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#1 Jun 08 2011 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
hey i've never made a thread or anything so forgive me if it seems to direct.
i've been looking for a group/linkshell for awhile now and everyone just seems to be doing there own thing. does anyone know of a linkshell thats recuiting or anything?
name murgath edo
main class pug 21
thank you
#2 Jun 08 2011 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
I can smell a post from Molly brewing up ;)

Talk to Starkindler Titan if you are interested in joining Public Enemies... If you are looking for a subpar group of misfits that always aims to lower the standards while raising hell, I think you would like us.
#3 Jun 08 2011 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
well that sounds nice lol when are they on?
#4 Jun 09 2011 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
51 posts
Public Enemies is a good group ^.^
#5 Jun 09 2011 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
2,000 posts
I'm biased, but I doubt you'll find a better organized shell than Abaddon I/II on Fabul or anywhere else.

Good luck on your search wherever you end up.

Hooking up with a good group of people is the key factor in enjoying this game at the moment.
#6 Jun 09 2011 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
how would i go about joining a shell anyway? is it like ffxi im confused lol im usually on in game if anyone can help there lol..sorry im a bit out of practice. a regression to noob i supose
#7 Jun 10 2011 at 1:29 AM Rating: Default
akirussan wrote:
I'm biased, but I doubt you'll find a better organized shell than Abaddon I/II on Fabul or anywhere else.

You forgot to mention you're one of the most hated and mocked shells anywhere as well. As for one of the most organized? Do you really think it takes "organization" in the sense of talent to do leve-fail runs, the most ridiculous loophole for leveling in any MMO I have ever played? Seriously? Thats the makeup of the plum in your feathercap of "we're the best LS around"?

Your organization is the stuff of legends on Fabul and one of the reasons the game is failing so hard. Watching you knuckle-heads crash and burn on NMs or abuse the claim-bug to squeak out a "win" in the game is absolute hilarity.
#8 Jun 10 2011 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
2,000 posts
GrilledChocobo wrote:
You forgot to mention you're one of the most hated and mocked shells anywhere as well. As for one of the most organized? Do you really think it takes "organization" in the sense of talent to do leve-fail runs, the most ridiculous loophole for leveling in any MMO I have ever played? Seriously? Thats the makeup of the plum in your feathercap of "we're the best LS around"?

Your organization is the stuff of legends on Fabul and one of the reasons the game is failing so hard. Watching you knuckle-heads crash and burn on NMs or abuse the claim-bug to squeak out a "win" in the game is absolute hilarity.

I meant organized in terms of weekly/daily scheduled events like NA & EU leve runs, Peiste/Raptor grind parties, NMs, misc tasks, etc.

Chances are no matter what time you log on there is an event coming up run by a group of people who enjoy working together.

As for your other comments, Abaddon has an open application process (as long as our shells aren't full), which should tell you a lot about our attitude, just as your post tells me a lot about yours.

The stated goals of the shell are to get a big enough group of high ranking people together so that when you log on there will always be something for you to tackle together.

If this draws the hatred of "elitists" (or whatever else you prefer to call yourself) or makes us the "joke of teh server" in the eyes of some then that's fine.

I've had nothing but a great time playing with these "knuckleheads" since I joined the shell in March, so to each their own. Or at least that's my attitude. Shame you feel differently enough to take the time to register just to knock the shell, but whatever floats your boat.
#9 Jun 11 2011 at 3:49 AM Rating: Default
akirussan wrote:
I meant organized in terms of weekly/daily scheduled events like NA & EU leve runs, Peiste/Raptor grind parties, NMs, misc tasks, etc.

Again, big whoop! Scheduling leve runs isn't anything new or extraordinary. Gotta love how you Abbadon n00bs have to imply that you're the best at anything and everything when doing events and grinding isn't anything new or exclusive. Care to tell the rest of us how you're the best at it?

akirussan wrote:
Chances are no matter what time you log on there is an event coming up run by a group of people who enjoy working together.

Again, you think this is an abbadon only dealy deal? Sysrly? Effin lawl.

akirussan wrote:
As for your other comments, Abaddon has an open application process (as long as our shells aren't full), which should tell you a lot about our attitude, just as your post tells me a lot about yours.

An open application process to suck up anyone and anything that has even remote interest in the game to rush them to 50 through broken aspects in the game with n00b tactics that teach them nothing of how to play. Srsly, watching you guys claim bug on Dodore SAYS IT ALL. The easiest NM in the game now and you wipe on it and hold it with the claim bug. Why even bother to have an application?

akirussan wrote:
The stated goals of the shell are to get a big enough group of high ranking people together so that when you log on there will always be something for you to tackle together.

You have two shells now, right? So even when you have full parties sprinting at NMs you can barely handle it so maybe its time to work on Abbadon trec? Maybe if you suck up enough people you'll finally get some quality in there some time. Effin lawl. But taht brings me to my point. Why when this guy says he is interested in our shell you have to feel the need to push your LS into this thread? See why the shell is becoming a running joke on the server?

akirussan wrote:
If this draws the hatred of "elitists" (or whatever else you prefer to call yourself) or makes us the "joke of teh server" in the eyes of some then that's fine.

lol Eltist shells. Is there anything in the game to be eltist about? You guys are a joke because your always crowing about how great you are while there are multiple pics floating around the netz with you guys wiping, do the claim exploits and sucking up any and everyone who is looking for a LS regardless of who they are. Hey, thats cool and all but you guys are like a roach motel. At least L2P the game before you opening up lolAbbadon trec.

akirussan wrote:
I've had nothing but a great time playing with these "knuckleheads" since I joined the shell in March, so to each their own. Or at least that's my attitude. Shame you feel differently enough to take the time to register just to knock the shell, but whatever floats your boat.

Knuckleheads was being nice. Maybe you guys could do some more glitch claims on dodore and talk about how great you are again in another thread. Or maybe you guys could talk about how you own Fabul (lol) as you struggle against the gob NM. Or maybe you guys could stay off a thread where someone is looking for a LS and show interest in one and you can't help but stick YOUR noses into it.

LOL I just noticed this!

RagnarokHektor wrote:
I can smell a post from Molly brewing up ;)

Between this and your stupid NM exploits and listening to you guys constantly talk about how great you is the joke. Why you think people hate on you so much? You better hope the game stays in candy mode.

Edited, Jun 11th 2011 6:01am by GrilledChocobo
#10 Jun 12 2011 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
213 posts
I actually just joined Abbadon recently due to an RL friend joining. It's a highly organized shell from what I've experienced so far. I guess I don't really understand why people hate on it so much. Collectively chastising an entire shell for recruiting more people than your own seems petty. I've had nothing but positive experiences thus far.

#11 Jun 12 2011 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
2,000 posts
Again putting words in my mouth.

I never said Abaddon invented leve runs. I simply said I think you'd have a hard time finding a more organized shell. I then explained that by organized I meant daily/weekly scheduled events, which means there is almost always an event going on. Maybe "active" would have been more accurate. Yesterday's events for example:

EU Leve Run 1 10:30 - 12:30
Rank 40s Leve Run 11:00 - 12:00
Raptor/Peiste Grind Session 12:00 - 1:00
NM Buffalo 2:00 - 5:00
Dual Class Leve Run 5:30 - 8:00
Rank 30s/40s Leve Run 6:30 - 9:00

I currently hold four other pearls, and none of the other shells can maintain this level of regularly scheduled events.

GrilledChocobo wrote:
Why when this guy says he is interested in our shell you have to feel the need to push your LS into this thread?

He created a thread asking if any linkshells are recruiting. I was simply letting him know that Abaddon is one option. The second thing I said was "goodluck wherever you end up."

GrilledChocobo wrote:
Or maybe you guys could stay off a thread where someone is looking for a LS and show interest in one and you can't help but stick YOUR noses into it.

Simple thread showing interest in recruiting shells. Simple response. Maybe you could stop blowing things way out of proportion?

I am sorry that Abaddon represents all that is evil in gaming to you. For a lot of players it merely represents a fun and accepting group of people who constantly have something going on.

Feel free to tear us a new one again though, I'll definitely be letting you have the last word in the post. Take care.

Edited, Jun 12th 2011 10:14am by akirussan
#12 Jun 13 2011 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
BadJoRed wrote:
I actually just joined Abbadon recently due to an RL friend joining. It's a highly organized shell from what I've experienced so far. I guess I don't really understand why people hate on it so much. Collectively chastising an entire shell for recruiting more people than your own seems petty. I've had nothing but positive experiences thus far.

Again with the lawlz. Nobody hates on Abbadon because they have more people. People hate on abbadon cause peoples are sick of seeing them go on about how great they are, infecting other peoples threads with it. Almost every other shell out there can't stand you guys because you have a bunch of jerk playerz and lots of times go on about how great everyone is and that they be the best on the server. Whats funny is Abaddon is probably one of the WORST LSes I have ever seen. Srysly, watching LoLAbaddon struggle on NMs, abuse the claimbug glitch in the game on monsters that have been forced down into candy mode is whats the ironic part about it. Jealous............. thats pretty funny. Its more like peoples want you to STFU on forums and in Ul Dah.

akirussan wrote:
Again putting words in my mouth.


akirussan wrote:
I'm biased, but I doubt you'll find a better organized shell than Abaddon I/II on Fabul or anywhere else.

Doesn't look like it to me. Underwhat idea do you have the right to say you guys are the best on Fabul or on another server? How the hell would you know you are the most organized on Fabul or any server? This is the junk I'm talkn about. Lol leve runs and lol NM runs makes you the best at anything? Abusing the horrible mechanics of the leve fail system so it gives you the abilities to pump out n00b level 50 people makes you the best at what? Making sure you have a lot of peoples running face first into NMs you can't even handle? You guys are a laughing stalk here because you always go on about how great you are when you squeak out a win on LoLNMs. Do yourselves a favor and just clam up about your greatness when you are so lol which pics floating around with how great you are. Watching Molly and Panda get lolHANDLED on the forums was priceless maybe those two big mouths will finaly shut up now.

akirussan wrote:
I currently hold four other pearls, and none of the other shells can maintain this level of regularly scheduled events.

Thats funny cause I can think of three other shells that do right off the top of my head. Again, you honestly think this is an abbodon specialty? Pathetic.

akirussan wrote:
He created a thread asking if any linkshells are recruiting. I was simply letting him know that Abaddon is one option. The second thing I said was "goodluck wherever you end up."

And like I said, he already said he wanted to join ours. You see PE doing that?? Srsly who frikken does that? Who after someone says that jumps on and says join our lol LS instead when somebody has come to a choice? You gettin it in your head yet why peoples don't like you guys? Always going on about how great you are while struggling in a candy game. ALWAYS jumping onto peoples threads? Always shooting your mouths off???

akirussan wrote:
Simple thread showing interest in recruiting shells. Simple response. Maybe you could stop blowing things way out of proportion?

Maybe I'm sick of seeing you guys go on about yourselves LIKE SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE? Why do you think you guys are a laughing stock? Those aint words to be bitter or made up. You guys are getting hammered on the offical forums by like 4 other LSes. Some of those people never have a bad word to say about anyone and they hate on you. Why don't you guys get a clue??

akirussan wrote:
I am sorry that Abaddon represents all that is evil in gaming to you. For a lot of players it merely represents a fun and accepting group of people who constantly have something going on.

No, Abbadon represents all that is annoying in MMOs. A huge group of people always shooting their mouths off about how great they are when they ain't. I checked these forums and others and ain't seen one time someone butted into an Abbadon thread. can you say the same? Well seeing as I am here and what happened I guess you can't. Its LOL that you peoples come up with the conclusion people are jealous instea of coming to The real deal and understanding people are sick of seeing you talk about your lol greatness in forums and in the game. First you have to actually be good at SOMETHING in the game to be called great. Second even if you guyz didn't suck as players and more importantly as people (guess I can't say that about all 500 people in your lol LS, I'm sure that some must be nice, lawl), why would you want to go on and on and on about it? You think thats a sign of being and humble and ish? Or a sign of why you get SO MUCH hatred in game and out of game???

akirussan wrote:
Feel free to tear us a new one again though, I'll definitely be letting you have the last word in the post. Take care.

Edited, Jun 12th 2011 10:14am by akirussan

Lol thanks for letting be have the last word. You can rate me down like a coward all you want.... I'll just post it all up again and it aint going to change nothin. People don't like you guys for the reason I said. Not because were loljealous.

Edited, Jun 13th 2011 3:23am by GrilledChocobo
#13 Jun 15 2011 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
213 posts
I haven't seen anyone say "Look how great I am yet." =\

Edited, Jun 15th 2011 3:31pm by BadJoRed
#14 Jun 16 2011 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
BadJoRed wrote:
I haven't seen anyone say "Look how great I am yet." =\

Edited, Jun 15th 2011 3:31pm by BadJoRed

Oh? Maybe you should scroll up to where lolAbaddon is the best at organizing on this server or any other apparently. Wonder how yous guys came to that conclusion and where the data came from on that. Srysly you want to try and make a point like that when its right on the thread? Or all the other instances on the official forums and barging in on peoples threads?? Maybe you guys could shut up for once and leave everyone else alone.

Lol, biggest LS on the server. Congratulations! You obtained a meaningless tagline cause you suck up anyone and everyone you come across and barge into peoples post! Gotta love how your "master" said all your server belong to us cause you so big. No underline arrogance there for the public to see. Or the we use to roll up 15 person deep back in da day. Efflol, like nobody else did that back then. Roll up...... I'd like to see him roll up anywhere specially where I am from. What a joke, laawl.

Face it, peoples don't like yous for a reason. Maybe you should think about that instead of trying to defend an undefendable position. You wants some helps? Heres a hint. Stop talking about how lolabbdon owns the server stop getting on peoples post when they're recruiting and stop pretending yous the best at anything in the game publiclly.

Edited, Jun 16th 2011 6:24am by GrilledChocobo
#15 Jun 16 2011 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
235 posts
Weird topic. All I see is one angry person(who created a account just to be angry in one thread) and a couple others being polite, even while being attacked. Who is this mystery poster who isn't showing any info as to who they are?

Why would anyone get mad just because someone got replies when asking if any LS recruiting?

Why jump on an Abaddon member for saying they are organized when the post above that one has someone else from another shell recommending their LS as being good as well? Aiko already said their opinion was biased so it should be obvious they don't mean it as absolute fact.

Why get mad at an Abaddon member for "hijacking" the thread after the OP already showed interest in another LS" but ignore that someone else did the same exact thing before anyone recommended Abaddon? Heck, Abaddon was mentioned before this hijacking Abaddon member even came into the thread.

Is it the LS Hektor mentioned that the OP is interested in? Hektor mentioned 2 linkshells so not sure which one was shown interest in. I do know that as I look into my Abaddon LS list of members online right now, I see Hektor Warfield online.

Edit: Just to clarify, I am not trying to be rude or anything of the sorts. Just found the discussion in this topic a little off. OP, I apologize for continuing the derailment of your thread. Good luck to you in the game =)

Edited, Jun 16th 2011 11:18am by Scape13
#16 Jun 16 2011 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
Scape13 wrote:
Weird topic. All I see is one angry person(who created a account just to be angry in one thread) and a couple others being polite, even while being attacked. Who is this mystery poster who isn't showing any info as to who they are?

Cause I ain't payin to have a sig? And all you see? I think i said lots of times about multiple post in several forums? I think I stressed like so many others peoples are sick of Abaddon? Why you think people hammered yall in the other fabul forums and in the general chat last weekend when Molly got friggen owned by Raze and Vashken? Why do you think peoples are so unfriendly to you all? You bring up Hecktor and thats part of the joke! Any time we see someone doing a shout in my two LS PE and Warton someone laughs about Abbadon will sendem a tell soon. You see it here and other forums. You guys are a laugh stock. But its coo if you want to take as many people as you like. But when you see so many times talking about how great you are and how many pics are floating around with you wipin on the gob and dedore its laughable.

Still, that aint the point. The point is the guy said he was interested in PE, asked who do i contact meaning he made his choice but you can't help but stick yer noises in it. Like I said before why dont you peoples just shut up already. And if you are gunna run your mouths off about somethin be GOOD at it first. Glitch bugs aint good. Doing organized leve runs (which EVERYBODY DOES) don't make you special. Sayin lol abbdon owns fabukl makes you look like a clown when you add all those things togther.

Scape13 wrote:
Why jump on an Abaddon member for saying they are organized when the post above that one has someone else from another shell recommending their LS as being good as well? Aiko already said their opinion was biased so it should be obvious they don't mean it as absolute fact.

Why jump on abbadon? You can read right? Nobody likes you guys but yourselves and peoples are sick of seeing you run your mouths. Biased is one thing saying you are possibly one of the best on ALL servers is down right arrogance. You can pretend all you want these things are other things then whats said but like I said.... there is a reason people hate on you guys. Again its a matter of just shutting up.

Scape13 wrote:
Why get mad at an Abaddon member for "hijacking" the thread after the OP already showed interest in another LS" but ignore that someone else did the same exact thing before anyone recommended Abaddon? Heck, Abaddon was mentioned before this hijacking Abaddon member even came into the thread.

The guy specficly asked for when PE was on. That should have been the end right there. But no someone from lolAbaddon had to show up and say their the best instead of leaving it alone. How many times I gotta say that? How many times I gotta say no one likes you guys for a reason? How many times I gotta say just shut up on the server and stop butting in or saying (lol) your the best at anything? All your fabul belong to us? Really? You wonder why so many different Linkshells jumped on lolAbaddon when they got the chance?

Scape13 wrote:
Is it the LS Hektor mentioned that the OP is interested in? Hektor mentioned 2 linkshells so not sure which one was shown interest in. I do know that as I look into my Abaddon LS list of members online right now, I see Hektor Warfield online.

For the last time he already asked where to find Titan then someone from Abaddon goes shooting their mouth off again saying they are the best on the server or ANYWHERE? Really? Anywhere? Lawl.

For like the 20th time now stop butting into peoples post. Stop pretending you guys are the best nevermind good at anything or that its special to have leve runs to run up to 50 in a broken loophole system. Like you are the only peoples to do it on this server or any. Or that you are better then anyone else at it on this server or any. Or that Fabul belongs to abbadon cause you got a roach motel of a LS sucking up anything with a pulse.

Shut up and play the game and we all will too. Noone ever had a problem here on fabul drama wise untill Abaddon started to shoot its mouth off. Must be a coincidence right? Or we must all be jealous about how badly you guys get owned by candy NMs.... lawl.

#17 Jun 16 2011 at 5:31 PM Rating: Good
213 posts
Who are you? (in game)
#18 Jun 18 2011 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
LOL I just noticed this!

RagnarokHektor wrote:
I can smell a post from Molly brewing up ;)

Between this and your stupid NM exploits and listening to you guys constantly talk about how great you is the joke. Why you think people hate on you so much? You better hope the game stays in candy mode.

hope this wasn't directed toward me or PE, cuz if so u surely havent played with us.
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