Hunter pets aren't a problem for me, if they're attacking me and I'm close to the hunter I'll run up to him and instant howl of terror. Otherwise I'll just HoT the pet. But IponemaGirl is right, beast spec is the hardest for me. I get really pissed of when I try to fear the pet and it says it's immune =/. In battlegrounds (which I'm assuming you're talking about), the best thing to do is sic your pet on the warlock and try to stop him from casting DoTs, however possible (I don't know anything about hunter spells, so I can't help you on which to use). If you can prevent him from casting shadow spells, he pretty much can't do anything for however long it lasts (I usually just try to run). But the fight definately depends on which bracket you're in. In 10-19, you don't have bestial wrath and locks don't have HoT or deathcoil. I don't know when you get bestial wrath, but I think 20-29 is the same. Until level 42 (and maybe 46), locks can only DoT you and hope fear lands before you kill them. I forget when we get HoT, but it sucks until it's instant. At 42 we get deathcoil, which for me is the greatest skill ever. I think that 10-19 hunters and locks are evenly matched, 20-39 hunters are better, and 40-49 hunters and locks are even again. I haven't pvped past the 40's bracket, so I don't know how the fights are past that.