I just can't seem to get around Cloak of Shadows. Nothing I have can keep them away. Curse of Ex. doesn't work they just CoS > Sprint and I'm dead. Not only that they stunlock as well, so I can't attack/cast. I try fearing, but they kick or gouge me. I don't ALWAYS have my Succubus out and sometimes they can resist giving them another 1.5seconds to kill me and if they resist again it's another 1.5seconds. I don't know how to get around it. I was in a 50minute battleground and keep going up against rogues and I keep trying different things, but they didn't seem to work. Any advice on this? I'm not saying nerf it, but this ability is alot harder than most I have to get around. I can't avoid rogues because I can't see them.
Edited, Mar 30th 2007 1:24am by doodlewarlock