Eh, to be honest from what I read they can't run super nintendo games through VC on 3DS the same way they can other games. If they edited it (like sega has done for ecco the dolphin for example) the system could definitely play it - but from what I've read even GBA games can't run all the VC features.
Maybe it's not true. If it is, they are kind of morons, not sure why they would build their 3DS so stupidly... but w/e.
Also, only thing attracting me to the Wii U is virtual console, with a side of mario kart/other party games.
Nintendo knows people are only looking forward to the re-release of older games. They are sending the more popular games, LttP for example, to the WiiU VC in order to entice people to by a WiiU.
If that is true, why don't they hurry the hell up and put all the wii VC games on Wii U? Its asinine. Only thing that interests me about wii U over keeping my wii only is idea of being able to play the VC games on the pad. But until they move the VC games to wii U shop - can't use them on the pad (as far as I can tell)