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#1 Mar 27 2007 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
Question of priest:
1)Which talent spec of priest is very pve-enabled? What talent tree should i follow?

2)Can anyone give me a link? I heard that shadow priest can also heal very well but its not as efficient, true?

3)Priest should place intellect, spirit or stamina for their priority of stats?

4)Which horde race of priest got the highest amount of mana?

5)Does racial advantages plays a big part of a priest lvlling spec?

6)Does racial spells plays in advantage for levelling?

7)Is Devouring plague, shadowguard, or blood elf's racial spell ( forgot the name) more useful in pve?

8)At later lvls for respec, can anyone link me a good disc/holy spec talent build? Is it alright to spec total into holy or disc for good healing?

9)What is the normal order of spells to be cast?

10)Are there alot of downtimes for a priest's killing of mobs(PVE)

11)Any reccomended mods for priest?

12)Are priest wanted for instance run?

13)I heard priest are very very poor things. Not of their class spells but seems some of the players seems to hurt them badly. When my dwarven priest was up and running, i was get scolded alot. For a piece of gear, i do not get a chance to roll for it and its only the mage/locks who get to roll on it and i am expected to fort/heal anyone i see walking on the road or else i would get scolded badly. I was denied of deadmines twice because whenever i get the invite and the person whom i did not fort or heal them will start complaining about me and the leader gets the bad impression of me and get me kicked for it.
I wish i join horde would be a totally different thing

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 2:23pm by fatedidentity
#2 Mar 27 2007 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
All of these questions are answered here on the forum. You can look some more. Please don't join horde. Sorry for acidity.

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 4:29pm by PilgrimFX
#3 Mar 27 2007 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
Im already in the horde sorry. quited my alliance long time ago. i used to be in there. Im a priest noob and just want to create one. Everyone starts noob, no one starts knowing how to play everything.

I just want my questions to be answered. These questions might/might not be asked before. Even horde have their questions need to ask. Even horde also have noobs early. I do not believe everyone who join the horde are born genius to know everything. Even my mage was taught by Lpadirn. Lpadirn teaches me how to play a mage and with that in my mind, my mage shotted to lvl 40 in 5 days. instead of a few lvls one day.

If you do not wish to answer, just do not do so.
#4 Mar 27 2007 at 6:46 AM Rating: Decent
if you want to level up fast, shadow-spec all the way. you can still heal fine no matter what other people say. just only heal in instances, once u get 40, STAY OUT OF SHADOWFORM for instances if u are the main healer. besides that you should be fine. just use gheal and renew a lot, try not to bubble people unless they are about to die, as it consumes a lot of mana.
#5 Mar 27 2007 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
also, dont worry about being prepared. ur right, everyone starts a class as a nub. just play, 1st hand experience is better than trying to follow guidelines. i dont want to sound like everyone else and be like "just do what you want", but yeah, read up on a few things on the forums, but dont worry about too much to begin with. if ur smart enough, u'll figure out how you enjoy playing. i gave you my preference, but that doesnt mean you'll like the same thing. :D
#6 Mar 27 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
lesson appreciated.
#7 Mar 27 2007 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
Question of priest:
1)Which talent spec of priest is very pve-enabled? What talent tree should i follow?

solo pve: shadow + disc
group pve: holy + disc (disc+holy)

2)Can anyone give me a link? I heard that shadow priest can also heal very well but its not as efficient, true?

true. You can heal ok. You should be able to finish most instances pre 70. but in outland you should be at least average level for that instance. I suggest being higher as shadow.

3)Priest should place intellect, spirit or stamina for their priority of stats?
Depens on what you are. If you only play healing, go for int/spirit. But usually, until you grow, go stamina.

4)Which horde race of priest got the highest amount of mana?
It's so not evident. At higher levels, gear is much more important.

5)Does racial advantages plays a big part of a priest lvlling spec?
Some racials that help leveling: Troll's beastslaying (+5% damage to beasts), Undead's Canibalize (but you are a healer.. so)

6)Does racial spells plays in advantage for levelling?
No. Undead is better for pvp, and for pve.. it's not decided yet. I'd go for troll.

7)Is Devouring plague, shadowguard, or blood elf's racial spell ( forgot the name) more useful in pve?
Probably consume magic from BE, but it transforms buffs to mana. Not useful if you don't have buffs. But in raids you'll have like 5-10.

8)At later lvls for respec, can anyone link me a good disc/holy spec talent build? Is it alright to spec total into holy or disc for good healing?
You'll always need 13 points in Disc to get meditation. The rest is up to you, but the best healer has more points in holy. Up to Empowered Healing (20/41/0 spec)
here's the link

9)What is the normal order of spells to be cast?
shadow or holy?
MB (VT), SW:P, MF, MF, MB, wand
Holy Fire, SW:P, MB, Smite, Smite, Smite, wand

10)Are there a lot of downtimes for a priest's killing of mobs(PVE)
If you get the talent spirit tap from shadow tree, you'll drink once at 30 mins.

11)Any recommended mods for priest?
anything that gives you the ability to watch all party (raid)'s health.

12)Are priest wanted for instance run?

13)I heard priest are very very poor things
#8 Mar 27 2007 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for answering,
#9 Mar 27 2007 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
1)Which talent spec of priest is very pve-enabled? What talent tree should i follow?
Shadow for leveling - find Maxzzz's generic leveling guide or whatever it's called.
Instances, Holy/Disc is best, but at higher levels you're damage will be rather low for solo'ing, where PI/SoL Disc/Holy is a good idea.

2)Can anyone give me a link? I heard that shadow priest can also heal very well but its not as efficient, true?
Shadow priests can heal well if they are competent and have some skill. At higher levels, both become much more important (especially in outland).

3)Priest should place intellect, spirit or stamina for their priority of stats?
While soloing up up about level 50, try and keep your health:mana ratio at about 2:3. If you've got 2000 health, have about 3000 mana. That seems to be a good balance.
For healing, intellect and spirit.
Once the gear starts appearing, get a balance of +healing, spirit, and mana regen for healing, with whatever stamina and intellect you can. Shadow is +dmg first and foremost, with stamina, intellect, and mana regen falling behind.

4)Which horde race of priest got the highest amount of mana?
Starting stats don't matter, it will be a matter of a fraction of a spell.

5)Does racial advantages plays a big part of a priest lvlling spec?
Undead are the PvP'ers. Endgame PvE probably blood elves. Leveling, really doesn't make a difference IMO.

6)Does racial spells plays in advantage for levelling?
They do, but not a lot. Undead are probably best, Cannabalize and Devouring Plague, but not enough to warrent picking them over another class.

7)Is Devouring plague, shadowguard, or blood elf's racial spell ( forgot the name) more useful in pve?
The Blood Elf's if your healing, *possibly* the undead if you're planning on damaging endgame, though BE are probably better there as well.

8)At later lvls for respec, can anyone link me a good disc/holy spec talent build? Is it alright to spec total into holy or disc for good healing?
No, you pretty much have to have at LEAST 14 points into Disc by the time you hit 70, preferably more, and at least

9)What is the normal order of spells to be cast?
Shadow is Vampiric Touch (Mind Blast if you don't have it), Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay, either Power Word: Shield or Psychic Scream rank 1, another Mind Flay, wand.

10)Are there alot of downtimes for a priest's killing of mobs(PVE)
For shadow, definitely not. For holy/disc or disc/holy, much more.

11)Any reccomended mods for priest?
Figure it out :P I use about 15 iirc, the major ones changing the unit frames Perl Classic), the button bars (Trinity Bars), scrolling combat to show me my healing done and damage taken (Scrolling Combat Text), my enemy's casting bar ecastingbar), and something to track my debuffs on targets (Natur Enemy Cast Bar). Also use SW_RaidFrames and CT_RaidAssist for raiding.

12)Are priest wanted for instance run?

13)I heard priest are very very poor things. Not of their class spells but seems some of the players seems to hurt them badly. When my dwarven priest was up and running, i was get scolded alot. For a piece of gear, i do not get a chance to roll for it and its only the mage/locks who get to roll on it and i am expected to fort/heal anyone i see walking on the road or else i would get scolded badly. I was denied of deadmines twice because whenever i get the invite and the person whom i did not fort or heal them will start complaining about me and the leader gets the bad impression of me and get me kicked for it.
I wish i join horde would be a totally different thing
Horde's not going to be different. Your job in a group is to heal - until you really know your class, I would strongly suggest not touching any damage spells in instances. Being blamed for not healing goes away as you level provided you learn how to heal as you go, and provided you heal well you'll be able to throw your weight around in groups (and if the group really sucks, you can drop the group and get a new one fairly easily). You should be fine rolling on any gear up until level 50 or so, when damage gear differentiates much more from healing gear.
#10 Mar 27 2007 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
My meaning of not healing is those outsidde ths instance, they are like everyone down there farming their own quests and money and everything else. E.g.
My dwarven priest was heading to sentinel hill to turn in a quest and saw a warrior fighting a goretusk. I just walked by and did not fort or heal him. A few minutes later, someone is looking for a healer for an instance grp and i replied to him using the general chat. A few secs later, the warrior spoke in the general and scolded me badly and i was kicked almost instantly. I was denied like that. I admit i might/ might not be perfect in healing but definitely able to lsat and learn in the lvl 10-20s dungeons.

Btw, is it really a must for priest to heal non-party members along the way? maybe to turn in a quest or repair items?

Edited, Mar 28th 2007 7:59am by fatedidentity
#11 Mar 28 2007 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
no, it's not a must. It's a gift we can give to others. :)

I Fort ppl when passing through low level areas. If i'm in Xroads for some reason, then i'll buff those that are around, because i know it's a good thing to have double health for 30 mins. I also stop and help if i see someone i deep trouble. But that's just me. I like being good sometimes. I even run groups in RFC sometimes.
#12 Mar 28 2007 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
Yea is a gift. But this does not mean I HAVE TO or I NEED TO. I get scolded for not doing so. So i was wondering its neccessary. I will do it on my own accord. Not being forced to
#13 Mar 28 2007 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
I don't remember early levels so much, but priests are REALLY sought after for groups. People will not usually kick you for such a stupid reason.

I usually don't fort everyone I see on the open road, but I will heal them if they are in trouble. IN an instance/group, however, you do HAVE to fort everyone and heal them :)

Also, I have pretty much always played horde but I did make an ally alt once and the people there didn't seem too much worse than the horde just have to know how to pick out tell tale signs of an annoying jerk. Here are three good ones:

1.) Doesn't even attempt to type properly (that is, says "u", "wat", and is just simply too lazy to add one or two more letters to make it easier to read)
-Keep in mind not everyone's first language is english, but laziness is never an excuse. If you don't mind me asking Fatedidentity, is english your first language?

2.) Says ahead of time and repeatedly claims a certain piece of loot for him/herself.
For example, "If staff drops I get okay?"
You respond, "we can roll for it..."
He says, "but I ned that, its all I came here 4"

3.) Keeps telling you how to play your class

If a person has 2/3 of these qualities (of which there are many more i just cant think of more off the top of my head) then you are better off not grouping with them. If YOU have 2/3 of these qualities, look at yourself in the mirror and change something about how you play online games.

#14 Mar 28 2007 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
Erm basically im easy, i see someone on the road, i might either buff him up or just continue in my business. The warrior i saw really scolded me in general chat right directly i asked to be join the party. I joined the party and a few minutes i was kicked =(.

Maybe its rare of a rare case, but it does happens.

Well i do not conform to the 'i said it earlier, so this is my wep' so if really a spellcaster in the grp, we roll for it. Im fine. Yea i might be angry down there thinking i could not get the wep/equipment but im totally fine that he/she take that weapon cause its fair and square that he/she won it.

Btw how do high level priests deal with jerks who just cant conform to the norm. Or keep asking you to do things which is obviously not correct. E.g.: i have this hunter(party leader) who keeps whispering me to heal his pet instead of the tank and kicked me cause i only healed the tank even thou this pet is almost full health(according to the status bar). Once the pet died because he pulled while we are still handling the adds and im trying to keep the tank health up and he started scolding me even thou i manage to sacrifice the pet to prevent the wipe saying how expensive to buy water to rez his pet. He macroed later in the general chat outside the instance saying that "this *blah* *blah* priest refuses to heal in the instance and next time do not party him".

As for the earlier post, im currently studying 2 languages erm and both of them are just as important so i could say both of the 2 languages including english are my primary and my secondary language. Hope that answeres your question

Edited, Mar 29th 2007 2:30am by fatedidentity

EDIT: i read several other threads and found most of them replying to stupid people rather clever, intelligent and above all hilarious.

Edited, Mar 29th 2007 3:10am by fatedidentity

Edited, Mar 29th 2007 3:53am by fatedidentity
#15 Apr 02 2007 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
Holy crap! You have a level 200 undead priest??? Gratz!!
#16 Apr 02 2007 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
That was a typo thanks
#17 Apr 06 2007 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
long live the alliance!
#18 Apr 06 2007 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
Hijacking for the HORDE!!
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