comonly it is normal for folks to level using Enhacment builds, it is deffentely the "Fastest" way to level. enhancment builds focus on your swinging dammage(no mana cost) and using your mana to heal yourself, this recudes downtime and speeds up leveling. It comes at a cost though this is a very solo build, you generaly will not have suffecent MP to heal a party in a istnace(well not mail healer), that is unless you go out of your way to get gear to heal with (you want mana in this gear)
utimately what sort of role can I look to play in the future
Well as a hybrid, you will not do anything "Like the Best of them" That is not to say that you will not excel at them, just that somebody else can usualy do it better. For example if you spec elemental, you will be capapble of Burst dammage to make a mage jelous(just not for very long) if you spec Enhancment, a rogue or well geared fury warrior will almost always out dammage you, or if you spec resto a priest will outheal you, but unlike the 4 classes I mentiond, a shaman can do them all(just not as well). This leaves you as group spackle, you fill the gaps, hold a mob for a while if you have to, do some pickup healing, and just whap stuff. Shaman do not have a definded role, even a enhcamcent shaman may be asked to heal on some encounters(and a good one dose not need to be asked, they rise to the occation) and even a resto shaman may find them selves on the front like beating mobs with Windfurry.
What totems are your bread and butter. (I am finding that some of my totems are actually pulling unwanted mobs so I am reluctant to use some of them).
That depends on level, and situation, yet thats not the important part, it is all about positioning. you never realy want to drop a AoE totem inside a host of mobs, generaly you want to stay outside the mobs, setup a lil safe ground then pull the mob to you. As you level up and pick a spec, the totems you use will change. then some totems are just plain situational, like the fire and ice resestance totems. stone claw and earthbind are good escape tools, while healing stream dose a ok job of post mitigating dammage(it is not a good healer spell, but works to reduce the healing burdon). Relay what you use is defined by your party and your prefrence, the trick is droping them in good spots, then pulling the mobs to you.
What level do Shammy's really come into their own and what is the deciding factor of that?
Like most classes 40-45, at this point you have most of your core skills and only have new ranks to learn of them. A shamans power comes from the elements and by level 40, you have masterd them, realy though, Windfury is the one that makes a shaman so deadly(or it did when I was leveling)