well in sm lib there is the hypnotic blade and there is an abundance of orbs that add spell dmg, add to that your wsg rings( lvl 38 and 28) for added dmg and man regen, the lvl 30 lock robe is stil lwhat i prefer i ma currently wearing the darkweave hands( or blackweave idk look in your ah on cloth hands thye add dmg. well all me gear is currently from arathi basin, warsong gulch, and Scarlet monastery catherdral and library. Whatever isn't gives + dmg or + stam & int, hope this helps and have fun!
oh and i have found pretty much any melee pet works fine for me, i like each pet for different reasons, but if you are on an open pvp server i like keeping my dog out, for those annoying mages, if your fighting humanoids use the succ to control those annoying adds, and well if they are not humannoid( or way higer lvl and or elite) i use my vw siphon life everything and health funnel to keep my vw alive
Edited, Mar 29th 2007 6:09pm by BriktheImmortal