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Got a warning for...Follow

#27 Apr 10 2007 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
I ALWAYS leave myself flagged when grinding... ALWAYS

That's fine. However, the fact that you haven't taken the next step and rerolled on a PvP server does tell me you're a griefer. Do you always need to play on the same server as your friend? No. There is nothing from rolling on a PvP server and letting your friend know where you are. On a PvP server, what you are doing, banishing another player's target, is fine, since that player has the option to attack you outright. A PvE server has a different ruleset, and what you are doing is considered harassment, because PvE servers do not have the concept of a "PvP solution", regardless of whether or not you have your flag up. So, either shut up and accept it, or reroll on a PvP server.
#28 Apr 10 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
And you do your best to irritate and provoke other (nonflagged) players to attack you.


A PvE server has a different ruleset, and what you are doing is considered harassment, because PvE servers do not have the concept of a "PvP solution", regardless of whether or not you have your flag up. So, either shut up and accept it, or reroll on a PvP server.

If you can't see the "PvP solution" when somebody is flagged right beside you, evolution should have taken care of you a long time ago.

I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing now, JUST because of all the rude responses I got. I didn't even hear of the term "griefer" before, I just wanted all the motes to myself. NOW, I'm going to go do it just to be a pain in the ***. I'll leave myself flagged still, in hopes that someone might actually have the balls to attack me so I can kill them and get them out of my area.

SEE, if I had written THIS from the beginning I would understand all the flaming, but I was POLITE in my original post. Seeing as thought this is what you all seem to think my intentions are, this is what I am now going to do.

Edited, Apr 10th 2007 2:37pm by sjdschool
#29 Apr 10 2007 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
If you can't see the "PvP solution" when somebody is flagged right beside you, evolution should have taken care of you a long time ago.

I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing now, JUST because of all the rude responses I got. I didn't even hear of the term "griefer" before, I just wanted all the motes to myself. NOW, I'm going to go do it just to be a pain in the ***. I'll leave myself flagged still, in hopes that someone might actually have the balls to attack me so I can kill them and get them out of my area.

Exactly, thanks for making my point.

You wanna know why people are rude to you?

"Do unto others as you wish them to do to you."

Not just a religious tenet, but a fact of social life.
#30 Apr 10 2007 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing now, JUST because of all the rude responses I got. I didn't even hear of the term "griefer" before, I just wanted all the motes to myself. NOW, I'm going to go do it just to be a pain in the ***. I'll leave myself flagged still, in hopes that someone might actually have the balls to attack me so I can kill them and get them out of my area.

You're an idiot.

I'll leave myself flagged still, in hopes that someone might actually have the balls to attack me

Roll a horde on frostwhisper. I'll have no problem wtfpwning you. Moron.
#31 Apr 10 2007 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
You wanna know why people are rude to you?

"Do unto others as you wish them to do to you."

I agree completely except this is my original post...

Banishing other player's fire elementals in elemental plateau in Nagrand. That is bull crap. How can you warn a player for using one of their skills? And I wasn't even doing it to players of my own faction. That is playing strategically since I also pvp. The more I can slow alliance players down from getting money or getting motes to tailor nice equipment for themselves, the longer I am able to keep them from being tougher pvp opponents.

Note how there is no rude remarks made to anyone in my post. I also avoided the use of caps and even used proper sentences and spelling, something which is in direct contrast to trolls. Here are some remarks to my seemingly polite post...

Poppycock! You're a jerk and a griefer, but refuse to admit it. People are on PvE servers because they don't want to attack. Why can't that get through that thick head of yours? Re-roll on a PvP server, ahole.

Then when I responded by saying that this person did not know me whatsoever...

I know you from your posts. They tell me that you are a jerk and a griefer and most likely a juvenile. You think it's funny? Next time there won't be a warning. There will be a 72-hour suspension. The time after that, there will be a perma-ban. If you don't stop griefing, you won't think it's so funny then. Let's see you laugh that off, fuzzbrain.

Other rude posts include...

Good job Blizzard, I sincerely hope they ban you next time.

Go to BGs and stfu.

So, either shut up and accept it, or reroll on a PvP server.

So yeah... I don't really understand your "do unto others" proverb because I was merely responding appropriately considering the several rude remarks that were directed at me.

Also, notice how I didn't include Angelblacks post above me because those WERE troll statements. I just thought I would demonstrate the difference because people here can't seem to tell which is which. Angelblacks insults would be deserved, but all the other ones are not.

Edited, Apr 10th 2007 2:09pm by sjdschool
#32 Apr 10 2007 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
383 posts
OP, you dont seem to understand the concept. Nobody is going to attack you no matter how much you stay flagged. Have you thought that maybe people roll on PVE servers because they dont want to PvP??? Your point is moot. No area of this game is "yours", everyone else pays their monthly fee too. You are getting a flame-***-whooping because what you are doing is annoying other paying customers, and you seem to think that this is fine.

Like stated before, roll a PvP toon or STFU, you wont get pity from the folks here.
#33 Apr 10 2007 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
If you can't see the "PvP solution" when somebody is flagged right beside you, evolution should have taken care of you a long time ago.

I pretty much knew you would say this. Let me put it another way. The concept of a PvP Solution to a problem DOES NOT EXIST ON A PVE SERVER. What you are doing is considered harassment, as you are interfering with another player's gameplay. The same can be said for ganking and corpse camping. They are interrupt the other player's gameplay. The difference, however, is that on a PvP server, Blizzard's reponse is simple "use PvP". If someone is doing those activities to you, they want to to fight back or call your friends and/or guildmates over to stop that player. That's a PvP solution. On a PvE server, that is not the case. There is no form of PvP solution, regardless of whether or not you have your flag up or not. In fact, if your flag was down, that person would not be able to retaliate against you. Blizzard does not care if your flag was up or down. You were harassing another player on a PvE server, and you received a warning for it.

I didn't even hear of the term "griefer" before, I just wanted all the motes to myself. NOW, I'm going to go do it just to be a pain in the ***. I'll leave myself flagged still, in hopes that someone might actually have the balls to attack me so I can kill them and get them out of my area.

Keep it up, and those people won't need to attack you, as you will get a suspension, and then a ban. On a PvE you have to share, if you don't like that fact, reroll on a PvP server.
#34 Apr 10 2007 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
sjdschool wrote:
If you can't see the "PvP solution" when somebody is flagged right beside you, evolution should have taken care of you a long time ago.

Why do you think that flagging yourself makes whatever realm you are on a PvP realm? Is it megalomania, narcissism, or both? That's OK, you don't have to answer - it's a rhetorical question anyhow. Evolution will take care of itself when you get yourself banned. I suggest creating your griefers on a PvP realm after acquiring your new account.
#35 Apr 10 2007 at 6:14 PM Rating: Default
Nope, I'm not banned yet dragon master mike, so I think I will just keep where I'm at for now. But why all the negativity towards PvP? Ahhhhh... I get it. You must suck at it, right?

Edited, Apr 10th 2007 10:15pm by sjdschool
#36 Apr 10 2007 at 7:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Face it, man, you're picking on girlscouts, and when you do that the big guys come down on you hard. I spent well over an hour today with another lock in my guild making sure that no ally got a safe kill on that Plateau and no one could report me. Why? Because it's a PvP server. I dropped in and fear bombed them, we would pick off any that wandered away, and generally harassed them until they left. PvP servers are for people who WANT to fight. Picking on pacifists is just low.
#37 Apr 10 2007 at 7:09 PM Rating: Default
Talking **** about PVP on a PVE server is funny.
#38 Apr 10 2007 at 10:09 PM Rating: Good
Nice to see Blizzard dealing with idiots, with the number of them out there I thought they had stopped.
#39 Apr 11 2007 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
sjdschool wrote:
I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing now, JUST because of all the rude responses I got. NOW, I'm going to go do it just to be a pain in the ***.

Now that is one mighty mature answer. How old are you? 7?
#40 Apr 11 2007 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
Loki the Sly wrote:
Face it, man, you're picking on girlscouts, and when you do that the big guys come down on you hard. I spent well over an hour today with another lock in my guild making sure that no ally got a safe kill on that Plateau and no one could report me. Why? Because it's a PvP server. I dropped in and fear bombed them, we would pick off any that wandered away, and generally harassed them until they left. PvP servers are for people who WANT to fight. Picking on pacifists is just low.

QFT and a rate-up!
#41 Apr 11 2007 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
But why all the negativity towards PvP? Ahhhhh... I get it. You must suck at it, right?

Said the man too scared to roll on a PvP server..
#42 Apr 11 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent

This guy cannot be reasoned with, as I'm sure we have all realized by now. For the record, sjdschool, there is a reason why EVERYONE is rude to you in their posts and that is becaue you are wrong. How you can't see that I have no idea. This web site is full of nice helpfull people and when they see your griefing people and ruining their play and trying to justify it they will tell you how they really feel about it.

My recommendation: Roll a character on a PvP server and go quest in Tarren Mill or STV and see how it feels to be on the other end of the griefing...except this time they can do it without getting banned like your little "strategy."
#43 Apr 11 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
sjdschool wrote:
Nope, I'm not banned yet dragon master mike, so I think I will just keep where I'm at for now. But why all the negativity towards PvP? Ahhhhh... I get it. You must suck at it, right?

The negativity is towards griefing, not PvPing. Let me again spell it out.

When you mess around in a competitive farming area on a PvP server, you're not only going to deal with a PvP response from the guy you're messing with, but most likely also from every other guy in his faction around. That's the PvP server ecosystem, it's part of the game on those servers and players who got to that level have long since adapted to it.

When you grief around on a PvE server, you do it with the intent to goad one single other player into going /PvP so you can kill him with little risk of retaliation from the rest of the nearby players - they'll mostly stick to their own business.

I personally think you're on a PvE server because you are too much of a coward to deal with the realities of a PvP server. From what you're describing of your actions, you are the typical schoolyard bully - you'd never have the guts to pick a fair fight.

Everything you'll get in response to your harassment will not only be warranted, but well deserved.
#44 Apr 11 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Default
Said the man too scared to roll on a PvP server..


more like, said the man who rolled on a pve server and spent a long time leveling his toon to 70 and doesn't feel like doing it all over again.
#45 Apr 12 2007 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
Keep being a pain in the *** griefer and you'll be starting from scratch real soon.
#46 Apr 12 2007 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
Keep being a pain in the *** griefer and you'll be starting from scratch real soon.

I suggest a PvP realm when this happens. You know.. just to prove us how god-like you really are.
#47 Apr 12 2007 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
4,877 posts
God and like a idoit i keep typing in this thred.

I do not agree with the tone in this thred, I have tryed my best to make all MY posts as non inflamatory as possible. I understand the furstration sjdschool is going though, I had to deal with it myself(we choose diffrent ways of doing so but we both had to deal with it).

Unforutanaly the only way to deal with this is to re roll, though it is not nearly as bad as anybody thinks it is. Firstly WoW is realy only difficult to level if you have never done it, drag one toon to level 55 and you pretty much have the jist of the game down pat. You should know what zones to level in , you should know what mobs drop what quest items, you know what instances to run, and how to run them. By this time you should know that low level tradeskills are not the best of choices and that by gathering you can have all the stuff you want(untill late in the game). Secondly(did i just make that word up?)folks on PvP servers tend to be more helpful , if you need a hand for a quest or to run a instance it is not the teeth pulling experance it usualy is on a PvE server.

Lastly and MOST importantly PvP servers are not the gankfest they were one year ago(well not on Azaroth). And this is the reason I see it fit to open PvE to PvP transfers. Heck even in Mid December the servers were nuts, bands of level 60's running arround STV for the soul intent of killing lowbies(slowing there progression is what the folks in Org called it). When the Dark Portal opened up a whole lot changed on the 2 servers I Play on. All of the sudden Ironforge and Org were empty, Hillsbrad, Empty ,STV, empty. Thats right Rather than waiting for Battlegournds or just being a pest, folks took there toons off to go play the game(amazing What happens when Bliz releaces content for non raiders)in a zone approiate to them.

to me it is clear that the OP wants to play PvP and since blizard will not help, it is his job to fix the issue, buecause you cannot stop Carebares from crying about PvP forced on them, it is time to reroll. Remember though, it is a game, it is supposed to be fun so if leveling a toon to 70 seems like work.... maybe a diffrent game is for you? I know that for me the most fun of the game is leveling, it surely is not sitting at a level cap waiting for blizard to charge you to level up again.

Edited, Apr 12th 2007 12:35pm by Capitolg
#48 Apr 12 2007 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
sjdschool wrote:
But why all the negativity towards PvP? Ahhhhh... I get it. You must suck at it, right?

I'm not a PvPer, if that's what you mean. But I'm not against PvP in the proper context on a PvE server. That means BGs, Arenas, "real world", even organized raids on towns of the opposing faction. I ran into an organized raid on Astranaar the other day and didn't report anyone, because that type of play is not what I consider bad, even though it took forever to get to the quest NPC. However, you weren't PvPing. You were griefing. The warning was justified. Trying to make out like you were the abused party instead of the other way around doesn't change that on single bit. All of your posts spell "spin doctor", instead of acknowledging that you were wrong and changing your ways to prevent further action by Blizzard.
#49 Apr 13 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
Everyone just ignore this post from now on...Some people don't understand obvious problems, and they won't "see" their faults just because someone tells them. Let him learn his mistakes the hard way if after all these posts he fails to see them.
#50 Apr 22 2007 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
You guys are just too nice, for your flames may just have a remote chance of actually getting through his skull and improve his personality to an acceptable level.

For me, I rather let him apply his selfish view and his personality problem and let him fail in real life. Just let him go, real life will take care of him.

Maybe next time you ran pass some police station and heard some retarded thief yelling: "I have a sign on my T-shirt saying you are free to steal things from me, thats why I stole in that store." Have a little laugh and wish him well in jail.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2007 9:22pm by Gobio
#51 Apr 23 2007 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
924 posts
I'd probably corpse camp him if he did that to me. If he's stupid enough to **** people off with his flag up I'd be happy to indulge him.

...and I'll be waiting for that argument filtering out of the station. That'd make my day.

Edited, Apr 23rd 2007 11:37am by Banatu
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