Ravashack wrote:
I ended up trying a melee heavy armor type for the second iteration after finishing up with the mage/rogue/assassin character. This one I am focusing a little more on Alchemy this time due to the annoying need for 10 million healing potions, and interestingly enough, it looks like what you make DOES affect your skill up rate--a difference compared to the other tradeskills.
But it still doesn't beat bribing the trainer.
I came across
this list that may be of at least some use to you if you want to grind alchemy (or part of it) with potions. It's organized by the value of the finished potion which correlates to the skill gained from each combine. It's not great for finding specific recipes because it's too large and unwieldy, but if you're looking at your mats wondering what to make with them in order to get the most skill-up bang for your buck, it can be a big help.