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ZAM's Lord of the Rings ContestFollow

#152 Jul 16 2009 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
I've recently started playing on the free trial and my trial time is about to expire. During this trial run I've been able to explore a good chunk of the games features and evaluate its potential for fun during my search for a new MMO.

I come to LOTRO after playing WoW for a good 4 years. On my first night of LOTRO I was blown away by the stunning scenery, addictive gameplay, mind gripping quest lines, and kind attitude of the gaming community. I fully intend on purchasing this game and its very likely that I'll purchase a lifetime subscription. This game has exceeded all of my expectations and I expect to be playing it for a long time to come.

#153 Jul 16 2009 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
I have played LOTRO off and on since the launch. I think the world environment and graphics are superb.
I am pleased with the attention paid to Tolkien's work. I get a kick out of discovering a new plot twist. I get a real sense of immersion and character growth in this world.
The crafting system is fun and simple to maneuver. The addition of personal houses is great! The trophy system is also fun. Who would have thought I would enjoy whiling away the hours fishing. '-) I did not get into it in WoW.
I am almost ready to explore Moria and the idea of the Legendary Weapons is exciting.

I enjoy the story lines that run through most quest chains. So far the Misty Mounts chains have been my favorite. Goblin Town is a blast.
The only thing that bugs me is how some quest chains end in a group quest. I can be soloing a chain just fine and then get stopped in my tracks by a group quest.

All in all, I great game!
#154 Jul 16 2009 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
I played Lotro during the beta but left the game due to the fact that none of my friends wanted to leave WoW. I came back to the game after MoM released and have fallen in love with this game! CAPTAINS FTW!!! Lol, all i got to say is that im never going back to WoW again! This game offers my play style so much more than WoW ever did, more than SWG ever did, more than EQ1 or 2 ever did, more than Vanguard ever did, and more than FFXI ever did! I'm a LOTRO Gamer for life now! Stand up Turbine and take a bow for this game! Keep up the good work!
#155 Jul 16 2009 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
I was fortunate enough to find this game as my first mmo.So i went ahead and got an founders account and have never regretted it to this day.I did not pay any attention to the hater geeks who have come over from other mmo's just to go negative on lotro and compare it to games they have invested much of thier time in.After 2 years I'm still blown away by the graphics and the story line.And hope to be there when the ring is cast back into the fiery depths from whench it came.Congrats Turbine Very Well Done!!!! we sure have come along way since pong and asteriods havent we.
#156 Jul 16 2009 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, I do play LOTRO and have been on the same server since Closed Beta. The game is different from any MMORPG I have played so far (and I have tasted them all, yes I said tasted) because of the amount of detail to the lore aspect. Tolkiens universe has been replicated in a really impressive fashion. I remember reaching Rivendell back in March of 2007 and I was in awe.

Little things impressed me, like the realistic looking water in the lakes as well as the attention to detail of the trees and rocks make LOTRO a pleasure to look at. I have 5 level 60s now and I enjoy playing each and every one of them. The class breakdown is so varied that it feels like an entirely different game when I play each one.

Another thing I enjoy is the PvMP. I have several high ranked creeps as well as freeps. The Ettenmoors is a fun zone whether there are 5 people on your side or 40. The only thing I have wished for is to see more pvp overflow into end-game areas like Moria in a battle dungeon or instance.

This is the longest tenure I have had in any MMORPG with the exception of Star Wars Galaxies and I do not see any end in sight for LOTRO. We are just now reaching into Lothlorien and have a long way to go before we hit Mordor and Mount Doom!
#157 Jul 16 2009 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
Not being the biggest fan of Lord of the Rings I am a fan and love the lore. This game takes you to a new level of Middle Earth that you crave after reading all the books and watching the movies. The devs did a great job of tying things together and giving you an authentic feeling game. I wish I started playing this game at launch. I wasted to many years on other MMORGS that need not to be mentioned here. Lets just say Im a video game addict since I played my first set of pong. I like the adventuring,crafting and the fact I can play Slayer on my Lute. I really havent played long enough to point any bad things about LOTRO. I can just say coming from a long time gamer, Great game cant wait to get off this post and go back to playing.
#158 Jul 16 2009 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
Well i really never got the chance to play very many MMO's but with the few i have played this is one of the best. I have had a chance with Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, and Phantasy Star Online BB. and i have never had less lag than on LoTR the graphics are better then the ones i have played before. I have played for not even a month and so far the only game i play now pretty much. It has some of the best parts of gaming. And the whole storyline being based on the books rather then a story haven nothing to do with LoTR all together.
#159 Jul 16 2009 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
My brother has been playing this game for a long time and has loved it himself. I had never really been interested in the game until recently. A couple days ago my brother convinced me to try the 10 day trial and I can honestly say I loved it.

The game holds a great story and magnificent scenery to go along with its intense and unique style of combat and gameplay. It makes you feel almost as if you are there yourself as you battle through the landscapes and meet up with the familiar characters. The different classes offered make you feel like whatever path you take you are an irreplacable asset to any fellowship you join in with.

This game is a step above many games I have played before. I have only the trial, but in the short days I have been playing I have already learned to love it.
#160 Jul 16 2009 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
I originally played in the beta, and thought there were some really good things going on. But when it came time for the release, I just felt it was not as complete as it should be. So it was that I returned to WoW.

Jump ahead a year: the WoW guild I was in went through some major bumps, and I was burned out on WoW (I had been playing over there since that game's beta, as well). So, I decided to give LotRO another try, and fell in love with the game. It was finally what it was meant to be. That, and the fact they were offering the lifetime sub for $199 bucks again, and I was hooked. Moria just sealed the deal for the future for me.

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 7:38pm by Tirranei
#161 Jul 16 2009 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
Hello, i played lotro on a 14 day free trial and i loved it so much. I bought 6 months worth of playing time and i loved even more. However, it was getting expensive and i had to stop. The thing i loved the most was the great PvE. i really liked it becuase animals dropped things that animals actually drop(not like swords and money and stuff). The crafting system was terrific, the nvironment was beautiful. i could spend all day just wandering around the shire. In short it is the best game ever made hands down(better that WoW)
#162 Jul 16 2009 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
Hi. I would just like to say I have only played two games since owning a computer. My first game was Ultima Online. I played it for eight years. When my husband told me that a new game called Lord of Rings was coming out, I said to him i would love to try it. That was two years ago as of march. I will be playing Lord of The Rings for as long as it is out there for us to play. I love the graphics that lotr has put into this game. To me it seems so real and there are times where it makes my heart pound. There is only two things that I would say I dont like about Lord Of The Rings. One is the vault chest prices are a little bit too high. Also til here recently the price to rent a horse was expensive. But over all I am proud to say Im hooked on Lord of The Rings and I hope it will be around for many years to come.

#163 Jul 16 2009 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
I beta tested this game and had to leave due to not haveing the money at the time to paly. Life, wife, kids lol. I loved it then and love it now that i'm able to aford to play now. Love the rich game textures makes you feel like your in tolkens world. Plus the lore behind teh quests makes you feel like watching the movies again or re-reading all his books again. kudos to the tribune staff for make a great mmo.
#164 Jul 16 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
I actually stumbled upon lotro.I played wow for 3 years and one day 2 months ago on a tuesday i decided to browse the internet on wow maintenance day.I found lotro and ive been happily playing it ever since.

#165 Jul 16 2009 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
I first read LotR in the mid-60's and have reread it many times since. So I have always been fascinated with Tolkien's world. When the opportunity came to play an MMO based on the world I jumped at the chance. I had been playing EverQuest, EverQuest II, Star Wars Galaxies (before the the change) as well as Dark Age of Camelot (briefly). So I signed up for LotRO beta and was accepted and have not looked back really. I plunked down $400 for two lifetime subscriptions and have been playing regularly since the game went Live. I also remained active in EQII for over a year but finally dropped my accounts with SOE (Sad that). As an alt-aholic I have 14 characters I actively play. However, recently I pushed to take two characters (hunter and loremaster elves) to level 60 just to see the new stuff in Moria and Lothlorien. I still have to go back and finish all of the Volume 1 Epic quests as well as the new Vol II quests. I plan to do that initially with another pair of characters. These two are lady hobbits that a pretty tough if I do say so myself. The leader (sort of) is a guardian and the helper is a burgler. So far (level 29 now) they haven't died too much and are pretty good at taking care of the badies.

The graphics as everyone has said are spectacular and the quests have been interesting enough that I am willing to do them many times.

The only poor things about the game, to me, has to do with the most recent stuff in Moria and Lothlorien. The repeatable quests could do with some other monsters. The easiest seem to be the bugs and the delvers in the crafting supply instances. As I need lots and lots of hides I try to only do those instances with the delvers. I have never even tried the bats and Morrowval instances. What do they drop that I can really use?

I do plan on being around for a LONG time.

Sunlar(HTR Elf), Sunlir(CHP, Elf, Lirsun (WAR, Elf), Sunbelle (LM, Elf), Yanamila (HUM LM), Eadalstan (Hum Cpt), Eadalwaru(Hum Bur), Faerlynie (GRD Hob), Faracar (War Hob), Helga(HTR Hob, Taelaeri(Min Hob), Namri (Bur Hob), Zharyl (Min Dwarf), Vaer (RK Dwarf) : Nimrodel

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 6:59pm by Sunlir
#166 Jul 16 2009 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent

I was one of the original members ("founder") of LOTRO when it went live, and am still playing on a regular basis today with my hobbit burglar, my favorite class. I love this game! I like how they create a rich history as a backdrop for current events. I like being able to interact with the hero npc's - everybody from Butterbur and Tom Bombadill to Gandalf and Elrond. I like the rich, textured landscapes - way better than WoW (sorry, Blizzard)!

I like the constant interaction from Turbine. They make their Game Masters available to help with serious game issues, and they generally respond in a timely manner. Turbine nearly consistently rolls out new content every couple of months, including new areas, new quests, and new epic books to continue the story of the Rings and the War. Several times they have taken a look back to see what needs to be changed in content that's already out, and the changes have consistently been for the better. The game isn't perfect, but it's constantly improving.

This game is just a lot of fun to play, and there's so much to do! Not only do you have quests and crafting; there are deeds to earn virtues (slottable traits that improve your base stats), rep to be gained with different "factions" throughout Middle Earth (like the Men of Bree or the Elves of Rivindell), and festivals for every season! The game has its serious moments, like when you're fighting a balrog in The Rift, but it has its light moments too, like when you're watching hobbits race for food! And I haven't even mentioned the PvP area, where the aspiring hero can gain rank by killing enemy wargs, orcs, and spiders!

There's just so much to do! Speaking of which, I need to go run the Inn League Challenge one more time so I can get that coveted keg for my house!
#167 Jul 16 2009 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
I first played LotRO a few months after launch, mostly because my friends and I were waiting for WoW's first expansion to come out. I thought LotRO was decent back then, but stopped playing it for WoW which I quit about a year ago. WoW became too easy, I didn't like where PvP ended up (resilience killed it for me), and there are plenty of more things I could rant about but this is about LotRO, not WoW.

I recently started playing LotRO again after discovering they had some great deals on the expansion download and 3 monthly packages, and I was thoroughly impressed with the improvements that were made while I was not playing. The game is absolutely beautiful with DX10, frustration free with the quest-guide system (though many quests are still challenging), the attention to detail is great, the crafting system actually seems to be useful and is also robust, the deed system adds another element besides quest grinding to keep you busy, instances are fun and much of the time actually require thought and strategy to complete, the classes all play uniquely, and the list goes on. There are many similarities to WoW, but while the basic formula is similar, I've found LotRO to have made itself into its own game and surpassed Blizzard's giant through new ideas and good updates.

My single biggest suggestion for LotRO is that Turbine could stand to add about twice as many emotes as they currently have in the game, but that's not even a huge deal. I'd have to think a little harder to find another issue that really irks me about this game.

Edited, Jul 16th 2009 7:52pm by Fruban
#168 Jul 16 2009 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
I've played Lord of the Rings Online randomly since launch. I remember bits and pieces of it during my first foray but I never stayed to due to obligations with other games which my friends played. Now I am back and playing once again. Having been a MMO addict for over a decade it's safe to say that I've experienced pretty much everything the genre has to offer, so Middle-Earth is nothing too unique when it comes to exploring content and the like.

However, there is something I've recently discovered in myself that Lord of the Rings Online offers, and that is an incredible role-playing system. I've never been a heavy role-player, but when it comes to this game, all it has to offer in that department, it is easily one of the best. To me, at this point in my gaming career, there is nothing better than to sit inside the Prancing Pony in Bree-town and belt out some tunes with fellow hobbits, smoke a pipe, and vividly detail imagined adventures and stories in front of the fire.

It's a comfortable game, and very well polished, and for that I have decided I have a new home in a virtual world once again, for the time being. That is until something else comes along, but we all know how the MMO genre is these days.
#169 Jul 16 2009 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing LoTRO last month. I did briefly play in the original beta for the game, but at that time I didn't care much for the game as compared with what else was on the market.

I decided to take a trial out and check LoTRO out again when I wanted a new game to play more recently. Within two days I'd purchased and downloaded the full game, but honestly the $9.99 deal was just too good to pass up.

So what brought me to enjoy the game?

*being set in Tolkien's Middle Earth
*nice looking game outside of the animations
*nice overall community
*healthy RP community (haven't seen any vampires, drow or werewolves yet anyways, lol)
*no parsers for e-peen measuring at endgame
*somewhat complex crafting system
*having a housing system available even though I think it needs improvement
*option to PvP via the PvMP system for those who want to
*a seamless world - not a whole lot of loading screens between zones
*free myLoTRO blog offering
*no world free for all PvP, but instead a creatively done Player vs Monster Player system
*no real factions (ie, good vs evil players, everyone is on the same side)
*unique and interesting classes instead of stereotypical MMO types (paladin, cleric, mage, etc)
*names given to some game mechanics such as "Morale" instead of "Health" and "Defeat" instead of "Death"

What I think needs improvement:

*Character animations (running, horse riding, fighting)
*Housing system as a whole could learn a thing or three from EQ2
*Better interface options, some of it is rather clumsy to use
*Storage options - the only account-shared storage is available if you buy a house and still is rather limited. They should consider a crafting storage amenity due to the large amount of crafting materials you need.
*Better ways to remain truly anonymous (could be wrong, but I don't believe there is a way to make your character anon on the leaderboards)
*Consider expanding the barber to allow for complexion and body shape changes.

Think that's all for me!



Edited, Jul 16th 2009 7:56pm by TinraeofAB
#170 Jul 16 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing LOTRO since it came out. In the past, I have really enjoyed MMOs that have more to offer than simply grouping up to RAID or going on gear Hunts. LOTRO has this for those who enjoy it, but for me, I really enjoy all of the other aspects of the game and the world that Turbine has created.

Let's begin with Crafting. I enjoy being able to gather resources and learning how to make things that are useful. In most MMOs that I have experienced, everyone feels like they MUST RAID in order to obtain gear that is useful and competitive. From what we have experienced thus far in LOTRO, Crafted Gear is very competitive and in some cases, it is *THE* item to obtain.

Another aspect of the game that continues to thrill me is the world itself. The graphics are spectacular. The scenery that has been developed goes beyond what I expected Middle Earth to look and feel like. With the freedon to create areas that are on the fringe os the main storyline, Turbine has been able to fill in many of the reasons why things have come to be as they are. Angmar is an area that is only mentioned, but Turbine created an area that illustrates just how widespread and pervasive evil has become throughout Middle Earth - and in this case, not so far from the Shire itself. It has been a joyous experience to explore this new world.

One additional aspect of the game that we have enjoyed is the fact that a very large number of middle-aged players as well as female players have joined this world. Six of us formed a kinship in the early days and we have seadily grown to well over 500 characters - and more than 100 active or semi-active players. We are continually suprised at the ages of some of our members. We have more than 6 members who are over 50, myself included. I would speculate that the average age of our kinfolk is over 35 years of age. That, in itself, is amazing.

all I have to recommend to Turbine is to keep doing what they are doing and don't lose sight of the dream.
#171 Jul 16 2009 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
I have been an MMO addict for many years. I have played everything from EverQuest and it's sequel to Wow(Boo! I know!), and now Lord of the Rings Online. Honestly, I have had a blast from the beginning. I enjoy the complexity and depth the game has to offer. LOTRO has much more to offer than most other MMO's currently dominating the market.

Of course, there are going to be hiccups occasionally, as it is with ALL MMOs. You are dealing with computers, and MASSIVE amounts of information being transfered at any given second, issues can and will arise. That being said, I have had more pain and aggrivation from other games than I have ever had with my experience with LOTRO. The only real issues I have had are minor glitches, and laggy situations, nothing major at all.

I prefer games that require intellect and strategy, rather than button-mashing, mindless entertainment. The Instances, and Bosses you encounter among your travels throughout Middle Earth, require much of both. Although, I haven't had the opportunity to be in a raid situation. I can only imagine how intricate and difficult the upper-tier raid encounters will be.

LOTRO has incorporated many features that long-time fans of MMOs have resort to using third-party mods and other applications to provide the best playing experience they demand. Many features like In-Game Voice Chat, and the ability to customize your interface to a certain degree without the use of third-part mods. Other features as in quick-travel throughout Middle Earth, without having to depend on cooldowns nor other players/NPCs to port around. Although, in some areas and at some times, I enjoy the challenge of reaching my desired camp when there is no "Summon" available.

I have been tenacious, yet unsuccessful in my attempts to sway people to at least try out LOTRO. I will continue to recommend this game to MMO addicts and the occasional player because it is a great game, and I believe everyone should give it a chance to grow on them.

Havix of Brandywine

#172 Jul 16 2009 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
I've played the rest...UO, EQ, SWG (may God strike SOE down), WoW, DDO, COH, I know my games. LOTRO is very unique - I love the fact that most of my kinsmen are mature and Landroval is certainly a great community.
#173 Jul 16 2009 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
Have been in Middle Earth since the closed beta and think the game is fantastic. I've read the Tolkien books many many time and think that the game has captured the feel of Middle Earth perfectly. Also the players I've met online have been a fantasticly friendly and helpfull lot of people from all over the world. I'ts so good I have a lifetime membership and bought a lifetime membership for my wife for christamass :)
#174 Jul 16 2009 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
I have been involved with Lord of the Rings Online since the first two weeks of Beta. Before that, I was a hardcore City of Heroes player of 2+ years... the operative term is 'was'. After getting a taste of the graphics, rich environment, and live-like characters, I cancelled my account on City of Heroes and became a Founder when the game went live.

In that time, the game has evolved considerably. Housing was added, and the fist pay-expansion (Mines of Moria) was released. Content is being constantly added, and game improvements, like adding DirectX 10 Support last year, have improved game quality to a point where very few games compare.

Overall, I'm very happy with my descision to become a founder and to have had the chance to play one of the most polished and well-rounded MMOs to date. :)
#175 Jul 16 2009 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
Hi. I've been playing LOTRO since Beta. I've tried some of the other MMOs that have come along. I started with Everquest, then played DAoC, Star Wars Galaxies and then WoW for a week. LOTRO is the one that has kept me. The questing is without peer in the MMO world. I have never had to sit and 'camp' a spot for a monster or just trying to get xp, which was my main complaint with other games. The continued free content that is made available and the fact that Turbine is willing to admit when things don't work quite like they hoped and make changes have helped to keep the game fresh and I haven't tired of it one bit. It also has the best crafting of any game I've played.
And let's face it. Being able to visit and see places we all know from the books has been a lot of fun.

#176 Jul 16 2009 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
I've only been playing LotRO for about 4 weeks now, coming here from WoW, so there is much that I've not experienced, and I've still SO much to learn, however, I would like to share my thoughts as a 'noobie'.

I've played quite a few MMORPGs over the last 15 years or so and LotRO has become my 2nd favorite of all I've tried. There is so much that I really like about LotRO. I enjoy the many quests and the quest lines, the story lines. The graphics are some of the best I've seen. I very much enjoy the auction system which allows for people, especially low-levels a way to earn some coin. I love the crafting system, user-friendly, and gathering materials is quite easy (at my lower levels anyway). I love the housing aspect, and the fact that there are three styles to choose from, and each race is free to choose which style they prefer.

Some of the things I might like to see changed include the mail system - to be able to send more than one item at a time. In housing, I would like to be able to 'move' items, rather than the simple rotation now available, and have more freedom with the items that can be placed (i.e., not being locked into a specific size, type, etc.). It would also be nice if there were crafting facilities within the housing areas. With the crafting, it would be nice to be able to 'salvage' some items made, such as armor or weapons, in order to help reduce the cost of materials purchased. I would also like to see a 'dedicated' roleplay server. It would always be nice if inventory/pack space were easier to obtain, i.e., larger packs for purchase, perhaps player-crafted and/or less expensive bank slots.

PS) Female dwarves might be nice too =)
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