walking thru the LOTR books.

Another thing that i adore about this particular game is the role playing factor, at any point in time you can cut loose for a while and just play your character around other people who enjoy doing the same thing. If you're tired of getting snow-jobbed by Blizzard this is the game for you.
#59 Jul 16 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
Ive played this since beta. I wish i could say what im going to say to the devs here on lotro forums.

Pre moria was the bomb the game was 100 times better then now.The pvmp was better just overall the game was better.

Heres the real deal with moria

They blew there budget on how moria looks and not much else. Im not sure what happened with moria but ever since moria the game has gone downhill in quality the lag is worse then its ever been. Based on how morias turned out and where theyre taking the game i wont be buying the next expansion.


Moria is the death of pvmp. Its become easymode paradise with flavor of the month classes.The devs DO NOT LISTEN to the players i told them along with a ton of players on there test servers call me nostradamus what i told them happened exactly as i told them lol.Yet they continue catering to flavor of the month classes. They nerfed the melee classes to the point most dont play in the moors anymore. Its hunters vs spiders 90% of the time.Until they decide the next flavor of the month

The days of huge raid on raid fights are a thing of the past. They nerfed the renown so raiding up is pointless and no wants to do it much.

The pvp armor is cloned moria pve gear with lousy stats just to show u how lazy the devs are in regards to pvp.

LAAAAAAAAAG is so horrible that most cant fight in big fights when they do occur on both sides your either lag killed or ld.

They put in this population buff thats been broken forever and is manipulated by players and its just a worthless piece of garbage to justify more transfers

The additions to the moors have been more pve into a pvp zone. They lied to us about a new pvp zone and didnt deliver it just more empty promises

server transfers have thrown the balance off as well in the moors they have no screening process and the majority of what weve gotten is server rejects whove warn out there welcome on there prior server with there idiot behavior but hey got 25$ u can come ruin the pvp even more lol.There are some good transfers but overall there server rejects

Like i said ive played this game since beta and ever since moria the game in quality and performance has gone down hill.Im personally waiting for swtor to come out myself.I hope a lotro dev reads this they need to get off there butts and fix the laaaaag and moors nonsense

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 4:41pm by Hargreyve
#60 Jul 16 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing LOTRO since launch. First of all, I think the game is just beautiful. I love to explore all the parts of a zone I can get to and I just keeping thinking about how good the game looks. Now that I got into Moria I was stunned all over again with the attention to detail. And I play on medium graphics!

Content, play mechanics, and crafting are some of the best I've ever come across. I have played EQ, EQ2, Dark Age of Camelot, and WOW so I have past games to compare to. I am a really casual gamer and I like the fact that this game caters to my type of playstyle. It's nice to be able to log on and actually accomplish something even if I only have a relatively short time to play.

I could go on but if anyone reads this I'm sure they know I like this game! [poll]
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#61 Jul 16 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
After playing WOW for 3 years - got bored with the new WOTLK content and started looking around at many different MMO's out there, LOTRO caught my eye as a boy I would read the hobbit and so forth...

Got the game just after release and it was not as good as it is now... the only niggles I could come up with was a) technical support and b) crafting...

I miss having the ability to choose the professions I wanted, instead LOTRO forces you to have their three professions, I feel we should be able to choose the professions we want to do... up to a max of 3.

Technical support is non-existent in the game - if you get through to their in-game help and they determine that you need technical suppport - they spam a macro at you on how to get to technical support... went over to the link provided and found that they could take up to a week to get back to you in regards to email support... there is no telephone support... and there is no way to talk to a live person...

If you can get past this... then this is one of the very best games you will ever come across in the MMO genre... graphics is the best, ambiance is unreal... and the in game community is nice to each other not like in wow where they put others down all the time! At least in this game you can actually ask for help and GET IT - except for in game support of course... ;o)

I am looking forward in playing this game for many months to come... and I highly recommend you to this game if your not already playing... rely heavily on those in game to help you... the game techs are useless!
#62 Jul 16 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
For me the reason to play LoTR is the immersion created by the story. Plenty of games have compelling gameplay, or great visuals, but most lack story to pull you in.

One plays MMOS for community (in theory) so once a game with a story this good, reveals a community this committed it is impossible for a gamer like me to ignore.

That said, the gameplay is exceptional, as are the visuals. Put those facets on the same gem with LoTRO's community and immersion and you have a priceless game.
#63 Jul 16 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing for over a year now, and to be honest, I am of two minds concerning the game. First, I will disclose that I generally don't play MMPG's ... this is the only one. I joined because a friend sort of instigated it. So, I don't know if my opinion counts much because I'm neither an Everquest nor WoW junkie, but for what it's worth:


Graphics ... absolutely stunning.
Audio experience: first rate.
"Tolkien" rating: Given that you had to fit it into a game formate, wonderful job.
Cool, neat and nifty items and gadgets: I give it a "9".
Combat: Generally, a lot of fun, though in large groups it can get visually confusing and really difficult to "lock" on a desired opponent.


Tedious, tedious, tedious. Games should be fun. Whoever thought that drudgery, such as having to grind traits and crafts added to "fun" or "realism" obviously just doesn't get it. The real world is full of drudgery ... got all of that I need. I thought we play games to escape this?

Lack of a real manual. C'mon guys ... this game has a bizillion rules and nuances. It's no damn fun to have to discover them all through trial and error. It's discouraging and more than once has made me want to quit playing.

Instances. First of all, the game should be adaptable for those who want to play solo. News flash: some of your customers have absolutely no desire to join a "kin" or interact with anybody else out there in cyberland ... they just want some enjoyable game play and will pay good coin of the realm for it. But many of the best rewards in the game are impossible to achieve as a solo player ... example: radiance armor. Second: quit messing with the instances. No one wants to figure out a strategy and then wipe because you guys changed it. Finally, you need to change the way rewards (items) are distributed in groups. It's absolutely maddening to go on three instance runs in a row and walk away with nothing but a huge armor repair bill just because a bloody dice roller program has decided to stiff you ... another case where I was ready to pull the game cd out of the machine and use it as a skeet.

Quit tweakin the classes. I don't like having to re-learn how to play my class ... it's annoying as hell. For that matter, stop trying to "improve" instances and quests that are already working just fine. One thing they don't seem to teach computer jocks in cyber school: If it ain't broke DON'T FIX IT. You may think something is "new" "better" or "really cool" but think long and hard before putting it in the game because I guarantee for every nerd that cries "oh joy" there will be ten others grumbling "Geez, why did they nerf ______ "(fill in the blank). Learn to leave things be. If you just gotta "improve" something, how about "improving" the terrible lag in places like the 21st Hall?

Last but not least ... guardrails. You would think with all this magnificent engineering that the races (especially the bloody elves) would figure out the concept of a guardrail on bridges and stairs. Perhaps not aesthetically pleasing but far better than having your character bite the dust because you had a bit of computer lag and suddenly found yourself plunging into a bottomless abyss or a pool of acid.

My two cents worth. Hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings.
#64 Jul 16 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
I have plowed through various MMORPGs throughout the past 11 years, ranging from Everquest 1 and 2, City of Heroes, Anarchy Online, Ultima Online, World of Warcraft, and others. Through all of these games, I have not had nearly as much fun nor been drawn into a game as I have in the recent, single month playing Lord of the Rings Online. Not only are the environmental graphics exhilierating, but the ease of play and dynamics of the playable races and classes are mesmerizing. Unlike the other games listed above, I actually find myself thinking on the drive to job sites which deeds I am interested in accomplishing, what towns I should visit next for quests, and how many of the next tier resource I will have to harvest to gain my mastery of the next crafting tier. I am anxious to get home and log on to the game to continue my adventures throughout Middle-Earth. I look forward to chatting with and gaining information from the community of players LotRO has attrated who are more helpful than any I have come across, not to mention just down-right polite. Needless to say, I will be playing LotRO for many years to come and will not consider subscribing to any others until I have had my fill of this beautiful and adventurous world.

Thank you for creating such a whimsical and involving area of cyber-space.

Your fan and player,

Eric Wilhelm

AKA Slyblighte
#65 Jul 16 2009 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
I bought the game when it first came out and played it for the first month. I'm a casual player and only got to level 17 before I decided the game was boring and quit playing. Most MMORPG titles can't hold my interest for very long, and LOTRO is the same.

i played through the recent Welcome Back episode, and progressed a bit further but still find the game pretty boring. It all breaks down into running towards an objective, getting attacked (Or attacking something) pressing the same keys on the keyboard in a pattern over and over again until it's dead or you get killed. Generally though, it's until the whatever is dead, and you just repeat this process over and over and over and over and over again. I think I've killed a couple thousand spiders, wolves, bears, bristlehides and various human types. And given the size of the game world and the quests that need to be done, it appears that this killing frenzy isn't about to end anytime soon. So do I pay the $15 a month for something that I don't find very fun? Probably not. If anything, I might pay for one more month to see how it goes, but at this point I'm approaching level 20 and the game just gets more difficult and less fun the more I gain.

Crafting, I suppose, is there to break up the monotony of combat, but it's just a further excercise of boredom. Chopping wood, mining, whatever. Then selecting things and watching it build it. Running around looking for key ingredients can take forever, or cost an arm in the auction. It's like nothing is designed in a way that is actually fun. It's more like it's put together to slow you down and bore you.

Plus, I never really feel as though my character is powerful. You level up and everything just levels with you because the quests take you into new areas that require levels that are always a bit higher than your own. So you always feel weak and incapable. Which detracts from the fun as well.

Dunno... Maybe if it was $5 a month, I'd keep playing, but $15 is too much. I'll shovel over the cash for 1 month more, but then I'll move on to something else.

#66 Jul 16 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
I remember how excited I was to hear that there was going to be an MMORPG based on Tolkien's fantastic Lord of the Rings series. I kept up with all of the media releases for the game from the mechanics, all the way to the mapping system. I knew that this was going to knock the bigger MMO's off their rocker.

Well, the release came and to everybody, the general consensus was: "It's o.k". O.k?! Are you kidding? I played other major competitor's MMO's for years, and here comes something that I thought was different. (In a good way of course). I sat back and took a real hard look at how this game was really different and why it felt so good to play it. Being heavily involved with the "other game", it took no time at all to understand where these great vibes were coming from. It was coming from not having to be bound by monotonous tasks.

I really felt like I was exploring! And what do you know? I honestly wanted to read the quests! How bout' that? I was enthralled with the story right away. To be able to go "behind the scenes" of one of the greatest stories ever told was awesome to me. This game, when looked upon by individuals with gaming integrity, can be considered to be one of the most entertaining to play. Let's look at some of the key points here compared to the "other games":

1.) I actually want to play!
2.) The story really goes somewhere.
3.) The game mechanics are fluid and easy to pick up.
4.) Community infrastructure is friendly and informational.
5.) The game stays pretty much the same. No frequent "Nerfs" and game changes. (Compared to the other games)
6.) The music score is phenomenal. The sounds are very well done.

The list can go on. I think that Turbine really does a great job at putting you in the driver seat of an adventure that you won't soon forget. Call that cheesy, but it's true. When you can chat with friends out of game and talk about cool plot twists and adventures you have done, you know you're playing a great game. People who are playing other MMO's and are sucked into a life-leeching time vortex, may eventually see the light and saddle up on this horse. I, for one and obviously, give this a 10/10.

Keep it up Turbine! And thank you ZAM for presenting this soap box! Always appreciated.

#67 Jul 16 2009 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, i found the game when the expansion came out and decided to give it a try. i loved it and still play it today. the Pvp in it is great and i love all the different things you can do while playing and the great resemblence to the books. the only things i would like to see is that the game moves out of the west lands faster. i would really like to see Rohan and gondor and places like that, over all though the game is a 10/10
#68 Jul 16 2009 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing Lotro earlier this year, and I have come to really like the game and the community. I'm an old time veteran of mmos, going back even before the early days of Everquest, and can attest that MMOs have come a long way from those 'good old days'.
#69 Jul 16 2009 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
This is my 5th MMO, having been with SWG, DDo, EQII and EVE online. I have been with LoTRO since the closed beta and loved it so much I plunked down my $ for a lifetime subscription and cancelled all the other game subs. Unfortunately I sometimes don't have a lot of time to play and some of my online fellows have been shocked to learn that I am a 2+ yr member, but my highest level toon is only level 33! That's fine with me, I am happy going it (very) slow and steady. I like the storylines and the crafting mechanics and that is part of my problem, that I want to play around with all the different classes and vocations. I love the fact that we get 5 to 7 characters per account (unlike many MMORPG's that limit you to 2, grudgingly). And most of all I love the fact that you have lighthearted silly nonsense like the ability to play as a chicken in the Shire versus the heavy dramatic storylines involving Sauron's big bad goons. This game in my opinion has something for everyone. My only complaint is the current cap on storage space, since I need more room for my crafting resources and trophies.

Server: Gladden
Kinship: Legend of a New Republic

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 5:01pm by ispyu
#70 Jul 16 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
1,557 posts
I've been playing reasonably regularly since Feb, so I have no pre-moria context. I've been playing FFXI since 2003, so my comparisons will come from that perspective. I'm at level 58 (cap is currently 60), so my endgame experience is very limited. Most of my comments on that section are hearsay rather than vast personal experience.

The game is beautiful. Can't complain about that. Classes are somewhat cookie-cutter. There's healers and tanks and support jobs and DD. Same as everything else, except all jobs seem to solo well enough, unlike ffxi where all but a few jobs had to group for xp, and some solo very poorly.

Though I know this is how it works on all non-ffxi games, I immediately missed the ability to change jobs. Rolling an alt and having to start over is lame, and keeping track of other people's alts is lame. But I guess when you get xp from quests, you have to redo the quests to level. /shrug

The game is easy-mode compared to ffxi, and I guess I prefer levelling through quests (like in LOTRO) to the endless 'kill the same mob for hours on end' grind that is the standard means of level progression in ffxi.

Endgame is growing, but it's crazy limited compared to the 'more than something for everyone' that ffxi has. To be fair there's a 5 year head start that SE had, but it is what it is. Gear gating sucks and the radiance system sucks. But I guess at least there isn't zone gating like in ffxi - those that remember Chains of Promathia will know that you had to do some pretty difficult group fights to even get into some of the expansion zones.

Levelling is much faster in Lotro, and it suits me that way. The whole game is less of a grind, but by the same token the grinds themselves are less interesting. Killer deeds are stupid.

The Legendary item system (as many have said) is such wasted potential. The concept of "Customize and increase the power of your weapon by getting it levels and applying earned points against improvements" is a fantastic idea. It was implemented horribly, in that you can't pick and choose what to put those points into. The abilities you get on your weapon are a random roll, and getting ideal to your playstyle 'legacies' is next to impossible - and in the case of the best weapons, you only have a few shots at getting what you the whole process of earning a 'first age weapon' might be a big waste of time.

The relic portion is also lame. Essentially I have to level and deconstruct lesser (but still legendary!) weapons...up to ten a get pieces that are combined en-masse, resulting improved quality but diminishing quantity. So I have to treat legendary weapons as basic crafting materials. It just seems stupid to me.

There is still a hardcore endgame scene, but people seem to cycle out and be gone much more quickly than in ffxi, mostly because it's not as fun or rewarding and folks finish it all pretty quickly and get bored. Don't take this as me saying there's no endgame grind, there is. There's just a bunch of gear gates that force everyone to grind down the same, single specific path. So folks burn out faster with no 'aternative grind' to switch to. At least ffxi had countless endgame grinds, so you could pick your favorite or rotate to another once you burned out on one.

In the end, it's a much more visually appealing and casual game, and I would recommend it for someone who is looking for that sort of experience. The people seem more mature and friendly, and there certainly IS something to be said for roaming through a virtual middle earth. Rune Keepers and the odd Space Demon aside, the devs/quest writers do a great job of keeping everything in line with the lore, and it's a fantastic world to explore.

Oh, and PvMP is fun when there's enough people in the zone to make things happen. The moors is great distraction.
#71 Jul 16 2009 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
I've played LOTRO couple months after it first came out. Since then I've left it for other MMO's to see what they had to offer such as AoC and WAR. Both left me wanting so I came back. I really enjoy the playing experience in LOTRO. The crafting is a lot more user friendly than in some other games. I love how we are part of a story that we all grew up on. I feel that it is easier to get into groups than it is in other games. I'm not much into PvP but I like how they've made it available if I ever felt like being a part of it.
#72 Jul 16 2009 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
I too was (perhaps still am!) a total NOOB when it comes to MMOs. I did not even know there was such a thing until my son got hooked on another rather famous one. I observed his play sessions a few times and concluded that game was certainly of no interest to me... but being a major LOTR geek, I wondered if there was one based on Lord of the Rings. I discovered there was and the open beta was just around the corner. I applied and started playing the day the LOTRO open beta "opened".

It was a rather steep learning curve for me, since I was absolutely totally completely clueless about game mechanics, quests, you name it! But I knew the source lore intimately as I had read the books pretty much yearly for the last 30 or so years. Within a few days I knew I would play this game until either it or I died. I bought a lifetime membership the minute it was available.

It has been two years plus change since I discovered this game. I now have several lifetime accounts, play all nine classes, and have 7 of those to level cap. Obviously I love the game. The rendering of Middle Earth is absolutely stunning. The developers have taken great pains to present the various places in Middle Earth as lore-accurately as possible. The quests and epic story line really let you be a part of this great saga. They have included a lot of "fluff" stuff too (housing, festivals, a neat music system, fishing and numerous other things) that make it great fun to hang out in Merry Middle Earth.

There is room for growth and improvement of course. Housing is still VERY limited and therefore somewhat frustrating -- but that said I still own as many houses as my 3 accounts will allow me! Crafting is very satisfying particularly the first 5 tiers... the 6th has some areas of frustration that hopefully at some point (soon!) will be addressed.

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 5:04pm by linwetaralom
#73 Jul 16 2009 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
Having just recently started the game for the first time- and having just recently left DDO for this endeavor- i must say i LOVE the game!!. it has something i missed sorely in DDO ... content. lots of it! the mechanics work fluidly and addictively- as any GREAT mmorpg should. I have recently started my fiance in the game as well- and my 8 yr old daughter loves the game as well- playing alternatly on my account or my fiance's.

The graphics are very well done, better than all the many many years of EQ i participated in. The quest lines and main story arch are a total joy, and i even enjoy Creafting for the first time ( in all other past games i skipped crafting entirely ).

Thank you Turbine for this wonderful addiction- keep up the great work, frequent updates, and love to Tolkein's world.
#74 Jul 16 2009 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
Hello Everybody,

I've played LOTRO since it came out and i really enjoyed it but unfortunately Stuff slowed and i couldn't get groups and i had trouble getting equipment and couldn't finish certain quests :( so i eventually left (major mistake especially before mines of Moria *doh*) I Regret leaving. But now that I'm back I've really enjoyed it more than the last time! this is an amazingly well done game and would recommend it to Any fantasy lover!

Some may ask well if you left what Brought you back?!

Well to be honest WOW Sucks a dead dogs dingy when your 80 and have nothing but pvp Haha anyways,my brother invited me to play and now we play together so i owe my brother thanks because if he didn't i'd have nothing to occupy my boring summer holidays! we both have Mines Of Moria and are Riddled with excitement.

Now another question ma be asked,okay well why do you like it better now?

My answer is simple Many things have changed and i love it! i personally find quests more enjoyable and the New holidays are FANTASTIC!! I've also found that Crafting has changed a great deal which is just amazing! (didn't think the crafting could get better but it did!) another thing is the expansion of the map Wow is that ever Cool! i personally find thinking about what they could do with other expansions. Ex make all the area's Moria and lothlorien eastward all Explorable and include places like Rohan and Isengard. Then eventually move southward! But besides my pondering possible expansions i love what they've done with the classes and I've also noticed Mobs that have been either added or re-done again AMAZING work!!!
I've also seen that you can make your own Sword/bow/spear/etc :P Anyways I must say this is currently the BEST online Game on the market In My Opinion May not have the most players but it has the best game play and high quality Graphics Great Job Turbine Keep going!!

Thanks for reading
(in game Toon name)Immrahail

Edited, Jul 17th 2009 6:10pm by Kynann
#75 Jul 16 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
I started out playing LOTRO on a Trial account in December of '07 right away i was amazed by the game. I had played EQ, Neverwinter and Final Fantasy 11 before LOTRO and i couldn't believe the improvement from the other MMOs. Since starting LOTRO i have played every top MMO and beta tested several others. So far LOTRO is the only MMO to keep me coming back over and over.

The crafting system is reliable, i love the way every quest, even the smallest ones all have intriguing stories behind them. In every MMO i have played i've seeked out good story. So far LOTRO is the only MMO to give me the amazing epic story line. LOTRO is to me the single best MMO i have played, the gameplay is great, the story is fantastic, i think Tolkien would be proud. This game has done great service to the Lord Of The Rings universe and i hope for more expansions and years more of play.

There are a few bugs but almost any game has bugs. LOTRO has taken i think the best aspects of any game and made them unique, i think i can honestly say after playing LOTRO, not a single game will ever catch my eye the way this one has. I hope it goes strong for a very long time, i look forward to years more of fun with this game.
#76 Jul 16 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
Hi there, I'm Feldenwe and I come from The Big E; the Jeweled Bell server.
I've been playing LOTRO since the betas and have been playing mostly PvMP since early when the game came Live. I was one of those who avoided to PvE unless it was ulmately necessary; but since the release of Mines of Moria the new content have given me lots to do and I am enjoyinh PvE much more than before and by being a Mintrel you get a lot of people inviting you to do stuff which is good, most times .... I went away for 2 months and I lost my house in Breeland so I claimed a new one, and that would be the Milestone at 21st Hall, When I am not in the Moors or running instances I'm usuallt there standing and ./waving at people and chatting on all the different channels that we have :)

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