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Help on twinking at lvl 39.Follow

#1 Mar 12 2007 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
I know every class forum gets alot of twink questions, but I still wanted to ask.

I'm looking for the complete set. I want a list of equips, weapon(2H), enchants, cool trinkets(although I don't know how to use/find these, I'll find it out) and a talent build for a lvl 39.

Basically, I'm looking for burst damage with a hulking 2H that will make me smile. Not sure if that includes imp. slam at my level or not, which is why I'm asking.

I like intensity, and when I PvP I find I'm practically a twitch gamer(although not like some vids I've watched, jeez).

Also, any add ons(or macros) that will help me get away from the shift + 1,2,3 for my control bar would be much appreciated.

Currently only 35 on my warrior and it'll probably take me two weeks to get to 39(I only play on weekends ATM), so I want to have all of the best for when I get there.

Money might be a problem, as I only had 40G on me at last check(with about 160G in the AH at the time) so alternatives to the very best would be helpful if they're cheaper, but not required(I'm an elitist prick who wants the best, ok?)

Edited, Mar 12th 2007 3:50pm by baveux
#2 Mar 12 2007 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Alright, I decided to start with a talent build, and this is what I've come up with so far...

I still have 7 more talent points to spend, so I'm looking for any ideas(Tactical Mastery? 2H Weapon Spec? PoleAxe Spec?)

Edit: Will probably go for mace spec now, unless I'm shown the better of my ways(and weapon choice).

Any help is at all appreciated, so thanks.

Edit: Also had two more questions... since I don't have any burst damage abbilities, should I get Imp. Heroic Strike? Would full prot. be the best at this level?

Help ;}

Edited, Mar 13th 2007 1:02am by baveux

Edited, Mar 13th 2007 10:33am by baveux
#3 Mar 12 2007 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent

make it your friend :)

great place to find gear for all levels.. and tells you who/what drops them, their % of drop rate, etc etc..

as for stats... stam, str, agi... in that order (in my opinion...yes.. i said opinion)

depends on if you're fury or arms... at your level... arms is probably your best bet due to the fact that Fury warriors are ... sorry... rephrase... due to the fact that DW Fury warriors are incredibly gear dependant...

so either: A) go arms, with a splash in fury, or B) Go Fury and stick w/a 2hander.

#4 Mar 12 2007 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Thanks for the help for finding items, much appreciated.

I was thinking about going Arms + Cruelty, but the more I look at it, the more I realize that the only class I'll be effective against is Rogue(with Imp Overpower), and that I don't have any abbility to generate burst damage.

#5 Mar 13 2007 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Alright, I did a little bit of research, and here's my wishlist for now. Any suggestions would be gladly appreciated though.


Ranged Slot:

I'll start with(since I can make it for cheap)..

But I'll have to pick out of one of these eventually:

Now for the armor. Jeez, I can understand why nobody tries to help answer twink questions; there is so much to get!

Back: 2 Choices, gotta pick one.;source=live

Chest: Short of the rare, I'll keep my hauberk, tyvm.






Neck: the bear) to look up what attack power means in terms of strength)


Trinket: *4k honor points? /shudder, /drool* (wonders if cut citrine can actually be made now)


Looking for ideas. I currently have this one on my war.


This one might be a problem, as I need the right one.

All I had time for now!

The only thing I wonder is if it'd be a good idea to just get the scarlet crusade armor for feet, chest, and legs. Would definitely be easier to get...

Edit: Could anyone also tell me how to link so that a mouseover will show the item please?

Edited, Mar 13th 2007 10:31am by baveux

Edited, Mar 13th 2007 2:35pm by baveux

Edited, Mar 14th 2007 11:47am by baveux

Edited, Mar 14th 2007 12:08pm by baveux

Edited, Mar 19th 2007 3:05pm by baveux
#6 Mar 13 2007 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
Are you horde or alliance? If you're alliance, then i'd suggest getting Bonebiter from the SM quest as a 2 hander. Also, in my opinion, I wouldn't go for Mograine's Might. It kinda sucks, and is just to fast for decent white crits (imo).

You are on the right track with some of the SM stuff. I don't know if i'd get the whole scarlet set, but the helmet and shoulder from Herod are definitely a good start.
#7 Mar 13 2007 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
look up wing of the whelpling
#8 Mar 13 2007 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
I'm horde.

For my 2H, I just went for anything which had the most stats and damage per second. Now that you mention it though, does using a slower weapon increase critical damage by anything more than base weapon damage? Is there a formula which I'm unaware of?(because arguably, my crits would just happen more often with a faster weapon, right?)

I also thought going with a 2H mace would be good so that I can get Mace spec. a few levels. I'm hoping that I'll be able to see the stun happen soon enough to be able to slam when it does, but I'm not sure. Anyone know how often it actually will stun with just lvl one? It's about all the points I can afford to spend, unfortunately.

look up wing of the whelpling

Nice one. Thanks alot.

I've got another question... should I be building on my resistances, or is it really that important?

Edited, Mar 13th 2007 2:34pm by baveux
#9 Mar 13 2007 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Would this be better than my current 2Hander?
#10 Mar 14 2007 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Edited the list, so I've got a basis(or wishlist, lol) of all the armor I want to get. This will definitely take multiple runs through SM and other instances, so I might have to call upon high lvl help for it.

I still need advice on the build from the professionals, and I'll have to lookup all the best enchants.

Lots of work left!
#11 Mar 18 2007 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts

Still looking to get my wishlist done, but didn't have time this weekend. I spent any time I could in town buying/selling, crafting, disenchanting and doing anything else I could to make mo- money.

Really looking to get some help from anyone willing, as any input is really appreciated.

For one thing, I might reconsider a change in my 2H weapon. My original pick is pretty crappy now that I look at it(other than the stam. on it), so I'm probably going to be looking getting one of these...

Top Choice(depending on if I see it at the AH, and if I have the gold for it):

Next Choice: <---(Slow and Heavy)

Looking for any suggestions that might help. ; )

Also, if anyone has any idea of what enchants I can get for all my pieces(or even a link to find them myself) it would be very appreciated.

Edited, Mar 18th 2007 8:24pm by baveux
#12 Mar 18 2007 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
I came in here looking for some talent help on my twink warrior, pretty nice seeing this post :)
This is the list ive worked on for my warrior, i hope it will help. No links though, just copied more or less from my own note.

There isnt alot of items for warriors in this bracket, so some items under lvl 35, can be outclassed by inferior lvl 35+ items to be able to get the better enchants.

Lvl 39 Warrior Twink

Weapons: Nightblade/Pendolum of Doom (ah)... E: Crusader/70 AP

Ranged: Outrunner Bow (WSG)

Head: Raging Berserker Helm (SM arms)... E: +100 hp

Neck: Sentinells medallion (WSG)

Shoulder: Herod's Shoulder (SM arms) / Skeletal Shoulders (ah)

Back: Wing of the Whelping (ah)... E: 70 armor
You can get a lvl 39 greeny and get a better enchant

Chest: Scarlett chestpiece (SM)... E: 150 hp

Wrist: Crushridge Bindings (ah)... E: +12 strength/+24 AP/12 stam

Hands: Gauntlets of Divinity(SM, for better enchants)... E : +15 strength

Waist: Boar Champions Belt(RFD)/ Ogrons Sash (ah,leather)

Legs: Scarlet Leggings (SM)... E: BS enchant (dont know the name atm, requires skill 335 i think.

Feet: Black ogre kickers (rare mob, Lo'grosh)/ Ravasaur Scale boots (ah)... E: running speed / 12 stam.
Another option is to use the lvl 28 AB boots, so u dont have to enchant running speed.

Ring1: Protectors Band (WSG) / Aquamarine Signet of the bear

Ring2: Truesilver Comanders Ring

Trinket1: Pvp trinket

Trinket2: Talisman of Arathor (AB) / Rune of Duty (WSG) / Nifty Stopwatch (badlands quest)

Regarding weapon choice, imo are those 2 weapons the best. It rather comes down to talents, do u want +5% crit with the pendolum or +5% chance of getting another strike with nightblade.

I came here looking for some talent guidence, this is what ive come up with so far.

With this build im concerned about rage-management, i took 5/5 ironwill, because
that should help alot against fear (locks and priest), and pvp trinket cant do nothing about fear. Am i being too defensive minded for a twink here?

Well thx for reading this rather loong post, i hope it helped some :) I would still like some input on that talent mystery.

Edited, Mar 18th 2007 11:26pm by Magicol
#13 Mar 19 2007 at 6:23 AM Rating: Decent
How bout this build

with the Fiery War Axe maybe? Just a thought.

I would take the crit% over the swing, but thats just me. But I'm not a twink nor do I really know what gear to put on a twink, just thought I would throw my 2 cents in there.

Edited, Mar 19th 2007 2:25pm by PigeonMan
#14 Mar 19 2007 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Nice build!

The only thing I think I might switch is the 3 points in Iron Will for 3 in Imp. Heroic Strike.

I know it might not be the most commendable way to spend my talent points(especially with a slower 2H weapon), but I want at least one thing I can use to dump my rage into during PvP. If there is something else than Hamstring and Execute that I should be using at my level(again, for PvP only), please let me know.

Other than that, I'll definitely be going with a 2H axe for the +crit, and probably going with the Pendulum of Doom. The Fiery looks nice, but I'm pretty sure I want a slower weapon.

The reason behind this is all the movement in PvP. If I can come up and take one swing, and jump around all the time, I'm thinking a slower weapon would make it easier for me to time myself to when I should be looking(and striking) at the opponent. I'd definitely like to test both the Fiery and Pendulum, but since the Pendulum is probably cheaper, I'll try with that first and switch over if I don't like it.

Thanks for the input guys! It's really helpful.
#15 Mar 19 2007 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Took a better look at your list Magicol, and you've got some great things in there.

Both the Ranged and Neck pieces we're better than the one I suggested. I'll have to update my wishlist now.(and do WSG alot more often than I thought)

I've just gotten to the backpiece now, and I'm wondering what would be the best option. You stated that a higher lvl piece than the Wing of the Whelping could be used with a better enchant, so I just wanted to know what the better enchant is, and what level would be required to get it. I checked up on it here at alla, but the only higher level enchants are either resistances, or a +12 dodge rating, so I'm wondering if there are any more that aren't listed here.

Edit: Just got to chestpiece now... Do you really think the Scarlet Chestpiece is better than the Green Iron Hauberk?(Basically, is 108 Armor worth 8 Stamina and 1 Strength). I mean, if you're just looking for the +1 more strength, wouldn't the Archon Chestpiece be better?

Scarlet Chestpiece
Binds when equipped
250 Armor
+19 Stamina
+8 Strength
Requires Level 34

Green Iron Hauberk
Binds when equipped
358 Armor
+11 Stamina
+7 Strength
Requires Level 31

Archon Chestpiece
Binds when equipped
245 Armor
+12 Strength
+8 Spirit
+12 Stamina
Requires Level 33

Edited, Mar 19th 2007 3:14pm by baveux
#16 Mar 19 2007 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
Im glad u could use some of it :)

About the cloak, all the new TBC enchants can only be used on lvl 35+ items. So something along the lines of...;witem=14781

could be used.

I believe you can get a +120/150 armor enchant too.

Regarding the Scarlett Chestpiece, yes i would take 8stam/1str over 100 armor, the reason for this is simple, armor is useless against half of
the classes :)
So i rather want the extra hp.

Edited, Mar 19th 2007 5:41pm by Magicol
#17 Mar 20 2007 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
I haven't edited my list yet(will get to it tomorrow) but I was looking up the boots I can get with a friend.

I'll definitely be getting speed enchant on my boots, but I was thinking about what I could use for anytime I feel like making a runner in WSG.

I thought I might get these boots with the + speed enchant and have a macro to switch them in and use them.

After coming up with this, I had alot of questions I can't seem to find answers for.

1) Does the speed enchant stack with the speed effect of these boots?

2) Can a macro even be made to switch them in AND use them?

3) Will a swiftness pot stack with these, and the enchant?

4) Is this even a good idea?

4.5)(for my hunter friend) Would any or all of these stack with Aspect of the Cheetah?

Edited, Mar 21st 2007 1:28am by baveux
#18 Mar 23 2007 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
Trinket2: Talisman of Arathor (AB) / Rune of Duty (WSG) / Nifty Stopwatch (badlands quest)

Mark of the Chosen from Mara Imo
#19 Apr 30 2007 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Well, I'm not sure if this will get the thread closed for booting it back up, but I'm constantly using this thread when I'm looking for what I need. Plus, I keep telling myself its a great conversation piece for our forums compared to the "OhNoez!Warriors=pwned!" I keep hearing moans and cries about.

Remember kids, crying about something is like being in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere.

As for equipment so far, I've had some pretty sh*tty luck.

Since I started this thread I've kept an eye on the AH for the pendulum every single day. I made sure to keep enough money on my alt at all times for it, and I waited.... and waited. I saw the Fiery War Axe go up for sale in the trade channel twice in that time. The first I bought for 35G and resold for 130G, the second I bought for 75G and decided to finally equip it and say goodbye to any notion of getting the pendulum.

Only then did it come up at the AH. /cry a little, then bought it for 50G. Sitting in my bank right now until I hit 39.

During the same time, I also bought the BG backpiece with the dismal amount of honor points I had since I hadn't seen Wing of the Whelping at the AH. Same story, the Whelping comes up at the AH. /cry... but only a 15G buyout, so it wasn't so bad. Ravasaur Scale Boots were also up at the same time for 25G with a +7 stam enchant, so I bought them too.

Still, in all my bad luck thus far, I have 7 pieces already that are on my new wishlist(written to paper so I don't have to check here every time ^^). I have my weapon(pendulum), my headpiece(SM helm), my backpiece(Whelping), one ring(Truesilver C ring), 2 pairs of boots(Ravasaur and Swift boots for WSG), one belt I wanted(gem studded leather belt for the heals on WSG when running).

Now I've got to run SM and RFD for the various equipment I want, and then I need to do some pvp to get even more gear. Then comes enchants and stocking up on pots that I will be using frequently, plus bandages, food, and lastly, keeping a good number of pendants on me with +party buffs for the starting of the round(oh, a warrior with + 10 stam buff to his group..... I love the notion).

Long ways to go yet, but I'm still gonna keep on trucking.

Edited, May 1st 2007 3:20am by baveux
#20 May 01 2007 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
354 posts
Agreed with best choices for weapon being Nightblade/Pendulum of Doom.

Nightblade is nice with the proc, though its a tad bit fast and you'll actually notice better burst damage with Pendulum of Doom.

As for your build, no PvP build should include Imp HS. If you are using Heroic Strike, you are wasting rage that could be spent on more useful abilities.

Using Heroic strike, you cost yourself a white hit and rage generation. No Rage = Dead Warrior.

Its been so damn long since I've leveled a Warrior. You have Whirlwind at lvl 39 right?

Edited, May 1st 2007 7:54am by DakkenBB
#21 May 01 2007 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
imo i would go this spec

The final 2 you can place in which ever weapon spec you want.
Considering a fight lasts maybe, 8-10 seconds, Anger Management is not as useful as some may think.

As useful as thunder clap may be, i think its more of a tank tool than DPS. Just my two cents though =)

Course, if you dont want iron will you could throw those points into TC, whatever floats your boat

Edited, May 1st 2007 9:04am by Zeroblade
#22 May 01 2007 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
I would seriously consider this build.

I have always loved Imp Slam, and at this level it really is just like having MS, just without the healing debuff, plus it is only 15 rage to boot. A 0.5 sec cast time is easy to get off once you get your timing down for it.

Other nice things are Death Wish, Enrage, and Flurry, and of course being able to intercept 10 sec sooner can be a life saver. With DW and Enrage (even after the nerf), thats alot of extra damage you can throw out, plus the immunity to fear is great.

Edited, May 1st 2007 9:35am by Dameous
#23 May 01 2007 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
Thanks for the build responses!

I'll probably go for something along the line of what Zero posted, but I'm afraid I've got almost NO way to dump rage anymore. Oh well. Also, I'm never giving up Anger Management(I like it that much^^). Most people forget that it doesn't just work during the 10 seconds of fighting, but also works at keeping your rage while you're not fighting. I know I make it out to be more than I feel it helps(really, 1 rage every 3 seconds won't usually save a life) but I've gotten too used to it to get rid of.

So, one point in Anger Management, and one more to go. : )

Tactical Mastery? Anticipation? Poleaxe spec?

I might also take one point out of Two-handed weapon spec to give me one more in Poleaxe if I decide to put one point in there anyways. I'll have to see if I'm satisfied with my crit%.
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