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Shadow Priest+Instance+Stupid People=?Follow

#1 Apr 06 2007 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
I was going Ramp yesterday and joined as a DPS, we had a shammy that was healspecced. But when I joined all was going like: Nice, A priest that can heal!
or something like that, I said - I'm shadow specced so I dps the Shammy is the Healer. Then I got the awnser - LoL, your a priest YOU Heal!

Are all ppl this stupid? or am I just meeting wrong ppl? and when are ppl going to understand that Shadow Priests are a good party member?
#2 Apr 06 2007 at 3:34 AM Rating: Decent
shadow priests in my experience are pretty dam strong.
however if i join instance group and see priest i always assume its the healer.
as a healing druid i dont like instancing with priests bcoz i suck at everything but healing xD.

im cool with priests doing damage, and wen u c them using that spell that means u cant cast holy spells, i got no doubt u arnt healer =P

and i just hit 50, b4 that did some BG at 49 bracket and often the priests had kick *** dmg in their.
#3 Apr 07 2007 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a shadow priest and I have never dps'd in instances. I have a different set of healing items on hand and equip them because most of the time the group is already set with four people and all they need is the healer. Shadow priests do awesome damage but there are tons of other players who excel at dps that the most needed role is usually the healer. And I don't mind sacrificing my damage abilities for the group. Besides, healing is so much fun.

I'm just going with shadow spec for now to make leveling easier, and I'll probably respec to full on holy when I get to 70. Even as a shadow priest, though, I've had no trouble healing groups in dungeons, and I just helped clear Mara the other day.

Priest is by far the best class I've played so far.
#4 Apr 07 2007 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,073 posts
Cj has the right idea. With all of my characters I keep two (or more!) sets of gear for different purposes. You do what the group needs... or you just don't go with that group.

If you were recruited as DPS, DPS. If you were recruited as a healer, heal. The best thing to do is talk about it with the group leader before you accept the invite, just so there's no misunderstanding.
#5 Apr 07 2007 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
438 posts
I think it's understood that if there's one priest on a run he's going to be the healer. I play shadow, and I've put a fair amount of money into a good healing set for dungeons.

In general even a shadow priest, if he's doing it right, is going to be one of the best healers if not the best in the run, if there's no other priests. It's just something you have to deal with. If you want pure caster DPS, go mage.

Edited, Apr 7th 2007 4:04pm by concolor
#6 Apr 07 2007 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
My take on this is that if someone is spec'd shadow then he plays as a DPS priest and should say so to the group leader..if they still go ahead with the invite then ***** that the shadow priest isn't healing..TOO BAD...get another group cuz that one is lame. If you see a priest running in Shadowform then expect him to be a major damage dealer and not a healer...if he wanted to be a healer then he would have spec'd holy as the primary tree.....not shadow...geez it's not rocket science.

Edited, Apr 7th 2007 4:35pm by Angorak
#7 Apr 07 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I will think of this scenario as different from most others of the same topic on this board for one reason and one reason only--your group had another adequate healer.

This is a situation where it is okay for you to DPS IF you discuss it with your group.

If, after getting all the facts, the group still wants you to heal and the Shammy to DPS, then you do what they want or leave.

You have to understand, most Shadow Priest problems instance groups get are Shadow Priests that refuse to heal when the only other healer is a Ret. Paladin.

Now Pallies can be great healers, but they only really shine with the talents. Same goes with Shaman and, to a lesser extent, Druids. Priests can heal most instances without Holy spec fine, and that is why conflicts arise.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#8 Apr 07 2007 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
nice thread all, I was a bit worried about priests healing with out the healing talents in the BC, but I guess it's all ok...

a bit off topic, I had one player try to tell me that I should "use the talents blizzard gave me" Hahahaha
yes that right, I hacked the blizzard mainframe too get shadow form. ;)

...and on the third day Blizzard said let there be Shadow Priests
#9 Apr 07 2007 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
If there's another person specced to heal, you're gimping your group by healing. As simple as that.
And if they want to be gimped, find an intelligent group -_-

As a well-geared PvE shadow priest, the only person who regularly out-DPS's me is an Afflic/Ruin lock friend who's running about +450dmg more than me; even then, keep in mind about 20% of his damage was cuz of me :P

Slightly off-topic: if needed, a good healer with good healing gear who's specced shadow can do okay healing as long as there's another non-healing spec to help when needed (my personal favorite is elemental shammy).
#10 Apr 08 2007 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Pretty much anytime i got whisper's, i replied "i'm shadow.. if you need dps, off healing i got you."

I carry my healing suit, just incase. But most times, once they see the power and utility of the shadow priest. i am on the friends list, for dps :P

Basically i have not gotten a tell to heal in about a month, everyone who knows me wants me fore dps...

Just be upfront and tell them you are best suited for DPS, if they accept that GREAT. if not you can heal for them or find another group.. it is getting all the more easy, now that the word is getting out, how good shadow priests can be.
#11 Apr 09 2007 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
224 posts
Yeah, I think the concept of having a Shadow priest to DPS when the group has a holy Pally or resto Shaman, is very very slowly catching on. Many do not understand this is an awesome set up, yet.
#12 Apr 10 2007 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
The point made above that people are just getting used to the idea of having a shadow priest along for dps/general sad to me. This all seemed obvious to me, but to other player's minds...we have but one job.

I recent Kara runs, the shadow priest has been invaluable...making the two warlocks just rock the damage meter, manaing up the party during those long boss fights, and effectively having a party wide renew on all the time. Oh, did I mention he was dispelling the Maidan's Holy Fire debuff...releiving the pressure from the main healers...all while still 4th on the dmg meter behind 2 warlocks he buffed and a well equipped mage?

Too useful

My "main alt" is currently 58 priest, specced shadow for levelling. Admittedly, I haven't healed much, but I'm capable. I'm a little slow on the dispells (disease/magic) mostly because I haven't healed too many instances where repeated applications of dispells were required. I'm still learning this. As to health though, I gotcha covered.

I get an invite from a guildie on his 57 hunter main to do Strat. We end up with a capable, but vulnerable party. 62 warrior, 61 and 57 mage, and the aforementioned hunter and me. The higher level mage started showing signs of impatience right away, being unwilling to wait for the tank to arrive before we started clearing the first few solo I know we're in trouble.

The pulls marking...just pulls. So my shakle ability is ignored/wasted. The tank is doing a decent job, but there's no way that he can pull threat on all those guys before the mages (both of them) go AoE crazy. I end up spending most of my mana and time bubbling and healing the mages. After the first pull of this variety, the higher level mage (who nearly died, like two other party members...including me) started telling me how it was so important for me to heal him, since without him, our DPS was gone....uh...genius, I didn't think of that...I wonder what happens if I pull threat from early overhealing and die...then what?

Anyway, now the debuffs start...and I'm a little slow on the uptake (and mana) doing this part of my job from lack of experience. After one particularly bad pull, I had 400ish health and 200ish mana at the end and a nasty disease. I sat to drink/eat hoping that this would keep me from dying while I got the mana to cast Abolish Disease...and I get this...

"You have to dispel the disease...there you go!"

I left, despite my guildie begging me to stay. I feel horrible for leaving my guildie with them, but it's simply not polite to tell others how to do their job. I could see that this group was going to do nothing but get me killed repeatedly all while enjoying their brand of degradation. So, I'm sure many of you will see this move as selfish...hell, I do. I knew that I was on the road to a frustrating time...and wanted it to end before it ruined my evening.

Tear me up as you wish
#13 Apr 10 2007 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
Well I played a Shadow Priest all the way up to level 70. I found that when I was the solo healer in level 70 5 man dungeons it was bloody hard to heal. The boss fight would start and halfway through I was OOM even with good healing gear and mana pots. In the end I got so fed up with this that I re-specced holy. It makes healing SOOOO much easier, but man do I miss the DPS. I guess to sum up it was possible to heal as shadow spec with a backup healer. But healing on your own (unless the group was really good) was almost impossible.
#14 Apr 11 2007 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
ive been shadow, i know how it feels....but the truth is that if you dps youll either A) get aggro and die, cloth+shadowform=ded. or B) youll need to take a mana break every pull....shadow is meant for people who dont want to run instances and solo the game.
#15 Apr 11 2007 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
You should have just said "ya, ofc i'll heal" and then whisper the shammy and tell him what's the deal.
they were probably too stupid to realize who's healing anyway.
#16 Apr 11 2007 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
Haha, Like your idea angelblack. I'll try it next time ;D
#17 Apr 11 2007 at 8:14 AM Rating: Default
margeux wrote:

The pulls marking...just pulls. So my shakle ability is ignored/wasted. The tank is doing a decent job, but there's no way that he can pull threat on all those guys before the mages (both of them) go AoE crazy. I end up spending most of my mana and time bubbling and healing the mages. After the first pull of this variety, the higher level mage (who nearly died, like two other party members...including me) started telling me how it was so important for me to heal him, since without him, our DPS was gone....uh...genius, I didn't think of that...I wonder what happens if I pull threat from early overhealing and die...then what?

Tear me up as you wish

umm there is no way your gonna get healing agro from a mage who is AEing, and even so the warrior should be just stitting trying to pick up the mobs who aren't being Ae'd at that point in time
#18 Apr 12 2007 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
umm there is no way your gonna get healing agro from a mage who is AEing, and even so the warrior should be just stitting trying to pick up the mobs who aren't being Ae'd at that point in time

I can see why you think this, but it didn't happen that way. They would AoE and pull aggro from the tank, and I would have to go on a healing parade...mostly on the mages. The mobs who didn't take much damage from AoE would peel off on to me as I was healing. I dunno...makes sense to me.

Also, we were pulling 7 mobs at a time. If we had taken time to mark, we could have polymorphed two (I don't think those mobs are immune...), freeze trapped one, and shakled one, making the initial pull 3 or 4. Not doing it this way just makes the healer's job harder.

In light of this choice of tactics, I thought it was rude to tell me what my job was when others clearly weren't doing theirs.
#19 Apr 12 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
Some people believe that SP does a lot of damage in instances, therefore there should be another "specced" healer in the group who should handle the health matters. Another day we grouped for Ramps, we had a druid healing and we invited a SP that was LFG. Right from the start, the priest 'informed' us that he is shadow (we just could not see that well because he was in shadowform) and he is not going to heal. He declared that the only his purpose is to DPS. I was on my rogue who was ok geared and 3 lvls below the SP.
At the end of the instance we looked at Damage meter numbers and surprisingly my rogue did 59% of the damage, while the priest did about 17%. Even considering the VE and other goodies SP brings with his presence in the group, we would be far much better with another rogue or mage.
My point is, some SP believe that they do 'insane' damage comparative to the classes who are meant to do damage. This is not usually the case; I myself lvled a SP to 70 and always had two sets of gears in my bags, switching them according to my group needs. It was really hard to heal as a SP but the rewards were so much sweeter when i respecced holy at 70.

All you have to do sometimes is to drop your SF, it's not your true and only face.

Edited, Apr 12th 2007 12:53pm by simioncerchez

Edited, Apr 12th 2007 12:54pm by simioncerchez
#20 Apr 12 2007 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
206 posts
Um, your shadow priest was retarded. Shadow priests certainly don't do Rogue DPS (If any class did rogue damage, they'd obsolete rogues, as being melee dps has a host of nasty disadvantages), but 1/3rd of rogue dps is not what they do. My experience is that a well-geared shadow priest does about 80% of a well geared mage dps in long fights, with nice additional utility.

In short fights, shadow priests are giant balls of suck, but who cares about trash? Its TRASH! Reset the DM before the bosses, it gives a lot better of an idea who does what.

Edited, Apr 12th 2007 7:00pm by Sharajat
#21 Apr 12 2007 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
That it does, and your spriest was incredibly stupid.

On a fairly typical full instance run, I run about 2/3 of the damage of the lock (but still usually out-aggro him, stupid aggrowhoring tendencies! >.<). I've yet to see anyone top that lock in damage, everyone else is usually running 75% of his damage or so; this puts me a bit below other damage dealers, but considering how much mana and health I return back, I really don't think that's a problem (hehe... my healer priest friend gets rather upset when he only outheals VE by 5k, even if mine is all overhealing)
#22 Apr 12 2007 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
In 5 mans if I am not doing CC'ing on mobs then I will always out DPS a rogue. The only other class I can't out dps is a correctly spec'd Warlock (and thats because I am giving them a damage buff).
#23 Apr 17 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
even though we dont do the most damage we are still pretty high up there and also I dont recall rogues giving back mana and health to the entire party... shadowpriest are more versitile imo
#24 Apr 18 2007 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
gofudgeyourself -

Are you serious? Makes me think you've never played a shadow priest.

Hopefully your signature is wrong, but how can you make these assertions at lvl 47?

Get into a Black Morass group and see if you don't do the most damage and healing. If you're not at least close, you're doing something wrong.

Find a pally to give you blessing of salvation. If you have a decent tank, you won't even have to worry about pulling aggro.

I the people that make these types of comments even play the game?
#25 Apr 18 2007 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
i am Level 70, 100% shadow.
The way i see it when asked for party i first let them know that i am shadow specced, if it's not an hard instance (anything below botanica and mechanar and above (kara, bm) i feel i can heal solo, although i warn them i am gonna need some assistance on hard pulls like with bandages, pots and stuff.

But i am far better when i just can shadow, and do stuff like cc (mindcontrol, shackle) as extra bit off healing through ve and mana through vt, i can do a lot off damage as well usually i need to hold back even with fade it's too easy to die by taking hate.

Most off the times when the party leader thinks i will rock healing or just asks to be main healer in instances at level 70 i politly decline the offer.

It's funny they usually understand i won't heal that good, but most never seem to realise how to react when i mindcontrol, that's far harder to explain.

ive been shadow, i know how it feels....but the truth is that if you dps youll either A) get aggro and die, cloth+shadowform=ded. or B) youll need to take a mana break every pull....shadow is meant for people who dont want to run instances and solo the game.

Wait till you 70 then you know how to not take hate, my advice use threathmeter :), with 9k mana and shadowfiend + pots you won't run out off mana that fast too.

Edited, Apr 19th 2007 4:20am by leonesongaruda
#26 Apr 18 2007 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
117 posts
Well with the changes to Mind blast, it's very unlikely you'll pull aggro. I'm a PvE raid dps shadow priest, this is my true calling in WoW. I have Shadow Affinity and it REALLY cuts down on the threat I pull.

Anyway, the thing I think this thread has not touched on much is the fact that a shadow priest is a GREAT support class, not always a crazy dps class, or a stfu-and-heal class. In Karazhan I notice that I'm usually 4 or 5 on the damage meter, which is expected of me because there's a rogue and a mage and a lock etc. But I bring a lot more to the raid than just wtfdps. No matter which way you look at it Vampiric Embrace helps the healers out so much, not to mention the insane amount of mana you're giving back to them with Vampiric Touch.

I try not to look at my damage as what I primarily bring to a raid, but the extra mana and the extra healing as well. My gear buildup has zero +shadow dmg, it's all dmg/heal. This allows me to drop shadow form and help heal if a healer goes down or something. Dmg/heal only, coupled with an 11k mana pool make me a pretty decent healer if I have to be.

So the point of this post is, you're a shadow priest. I hope you're a good, intelligent priest who doesn't just look at the damage meter. If this sounds like you (gear aside, skill only), then don't take any sh*t from anyone. Shadow priests bring so much to a party or a raid nowadays that you can't just ignore them any more. Don't take any sh*t! If you're with a group who does that to you again, and makes a resto shaman dps, then you want to get away from them as fast as you can because the leader is a moron. Don't take their sh*t, you're better than that (except for gofudgeyourself).

Edited, Apr 18th 2007 10:25pm by SamuraiFox
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