I whined enough at my husband that he agreed to let me get "us" a PS3 for Christmas. We need a blu-ray player because the pile of unwatchable movies is growing, and we've missed out on at least five years worth of current-gen games in addition to not being able to play any of our PS2 games since we upgraded our new TV (the composite adapters aren't working and we gave up trying.) And he gets to pick the first game, so he's getting some Mortal Kombat action along with it. (He still plays the arcade versions on an emulator once in a while. )
However, I wonder if it'd be a good idea to get a backwards compatible unit, the 60 gig ones, just to hedge my bets? They have refurbished ones on eBay with a 90 day warranty for $300. We have a whole shelf of unloved PS2 games we never eBayed for some reason, and it'd be nice to be able to play them again.
Or should I risk getting a brand new $249 one, and just cross my fingers that Sony re-releases my favorite PS2 games in HD?
Note: FFXI is actually a non-issue, since the media center PC runs just fine to the television and plays FFXI without breaking a sweat, and probably in higher quality than PS3 could put out.