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Flash Healing?Follow

#1 Mar 20 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
My priest ALT is level 38, I have been using different ranks of flash heals. I seem to not run out of mana and heal pretty well. I use all the ranks I have so far wich is between 1-5 and I use them accordingly. I was wondering if this is a good way of healing 5mans, I have not gotten flamed at all really and I consider myself a good healer. But I was wondering what the best technique is.

Thanks Alot.

#2 Mar 20 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
When I'm healing in 5-man instances I use 4 heals; Renew, Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Prayer of Healing.

Well the tanker should always has Renew on him/her, use Flash Heal when they havn't loosed to much HP, and Greater Heal when its needed. Then I use Prayer of Healing if everyone or most of the group has lost health, it cost losts of mana so don't use it if it's no need.

Well that's how I do it, hope I could help whit something..
#3 Mar 20 2007 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
476 posts
i'm a greater heal + renew player, as well. i don't use different ranked spells (and i've never investigated it, as i remember your +heal gets penalized for down ranking... not applicable if you don't have/need a lot of +heal gear).

i really like prayer of healing pre-BC. using it was a sign that the groups was being "less than optimal", but i had to smile whenever i got the opportunity to cast it and watch everyones bars take a solid jump

in outlands instances, i've noticed a few things that i think are worth mentioning:
1. bosses hit much harder and frequently do AOE dmg, so sometimes i have to spam flash heal just to keep the tank up (e.g. dragon at end of ramparts). i used to be able to just chain greater heals on tank and take a nap during boss fights.
2. prayer for healing doesn't move everyone's bars very far. i'm beginning to doubt it's worth casting anymore. which is too bad, because i felt that was one of those spells that made a priest stand out as a healer.
3. i paid a lot of gold to upgrade my spells, but they haven't significantly increased in the amount they heal. i have noticed substantially more +heal or +dmg&heal on my gear, though.
#4 Mar 20 2007 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
For your level it's decent - I was a flash healer until mid-50's. As you get higher up, you'll notice you start to run out of mana much faster. Ideally, you use two heals 95% of the time, Renew and Gheal. Flash Heal is used only in emergencies (a surprise crit on the tank), and shield on casters that are taking too fast of hits or AoE'ing. Renew on the tank, any offtanks, and anyone who took a hit or two but not taking any more. Prayer of Healing only it at least 3 people need healed, preferably more.

There are, of course, exceptions, but these are good general rules.
#5 Mar 20 2007 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
206 posts
I really like Prayer of Mending in that mix too. I find its a great way to 'pre-heal' the tank and let mana regen trigger, and if it goes off 2-3 times its pretty much the most mana efficient thing ever.
#6 Mar 20 2007 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Why do people keep different ranks of Flash Heal? My priest is level 42, but she only carries one rank of each type of heal and always the highest rank.

I realize that once you get mad +healing, downranking is beneficial due to the mana cost being lowered, making +mana/5sec more valuable.

But does it matter if I use the Flash Heal that heals 300 health points or 400 health points? Why wouldn't I just wait for the player to lose the additional 100 health points so I can use the next rank?

Just curious because I've seen Priest UIs with crazy many ranks of the same spell on the actionbar and I never understood it.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Mar 20 2007 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
561 posts
Flash heal is a FAST heal.. it's purpose is to heal as much in as less time possible. There is NO NEED for many ranks. I just don't get those that use lower FH ranks. If I need to heal in 1.5 seconds, then it better be the biggest heal I can get.

If the tank hasn't lost much hp, then.. don't heal :) Use renew whenever it ends (get a mod to tell you if you don't pay attention). And until you need that big heal... just wait. Mana flows in, you cast biggest heal and get tank to full again. Start casting with anticipation. If the heal is not needed, then ... cancel it. I do that all the time. Cast GH, and if it will overheal a lot, then i cancel it and start casting it again.

FH is known to be mana inefficient. That is why it should be used as emergency (and on mages that do AoE). But do use it to stabilize situation on the tank. If it gets a big damage spike, then shield, FH and then big heal.

Downranking is not worth it.

Prayer of healing is casted in combination with Inner Focus (wtb no global cooldown when casting IF) to get it free of cost. But don't be afraid to cast it if party needs it.
#8 Mar 24 2007 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
I have a 70 priest....been holy the whole entire time. The way I heal is mainly with Heal...yup just regular old heal. With the gear I have I"m sitting at 1220+healing unbuffed making my Heal heal for about may say...thats not alot, why not use your new heals. For one, Heal costs about half the mana of Flash Heal. If you have points to make the casting time less, it isn't really that long, and if everyone is taking slow dmg why not use a slow heal? Save mana and have less down time. Of course, you don't use this all the time, there are times to use Flash heal or greater heal.

Prayer of Healing...I do love to use this, Inner focus and Prayer of Healing is awesome. Inner Focus also gives your spells an extra 25% chance to crit so basically with the amount of +healing I have, if it crits on everyone, you're looking at 2500 health to all party members for 0 mana. Very very nice.

I also don't use different ranks of heals. I have different heals for different situations. I never really got into the whole lower ranks...and like mentioned above I do see my flash heal as my "Oh **** the tank's gonna die!" heal. I want it fast and I want it to hit hard :D
#9 Mar 24 2007 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
goldmoone wrote:
Inner focus and Prayer of Healing is awesome.

you know that works with Inspiration too! ;)
#10 Mar 30 2007 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
I have a lvl 70 shadow priest and occasionally I still slip into the healing role in a group, and I do pretty well up until the lvl 70 instances. Shadow Labs seems to be the first instance I don't heal very well in. I can't say for holy priests, but I need my highest rank heals to be effective when healing. The outland mobs do hit very hard. There are times though, that I have been helping guildies out in lower lvl instances and during these times, I find that using lower ranks of heals is better because the high ranking ones will result in alot of overhealing and waste mana. So I would say that would be the only time I would even think about using the lower ranking ones.
#11 Mar 30 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
Get a mod that will show your healing and overhealing. I have one, and my overhealing is usually 5-10% at most, and that from renews that are more powerful than needed and from random crits.

Such a mod will teach you how to heal. There are places that require max rank of gheal and you still can't keep up with the damage. So a renew and PoM need to be used. FH i mainly use as "Crap" heal. If then tank gets dangerously low, FH + PoM and Renew, then a gheal. Also, on mages/locks that AoE.
#12 Mar 30 2007 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
yeah, going into boss fights, i like to pre-cast bubble and renew on the tank, so i can begin mana regen and it gives me a bit longer to regen mana..
#13 Mar 30 2007 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
If there's a priest and druid on board I'd say ignore bubble. cast regrowth, renew and regen on the warrior just as he's prepping to go in. That pretty much solves his woes about ooh shield is not giving me more rage and gives all of you some extra time before your mana becomes any form of an issue. Past that, I've had a wipe from mana vault because the priest was specializing in using renew, flash heal + shield and the aoe rock giant boss made him unable to keep up healing on me and the warrior with his strategy (though he was able to do the other mobs). End of it, I stayed out of the combat sans using a bow and was using bandaid on everyone to save him some mana. 2500 band aid x 8 was my total healing. he still used flash + renew on the tank and renew on everyone else to finish the battle with 20-% mana. (he was shadow spec)

For some of the bc bosses, it's just not worth playing a rogue. a triage technician was so much more usefull lol.
#14 Apr 02 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I myself have never been fond of Prayer of Healing, due to that the group scatters alot and there are always people left out and also is long castime, if someone didn't draw aggro but was hit by an AoE spell i would just pass renews around, its mana efficient since the renew coefficient is 100 unlike the lesser coefficient of Prayer of Healing and also the talent, And since mobs don't spam AoE I could safely assume that they won't die form another one.

Flash heal and Shield is a last resort, if a tank is taking alot of Damage and close to dying then yeah, (normally because I spent half the time running around trying to get people to pull adds off me) but flash heal is pretty much one of the most mana inefficient spell, not for the tank but if a mage was getting pummeled a flash heal does the trick since they don't really have that much hp.

Edited, Apr 2nd 2007 4:47pm by namekiller
#15 Apr 02 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
i myself used flash healing a lot but ended up realizing that it is very unnificient at retaining mana (due to casting it so much you never get ur mana regen). adjusting to using Gheal is hard, because you have to predict it sort of. but yeah, try to renew the tank right before a fight, and yeah, start trying to use gheal, but still use fheal if they get low. if they get dangerous to dying, bubble them and fheal or gheal...
#16 Apr 02 2007 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
206 posts
If you never downrank a heal, then you're a lousy healer. The tank needs to be topped off in case of burst damage or aggro problems. Believe me, you'll be very very happy that the tank is at full health when a mage does one of their stupid crits and draws aggro, and you have to spam flash heals and shields until the tank can taunt it off. You'll be happy the tank is full when there's a series of nasty hits and the tank loses 6k hp in 2 seconds. You'll be happy the tank is full when a mob comes after you and kicks you before you can fade.

Above these benefits? With a decent amount of +heal, downranked heals cost less mana per point of healing. If you're in the 30s or 40s, you haven't learned how to heal yet, so don't worry too much about it. It gets... different.
#17 Apr 02 2007 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
561 posts
Sharajat, not downranking doesn't mean you are lousy healer. Maybe you just learn to time heals :P Also, party doesn't die because the healer slacks, but because something went wrong. Downranking means you heal for less in the same time. Usually, the tank should always have renew on him, also PoM helps.
#18 Apr 03 2007 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
i wont go as far as to say downrank heal is not worth it.

with my playstyle, i use gheal 3 and gheal 7 depending on who i heal. usually, i use gheal 3 on lower hp class and gheal 7 on class like warrior more often than not. i know healers who keep more than 2 ranks on their hotbar.

in a way, downranking helps with mana conservation. spamming gheal 7 most of the time in a boss fight will more than likely make you go oom faster.

i like to keep my healing aggro to the minimum if thats possible. by using lower rank heals, i am able to better my aggro management. you want to keep your group members alive but that doesnt mean you have to top off their health every time they take a hit.

different healer has different playstyle. whether downranking works for you, you are the only one who can answer it. test it. experiment it. in the end, you will find a playstyle that you like.

also, do your warrior a favor. if you get aggro, dont run around. if you want to run, run to your warrior so he can taunt it off you faster. running around and away from him is not going to help. if you want people to peel mobs off you, say something in the chat or make a macro. besides, with you staying at one place, you can still heal.
#19 Apr 03 2007 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,293 posts
Does anyone in this thread play the same game as me?? Oo
The most are ill informed, some blatant liars like goldmoone.

The downranking +healing formula is ((spell level)+6) / (player level)
basicly that means that if use a spell thats lower then 6 levels then youre own you start to get a penalty.
If youre at 70 with, lets say +1200 healing, downranking ANY spell more then 3 ranks (imo) isnt worth it. Personally i downrank 2 ranks max.

I dont get why people say flash heal is fast... It isnt.
If a boss is a hard hitter, I never use flash heal on the MT, bc its way to slow.
Gheal with talents has superior HPS even more with more +healing, but also with no +healing at all. If there is an emergency with the tank id rather use shield or Prayer of mending in conjunction with gheal. If he isnt going to live with 1 gheal he certainly isnt going to live with 2 flash heals.

I only use flash when a mage is AOEing or an offtank cant float on PoM and renew alone and needs some extra while the MT requires attention too. (I <3 PoM with offtanks, to bad they put a CD on it..) Or a non tank is nearly dead with a mob/boss that can AOE then i throw a flash followed by renew. In short: When i need to squeeze in a moderate size heal.

Apart from the above rant, to the OP:

I use Scrolling Combat Text, its a mod that changes the numbers that pop over youre head, it also shows how much you healed and overhealed per heal.

Furthermore i use Damage Meters to figure out my total healing performance.

Tip for healing with gheal:
Even if youre shadow specced for leveling and healing in instances its a good to use gheal as much as possible.
Its a good idea to just "load" a greater heal when the tank has all aggro, and let it land when he's half hp. When he's not,(like 3/4 HP) cancel the spell and load it immediatly again.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2007 11:27am by Sjans
#20 Apr 03 2007 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
I dont get why people say flash heal is fast... It isnt.

QFT. Pretty much stay away from flash heal unless you're in a situation where you're likely to get interrupted (PvP mainly) or the person is taking insane, constant damage (aoe).
#21 Apr 03 2007 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
206 posts
Sharajat, not downranking doesn't mean you are lousy healer. Maybe you just learn to time heals :P Also, party doesn't die because the healer slacks, but because something went wrong. Downranking means you heal for less in the same time. Usually, the tank should always have renew on him, also PoM helps.
I know how to time heals, and I know how to downrank. There's situations where you do one, and there's situations where you do the other (sustained versus burst, etc.). Fact of the matter, if you take an entire facet of priest abilities, and say "I never use that" you're cutting yourself off from a very valuable technique that saves mana and saves the party.

Oh, and I know people blame priests for too many wipes, but the fact of the matter is bad healing wipes the party. Slacking healers can, and do, kill parties. I'd go as far as to say that 80% of the wipes blamed on priests are bs (especially at lower levels, where people think healing>their mistakes), but there's still that 20%.


I dont get why people say flash heal is fast... It isnt.
QFT. Its pretty crappy except as healing people who shouldn't be taking damage in the first place.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2007 2:51pm by Sharajat
#22 Apr 06 2007 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
I just have to quote some things that I find...reprehensible.

Sharajat wrote:

If you never downrank a heal, then you're a lousy healer. The tank needs to be topped off in case of burst damage or aggro problems. Believe me, you'll be very very happy that the tank is at full health when a mage does one of their stupid crits and draws aggro, and you have to spam flash heals and shields until the tank can taunt it off. You'll be happy the tank is full when there's a series of nasty hits and the tank loses 6k hp in 2 seconds. You'll be happy the tank is full when a mob comes after you and kicks you before you can fade.

I think you're absolutely playing the wrong class, or you're posting in the wrong forum. If we were talking about Paladin healing, and the way they regen mana, I would be with you on this one...but as a priest, you have efficient big heals for a you can regen mana by staying outside of the FSR as much as possible. That goes hand-in-hand with our reliance on the +spi stat.

You would be much better off using a combination of PoM, shield, renew, and Gheal (of whatever rank is appropriate) to stabalize the tank before dropping out of casting for a tick or two to regen some mana. Chain casting weak heals is absolutely not helpful, especially with the downranking penalty Sjans mentioned. Also, if you were pre-casting Gheals, when your tank does get hit hard, you can pretty much instant-cast a very powerful spell while regening mana using this method.

If you have DPSers who are constantly drawing aggro, I would say that you have other problems outside of your effectiveness as a healer. I absolutely do no cater to people who refuse to understand how aggro and threat work; doing so actually makes you a much worse healer. You enable others to not play their class well, and you end up drawing infinitely more threat yourself by trying to keep the tank-mage alive.

And to counter your points about floating a tank's hp at max all the time, when...

...a mage does one of their stupid crits and draws aggro...

I'll keep them alive the first few times, politely asking them to keep an eye on their threat (or see what's going on with the tank), and then I'll stop making it a priority to heal the selfish, unskilled player who cares more about his/her own dps then the success of the group.

...a mob comes after you and kicks you before you can fade.

Read before about how I won't be healing the suicidal rogue/mage, and how I'll have to fade much less often.

...there's a series of nasty hits and the tank loses 6k hp in 2 seconds.

My Gheal will land moments later for a very nasty heal, I won't be OOM and I'll use a combination of instants and a few Gheals to stabalize him/her right before I drop back out of the FSR.

I don't think you're thoughts are awful, but I do think you're dead wrong on chain-casting downranked heals. There might be a handful of situations where topping a tank off is important to strategy, but it might be better said that if you keep a tank's health topped off at all times as a priest (using anything but Renew and PoM), then you're a lousy healer.

Leave heal-spamming to the Paladins who can do it infinitely (pun intended)better than you.
#23 Apr 06 2007 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
A quick counter to myself. If you completely disregard all the priest talents that are based off of and enhanced by your spirit, and deliberately cut it from you gear wherever possible in favor of +int and +mp/5 gear, then chain-casting might make a bit more sense. You'd have to devastate your return from being outside of the FSR to the point where there was no real that case, go for it.

Also, if you were specced 61 Points Shadow, and you were trying to heal without a +heal set (maybe in a +spell damage set, for instance) then the float healing and downranking might also be more desirable (since there's no penalty without +heal).

Also, if untalented, flash heal might be more helpful against Gheals 3.5 sec cast time.

*Edited to add one or two things.

Edited, Apr 6th 2007 3:25pm by lilyophelia
#24 Apr 09 2007 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
imho, to be a good healer, you have to be flexible. you have to adapt to the situations you are facing. downranking helps. flash heal helps. shield helps....etc.

although there are certain general guidelines one can follow, but ultimately it boils down to the situation you are facing.

also, sometimes to be better at some things, you have to learn the hard way... or harder way. be a shadow priest and be the main healer in instances. expose yourself to many different situations and learn from it. try something different... downranking? spam flash heals? use renew? etc. once you become a healing spec healer, you will realize healing has become easier.
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