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Which ability you consider most and least usefulFollow

#1 Dec 10 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
587 posts
In my case,

most useful: Concussive shot - keeping your enemies at bay in order to get in a few more shots it's just that sweet.

least useful: Mongoose bite - Though I do see its usefulness, the restriction makes it difficult to use.

#2 Dec 11 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
Moast used Aracin shot( every time the timer is up) least used, disengage ( I don't think I've used it once).
#3 Dec 12 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
i find disengage a decent skill especially when u pull hate from the mob, helps your pet get it back
#4 Dec 12 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Most useful: Concussive Shot, Flare, Multi-Shot, Volley.

Least useful: Arcane Shot, Beast Lore
#5 Dec 13 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Alright, at lower levels, aspect of the monkey is almost unfair. Aspect of the hawk is very nice as well, same with Serpents sting and Concussive shot.
And I'm sorry, but arcane shot is a step above useless.
#6 Dec 13 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
587 posts
I think some of you have not realized tha value of Arcane shot.

It is very useful when you need to dispose of mobs quickly. It is a shot that isn't on the same timer as your regular shots. That means additional damage to your regular shots.

In addition, it is very useful against those mobs that like to run away when their hp is low. You wait for the moment that they start to run, trigger Arcane shot, and dead mob. voilá!
#7 Dec 14 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Yeah, concussive shot is quite nice. I put 5 ranks in the associated talent, giving me a 20% chance to stun for, I think, 3 seconds? Always a nice starter, since if it procs it not only keeps them at range for that much longer, but keeps them still so your pet can wail away on them and gain hate.

One question: How are you guys using the multi-shot skills? So far the only good use I can think of is using them when you *know* you're gonna get adds on a pull. Basically they give you a little head start damage-wise on the adds, making for faster kills and better chance of survival.

I admit I can see how you'd use arcane shot, but does it really do enough damage to make it worthwhile? It would take up a valuable slot on my toolbar if I used it, (I don't use cosmos, prolly should) and since I can just use normal ranged shots to take out fleeing mobs (not as quickly, but certainly quick enough) why take up that toolbar space?

I've also not invested in eyes of the beast, beast lore, the first level cold trap, and a few others because I can't think of any real good use for them. Anyone have ideas?
#8 Dec 14 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
most useful: Aimed Shot with Aspect of the Hawk on.

least useful: mongoose bite, my pet tanks so I never get a chance to get hit/dodge
#9 Dec 14 2004 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
204 posts
I tend to make use of mongoose fairly often since I'll go in and mix it up to give my pet a break from time to time, but I understand everyones reasoning for why it's not so good.

Most useful: Concussive Shot (solo) / Wing Clip (group) - anything that can stun/slow/immobile is great in my book.

Least useful: Beast Lore, Multi-Shot. Haven't used either of them more than once or twice.

Oh! and someone was asking on Eyes of the Beast. It can be useful but only in some specific situations; mainly scouting. It's much better to send a pet to look into a potential bad situation rather than running in yourself (assuming you don't have the right kind of tracking, or the tracking doesn't give you enough info). Eagle Eye kind of falls into that catagory as well, since it basically lets you see around corners. They're limited in their use, but not useless by any means.
#10 Dec 15 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,910 posts
My most used abilities have to be:
  • Concussive shot
  • Arcane Shot
  • Serpent Sting
  • Raptor Strike

  • Abilities that I love to use, but are specialized:
  • Rapid Shot
  • Mongoose Bite
  • Wing Clip

  • Least used abilities, due to ineffectiveness:
  • Scorpid Sting
  • Distracting Shot
  • Disengage
  • Multi-Shot

  • I play my hunter very differently than I imagine most people do. I'm the kind of hunter that would have really liked to have been a warrior, but loves shooting and having a trusty friend around. With that said, I often like to get my hands dirty in toe-to-toe fighting whenever I can (usually against mobs my level or below--Hunters are just about useless in melee against high-yellow or orange fights), so naturally I use Raptor Strike as often as I can to get that DPS up. Being in melee also allows me to use Mongoose Bite as long as I have agro (which usually only happens against green mobs, as Pete the Bear can't keep up with my damage against the weaker mobs). Mongoose bite is an ability that makes you really want to be in melee, because it makes the player be more involved in the combat and not simply a spectator. The same can be said for Wing Clip, as you can't use Concussive Shot when you're hashing it out up close.

    As I do like to engage with more than my rifle, I know that Hunters are marksmen and that their power lies in their skill with ranged weapons. That in and of itself explains why Arcane Shot is on my list as most used, it's added damage that's there simply to add damage; it's free DPS. I will use Arcane Shot as soon as it's ready unless I'm on the verge of yanking agro away from my pet. Serpent Sting is nearly the same, added damage at a fairly reasonable MP cost. I was conflicted at one point, thinking that Scorpid Sting would be much more effective and that it would trump my need for poison damage. Even after buying Scorpid Sting: rank 2, I rarely use it. It's nearly worthless unless you're fighting extremely tough mobs with massive HP, it doesn't help your Pet out much, and you kill normal mobs that much slower. Serpent Sting's trickling damage is far more useful IMO.

    Concussive Shot is phenominal and I use it fairly regularly, but not 100% of the time. I usually open up with Serpent Sting when my pet is close to the mob--to get it's attention to control how far my Pet has to go and to make sure he doesn't pick up any adds that I didn't see. I do use Concussive Shot heavily on "chicken mobs" when they get into the red, so my Pet and I can finish the job when they tuck their tail and start making it for their buddies. Stunning, or simply slowing, running mobs has saved me from innumberable adds and kept Pete the Bear alive in countless situations (damn impetuous bears!).

    Rounding out my list were two anti-agro abilities, which either I simply don't know the power of, or they don't jive with my play style. Disengage I have never used, I never seem to get pull duty in groups and I rarely get agro in fights that I have to pull out of to fall back to a shooting position. Distracting Shot, beyond simply not being able to get enough agro to pull away from a Growl4 Bear, isn't something that I find I need to use much and is listed as such. Speaking of not using a skill much, Rapid Fire is one of those skills that I just love, but can't use regularly. It's great in "OH ****!" moments, when you absolutely must put the smack down or die, but otherwise you run too much risk of yanking agro off your pet.

    Multi-Shot is useless right out of the bag, unless you're in a group and all Hell has broken loose (AND you're confident you wont pull two adds onto your ***, healers HATE having to watch over too many health bars) and you can afford to plink some damage into a couple more targets. Even in that case it doesn't cycle fast enough to really be of much use. You might use it against weaker mobs that you feel confident about tanking along side your pet, but that situation disappears quickly as your level raises.

    All in all, there is a place for most of the abilities that Hunters have. All of the Aspects are usefull, though AoM is a bit underpowered as you level, but Hawk and Cheetah are invaluable in their respective rolls. Really what it all comes down to is how you want to play your Hunter: I may not feel the need to use some abilities, but someone else might use them to spectacular effect. It's all in how you want to play the game.

    Good luck!
    #11 Dec 15 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
    6,678 posts
    caveat: I play a melee-based hunter

    Skills I find useful:
    Scorpid Sting
    Raptor Strike
    Mongoose Bite
    Immolation Trap
    Mend Pet

    Skills I do not find useful:
    Distracting Shot
    Frost Trap
    Exploding Trap
    Most beast-related abilities (scare, eyes of, etc)
    Serpent Sting
    Feign Death (does this no longer work?)

    You'll note I champion scorpid sting over serpent sting. This is what I pull with, and I find that I take a lot less damage when I lower the strength and agility of my target. Serpent sting does...a little extra damage, at the expense of getting knocked around more. If it isn't you, it's your pet, so remember that every time you click mend pet during a fight.
    Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
    #12 Dec 15 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
    6,678 posts
    caveat: I play a melee-based hunter

    Skills I find useful:
    Scorpid Sting
    Raptor Strike
    Mongoose Bite
    Immolation Trap
    Mend Pet

    Skills I do not find useful:
    Distracting Shot
    Frost Trap
    Exploding Trap
    Most beast-related abilities (scare, eyes of, etc)
    Serpent Sting
    Feign Death (does this no longer work?)

    You'll note I champion scorpid sting over serpent sting. This is what I pull with, and I find that I take a lot less damage when I lower the strength and agility of my target. Serpent sting does...a little extra damage, at the expense of getting knocked around more. If it isn't you, it's your pet, so remember that every time you click mend pet during a fight.
    Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
    #13 Dec 15 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
    I love arcain,shot concussive shot,serpent sting and my melee abilities berzerk (okay thats cheating since its a Troll ability but its saved my *** in PVP) mongoose bite and raptor strike.

    okay here is my method of attack against an easy ot just slightly higher level than me mob. First thing I do is start running towards it and fire off a concussive shot and a serpent sting if possible i also get an arcain shot in. When I get in closer I hit it with a raptor strike and swich to aspect of the monkey. Than I melee using raptor strike and mongoose bite whenever possible.

    I know this isn't the moast effitient way to kill a mob but if it isn't too many levels above you you can usualy kill it at nearly the same speed. Plus over time you save tonnes of money on arrows.
    #14 Dec 15 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
    1,910 posts
    Azuarc wrote:
    You'll note I champion scorpid sting over serpent sting. This is what I pull with, and I find that I take a lot less damage when I lower the strength and agility of my target. Serpent sting does...a little extra damage, at the expense of getting knocked around more. If it isn't you, it's your pet, so remember that every time you click mend pet during a fight.

    Honestly, against even or less mobs, the difference is negligable, but as I said, against very tough opponents I use Scorpid sting. I wouldn't discount serpent sting if I were you, as it will do a heap more good than bad against most mobs your level.
    #15 Dec 17 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
    I know I'm only 24 so I don't have access to everything yet but here's my take.

    Most Used:

    1. Arcane Shot - Extra DPS, what can I say? This and multi-shot are on the same timer, but seperate from the rest of our shots. Good range on this guy too.

    2. Disengage - I am not spec'c for melee at all, I still haven't spent any points in it. I mark the target, lay a trap, pull with arcane or serpent and then send pet right away. If I see that my cat hasn't gained the attention of my target, I tap disengage.

    3. Mark of the Hunter - Extremely useful in both PvE and PvP (people seem to forget this prevents the target from using any type of hide/invis ability.

    4. Fire trap - Every time I pull, I love these things.

    5. Mend pet - Every so often (damn Satyrs).

    6. Aspect of the Hawk - Almost always on.

    7. Eagle Eye - I use this everywhere to scout.

    8 Serpent Sting - The extra DPS is great, I basically have specc'd my talents and playing style into pure ranged DPS, so this one works great for me.

    9. Concussion shot - I only use this on stuff that runs, and even then sometimes I avoid using it because it generates a lot of aggro. Situational but sometimes it's a must so I keep it up at all times.

    Least Used

    1. Aspect of the Monkey - With all these shots/attacks/traps I haven't found a convenient way to switch aspects yet so I mainly avoid melee all together (unless I'm practicing to keep skills up or forced into it).

    2. Multi-Shot - Like the others have said, there are uses for this but they are very situational. I use this a lot when I'm just farming lower lvl hides for leatherworking or when I can get away with it in a group but that's really about it.

    3. Scorpid Sting - I use this in PvP or on mobs that seems to be doing too much damage or not taking damage fast enough, otherwise I prefer the raw DPS of serpent.

    4. Freeze trap - I imagine later I'll be using this a lot but for now I rarely get planned adds and I rarely PvP (on PvE server) so the space in my abilities pane just doesn't need to be occupied by this. If I'm in a group or instance and need to get a double pull I use it every time.

    5. Fear Beast - I use this every once in a while and it saves my
    *** every time, fear it then concussion it when it's on it's way back in, or just clip it before you fear it. Worth keeping up in case but not used too often (I'm a very careful hunter).

    Stuff I don't even bother putting on my ability bar:

    Mongoose bite - No room for it, I'd rather be shooting arrows.

    Eyes of the Beast - I can see how you could use this in PvP to go farther than your eagle eye spell but that's about it. Besides exploiting it when the other person is flagged, which in my book is a lame move for people too afraid to fight for themselves.

    Distracting Shot - Not really any use for this in my experience. I can see how it could be used in a ton of situations to save someone else's tail, but I'm never in those situations.

    Only ones left are wing clip and raptor strike, which I always use when I'm forced into melee, which is something I avoid, so I'd say thier usefulness lies somewhere in the middle for me but I keep a spot on my bar for them.

    Edited, Fri Dec 17 13:03:02 2004 by scambono

    Edited, Fri Dec 17 13:05:48 2004 by scambono
    #16 Dec 17 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
    291 posts
    All the traps are useless and every melee except raptor strike is useless. Mob never had the chance to get to me. My loyal pet always kept agro.
    #17 Dec 18 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
    52 posts
    You can always set a trap, pull the mob, then walk backwards and send out your pet, making it so that when the mob hits your trap, your pet is there and you're back far enough to continue shooting arrows/bullets. The extra dps from fire traps is good stuff, might as well use it. Especially on high-HP elite mobs.

    #18 Dec 18 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
    hmmm...some interesting views.

    Most used--
    *Concussive Shot and Pet Attack
    *Mend Pet
    *Aspect of the Monkey and Mongoose Bite (for improved Dodge and counter in Melee)
    *Aspect of the Cheetah (travel)
    *Pet Passive and Distracting Shot/Cower (for hate swap to help my pet recover)
    *Raptor Strike
    *Stoneform (for diseases and poisons [obviously I'm a Dwarf])
    *Arcane Shot
    *Wing Clip

    Least used, but still of use--
    *Fiegn Death
    *Rapid Fire
    *Scare Beast
    *Disengage (rank 2)
    *Eyes of the Beast
    *Eagle Eye

    Negligable usage--
    *Track Hidden
    *Beast Lore
    *Find Chest

    I think it all depends on your tactics and the specific situation. The skills I use the least or are of negligable use, are used only in specifc situations, but I still use them.

    #19 Dec 19 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
    nimuniverse -

    Traps are far from useless. Your immolation traps does almost double what your Serpent Sting does, and very effective against those mobs a few levels higher then you. Take the time to set one, back up, pull a mob over it, then send your pet and use your Serpent Sting. The mobs health with go down must faster.

    No abilities are useless, you will all be glad you have them when the time comes to use them. When you're level 60, and have used them all thousands of times, then come back and say which ones are useless, and which ones you can't use enough.
    #20 Dec 20 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
    I can't believe some people say Disengage and Feign Death are useless!

    As you level higher you will appreciate both, they have saved my hide many many times.
    #21 Dec 20 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
    Thanks for all the great information folks. When I first started out playing I built a Rogue. I got to lvl 30 and decided it was way too much clicking but the kill rate was a blast. So I looked into a hunter. The one thing I can say about this that no one can deny is that the flexibility in this class is awesome. You have a wide range of things you can do which just aren't there in a lot of the other classes. If you really want to throw some exstra into it make your hunter a miner/engineer.....the added DPS from bombs/ sweet...
    #22 Dec 20 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
    i totally agree that all abilities are useful in someway. theyre all worth getting and knowing just incase you find yourself needing them at random times. concussion and aimed are obviously great, but things like disengage and distracting shot are powerful tools that give much better aggro management so you know that you can control who is attacking who, and spread out damage and keep everyone alive.
    #23 Dec 20 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
    1,755 posts
    I noticed if you use multishot when only one mob is in range voila it fires all three at a single target. Nice damage while your waiting for others to cool down. Just be careful if wandering mobs.

    Set Fire Trap for damage or Ice Trap for slow
    Hunters Mark
    Aimed Shot
    Concussion shot
    Pet attacks
    Multi shot
    Serpent Sting
    Backup Repeat Normally the mob is half dead before it gets to me.Or then melee to make sure I keep my skills up.

    If I need to kill off something fast Rapid Fire is truely sick for blasting a mob full of holes.
    #24 Dec 21 2004 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
    Well my hunter is only 22 and I went on couple of raids. Multi-shot is a blast to use during pvp. Concussive shot does wonder when they are trying to run away, I will slow them while other melee player hacks at em.
    #25 Dec 22 2004 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
    105 posts
    Depending on the situation, I find a few different hunter moves to be ones I always fall back on...

    for PvP:
    Most Useful
    Wingclip + Concussion Shot, they keep the enemy long range so your pet can continue to damage the target while you can fire boatloads of bullets/ammo at it.

    Least Useful
    Mongoose Bite or Track Hidden, Mongoose requires that you hit the button right after you dodge an attack... who wants to use up a macro spot for something that requires a lot of your attention and only does a small bit of damage? Also.. Track Hidden has Neverworked for me on anything, even when i know something is stealth near me... but Flare does the job in that case

    for PvE:
    Most Useful
    Pet Mend + Feign Death, pet mend does a great job of keeping your pet in the fight even with multiple links. Feign Death has saved my @ss more times than I can count.. if you can't run, usually this is a great way to avoid a run from the graveyard ^^

    Least Useful
    Disengage + Mongoose Bite, disengage doesn't seem to ever get rid of hate on me so I use Intimidatin (increases hate toward pet by 50% for 10 seconds), which works like a charm for me. Again, mongoose bite is all but worthless if you're a hunter
    #26 Dec 23 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
    96 posts
    Most Useful:

    Scorpid Sting, Concussive Shot, Growl and Wing Clip

    Least Useful:

    Eyes of the beast, Track Hidden, and Feed Pet because i just grab and drop food onto my pet never click the icon for it.
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