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Note to BlizzardFollow

#1 Mar 27 2007 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Dear Blizzard,

You are all money laundering pricks. You give us pets with unique abilities and then take them away. You normalize all pets so the only thing we can do differently is the skin. Is there a way to incorporate a sense of individuality in a game where everyone has the same 3 pets? I think not. Maybe you should give all pet types a special ability so they do not become better overall but that they may become more specialized. A good idea would be to give Takk the Leaper his speed back or make all RARE or ELITE pets havees a unique ability that gives them a unique edge over some but not others. Maybe give Takk his speed but give Lupos a signature version of furious howl that triples his damage on the next attack and adds 5% damage to the group? These are just a few of my thoughts since you decided to NERF EVERY GODFORSAKEN PET TO OBLIVION BECAUSE WE DON'T NEED ANY KIND OF INDIVIDUALITY! I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE THE SAME PET AS BOB GEORGE AND SAM UP THE STREET!


I'm sorry if this is a bit over the top but I have been hearing nothing but bad things about our pets lately...

#2 Mar 28 2007 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
I agree, it's very disappointing that there is no longer any reason to tame different pets from each class.
There should be a bonus to tames which are harder, it would make it a lot more rewarding.
I think they should have instance related skills as hunters aren't really sought after.
What about a group cower?
Lowers the parties threat generation by 10% for 5 minutes or something (tank can cancel as it's a buff)
#3 Mar 28 2007 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
If you'd come up with something not vastly overpowered and post it on the O-Boards perhaps there might be a little chance that Blizz eventually would implement it.
But 10% threat reduction is nothing but overpowered. Hey, it is a pet, thats your ever faithful companion. If it brings abilities with him that are to powerful it would imbalance all of us hunters. There is simply no way of implementing such features (at least not with further nerfs to the hunter himself).

I don't like pet normalization myself, however demanding overpowered features is kind of useless.

Why not differntiate pets further by spreading their abilities so that you really can have more of a tank pet or a dps pet or whatnot. Or by adding some really cool aninmations to pet which are hard to tame (elites with long spawn timers or things like that). Why not allow the hunter to train some skills making the pet unique without overpowering it? Perhaps like little tricks or emotes your pet can do.
#4 Mar 28 2007 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,015 posts
Yeah, I have to agree that pet normalization sucks. I started playing WoW over a year ago with a hunter. I remember pets were unique, and certain pets were better at dps, certain pets were faster, certain pets were tougher, and you had a reason to tame. Maybe you wanted that uber-fast dps pet for those raids or something.

Now the only reason to tame is to get the higher skill levels.
#5 Mar 28 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
I completely agree, as prob most hunters do. The hours taken to find and then tame "Lupos" and later "Broken Tooth" waisted . . . /cry!. Come on Blizzard, give us hunters back our special pets.
#6 Mar 28 2007 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
556 posts
I fully agree with pet normalization, since pretty much every hunter walked around with one of the few 1.0 attack speed pets as a general rule. What I don't agree on is there isn't enough ways to customize your pet. Beast Master tree should have more/better ways to make the pet stronger, it's their focus, and as of right now...yea, Beast Master can definately make improvements on a pet, but there should be other ways than just pure damage and a small hp/armor buff.

Also, having some pets tamed from the wild with pretty much no powers at all is just a waste of space. Why would anybody tame a Raptor or a Spider right now, or even an Owl or Bat? Yea, there are some shared powers, but nothing that sets them apart from anything else. Each pet race needs some kind of special power to be their own. Crabs are (someday maybe) getting Thorns. At least thats a hope of mine, since the crab you get from the Draenei hunter lv10 quest comes with the ability to cast the spell.

The basic pet normalization of attack speeds I saw as needed, but at the same time, they failed to give us any new incentives to train pets. Giving us variety and then giving us almost nothing didn't solve any problems. Taking away a 1.0 attack speed but giving us something new would have been a heck of a lot nicer, but then...were talking about a multi-billion dollar organization here. Why should they care what their customers want?
#7 Mar 28 2007 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
337 posts

I leave FFXI, where SE contantly dismiss the Beastmaster Job, fail to fix the jug pet problem, and nerf the job with only minor buffs as reconciliation. So after a year or two w/o change I come to WoW to see, that just before I joined the Hunter was overhauled.

While I do enjoy Hunter a lot, more than any other class so far. It sucks to see what could be a really good system of Passive and Active/Trainable Pet Skils seem to go to waste. I agree with the above poster, that normalization was the easiest way to get rid of the 1.0 attack speed pets but like has been suggested they should have put more effort into the change and given a handful (10-20) elite/rare spawn mobs Passive skills like what King B has now.

A little more effort from Blizzard to give each pet family their own Trainable skill, and to add to the above idea, making sure that there is a special rare/elite of each pet family with it's own special Passive Skill, would have us with quite a few more Trainable skills now, and a lot more to look forward to in the pet department.

Only excitement I see now in taming pets is getting King B, and then maybe a Warp Stalker. Even if there was only 1-2 of these rare pets for each 10 level range, it would be more than enough, since most of us are already use to picking a specific pet and leveling it with us. I've kept a Ravager since my 20's becuase I knew I wouldn't be able to get another untl my 60's, and will keep King B. until they make a pet with higher DPS. If they don't add anything, I hope they at least don't take away Cobra Reflexes.
#8 Mar 28 2007 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
Now you just get the coolest looking pet :(

Crabs with thorns though.....nice.
#9 Mar 28 2007 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Cry more, honestly. If you don't have a pet with Gore/Claw for PvP, it's your own damn fault.

Pet families do have different abilities, though. I've been using a cat recently for PvP (because it's easy to get a level 69 cat to 70 rather than a 61 boar to 70), and he's been great. If you think you need a pet with 1.0 attack speed, you probably don't know how to play a Hunter.
#10 Mar 28 2007 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Theo that is not even CLOSE to what I am saying. I do not care about the fact that my pets do not have gore or charge... All I am saying is that why can't cats have a unique ability? And heck why not have specific Elite or Rare mobs have a special ability. I am not saying OMGWTF make my pet godlike. I am saying that in combat ALL cats are the same. ALL raptors are the same.ALL boars are the same. Why can't some have a special ability that possibly makes them unique.Not better per say, just unique.
#11 Mar 28 2007 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Unique comes in the form of their skin. Cats do have a different ability than boars, it's called Prowl.

Learn your class and learn how MMOs work before you bash Blizzard, please.
#12 Mar 29 2007 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
Theophany the Sly wrote:
Unique comes in the form of their skin. Cats do have a different ability than boars, it's called Prowl.

Learn your class and learn how MMOs work before you bash Blizzard, please.

Now that's just being offensive.

Still though, ALL cats are the same (except skins obv and king b).
What other pet specific abilities are there?
How many Pet classes are there?
Well over 150 different skins in 23 classes but only 10 abilities?

I think they should add an ability for each pet class and make that skill not use up any points (when it's tamed, cost points to learn), this would go some way to make taming more interesting!
Or make the abilities free for the rare/elite mobs.
There should be some incentive.
#13 Mar 29 2007 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
426 posts's not that big a deal...

My friend actually went buck wild with taming after the change...I actually see everyone with different pets now, instead of everyone with King B. There is a lot more to customize on your Hunter than just your pet.
#14 Mar 29 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Kelnoen wrote:
Theophany the Sly wrote:
Unique comes in the form of their skin. Cats do have a different ability than boars, it's called Prowl.

Learn your class and learn how MMOs work before you bash Blizzard, please.

Now that's just being offensive.

Still though, ALL cats are the same (except skins obv and king b).
What other pet specific abilities are there?
How many Pet classes are there?
Well over 150 different skins in 23 classes but only 10 abilities?

I think they should add an ability for each pet class and make that skill not use up any points (when it's tamed, cost points to learn), this would go some way to make taming more interesting!
Or make the abilities free for the rare/elite mobs.
There should be some incentive.

There is an incentive. Elite/rare mobs usually have higher ranks of abilities than other mobs their level, and will usually have a unique skin (King B is the only white tiger until 53+).

This is a stupid topic to even debate, as it seems the people that are for it know very little about the Hunter class.
#15 Mar 29 2007 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Who said I wanted to "bash Blizzard?" I love WoW it us a great game. I would like to see more individuality is all. Are you sying you do not wish that maybe just maybe there should be a few abilities and that is all? Prowl, charge, bite, claw, fire breath etc etc... Why can't Takk the Leaper have a unique ability to maybe "leap" at his enemy closing the distance much faster? If you must tell me to stop whining just because you do not even comprehend what I am actually trying to stay stop posting on this thread Theo. Why can't Takk leap? Why can't Broken Tooth have a unique ability? Why can't RARE/ELITE pets have unique abilities? Yes they may have higher ranked abilities but once you hit 70 is there a difference? The answer is simply no. Do something other than bash those who want more individuality for our pets than an ability that everyone who has the same type of pet has. Why can't some cats have a nape bite ability that is similar to ambush to go with prowl?

Come on Theo use your head. Just stop posting until you see what I am actually getting at here.

Edited, Mar 29th 2007 1:03pm by dasraserei
#16 Mar 29 2007 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
No, I am using my head. Your wall of text posts actually show much less thought than my posts are showing.

Especially because Blizzard has stated that there will be a patch that will give special abilities to the pet types that don't have any yet.

EDIT: BTW, the following is bashing.

dasraserei wrote:
Dear Blizzard,

You are all money laundering pricks.

Taken from the first post in the thread, in case you try to edit. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Mar 29th 2007 10:05am by Theophany
#17 Mar 29 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
556 posts
The only reason (other than it's more fun) that I want to see more unique abilties right now is King B. About half the high level Hunters I run into right now have the big white kitty as their pet since it's the only pet in the game with an advantage over any other pet.

I don't really care if they make every pet in the game offense/defense/balance with no powers at all. But if they leave one pet with a power, they either have to get rid of it or start adding others. Their crusade to start giving Hunters more options led them from using one of a few pets to using only one pet.

While I do tend to agree with you Theo, I still also tend to wish that there was a little more reason to tame a pet other than it looks pretty. I don't want anything overpowered, I don't want to go back to 1.00 attack speeds, I just want there to be a few more differences. Being able to tame ANY cat and get the exact same powers is just boring. A lion and tiger are similar, yes, but they are not exactly the same.
#18 Mar 29 2007 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
dasraserei wrote:
Dear Blizzard,

You are all money laundering pricks.

Money laundering would mean they made money illegally and then covered it up with a fake business.

dasraserei wrote:

I don't like the fact that Blizzard fixed a bug that was present since launch.

#19 Mar 29 2007 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
dasraserei wrote:
Theo that is not even CLOSE to what I am saying. I do not care about the fact that my pets do not have gore or charge... All I am saying is that why can't cats have a unique ability?

Hey, I have an idea! Let's give cats a stealth ability. We'll make it cost nothing, and even give them a buff to AP for the first hit out of stealth. But stealth isn't a cool name. So let's call it... hmmm... let's see...


And heck why not have specific Elite or Rare mobs have a special ability.

Because then you have the same situation that existed pre-BC. Every. Single. Hunter. On. Azeroth. Uses. Broken. Tooth. There is absolutely no reason to get any other pet. What if you don't like Broken Tooth? What if you look at him and want to puke because he's so damned ugly? What if you don't like role playing a dwarf with a cat from Badlands?

The fact is, all the "native" abilities that beasts retained after training was a BUG. Blizzard said it was a bug. They said they were going to fix it. They took a long time fixing it, but eventually they did. It's not a surprise. It's not even necessary. I can wipe the floor in BG's without even sending my pet in at all, so what's the difference? We have so many abilities to destroy casters in any spec, taking away a button that basically says "IWIN" isn't such a catastrophe.


I am not saying OMGWTF make my pet godlike. I am saying that in combat ALL cats are the same. ALL raptors are the same.ALL boars are the same. Why can't some have a special ability that possibly makes them unique.Not better per say, just unique.

You can't make them "unique" without making them "better". It's that simple.
#20 Mar 29 2007 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
Kelnoen wrote:
Theophany the Sly wrote:
Unique comes in the form of their skin. Cats do have a different ability than boars, it's called Prowl.

Learn your class and learn how MMOs work before you bash Blizzard, please.

Now that's just being offensive.

I'd call it realistic.


Still though, ALL cats are the same (except skins obv and king b).

So you get to pick the skin you like best. Travesty? I doubt it.


What other pet specific abilities are there?

There are 10 unique abilities and 17 total.


How many Pet classes are there?

There are 23 pet classes.


Well over 150 different skins in 23 classes but only 10 abilities?

ONLY 10 abilities? No, only 10 UNIQUE abilities. Warlocks would kill for their pets to have 10 unique abilities.


I think they should add an ability for each pet class and make that skill not use up any points (when it's tamed, cost points to learn), this would go some way to make taming more interesting!

Sure, that's all fine and good, but it's not as simple as "add ability X to pet class Y", there is a ******** of testing and implementation that need to be added, so it's not that simple.


Or make the abilities free for the rare/elite mobs.
There should be some incentive.

A lot of mobs come with abilities pre-learned. Use Beast Lore and they'll tell you.
#21 Mar 29 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
dasraserei wrote:
Who said I wanted to "bash Blizzard?"

I guess there are other ways to interpret "They're money-laundering pricks", but hey.


I love WoW it us a great game. I would like to see more individuality is all.

You mean like how not every hunter you ever find has Broken Tooth anymore? We'll see if we can devise a system to make that happen.


Are you sying you do not wish that maybe just maybe there should be a few abilities and that is all? Prowl, charge, bite, claw, fire breath etc etc... Why can't Takk the Leaper have a unique ability to maybe "leap" at his enemy closing the distance much faster?

Ever hear of "warp", "charge", or "dash"?


If you must tell me to stop whining just because you do not even comprehend what I am actually trying to stay stop posting on this thread Theo. Why can't Takk leap? Why can't Broken Tooth have a unique ability? Why can't RARE/ELITE pets have unique abilities?

That discourages this "individuality" you want. If they are the best, who in their right mind wouldn't get them? And so you see what happened before TBC. At 60, about 3-4 specific pets were used, and that was it. Now you see people with pets from all over, and it's kind of nice, actually.


Yes they may have higher ranked abilities but once you hit 70 is there a difference? The answer is simply no.

Ummmm... you'd have to actually tame said rare pet to get the ability. So yeah, there is a difference.


Do something other than bash those who want more individuality for our pets than an ability that everyone who has the same type of pet has.

Yes! Bring back the days of individuality when we all could choose when we wanted to camp Broken Tooth's spawn point for weeks on end! That'll show em!


Why can't some cats have a nape bite ability that is similar to ambush to go with prowl?

Because that is implemented with charge for boars. Making it stealthed would just be ridiculously overpowered.
#22 Mar 29 2007 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
666 posts
Although it's a terrible comparison, consider what Warlock's get in terms of pets. They all have the same basic 4 pets, imp, blueberry, succubus, and felhunter. The Felguard requires 41 points invested into Demonology. Whenever you see a warlock in a raid, or a party, they almost always have the imp out. Is this using their pets to their full potential? Hell no. You want to talk about pet's and usefullness go complain to the Warlocks. For the most part, the only time a Warlock would change out their pet is for soloing and pvp purposes.

Now you may argue a hunter only gets his choice of one pet at a time. This is true, and we can keep 2 extra in our stables, but look at what our pets get. Versatility for one. Warlocks only have the Blueberry for their tanking purposes, and/or the Felguard depending on spec. We hunters can pretty much turn any pet we want into a tanking pet, that also deals decent damage. We have the option of changing what our pet receives for the situation.

A warlock would kill for the ability to give their Blueberry more armor, or damage, or an extra ability other then what they come with. Are hunters limited to what pet receives which ability? Sure we are, but we have the option of giving them what we want.

You also have to consider, this is an added source of DPS for us hunters. Blizzard could come back tomorrow and say, well since hunters are meant to survive in the wild on their own, there is no need for them to have pets. Poof they're gone. Granted this would bring a lot more whiners then yourself to the boards, but it is a possibility. It wouldn't be much different then the Ranger class in FFXI. FFXI is also a more group oriented game though.

Our range has it's limits, we cannot successfully continue to fire on an enemy as they get closer. Casters have this option, if the enemy is within range, they can hit them at max range, or up close. Hunters are forced to melee when an enemy gets to close. So we were given a tank of sorts to help with this aspect, so we don't have to constantly kite our enemies.

I consider it a blessing, not a hinderance that we have pets. The normalization was well over-due, as stated from previous posters, everyone had the basic 3-4 pets that EVERYONE had. Those who didn't have those particular pets either wanted to be different, or just didn't know about them.

So really, your arguement is about their lack of abilities (which most pet families have one particular ability specific to them only), and the fact they all have normalized attack speeds.

I fail to see why you left out the pro's in your arguement? How much the pet actually helps you, how much damage the pet really does in comparison to your own, how many times you've sacrificed your pet just to save yourself? No other class has it easier then hunters when it comes to lvling. We get a pet, and we have ranged damage, we don't even need mana, we can go afk if we want to.

Yet for all the easyness in the world, you complain over the simplest of matters, our pets... They don't do enough damage for you? Would you expect them to get un-godly abilities so that they do even more damage than the hunter? Would this appease your insatiable appetite for power? Learn to utilize the abilities you were given, rather then complain and offer no viable option of change.
#23 Mar 29 2007 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
4,574 posts
Theophany wrote:
This is a stupid topic to even debate, as it seems the people that are for it know very little about the Hunter class.

I disagree with you. I feel the topic has a lot of merit. Many people are drawn to the hunter class because of the pets. The more diversity we have between pets the better off the class is. And it’s certainly obvious from reading various hunter forums that more diversity is desired. If not there wouldn’t be posts asking for us to be able to tame the many non-tamable beasts in game.

Theophany wrote:
Especially because Blizzard has stated that there will be a patch that will give special abilities to the pet types that don't have any yet.

That’s not what was said in any of the blue posts I’ve read on the topic. In fact, the posts I’ve read have been purposefully vague. It would be nice if my tallstrider, my crocalisk and my spider were give special skills, but as it’s been over two years now that such pets have gone without them I’m not holding my breath.

If you have links to any posts with more specific information I really would like to see them. I’m not a faithful reader of the official forums so I could have easily missed them.

rappoccio wrote:
You can't make them "unique" without making them "better". It's that simple.

Why not? Are you saying that cats are better than boars because they have prowl instead of charge? Are you saying that bats are better than turtles because they have screech instead of shellshock? Many pet families were given unique abilities but I don’t see any of them as being overall better. Some are better in certain situations, but not all players are concerned about the same situations.

If Blizzard can do this with beast families I see no reason they could not give lesser abilities to different elite beasts. However, I doubt Blizzard would ever do so, as it would be a lot of work. They would have to give such abilities to a larger variety of elites to keep pet diversity. And seeing as they have yet to even give all beast families special abilities I just don’t see that happening.

In my opinion, Blizzard’s main focus is on PvP and raiding. As long as a class is working I don’t feel Blizzard is very motivated to add to its fun factor. Blizzard does sneak things in from time to time, warlock pets back talking their masters comes to mind, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for any large changes. Though it would be nice if Blizzard cleaned up the bear animation. The poor things are suffering from permanent lockjaw.
#24 Mar 29 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
2,388 posts
On a personal note I didnt have Broken Tooth, I had Spiteflayer, same 1.0 AS, and less farmed by hunters so easier to get + it had Screech, no personally I like the -AP Debuff that Screech gives cause even if the target is coming after me, it's going to hit me for alot less.

It would be nice if Crocs had a "Snap" Ability that did X damage and did X debuff/weapon damage/bleed effect to the target, or if Spiders had a web ability like they do in the wild, or if Tallstriders had the "knockback" ability that they have in the wild, and REALY nice if Carrior birds had the "Swoop" ability that makes it such a pain to tame them (Lvl 10 hunter Tauren problem).

It is all possible, and instead of the time and money spent on pet normalization, they could have developed those abilities listed. Yes I can play my hunter VERY well, with or without pet, I do not rely on my pet at all, but at the same time, it would be nice to have a little more "Pet Diversity", and maybe it would keep eople from screaming about Hunter diversity for a little while. I used to visit the Hunter o-boards, but stopped after seeing just about every post is a whine/*****/"Damn your Blizz for nerfing us" post.
#25 Mar 29 2007 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Calabar wrote:
rappoccio wrote:
You can't make them "unique" without making them "better". It's that simple.

Why not? Are you saying that cats are better than boars because they have prowl instead of charge? Are you saying that bats are better than turtles because they have screech instead of shellshock? Many pet families were given unique abilities but I don’t see any of them as being overall better. Some are better in certain situations, but not all players are concerned about the same situations.

Any pet class with a class-specific ability is better than one with no class-specific ability. And the OP was talking about elites in that context, not pet-specific abilities. If you wanted to make, say, I don't know, Broken Tooth have a 1.0 s attack speed, they are unique, and they are better, than any other cat. Give me an example of an *ability* that elites could have that would make them unique but not better than the non-elite versions of the same pet class. I haven't seen any proposed here that aren't already in the game on another species of pet, so you could just... I don't know... get that pet instead.


If Blizzard can do this with beast families I see no reason they could not give lesser abilities to different elite beasts.

That's because they won't take away any other abilities, it's just not in the logic of the game. If you just add new abilities to elites without taking anything away, how is this not making them better, hence more desireable, hence we'd all still be walking around with our Broken Tooth/ZG Bat/LBRS Worg/The Rake, instead of one of the *many* other neat-looking and high-utility pets?


However, I doubt Blizzard would ever do so, as it would be a lot of work. They would have to give such abilities to a larger variety of elites to keep pet diversity. And seeing as they have yet to even give all beast families special abilities I just don’t see that happening.


In my opinion, Blizzard’s main focus is on PvP and raiding.
As long as a class is working I don’t feel Blizzard is very motivated to add to its fun factor. Blizzard does sneak things in from time to time, warlock pets back talking their masters comes to mind, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for any large changes. Though it would be nice if Blizzard cleaned up the bear animation. The poor things are suffering from permanent lockjaw.

#26 Mar 29 2007 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
I wouldn't have normally posted in this debate as I've only been a Hunter a week now, but the OP keeps mentioning my pet ;p

TBH the pet "normalisation" patch hasn't stopped me from wanting Takk the Leaper and I still plan on using him as my main levelling pet for as long as I can, but I have to say it's a little annoying that a pet that used to be the fastest thing on 2 legs now has trouble keeping up with me when I have Cheetah on, and he certainly can't be at my targetted mob as fast as I'd like, despite me having BS.

Now I realise it was my choice to tame Takk and I have to take him faults and all so I won't ***** about/to Blizzard, but it seems from my newbie's perspective that the pets are far from "normalised" anyway.

Normalised would suggest to me that all pets are to some extent equal, and the "which is the best?" argument would have no real answer as it would all be situational, but this is not the case. The Crusade's "there is no best pet, the boar is the best pet" slogan is actually somewhat true, as while there is no single "best" pet, boars perform well above many other pet families. I would say if I cared more about my effectiveness than pleasing my self when it comes to pets, the only ones I think I'd bother with are ones with dash/dive as pet speed is very important when it comes to being competitive.

What I would prefer rather than having rare/elite pets have unique abilities (although that would give some reason for tracking/taming them rather than just for the hell of it) is to just give them all a speed buff (dash for land-based pets, dive for flyers) Of course if Blizzrd were to give Takk his speed back, that would solve the problem for me also, but then every raptor pet would be Takk.

If what Theo says is true about a patch being on the way, then that's good enough for me, but I would like for some of the less effective pets to be given something to "normalise" them with the boars and cats of the animal kingdom.
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