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Your order of spells (PVE)Follow

#1 Apr 04 2007 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
I was just curious as to how other priests start off each fight when soloing or grinding or anything in pve. I noticed all of my friends do everything differently from each other and from me, so I wanted to see what was common among us.

Level doesn't really matter either, 20's 30's 40's 50's and so on, if anything this could turn out to be useful info for future priests as well :D

I know things like this have been posted before, in fact i've seen it before, but after sifting up to page 4 i thought maybe just give it a good bump anyway.
#2 Apr 04 2007 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
pw:s > vampiric touch > sw:p > mf > mf > wand till death

at lvl 61
#3 Apr 04 2007 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
403 posts
When I used to be shadow it went:

VT, SWP, VE, MB, MF, MF, Wand

I really rarely used PWS unless my hp dropped down to like 20%. Most mobs 1v1 you'll get as much if not more HP through VE than they will do in damage so PWS is a waste of mana.
#4 Apr 04 2007 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I'm fairly new to this game so I could be doing this all wrong.

Lvl 22, I pull with Mind Blast, followed by SW Pain. Sheild up and melee with sharpened dagger, keep renewing sheild.

My theory is that while this is slower than burning mana, if I get ganked I've got reserves to fall back on. To date my best effort is getting ganked by two other Elite Ogres (Loch Modan) when halfway through the first, although I did have to fear and use desperate prayer to get through that one.
#5 Apr 04 2007 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
off topic
EuanB wrote:
...and melee with sharpened dagger,

Hahaha :)
nice one EuanB!
When in the low levels playing solo melee damage is fine,
it does not use the universal coll down un-like the wanding.
As you level up that melee damage becomes less and less, as it is if I go and try to melee a mob at my level I score 1 damage per hit. I would Strongly recommend trying out the wand, if you don't have a wand you can make one with enchanting, Lesser Mystic Wand level 26.

Melee hits are good but they are best used between other actions. In PvP I'll run at a mage while casting an instant spell with the hot keys (Dispel/Pain) and then useing the other hand do one melee hit before useing fear or whatever.
It's free damage! uses no time at all... and slows down the other casters casting time!
#6 Apr 04 2007 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I've got a decent wand (my wife's an enchanter which helps ;-)) but for the reasons you've stated; universal cooldown; I prefer to use my dagger even though my wand does more damage.

I hadn't thought of the spell interrupt effect, I'll file that one away for when I've grown up a bit :-)
#7 Apr 04 2007 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
good one! grumble grumble wish I had an enchanter...grumble grumble or a wife for that matter :)
Waiting on the universal cool down for Power Word: Shield can be the difference between living and dying, I'm with you on this one.
Elixir of Lion's Strength

Edited, Apr 5th 2007 2:19am by Maxzzzz
#8 Apr 04 2007 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
403 posts
Honestly if you're dying in PvE because you can't time your PWS with the wand universal cooldown you're doing something atrociously bad. Start wanding now because once you hit about level 30 your melee damage won't be able to keep up with the wand. Not to mention your shadow damage wands will benefit from shadow weaving. Finally, you don't want to get into your mid 30s, realize you need to wand, and then have to work it up from 0.
#9 Apr 05 2007 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
My wand and daggers are maxed out for my level. With range attack mobs I wand them :-)
#10 Apr 05 2007 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
Holy fire, smite, (free smite), SW:P, smite, smite, wand.

Holy FTW!

350 wand/defense/staves
330+ maces
280 daggers

Edited, Apr 5th 2007 10:44am by PilgrimFX
#11 Apr 05 2007 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
Holy Fire, run, SWpain, PWshield, stop running and turn. Smite till shield wares off and mindblast, then wand if needed
#12 Apr 05 2007 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Everyone will use a different opening move depending on there talents and equipment. Here's how I get the ball rolling.

1) Juice Up
If Inner Focus, Vengeance of the Illidari or Glowing Crystal Insignia are off CD use them.

2) Cast Mind Blast. With IF and a trinket up MB will often crit for 1600.

3) As I'm backing up cast SW:P.

4) Next Comes Mind Flay to slow the mob down and let SW:P tick 1-2 times.

5) PW: Shield

6) If the mob resisted anything or has more than about 3000 hp, then I'll MB again

7) Wand to until dead.

I use to keep forgetting to use my trinkets/talents so I worte the following macro.
/cast [harm] Inner Focus
/use [harm] Vengeance of the Illidari
/use [harm] Glowing Crystal Insignia
/cast [harm] Mind Blast

Now my opening hit will always cause the maximum amount of damage possible :)

- Azoth
#13 Apr 05 2007 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
561 posts
TheRealAzoth wrote:

I use to keep forgetting to use my trinkets/talents so I worte the following macro.
/cast [harm] Inner Focus
/use [harm] Vengeance of the Illidari
/use [harm] Glowing Crystal Insignia
/cast [harm] Mind Blast

Are you sure it works? You have 2 "cast" and i know that doesn't work.
#14 Apr 05 2007 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
i believe to kill mobs while i was specced shadow i would...
Vampiric Touch, Vampiric Embrace, Mind Flay (until they're in melee,) Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Blast, wand, wand, Mind Blast, and then wand them to death.

the reason i'd use shadow word pain so late in my casting order was to get as much as i could out of mind flay. if i could cast two mind flays while the mob was running at me i felt i was killing the mobs more quickly than if i had to wait for the global cooldown before shooting mind flay.
mind you, that was for feeling like i'm doing something. i would often use VT, VE, MB, SWP, wand, MB, and wand the rest. this is how i farmed things since i would read books or watch movies while doing that. once in a while i'd send in my shadow fiend.

i havn't had much farming time since i specced holy/disc, but the little i've done has had something like this as my casting order:
Renew, Holy Fire, MB, SW:P, Shadow Word: Death, Smite, lots of wand, SW:D (or MB or Smite)
the less spells i cast the better while holy. i don't get spirit tap anymore and meditation doesn't recover my mana fast enough. Also - every 3 minutes i use Inner Focus on my smite to make it crit(more often,) which saves me bunchles of mana.
#15 Apr 05 2007 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Are you sure it works? You have 2 "cast" and i know that doesn't work.
Normally you can not have 2 consecutive casts as the macro script does not pause or wait for a speel to me cast before continuing to the next line of the script. For example you can't do;

/cast [harm] Mind Blast  
/cast [harm] Mind Flay

and if you put in the /stopcasting command like this;

/cast [harm] Mind Blast  
/cast [harm] Mind Flay

It will just cancel casting MB and begin casting MF.

Here the catch though. Inner Focus is an instant cast spell so as soon as you cast it the spell has already been cast and can't be canceled, so the script just continues on. It then trys to use the trinket Vengeance of the Illidari and then Glowing Crystal Insignia. If any of these 3 are still in CD then that one won't proc and you will get the message that spell/item not ready. The script then begins to cast Mind Blast the only real casting spell in the macro.

The only real "issue" with the script is that you may get the spell/item not ready warnings fairly often, I would disable the sound effect in the Audio options. You will still get the message on the screen which doesn't really bother me. Also because those 2 trinkets are +spell damage you will never be able to use them both at the same time. But with fairly short cool downs you will have a nice damage bonus rather often. The /stopcasting between each line is required as I was not able to get the script to work correctly without them.

On a side note, if any priests have points in Power Infusion this should work.

/cast [harm] Inner Focus  
/cast [harm] Power Infusion 
/use [harm] Vengeance of the Illidari  
/use [harm] Glowing Crystal Insignia  
/cast [harm] Mind Blast 

Another script I may have to try tonight just for the heck of it is;

/cast [harm] Shadow Word: Pain  
/cast [harm] Mind Flay 

- Azoth
#16 Apr 05 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
144 posts
To MookusOU -

Doesn't Shadow Weaving only effect Shadow Spell damage? My wand does shadow damage but I don't think it applies because it's not spell damage. It would be nice if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. Anyone have any proof?

But I do agree, wands are the way to go.
#17 Apr 05 2007 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Azzwurms - As I understand the talent, Shadow Weaving will not proc or renew from using a shadow wand, only from landing a shadow spell. But once it has proc'ed and stacked lets say 3 times from MB, SW:P, MF then a shadow damage wand would cause an additional 9% damage to the target as it is causing shadow damage.

This is one of the reasons that Shadow Wands are so difficult to find on AH and sell so damn quickly. That extra damage makes taking down a mob a little easier.

- Azoth
#18 Apr 05 2007 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
I usually do:
Face away from target
Run away
Stop running
Rank 1 Scream
Wand or Death if I want to kill fast
Every 5 minutes, VT, SWP rank 1 3 times, SWP, trinket, Shadowfiend, wand. Lots of mana back.

Weaving DOES increase wand damage, at least supposedly. Not patient enough to see if it actually increases it :P

The cast sequence works. Really nice since pure +healing trinkets don't seem to have a short cooldown when you activate one, so you can become a double-trinket healer instead of the trinket mages that used to exist :P
#19 Apr 10 2007 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
PW:S, Mind Blast, SW:P, Mind Flay, Mind Flay, Mind Blast, Wand til dead.
#20 Apr 10 2007 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
Max Range VT, {VE, SW:P}, MF, MB, (opt MF), {SW:D}

{} indicates walking backwards whilst casting.

No need to shield as constant damage done outways damage taken - ie heal myself through the damage.

Wanding detracts from return of health and if you consider the mana used to pop on your pw:s it is considerably greater than a single flay. When at about 2000 health you can run away for 5 sec (whilst SW:P keeps ticking) and then when at 1200-1500 health cast SW:D on them. No wanding, but no damage taken and didnt waste a bit of mana on a shield.

With this and timed usage of fiend and Occulus I have to mana up once every 30mins or so when doing farming.

#21 Apr 10 2007 at 11:28 PM Rating: Default
When farming in less populated areas
SWP (while running away)
VE (only if hp is below 75%)
MF (if the mob is too close MB instead)
They are usually dead by then - if not use either wand or SWD to finish.

When farming in crowded areas - stealing your mob is a preffered tactics of some kids - horde seem a bit more polite on my server (I'm alliance)


Don't get into pvp fights - its cuts into the farming time, but if some1 ganks you go at him like a pitbull until a) you corsecamped him 2,3 times b) he runs away :)
#22 Apr 13 2007 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
Stand at max range (in shadow form) and use the macro below. Mobs same level as you are down to half HP or less when reaching you. Then they hit and ToW procs and about one additional MF gets em done.

/castsequence Vampiric Touch, Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Blast, Mind Flay

Have fun! =)

/castsequence can also be used when buffing self --> [target=YourName]
/castsequence Power Word: Fortitude, Inner Fire, Touch of Weakness
#23 Apr 13 2007 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
/cast [harm] Inner Focus
/cast [harm] Power Infusion
/use [harm] Vengeance of the Illidari
/use [harm] Glowing Crystal Insignia
/cast [harm] Mind Blast

I would change Inner Focus to come right before Mind Blast otherwise it would have been wasted on Power of Infustion (a spell that doesn't crit nor consume much mana).

/use [harm] Vengeance of the Illidari
/use [harm] Glowing Crystal Insignia
/cast [harm] Power Infusion
/cast [harm] Inner Focus
/cast [harm] Mind Blast

This would be preferable. Power of Infusion will last long enough to crank out a Mind Blast and a SW: Death. If it were me, I'd use Inner Focus on Smite or Holy Fire since I can have a better chance at proccing Surge of Light and get a free Smite in.
#24 Apr 21 2007 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
One note for my cycle... is I do not use VT all that often as the mana cost is huge and it normally will not run its full course. Only Minxete had the right idea to indicate the proverbial walk backwards rule as well. My cycle starts as follows:

1. Mindblast - backwards
2. SW: P - backwards
3. Mindflay - once or twice pending if blackout procs.
4. VE at this point in time
5. Mindblast again
6. Normally at this time I "may" need to wand twice, but more often then not I can SW:D and be done.

Then I wait about 10 seconds for near full effect on Spirit Tap and I am on to my next fight. I can go for about 30 mobs or so this way with no downtime until I finally need to sit to eat some food for a wee bit of health at which time I drink as my mana will be at about 20 - 25% by then. This means that I sit about two - three times an hour and grind really fast.

Without SW:D I would wand about five or six times prior to the mob going down but I found the speed of killing is worth the reduced 5 second mana regen rule.
#25 Apr 21 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
539 posts
at lvl 46 ,I do;

pw:s ->mindblast ->sw:p->mindflay *2 then either wand if mob is low,or one more mindblast to finish off

This kills off 95 % of my targets,upto and including 3 levels above me,usually before my shield is out,ao no need to heal...ever :D
#26 Apr 24 2007 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
503 posts
MB, MF, SWP, VE, wand to death.

If I take too much damage from mobs with the combo above...

MB, SWP, PWS, MF until target has 40% hp left and wand to death.

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