The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Shojindo wrote:
And also just hit my first forced group story quest dungeon at level 15 FFXIV... I thought I had until 30.
Supposedly it's a stupid easy dungeon so I will probably just go ahead and do it since the game is still fun other than that so far.
Let me know if it's soloable. Or how long finding a group takes you.
It will level scale if you try it too high, so no solo. I actually have options, my gladiator is 15 so I could just tank it and get an insta queue. I watched a video last night and the dungeon is meant to be a 4 man learner. Mostly only 1-2 mob pulls. Tank and spank bosses. But I kind of want to do it on my 16 rogue just to see it once as DPS rather than almost blind tanking it and I'm leaning towards going ninja at 30. (my main from FFXI, I even made this guy look like him a bit out of nostalgia)
15 pugilist 16 rogue 15 gladiator so far on this guy. Got archer and conjurer alts that are ~10 just because catgirl archer and midget conjurer seemed right.
Timelordwho wrote:
Give me a heads up if you want to mwo shoj
I would be so lost, Cataphract PPC guass jumper alpha was the meta when I quit. I actually loved it because I have always been a sniper since MW4, but I did not really mind brawling either before they screwed up srms.
I might get the urge to jump back in someday though, just as a casual. My team was doing all the RHOD tourney stuff and practicing 4-5 nights a week before and that felt too much like raiding in an MMO.