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Hunter Twink at 19Follow

#1 Mar 19 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
168 posts
I had a lot of problems getting a good twink together. You can find everywhere what you need to get, but not when and where, so, here you go guys...
Its especially for hunters and rogues

Since i have only twinked a hunter till now, i just put a guide here for twinking a leatherwearer. Rogues druids and shammys can use the same equipment and peeps planning on twinking other classes can get an idea here of the work required to make a twink.
Weapons will be described at the end, since the ones I am experienced with are hunter weapons.

Creating a twink

When you create a twink, just look at the racials first.
In my case, a hunter, can be played as Elf, Dwarf and Dranaei.
A dwarf with his stoneform doesn’t contribute a lot as a hunter so, drop that.
Now do you want shadowmeld or gift of the naaru?
I like the shadowmeld but since that ability doesn’t contribute a lot when you are in combar, I went for the healing of the race remaining, and I must say it’s a life saver. Just look into those before making a choce.

Then go lvl your twinkie till lvl 10 and then you are ready to begin the serious **** :D

Twink @ lvl 10

Ok, since you are lvl 10 you know some basic stuff (hunters just learned how to tame a pet etc) and your lvl allows you to enter instances.

Get a portal to darnassus, take the boat to auberdine-Menethil (put your heartstone here!)-Theramore and let someone guide you along the coast to Ratchet (don’t forget the FP there!) and head towards WC.

Wailing Caverns is a paradise – a few good drops there are really nice to have as a leatherwearer.Throughout the instance there is a set that drops wich is really good for druids (it has +nature dmg) and consist of greens with one blue item.

The instance consists out of 5 serpentbosses, one finalboss, and an escortquest.

First time you clear the instance just get all the bosses and try to memorize who is where.
That instance is a real labyrinth. Throughout the whole instances there are deviate scales and perfect devitate scales that drop. Pick em ALL up and KEEP EM with you! Youll need em at 19.

When you come into the instance you can go left or right, those both end up at the same point.
It is there that you will find the first boss, who drops nothing decent. Clear her anyway cause its needed for the escort to start.
Then you can go into the shallow water that flows in there.
Go left first, since there is only one boss there. He drops a blue pants, that is really good for a lvl 19 twink. (this is the set item we already talked about). The dropchance is rather low.

Head back where u came from and go the other way now.

At this side you will meet 4 other bosses:

*A big kodo: drops a nice green dagger with agi on it (keep it till you have better) and most important: a nice blue cloak! This cloak is the best drop ingame for any class, has a nice dropchance and so you can get it fairly easy.

*A serpent lord surrounded by other druids: this one drops a nice blue mace. Really good for shammys, so there is where u need to go!

*The last serpentlord at the upper side of the cave drops a really good blue bow. This bow is the best for a hunter imo, but there are discussions about this, see Little timmy’s peashooter at the bottom for more.

*Next to this last serpentlord there is another boss, who drops a really good blue staff for the casters among us. Go chck it out.

When you completed all this, go back to the entrance of the cave. The druid standing there needs an escort (only works if you killed all other bosses, you only need to do this once)
He leads you to a big chamber where he performs a ritual. Kill 3 waves, a big murlocboss, and the quest is complete.
You really need to do this since the murloc drops an item you need later on, a questitem for lvl 14. He also drops a nice ring and some other stuff.

Get boosted in this cave till you are lvl 14, then click the questitem and accept the quest, Go outside and return to ratchet. The goblin at the flightpqd there cqn be tqlked to, he doesn’t have q “?” above the head but he can give you more info. He will tell you to go to the tauren standing on top of the rock of the wailing caverns. There you go, your shoulders!
These are cloth, but the only ones with stats on them that are <lvl20

Now get back to ratchet, take the boat to stv (necessary if you ever wanna get the fishing hat), explore the town (get the FP!) and heartstone to Menethil.

Head to IF, take tram to stormwind, walk to Westfall.

Ok, once you are here you should be halfway to lvl 15.
Go to the tower in the middle of the town, and accept the quest to go and kill some defies surrounding the hills. If you aren’t 15 yet when those are completed the questline ends. Then just head to the farm doing some quests there.

Twink @ lvl 15

This is it, get your boosters together and let them boost you through deadmines.
Imo it is better to have 2 60 + escorting you so you get less exp (this is really important, we will get back to that later)
You have a quest to kill Van Cleef, and the reward is a nice leather tunic of westfall, a must for every twink.

Inside deadmines get enough cloth together to lvl your first aid to the max (linen and wool).

The first boss that drops something interesting is the big goblin shredder (a blue 2h axe that has nice stats and dmg for a hunter) and then the smelter at the forge (the big round trap with all the goblins on em)

He can drop a really nice ring that will help you through your first wsg moments, so its reall a plus if you can get that one to drop.
Since you need to lvl up it is possible to get the instance done multiple times to get it to drop, but this only if escorted by more then one high lvl so you get less exp!

The other bosses can drops ome nice stuff, but I wasn’t focussed on that, it aint what I was after!
Now Van Cleef, he drops a nice leather chest, but I still prefer the tunic of westfall. Grab it anyway and get the questitem to (an envelop).

Once you have the gear you needed (try not to go higher then halfway lvl 17 to 18), go complete your quest at the tower. You have now an extra chest (best in game imo for leather) and then head to Stormwind with the envelop.
This gives you a really annoying questline, just do it and you get another nice blue ring! It will last forever so really worth going for.

Ok, now a hunter exclusive part, if you ding 18, its time to head to darkshire.
In the town you can get a quest named the nightwatchers.
It is a questline that requires
- killing skeleton mages and warriors (southeast of darkshire)
- Killing skeletal horrors and fiends (raven hill)
- Killing plaguespreaders at a mausoleum at raven hill.
Once all this is done you get a nice quiver or qmmo pouch zith +11 attack speed.
Try to do this immediately when you ding 18 so you don’t get too much exp (it are a lot of mobs and 3 quests – many exp)
A boost is ofcourse necessary.

Just before you ding 19 (or just in the beginning) go to auberdine and walk to ashenvale.
Take the FP there and head to the southeast of the map, the WSG camp. There you can find the rewardvendor!

Another thing for hunters: go grind a bit when you ding 19 so your pet has the time to lvl up to 19.

Now head back to if, put your HS there and never leave the place again.
The reason we went to explore to WSG and STV is so you can go back there alter without getting exp. The moment you get a bit too much exp, you ding and all your work and money is worth nothing anymore.

Hunters and rogues @ 19 in wsg

I can only speak for those 2 classes… Go to wsg, get 200 honor and 40 marks. The day after you can get a nice ring and a really good neck (prio on this one) to complete the jewellery section of your char. Replace the blue ring from the smelter by the new one.

Completing your set @ 19 for leatherworkers

Things that are the best to get for us at our lvl can be found on the AH, do this before you go enchant.

Feet of the lynx: Best boots ingame for us, nuff said

Sentry cloak: a bit better then the lizardscale you got in wailing caverns

Forest leather bracers: best bracers around – craftable

Deviate scale belt: Remember the scales you held in your bag since you were lvl 10-ish? Search a crafter to craft you this blue baby and you have the best there is!

Gloves: Just buy whatever you think is appropriate for your class/character. There are a lot of nice ones with +4agi&+4sta (…of the monkey) or others with nice stats.

Pants: Use the blue ones you have if you don’t have much money, if you do have some to spent (approx 120G) buy these (cheap ones) and we will use the money to get nice stats on em.

Head: Get the green tinted goggles only available to skill lvl 150 engineers.

Weapons: As you think is fit for your char. The best weapon ingame for a hunter is without doubt the Twisting Chanter Staff. It has the highest damageoutput available and, when enchanted is a dream for every hunter.

Tuning @ lvl 19 (hunter)

When you have all this gear and still some money to spent, do the following:

* Lvl engineering (a must for the head and nice to have bombs in combat)
* Lvl first aid to silk bandages
* If you have the money to spent, herbalism is a nice 2nd prof since it gets use cheap potions.

Get a Libram on your head. The best ones are the constitution (+100hp) or the voracity (+8sta OR +8 int OR +8spi OR +8 agi OR +8 str)

To be able to get the arcanums (the result of a libram) you need to get a few quested ingredients from around the world.

Voracity requires 4 rootwhipper tubes (or what are they called) from the quest in felwood, 2 force chrystals of the eastern pylon in ungoro, a black diamond, 30G and the book ofcourse.

The constitution requires 4 night dragons breath from the quest in felwood, a lung cocktail from the quest in the north of blasted lands, a black diamond, 30g and the book.

The Arcanum you get as reward for this (from the guy at the northern cave in burning steppes) is BoP but the item you put it on isn’t. Give him a green tinted goggles and get the Arcanum on it, then get the item back on your twink and equip it.

Remember to keep the 120G (approx) for the pants? Go to AH, buy a Clefthoof Leg Armor, and give (or mail to your main) that and the dark leather pants to a high lvl. He can attach it to the pants and give it back. Voila, +30 sta and 10 agi on the pants!

For the other enchants I would go for (depends on your spare cash)

+4 all stats on chest
+9 sta on bracers
+15 sta on gloves
+7 sta on boots OR minor speed increase

The xeapons should get a +15agi (1h) a +25agi (2h, for hunters) or for rogues go for a lifestealing and/or crusader.

Every enchant that is pre-TBC and requires skill lvl 300 or lower is applyable.

I twinked my hunter this way, I have 165 agi, with 30.06 chance to dodge, 21.97 crit, a hp of 1232 and a 985 manapool.

Have fun twinking,

Ravenfeather a.k.a. Stormcrowsix
EU Shattered Hand
#2 Mar 19 2007 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
168 posts
forgot to say this!!!

About pets: personally i like the black skin on a boar, so if you want one of those just go tame one outside ogrimmar(lvl 11). Just cross the river from the barrens and you could find one there.
It has charge rank one and gore rank one. Later on stable it and get one from westfall (a lvl 14-16, be sure to get a GREATER goretusk - higher ranks of those attacks).
Use the pet till you learned the new attacks, abandon it and get your black one out again. Then he can learn em too.
be sure to use your pet all the time, even when getting boosted so it stays at your lvl.

Boars are so great because they have the charge that stuns your target a second, pretty good to slow down flagcarriers and get them off your tail when being chased!
#3 Mar 19 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
A dwarf with his stoneform doesn’t contribute a lot as a hunter so, drop that.

For 19, semi true (it's still useful) - but for 20+ very false. SF nixes poison and helps you beat rogues, who use crippling pois.

You may want to add to this, posting the names of the items you discuss. That way people can search for them.

A big kodo: drops a nice green dagger with agi on it (keep it till you have better) and most important: a nice blue cloak! This cloak is the best drop ingame for any class, has a nice dropchance and so you can get it fairly easy.

But most twinks I know tend to use the Sentry Cloak (gah, memory is fading, I think that's what it's called) - and now there is a Tranquiliem/Honored (or higher) usable Horde side cloak w/ even more sta. If you want agi, the liz cloak is good - but most Hunt twinks I know go for sta then sta/agi -- items w/ agi and no sta are third tier to them. True, this is a nice, free drop cloak.

Well, no sense in nit-picking - there is a lot of really good info here.


My advice if you want to twink is to have your twink join a twinking guild - obviously join a good one that's helpful. You need high-lvls to run you through these instances. You need a high lvl yourself to make the kind of money you'll need to buy twink gear (some of the best gear is bought on AH).


Or, if you can't do that or find that repugnat - but you still wanna have fun in 19 wsg - make a SEMI-TWINK hunter!

You can get over 1000 hp for less than 10g on most servers. Just look for good prices on leather "of stamina" and "of the monkey" gear. Look for a good price on the deviate scale belt - this can vary WILDLY in price from 2g to 30g+. If you just mine copper to buy your stuff, it's not that hard.

If you go horde, do the quest in Ghostlands for the "blue" bow (kill Dar Khan). It's not the uberest bow in the game for 19, but it's very nice!

Consider blood rings for sta. Buy cheaper enchants - look for enchanters offering free or low price ones.

The whole idea is to be survivable as a semi-twink and to use your skills to win/live. W/ high sta you can survive a warior's charge - a rogue's ambush, etc. Learn to kite - learn to move - and you'll be surprised what you can do. My 19 BE huntress can take out twinked rogues midfield in wsg - I spent less than 10g on her - they spent 300+ on theirs!! It's not the "best" - you are not a twink - and w/ new enchants it does get tedious (twinked warriors now can easily, easily have over 2000 hps) - but you've done NO instancing and spent very little to make your semi-twink. And when you beat a true twink, you have a LOT more satisfaction!!!!

#4 Mar 20 2007 at 12:04 AM Rating: Good
168 posts
I know the names are lacking, but it was just a really fast guide, just to help guys out a bit while twinking who had no clue where to start...

If you would have read a bit more you would have seen that i mentioned that sentry cloak, but IMO its not worth paying that much money for since he aint that much better then the lizzardscale cloak :D

Its true, semitwinking is fun too, but if you are putting time and effort in it, just get the drops i mentioned, then you can have that semi twink and still "gear up" from what you bought at ah later on, most drops are described are the best items in game anyway.

As a hunter you can never replace that chest and bow for example with things you purchase from ah, those are a must and you would regret having a twink lacking those...
#5 Mar 20 2007 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
i happen to be an experienced pvper/twinker and i was happy with your guide. congrats. i actually learned one new thing which is that of the arrow quiver, i thought u could only get that quest 20+. However, one thing really quick, your lvls of some of the items are incorrect. the drop item from the WC escort quest (called Green Glowing Shard) is actually lvl 15, and the envelope from VC is lvl 16. not that it matters but u seem to have ur guide based on wat lvl you are, so this mite impact your guide in a small way.

the blue mace from the one serpent lord is also very good for rogues, due to its high DPS. might wanna add that in.

u mentioned getting +15 Stamina on gloves, i dont know anything about enchanting myself but im pretty sure you cant get a +Stam enchant on gloves. also you didnt name any gloves that would be good, try these:

Hunters = Nimble Leather Gloves (atleast ive seen most hunter twinks use these)
Rogues = Bristlebark Gloves or Red Whelp Gloves (im personally more attracted to the Red Whelp Gloves)

as another comment on ur guide, i love how u added the mats for the head/legs enchants, that cleared alot of questions up for me. thx. awsome effort

Edited, Mar 20th 2007 11:43am by eggsaled
#6 Mar 20 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
Ravager Gloves

Woulde those be worth it?? it might take a little bit to get the quest, but it is available, I did it on my Shammy

Can you add a scope like an enchanter can enchant (Adamantite Scope :P)?? How about the leg armor?

Also, would Libram of Rapidity be better for your head, or is there that much of a bother about stamina? Since you are putting the CLefthide on your legs, do you realy need that +8 or 100 health? Libram of Protection is also a viable answer

Edited, Mar 20th 2007 9:42am by Caldone
#7 Mar 20 2007 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
What's wrong with Dwarfs (T.T)
I get 5 more gun (weapon) skill points, and it's long range attacks. Very nice for me anyway.
#8 Mar 20 2007 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
I like the thought of the whol shadowmeld BOOM dead theory
#9 Mar 20 2007 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
oh, and I noticed I can get a windserpent out of WC, wondering wether to get that, or (I know this is a dumb question for me to ask) does a boar overate the windserpent dps in the 19 bracket
#10 Mar 20 2007 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
168 posts
Well tbh, i think the windserpent would outdps the boar...
On the other hand a boars DPS aint bad and dont forget -----------------> charge
he charghes at your opponents dazing em for like 1 sec every time, ideal to get in range with flagcarrier, conc him and bring him down... thats what a boar i about
#11 Mar 20 2007 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
168 posts
Gyfford ok man, nice for you
Its just that whatever argument you are giving, shadowmeld or gift of the naaru are more worth then that...
#12 Mar 21 2007 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
ACK lol, thanks for the replies though you didnt answer my questions about the librams, thats the big one as I'm Kinda stuck on it
#13 Mar 21 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
If you go horde, do the quest in Ghostlands for the "blue" bow (kill Dar Khan). It's not the uberest bow in the game for 19, but it's very nice!

Farstrider's bow is not as good as the Outrider's bow you get from pvp, the sword might be for twink hunters, the dawnblade blows for rogues 5 stam is good, but the dps sucks. The quest and it's items is really only good for non pvp players and experience.

Also, a cheaper alternative to Clefthoof is Leggings of the fang. 5 strength 9 agil 4 stam? use them if you can't spend 60-100g on the clefthoof.
#14 Mar 21 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
I'm going to get Leggings of the Fang AND the clefthoof :P going to see about wether or not some Outlands Inscriptions and what not will actually work through the Enchanters WIL NOT TRADE dealy... XD
#15 Mar 21 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
Gyfford ok man, nice for you
Its just that whatever argument you are giving, shadowmeld or gift of the naaru are more worth then that

Meh, I'm not saying they don't. I just mentioned the skill points as a 'pro' for Dwarf. Dwarfs represent =D
#16 Mar 21 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
I've read many, many a post in total praise of the windserp.

And I've read a few sober, serious posts where experienced hunters talk about problems with the windserp - i.e. "real" dps may not be what is expected from theorectical damage. They talk about problems w/ the windserp pausing to do ranged and advocating an animal that just closes fast and gets down to business.

Windserps shine in that they still dps when rooted or frost nova'd.

Anyway, I can't make the case against windserps - I can't remember it well enough. Sorry. Just know that there is one, and if you want to search or go dig back several or more pages, you will find them.

There are similar discussions on snakes.

Maybe someone w/ a good memory for this can help me out here, either if they remember where these posts are - or what the basic arguments are. I'm not saying that the criticism of windserps and snakes are 100% right - I have no idea. Just know that some hunters don't like them; others are crazy about them.

Oh, for 19 wsg - shadowmeld is evil - it's SO handy. Not only for the obvious reasons, like guarding the flag room. You can SM right before a fight starts - and if the enemy had you targeted, now they have to find another target. They commit to someone else, you then whack em. That said, nothing worse than entering an "empty" flag room - then to have several Night Elves appear.

But Dwarves do perfectly well in 19 wsg! Stat-hounds will go NE or Dranie. If you like Dwarf, the differences aren't so staggering that "you'll always be losing" - you can make a winner dwarf char!

Edited, Mar 21st 2007 3:31pm by IponemaGirl
#17 Mar 22 2007 at 7:51 AM Rating: Default
I'm going to get Leggings of the Fang AND the clefthoof

No you aren't! First off, you can't. The clefthoof leg armor can only be applied by a lvl 60 or higher and the legs must be in their inventory. This means that they have to put it on a pair of BoE legs and give them to you.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 11:55am by scudderfunk
#18 Mar 22 2007 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
lol, It works through the enchanters window so I can give it to my wife, log onto my twink, and have at it
#19 Mar 22 2007 at 1:48 PM Rating: Default
lol, It works through the enchanters window so I can give it to my wife, log onto my twink, and have at it

/dumbass, If you really dont believe the probably hundred other twink posts about how the clefthide leg armor works, just try it.


Edited, Mar 22nd 2007 5:56pm by scudderfunk
#20 Mar 23 2007 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
168 posts
1. To be able to apply the clefthoof leg armor you need a BoE pants, it doesnt work by useing a "will not be traded" window

2. To apply a scope +3 (what you can't at lvl 19 because it requires 20) the "will not be traded" does work, even with a BoP bow. Just give the scope to someone, let them click it and apply it to your bop bow that you put in there

3. as for the librams imo the 2 best are the voracity (+8agi / 8 sta) and the contitution (+100hp).
Imo if you have 1223 health (the gear i got described in top of the thread) i dont need it. I just satnd there, while 2 half twinked hunters shoot me, and i kill em both, and still have 200-300 hp left.
Just figure out what you need most.
#21 Mar 29 2007 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
I'm not sure what weapon to get for my hunter twink. Currently have Taskmaster Axe, is Twisted Chanter's Staff far better? Any other alternatives with more agility?

#22 Apr 04 2007 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
1. To be able to apply the clefthoof leg armor you need a BoE pants, it doesnt work by useing a "will not be traded" window

2. To apply a scope +3 (what you can't at lvl 19 because it requires 20) the "will not be traded" does work, even with a BoP bow. Just give the scope to someone, let them click it and apply it to your bop bow that you put in there

Uhm.. I tried to make my friend use a scope (the lvl 40 one) on my bow (Venomstrike :]) and it didn't work.. Was the scope just TOO high and the max he could add would be the lvl 20 one? He's 42 btw, if that matters.
#23 Apr 04 2007 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Although venomstrike requires 19 to use ithas an item level above 20. Because of this you can put a +3 scope onto it (which require level 20) but not any better (you have to have someone else put it on who is lv 20+ through will not be traded).

Hope that helps
#24 Apr 04 2007 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
You forgot a point or two when you wrote that "When you create a twink".

1. Leave all notions of ever becoming a good PvPer behind. You will rely solely on gear and enchants to do your job for you, and thus you will face no challenge whatsoever. All you have to do, is fire off the odd Concussive Shot.

2. Feel great about yourself, as you are about to become a class A *******. You will completely ruin the BGs for those who doesn't have the time or the resources to equip their characters with the - let's face it - ridiculously overpowered enchants. You will become untouchable, and thus completely spoil the experience for those who merely run around in hard-earned blues. Enjoy it.

Did I leave something out? Ah well, got the basics covered anyway. You think I could submit this little tidbit to the Alla guide section?
#25 Apr 04 2007 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
Leave all notions of ever becoming a good PvPer behind.

I used to feel this way. So when my guild said they were making 19 twinks, I did not initially go along with it. But then it just became too tempting, tempting for many reasons.

I had a smattering of non-twinked high-teens, and I'd tried them in 19 wsg for fun... and then it wasn't fun any more. It was one thing when the other side had one or two twinks, and you just ganged up on them, killed them, and could still win - or put the one twink on your side against theirs.

But then came the premades: four, six, eight or ten guys all in one guild, all on vent, steamrolling. That was no fun at all.

So I turned one of my abandoned warriors into a guild twink, basically following the old cliche, "If you can't beat em, join em." (or fight fire w/ fire).

When we go into wsg w/ our twinks, what happens really varies. Most fights are not very challenging, to be honest. But this is just more of the "work process" of being a twink - because people on your side need to buy more Silverwing or Outrunner gear - and they need marks and honor. So it's akin to farming. And it can be good practice, practice staying and working together, etc.

And then we come up against a team w/ a bunch of twinks - but not all in same guild or server - and that's actually a challenge, espcecially if only 4 or 5 of us are in.

ANd then we come up against a full premade. If only 4 or 5 of us are in, and we're up against 8 of them - it's VERY challenging. We often lose w/ those odds, but not always. Depends on how bad our fellow players are - and it really varies a lot.

Last night a priest on our side, w/ full mana, was wanding, yes wanding - when our players all around him were dying. Idiot. Then there's the lvl 10 rogue who comes in, rushes down the hall to take the boots - or steals the flag right before your high hp char can pick it up - and then who tries telling you what to do in /bg.

As to becoming a bad pvp'er because you twink, that is a blatantly false assumption. If you hate twinks and twinking, hey - I understand completely. Since Bliz isn't getting rid of it, I had no choice but to twink up (well there is another choice, more on that in a sec). But being overpowered => bad pvper assumes you are only playing non-twinks and steamrolling. In fact this is not true, and you must learn to play well to stand up to other twinks - and semi twinks. Trust me, nothing is more embarrassing for a fully twinked rogue, say, w/ twin crusader or lifestealing & firey - to lose to a half-twinked rogue.

The main problem is that, depending on the night and battle group, you may not hvae many twinks to fight. But lately that is not true. Lately there have been quite a few twinks to go up against, at least for us.

Now, the alternate option to solve the "but I HATE twinks and won't do it just to fight twinking" (or "I can't do it, I have no resources") ... semi-twink!

For hunter, just get the best gear you can. Pick a mining/skinning (mining/engi may be better) - and sell copper and tin to make 10 to 30 gold - this is not all that hard. You will be ablet to buy all the gear you need w/ that. The hardest will be getting a deviate scale belt for cheap (I've seen them go from 2g to 50g) - you may just have to go w/ some belt of the monkey. W/ items "of the monkey" and "of stamina" (lvl 16 to 19 range) you can get over 900 hp.

Get sta-granting food. Get minor enchants, if you can. While +9 or +7 sta may be the top - those are pricey. Go for +5 sta enchants - much cheaper - sometimes FREE. Pump up engi and get the best goggles, that's +8 sta. You'll have over 1000 hp. If someone will buff u, you might have over 1100.

Why sta and not agi?? Well, I'm not saying no to agi - of the monky = decent agi (and sta). But to survive twink rogues you MUST have hit points. Never melee rogues. Wingclip them and get to range. If they click out of wingclip, do it again. Learn to kite. Even in flagroom or in tunnels - do not melee them. Learn to get to range and shoot them. Only melee as a last resort, out of desperation.

You'd be surprised how well you can do spending (in my case, w/ my BE huntress) under 10g. Oh, horde hunters can get a nice blue bow, free, from a ghostlands quest. Harder to do this w/ an alli hunter - but you can save up points and get the Silverwing blue bow, which is quite nice - not all that hard to get.

Anyway, one way or another, you can deal w/ twinking, if you want to. I find it to be fun. Our guild takes it VERY seriously, and it gives us something to do - preparing for our bg's. It's not just going to vanish. If you think wsg is fun - or could be if you don't just die - then twink or semi twink. Join a bg guild. If not, there's plenty of other stuff to do in WoW. WoW tolerates the casual player very well - I'm pretty casual - but like in any game, those who invest more do get more powerful and can dominate. If you want a game where each side starts out "equal" with no advantage save skill, play checkers, tic tac toe, or chess. Not trying to sound harsh - just... well, it's true.

#26 Apr 05 2007 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
I have absolutely no idea how u get over 1k hp with just 10 gold :P

My hunter is being a half twink to be continued with leveling after. My main is being a 42 priest, so I really don't have much money to spend. I've got a friend that helped me get decent stuff - Legings of the fang, Venomstrike, Deviate Scale Belt, Boots of the fang, that Lizard Cloak, lvl 15 of agility armlets, of the monkey lvl 16 gauntlets and statless shoulders. No hat (as I'll carry on with lvling later I don't feel like investing into engineering). Now.. enchants are: Bracers - 5 stamina, Chest - 50 hp, Boots - 5 stm, Gaunts - 5 agil. Cloak has no enchant atm, might get +1 agi or so.. doesn't matter much.

Anyways, with that equip.. Decent I'd say.. I'm sitting on around 850 hp. Now I do realize that with the pants upgrade of 30 stm I'd have 1'150 hp. But how am I supposed to get 1k hp with 10g? Lol. Well.. replace bracers to of stamina = +4 stm, 40 hp - And after that? I'm on under 900 hp.. still over 100 missing =O
I'm using the pvp necklace and rings btw.
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