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My Pokémon, Let me show you themFollow

#1 Aug 20 2010 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
6,543 posts
I did a great deal of research last night on different pokémon and their strengths/weaknesses and move sets. My plan is to keep all of these pokémon on hand in my boxes and ready to battle when needed. I won't be able to do this at the VGCs because I can only register 6, though, I'd like to be able to use different team setups for different tournaments at least. I have found that being unpredictable is huge asset, especially when using pokémon most people aren't used to seeing, or are generally unfamiliar with.

Since the release of the generation 4 games, things have changed up a bit. Before, I felt like the only pokémon I could REALLY count on was Snorlax, now my strategy for him is not so solid anymore... Mostly because of new fighting-type moves that are special attack based that he cannot use Counter with, and also because of moves that USED TO BE special attacks but are now considered physical. Gengar has been severely nerfed for this reason as well. Moves like Ice Punch and Thunder Punch and Fire Punch are just about useless now to a pokémon like Gengar, because his attack stat is low, whereas his special attack is incredible. The least they could have done is let him use moves like Ice Beam and Flamethrower >< They also lowered the accuracy of Hypnosis to 60% -___-

It begs me to wonder... Why would they give physical attackers such a blessing of being able to choose many different elements to attack with, but then totally ***** them by giving special attackers Fighting-type attacks?

Anyway, here is a list of possible party candidates I will be using. How I will arrange them in actually parties, I am not yet sure. There are so many to choose from.

Drifblim - Careful Nature - Leftovers (HP and SpD EVs)

Calm Mind - Substitute - Hypnosis/Attract - Baton Pass

I fought Drifblim once in game and was fairly impressed by it's defenses. It has an ungodly amount of HP.. and it's a Ghost type! If this had been in Generation 3 it would have killed everything, especially if it could learn Amnesia. But it's not generation 3 anymore, and the best it can hope for is Calm Mind and a Sub to be Baton Passed with. Aftermath is cool though.

Ninjask - Hasty - Bright Powder (Speed and HP EVs)

Substitute - Swords Dance - Baton Pass - (either X-scissor or Double-Team)

Ninjask is still pretty awesome in Gen4 I think. It is a good lead and can setup an attacker with Swords Dance fairly easily, and depending on circumstances, and provide whoever it's switching to with it's Sub as well, and hopefully x3 Swords Dance.

Slowking - Bold - Leftovers (HP and Defense EVs)

(Not sure if I plan on using this one at all yet. I kind of favor Slowbro, if not just because it's a Gen1 Pokémon.)

Wobbuffet - Bold - Leftovers (HP, Def and Special Defense divided evenly EVs)

Counter - Encore - Safeguard - Mirror Coat

It has been called a god among pokémon by some. It is definitely one to be feared, as using any kind of attack against it is almost certain death. It's only real downfall is it's inability to heal itself.

Starmie - Modest - Life Orb (HP and Special Attack EVs)

Ice Beam - Psychic - Surf - Thunderbolt

One of my old favorite special sweepers. It covers a lot of weaknesses, and I have one-shot-killed many many pokémon with it. Natural Cure is also a big help.

Shuckle - Careful - Grip Claw or Leftovers (HP and Special Defense EVs)

Encore - Toxic - Wrap - Knock-off or Attract

People don't know what to do about Shuckle most of the time. He looks like a water type, but is actually bug/rock. It doesn't have much HP, but has INSANE defense and special defense. It is great for stall tactics and even better at annoying the hell out of people.

Snorlax - Bold - Leftovers (HP and Defense EVs)

Counter - Amnesia - Toxic - Rest

My all-time FAVORITE pokémon! Nothing is more awesome than watching Snorlax take down uber after uber. Mewtwo, Kyogre, Latias/os, Rayquaza, almost every other pokémon can't do **** for damage on him once he's got all 3 Amnesia buffs up, and any damage done at all is immediately healed by leftovers. Any attempt to attack physically is returned in spades with Counter, 1-hit KOing the opponent. While special attackers attack again and again praying for critical hits, they die faster and faster under the weight of Toxic-- any attempt to heal themselves with Roost or Recover or Synthesis only delays the inevitable, as Toxic does more and more damage with each turn. Status effects like paralyze and burn are fully healed along with all HP by Rest, which induces sleep for exactly two turns and no more. If I had a million dollars, I'd have a life-sized Snorlax statue sitting in my front yard.

Bronzong - Brave - Macho Brace (HP and Attack EVs)

Gyro Ball - Earthquake - Rest or Explosion - Trick Room

Another Gen4 that I was impressed with. A very solid wall with adequate offensive capabilities. Very awkward resistance and weaknesses that will frustrate many attackers.

Blissey - Bold - Leftovers (HP and Defense EVs)

Aromatherapy- Attract - Toxic - Softboiled

Another good wall, possibly the best wall against special attacks, tons of HP, self healing ability and the ability to erase status ailments on all other party members. It's probably more effective now than it was in Gen3 even.

Mamoswine - Adamant - Life Orb (Attack and Speed EVs)

Earthquake - Ice Shard - Stealth Rock - Stone Edge

One of the only Gen4 attackers that really stood out to me. It has incredibly high attack and for an offensive pokémon has pretty amazing endurance. It's ability to hit hard with ground and ice (with STAB even!) makes it incredibly tough.

Dugtrio - Jolly - Life Orb (Attack and Speed EVs)

Earthquake - Aerial Ace - Sucker Punch, Stone Edge

Another one of my old favorites, if not just for Arena Trap and it's immunity to electricity. A really good counter for Thunder Wave whores, among other things.

Alakazam - Timid - Life Orb (Speed and Sp. Attack EVs)

Signal Beam, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Psychic

Now with Signal Beam for those pesky Dark types! For some reason First Gen pokémon are always my favorite, probably because I know them best from the good old days. One of the best special sweepers out there by far that isn't an uber.

Gengar - Modest - Life Orb (Speed and Sp. Attack EVs)

Focus Blast - Hidden Power (Fire) - Thunder - Shadow Ball

Yet another old favorite, but one that has lost a lot of shine since the changes of generation 4. It used to be, someone would buff up a physical attacker and prepare to attack, only so I could switch in Gengar and render them completely helpless when all they had were fighting and normal type attacks. These days physical sweepers are packing all kinds of heat, including psychic and ghost physical attacks (wtf...) Seems these days he's just another special sweeper that falls short in a serious competition -_____-

Skarmory - Jolly - Shed Shell or Leftovers (Speed and HP EVs)

Spikes - Whirlwind - Drill Peck - Roost

A good lead pokémon, now with Roost for added survivability! Flooding the opponents team with spikes then shuffling them about is a tried and tested tactic of awesome (or annoyance if you are on the other side of it). It also makes it a lot harder for an opponent to maneuver about switching pokés in and out of battle. If a Skarmory is allowed to establish enough spikes, the battle is more or less over before it begins. Teams without a strong fire or fighting offensive to deal with Skarmory are usually *******

Forretress - Relaxed - Shed Shell or Leftovers (HP and Attack EVs)

Earthquake - Explosion - Rapid Spin - Spikes or Stealth Rock

Similar to Skarmory, it's job is to lay down spikes and to switch in to absorb moves that steel resists. It also functions as a counter spike, as Rapid Spin can knock away spikes layed by the opponent. Explosion is especially effective in double battles, particularly if paired with a ghost type that won't be killed in the blast.

Slowbro - Relaxed - Leftovers (HP and Special Defense EVs)

Yawn - Slack off - Amnesia - Ice Beam

Slowbro is a very solid pokémon defense wise. It is very hard to kill without specifically exploiting it's weaknesses. It's ability to effortlessly put opponent's pokémon to sleep with Yawn is by itself a scary feature. Slack Off is new I think, and amazing-- that and the use of Amnesia make Slowbro almost as godly as Snorlax in some ways.

There are probably a few others out there I should look into. Ubers like Mewtwo and Arceus are a given, though (If and when they are allowed.)
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#2 Aug 20 2010 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
#3 Aug 20 2010 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
What are those "EVs" you spoke of?
#4 Aug 20 2010 at 4:36 PM Rating: Excellent
5,550 posts
You should really looks at some of the clauses, double team is outright banned in most comps, and sleep clause (meaning only one poke on the other team can be asleep) is also a very common rule.
You should really focus one or two pokes, and build support and counters around them. My old (non-ubers)base 3 team was

Ninjask@ (jolly+atk+spd) focus sash
Swordsdance for attack) or sub (for pure speed passing)
Baton pass

(lead, protect scouts and brings its speed up once, (above choice scrafers), pass to a counter based on what they have out are if it is something weak to bug, xscissor to scare them, and get a free sd before passing)

Salamence either 1@ life orb or 2@ lefties - 1jolly +sp +atk or 2(SpD+, Spa-, with HP, Spdef)

1 Sweeper:
Dragonclaw or Outrage
Roost or Fireblast

This thing (esp the eq/dc/dd/roost one with magne) will dominate whole teams after 2 dd. Unfortunately, in smogon rules, he was put in ubers, because every UO team had one

2 Tank

Light screen
Dragon claw/outrage

Mono attack, yes, but with roost (eliminates flying type) and light screen (half special attack damage) he can take a starmie or vappy ice beam and not even lose 1/4th of his health, and keep boosting/roosting alternating. In addition, his natural ability lower attack by one when he comes out, so he can tank almost anything (stay away from ice shards and stone edge, and you’ll be fine)

Magneton - Modest or timid, +spA -atk @ choice specs

HP fire
Flash cannon

This thing has one purpose, to wreck every single steel type (it has magnet pull and out speeds every single one - magnezone has 10 less base speed) that resists dragon type attacks or dragon /earth (skarmory)

From there, I fill out with either another tank like hippodown, def put in a special sweeper like azelf or starmie, maybe a disabler like a rotom form. Side note here is If I ca find room for it. And can make a smart switch in, this guy will kill the other tema out right

Breloom @ toxic orb ,jolly, +atk +speed

Leech Seed
Focus Punch/ Sky upper cut.

135 base attack, stab fighting moves, and passed in speed, your opponent will go first during the switch, but if brelooms silly defenses hold up, at least one opponent is going down . You out speed-> sleep -> put up a sub while they switch out -> leech seed. Leedseed + toxic orb heal for MORE than a substitute, so you can drain your opponent down to nothing by just hitting sub over and over. They reach low life, and you polish em off with an attack. Focus punch if you count on having sub up, as it is 150 base power.

A few things I’ll leave with you : Smogon if you don’t know about it. Also that leads have shifted generally being disablers. Means you’ll need one pokemon that can’t flinch or outspeeds base 100, and one that can absorb all statuses (CS.sash sleepers), and one that can use any choice item without being too crippled (choice item -> trick will wreck a set up lead OR any tank).Speaking of tanks, wish + protect is the best way to heal, because you can switch your poke to a more resistant one, and have the healing land on him to top him off) You’ll know which counter to bring out if you first turn protect. You also need a way to stop stat uppers, I saw your team and for example, your snorlax is huge setup bait, a lucario would come in, SD, and if you switched, it would ES or CC your switch in for huge damage, if you don’t switch, you have no direct attacking moves, and it is half steel so immune to poison so it would SD again, and then proceed to CC-ES-EQ/Crunch your entire team into the ground. Also a taunt (makes you use a direct attack) would make you struggle and kill yourself.

Watch out for steels, they are insanely popular, especially scizor on rain teams (he is only weak to fire, so it makes sense)

Edited, Aug 20th 2010 4:41pm by Tarub
#5 Aug 20 2010 at 4:37 PM Rating: Excellent
5,550 posts
#6 Aug 20 2010 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Tarub wrote:

Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#7 Aug 20 2010 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
5,550 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
Tarub wrote:


#8 Aug 20 2010 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
I tend to favor a Skellgargle focused setup. I usually run them with Hob Bob, Dainty Little Dance, Temper Tantrum, and Blink. Equipped with a jumping rump just gives them an insanely high jumping stat which very few pokemen can keep up with. If they do have to face their one counter, a forcefield dog, then that's when you bring out your Tee Recks which eats force field dogs.
#9 Aug 20 2010 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Allegory wrote:
I tend to favor a Skellgargle focused setup. I usually run them with Hob Bob, Dainty Little Dance, Temper Tantrum, and Blink. Equipped with a jumping rump just gives them an insanely high jumping stat which very few pokemen can keep up with. If they do have to face their one counter, a forcefield dog, then that's when you bring out your Tee Recks which eats force field dogs.

Hey man, pokémon is serious business. Smiley: mad
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#10 Aug 20 2010 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Tarub wrote:
Kuwoobie wrote:
Tarub wrote:



This thread is a Brolocaust
#11 Aug 20 2010 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
I have a pure ice team that is awesome purely because of snow cloak evasion hax. Bad luck can also happen though, sandstorm teams and Heatran/Scizzor can own me if I don't counter them properly. I have a pure batton pass team too, but I haven't used it yet so I don't know how good it is. Also, my friend has a team that's kick *** and almost always wins with it.

Shoddy battle ftw.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#12 Aug 21 2010 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Deadgye wrote:
I have a pure ice team that is awesome purely because of snow cloak evasion hax. Bad luck can also happen though, sandstorm teams and Heatran/Scizzor can own me if I don't counter them properly. I have a pure batton pass team too, but I haven't used it yet so I don't know how good it is. Also, my friend has a team that's kick *** and almost always wins with it.

Shoddy battle ftw.

I've been thinking about doing Shoddy Battle. Years ago I used to have a program called Net Battle that served more or less the same purpose. I'm tempted to set up Shoddy Battle, but at the same time I feel like I should avoid it.

I'm not sure why... but in Net Battle, I kind of felt like I was building teams around the soul purpose of winning against what people used most frequently. I became addicted to winning. Then there'd be days where I'd go on a bad losing streak, and I'd become depressed for the rest of the day, and I'd be unable to focus.

It seems like whenever I lost, it was because I was unable to predict my opponent's moves-- either because they were using some out of the ordinary tactic, or because they were using pokémon nobody else used along side an out of the ordinary tactic. Aside from that, my team was flawless in countering the common, the ordinary.

I never used pokémon like Scizor or Salamance because I never felt challenged by them, and could never understand why my opponents used pokémon I could easily 1-shot.

I also hated how everything was divided into "OU" "UU" "NU" "Ubers" as dictated by Smogon. I don't mind clauses for certain kinds of matches, but I also like to have a bit more freedom when it comes to assembling my team.

I recently discovered that Nintendo holds yearly Video Game Championships for Pokémon (whereas I used to think it was only for the card game.) Watching the winners battle, I think to myself, "Holy ****! I could beat that guy blindfolded and hogtied!"

They all use Palkia and Kyogre and Ludicolo and Hitmontop. If not, then something similar. Every video from every region looks almost exactly the same.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#13 Aug 21 2010 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
People used Dragonite and Salamence because they could sweep through anything, even walls, if you set them up properly. Sounds like your opponents were just bad at avoiding getting beamed.
#14 Aug 21 2010 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Kavekk the Ludicrous wrote:
People used Dragonite and Salamence because they could sweep through anything, even walls, if you set them up properly. Sounds like your opponents were just bad at avoiding getting beamed.

I think it's because at least half of my team always has some sort of ice move, usually Ice Beam. I tend to set up my teams with 2 or more, usually AT LEAST 3 special sweepers with moves that cover a wide range of weaknesses.

I just now set up Shoddy Battle, and I am loving these new Signal Beam and Focus Blast moves. Dark and Steel types used to be a major problem for me, but not anymore. Seems like every non-wall pokémon has a beam of some sort I can use to 1-shot them with now.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#15 Aug 21 2010 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
I recommend an entire team of Shiny Bidoofs.
#17 Aug 25 2010 at 9:40 AM Rating: Excellent
A new challenger has appeared!

Edited, Aug 25th 2010 11:41am by shintasama
#18 Aug 25 2010 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
4,720 posts
My Pokémon, Let me show you them
Do you have candy?
Reiterpallasch wrote:
Horst needs a 1 minute, 15 foot doom aura. Get in, get out, or @#%^ing die.
Calmus wrote:
...draining with sambas is kind of like you smack the thing and as you smack blood flies out... normally the blood would just you know fall and be red an what-not, but, with the samba your all whacked out and decide to drink the blood as it flys out. thus not adding MORE damage just taking more advantage of your damage. at least thats my take on it.
#19 Aug 25 2010 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
I'm still waiting for an explaination. -.-
#20 Aug 25 2010 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Duke Ikkian wrote:
I'm still waiting for an explaination. -.-

I thought you were being sarcastic in some way... You really didn't know?

Well, EV = Effort Value. They have been around in some form or another since Red and Blue/Green.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#21 Aug 25 2010 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
Ohhhh....I never knew that! That might explain my fire and thunder resistant Articuno, I must've somehow raised its special defense without knowing.
#22 Aug 25 2010 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Duke Ikkian wrote:
Ohhhh....I never knew that! That might explain my fire and thunder resistant Articuno, I must've somehow raised its special defense without knowing.

There's also IVs, but those cannot be changed on an individual pokémon without hacking, and also determine what element "Hidden Power" is. In order to get the highest IVs, you have to breed pokémon, much the same way they breed horses to produce stronger and faster results.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#23 Aug 25 2010 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
Kuwoobie wrote:
Duke Ikkian wrote:
Ohhhh....I never knew that! That might explain my fire and thunder resistant Articuno, I must've somehow raised its special defense without knowing.

There's also IVs, but those cannot be changed on an individual pokémon without hacking, and also determine what element "Hidden Power" is. In order to get the highest IVs, you have to breed pokémon, much the same way they breed horses to produce stronger and faster results.
I've never gotten tino breeding because you can't breed Articuno. :(
#24 Sep 12 2010 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
i guess there's not much effects for articuno or the other legendary birds if we're able to raised a dragonite or gyrados... i wonder why there's no evil gyarados available for raising.. ==
#25 Sep 16 2010 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
I also hated how everything was divided into "OU" "UU" "NU" "Ubers" as dictated by Smogon. I don't mind clauses for certain kinds of matches, but I also like to have a bit more freedom when it comes to assembling my team.

Meh; in an OU match you're allowed to use everything except ubers- so it never really bothered me.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#26 Sep 19 2010 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
While you can't determine the outcome of IV's you can always check them. There is an IV calc here. You pretty much just take the babies into a level 100 battle and just look at their stats, you put in their stats and it will tell you what their IV's are. While this is very tedious if your a serious battler then that's probably what you want to do to make sure your IV's are in the right place.

Check out Serebii if you don't already, it's a really good pokemon site.
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