I was psyched to get Barkskin at 44, but have been dissapointed. It says (paraphrased) "Reduces damage by 20%, and damage causing attacks will not interrupt spellcasting."
Not "will reduce likelihood of damage causing attacks interrupting spellcasting," mind you, but "will not interrupt." I call BS.
When I'm solo and need an emergency heal I'll pop to caster form, hit barkskin and try to heal myself. I'd THOUGHT this was what it'd be awesome for, but I find my heal casts getting interrupted anyway...doesn't seem any better than WITHOUT it.
I always thought it sounded too good to be true, and now the old adage about that seems to be true once again. Does the description just oversell it? Does anybody know how much it REALLY reduces the likelihood of being interrupted? Or have I found a way to misuse a simple spell? : )
Never mind. I'm dumb. First time or two I tried to use it I was getting hit with regular melee attacks AND a true "interrupt" but didn't know it so thought the resistance to disruption by melee attack was only partial. I have now discovered the true wonderfulness of barkskin and its 100% protection against delays of melee hits. It is indeed the lifesaver I had hoped it would be based on the description. Thanks all for helping me see the light.
Edited, Apr 8th 2007 12:53am by JeeBar