would this be a good feral tree?
Short answer: No, not really.
Long answer: There are many flaws like points spent in places that won't be a huge help and talents taken partially that render them useless.
Furor: With that talent it's 5/5 or nothing, period. Otherwise you're gimping yourself as this will be unreliable and will let you down when you most need it.
Imp MotW: 35% increase is very little, and it only shows at the highest ranks of MotW. Drop this and get 5/5 Furor instead.
Feral Aggression: That's 5 points sunk into a talent that will benefit you rather rarely. They could be better spent elsewhere. (IMO)
Thick Hide: I used to think this talent was good to take before BC but now with nicer talents to spend points in, you'll only want this if you intend to Main Tank some end-game instances. Otherwise the bonus from Bear and Dire Bear forms will suffice for 5-man tanking and the like.
Nurturing Instinct: This is only really useful in PvP where you won't be changing gear to heal in a pinch. Otherwise it could be used in the same fashion in an instance, but you won't make use of it often. If you're really healing, you'll have a healing set and thus very little Strength.
Survival of the Fittest: Mostly a tanking talent, but nice to avoid crits in PvP or even in PvE. A good talent overall, but not a priority.
Imp LotP: Will help you last a bit longer and save you a few shift->heal. It'll make you a bit more desirable in groups, too. In a 5-man instance with a decent group, Imp LotP and Vamp Embrace can actually generate enough healing for normal mobs. Only bosses will require some real healing.<
Primal Tenacity: Mostly a PvP talent. Won't make you nearly immune to Stuns and Fears but a resisted Fear will break the Lock's routine and usually give you the upper hand you need to kill him.
Naturalist: If you can, take this. 5/5 is an increase in damage of 10% which is very very good.
Omen of Clarity: Allows you to spam high-cost skills more often freely. It's a godsend for a Feral Druid.
My conclusion: Seems to me that, like so many newbish Druids it seems, you pumped all your points into the Feral tree thinking it's the thing to do since you're speccing that way. But a Druid is much more than that so weight every talent and look in the Resto tree to complement your Feral side.