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Got a warning for...Follow

#1 Apr 06 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Default
Banishing other player's fire elementals in elemental plateau in Nagrand. That is bull crap. How can you warn a player for using one of their skills? And I wasn't even doing it to players of my own faction. That is playing strategically since I also pvp. The more I can slow alliance players down from getting money or getting motes to tailor nice equipment for themselves, the longer I am able to keep them from being tougher pvp opponents.

Edited, Apr 6th 2007 11:51am by sjdschool
#2 Apr 06 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
did you do it once or twice? or did you go out of your way to be a problem?

Like chain banishing? the whole thing seems weird, since before too long they will become immune.

Honestly it seems like part of the story is missing(and usualy in in "i got banned" or "I got warned" posts.

The more I can slow alliance players down from getting money or getting motes to tailor nice equipment for themselves, the longer I am able to keep them from being tougher pvp opponents.

I like the idea of this, but in reality it is not even close to being effective, to start, mote extractors...engeniers dont have to kill a thing, they can just grab them(ok not all the motes) and most of all, if you banish the elementals for 4 players how meny others are being successfull? 200? you just do not have the one man power to make the change you are looking for.

The most relevent aspect(and the one that teadres on weather you are bing a butthead, or the GM is being a butthead) do you play on a PvE or a PvP server.
PvE, you are abusing the game, If you realy wanted a War type situation , you would have roled PvP, Because as it stands, the other players can not fight back to your tatic, they cant stop you, at that point you are abusing a exploite. If you are on PvP, then ***** em, they dont like the banish, they can fight you and stop it themselves.
#3 Apr 06 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
lol I do this when Im bored =)

Stupid bot users deserve it (Horde or Alliance)
Of course, tagging their kill 1st is better =P

and no diminished returns only affect PvP, I can banish that elemental as long as I want with my happy Necrosis timer and grind right in front of them.
The best part is when they go for another mob, but still have the banished one's aggro. Nothing makes a warriors day like 2 angry elementals killing them and the warlock's /loling and /dancing.

Edited, Apr 6th 2007 1:16pm by AAmathas
#4 Apr 06 2007 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
I have never tryed greifing folks like this but the CC timer is not limited to PvP, we just do feel it as hard,or this has changed since TBC and I have just not tryed. I know for a fact when doing the Garr encounter i have had elementals build up resistance to banish, usualy when i had the "Last one" and had to banish him like 4-5 times they would break in 5-10 seconds....

I stand by my point that if this is done PVP there is no issue, if you are a carebare, you deserved to be warned, why? well you are affecting there game when they cant do anytihng about it.

OK, bot users are ok to do it to, but then just get the first tag and let them kill it, ya got to get botters to work for you.

Edited, Apr 6th 2007 1:26pm by Capitolg
#5 Apr 06 2007 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
quick note to capital. they don't become immune, there are no DRs to banish in pve
#6 Apr 06 2007 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
That kind of strenghtes the case of this being Greifing on a PvE server.
#7 Apr 06 2007 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Capitolg wrote:
That kind of strenghtes the case of this being Greifing on a PvE server.

Yeah if its on a PvE server its considered harrassment. If on PvP its not since there is a PvP solution to the problem.
#8 Apr 06 2007 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
958 posts
70 Warlock on PvE server here.

I farm the plateau because I need entirely too many of these as a tailor so I know how bad it gets. As I'm aff spec'd I have to wait 3 seconds for the first tick for a mob to actually be mine, anyone with a quick attack (ice lance for example) can snag a mob from me and I'll have the upper hate once stuff ticks. This is a prime example of a time to banish. A single banish should last long enough for your DoTs to fall off so the person that tapped the mob off you can easily grab hate when it is released.
#9 Apr 06 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
SkibumOnShiva i am pretty sure this is not the case the op and followup posters are talkging about banishing more than they can handle, not to farm, but stop others from farming(or slow them), Heck I think thats a great plan, but on a PvE server they are produceing a one sided problem. the other players can not stop them(because they are not willing to flag themselves), and they keep going. As I said in my original post, there is almsot always something missing from the "i got a warning" posts, stuff like they were greefing. Now if you are using banish to banish your targets... thats what the spell is for, and you are in the right. If you are banishing somebody elses targets(mob at 75% life) then you are greifing.
#10 Apr 07 2007 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
There will always be those ppl who think they have a right to play anyway they want even if it henders others play. Then they get mad when Blizzard does something to hender there play. Thats double standards if you ask me.
#11 Apr 08 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Default
Not true, I always leave myself flagged because I have pretty solid equipment and I like dueling and pvp. They have the option of attacking me. I look at it this way, if you beat me I'll leave you alone for a bit and come back farming in another hour or so. No one ever attacks though.
#12 Apr 08 2007 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
that's the lock passive ability "imbaness", shame people on pve roleplay servers don't understand that we can actually die... lol
#13 Apr 08 2007 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
sjdschool wrote:
Not true, I always leave myself flagged because I have pretty solid equipment and I like dueling and pvp. They have the option of attacking me. I look at it this way, if you beat me I'll leave you alone for a bit and come back farming in another hour or so. No one ever attacks though.

Poppycock! You're a jerk and a griefer, but refuse to admit it. People are on PvE servers because they don't want to attack. Why can't that get through that thick head of yours? Re-roll on a PvP server, ahole.

Let me edit this: You aren't on a PvP server because you might run into clones of yourself, right?

Edited, Apr 8th 2007 12:11pm by ohmikeghod
#14 Apr 08 2007 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
Ummm first off you don't know me so shut the hell up. Second off, when I started WoW I didn't look into PvP servers and all that, I joined the one my friend was in. Thirdly, I do leave myself flagged all the time because I think its hilarious when people try to get me from behind when I'm busy fighting an elemental and I turn around and still beat them. I can't believe people would post something so rude to another person without even knowing them.
#15 Apr 09 2007 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
sjdschool wrote:
Ummm first off you don't know me so shut the hell up. Second off, when I started WoW I didn't look into PvP servers and all that, I joined the one my friend was in. Thirdly, I do leave myself flagged all the time because I think its hilarious when people try to get me from behind when I'm busy fighting an elemental and I turn around and still beat them. I can't believe people would post something so rude to another person without even knowing them.

I know you from your posts. They tell me that you are a jerk and a griefer and most likely a juvenile. You think it's funny? Next time there won't be a warning. There will be a 72-hour suspension. The time after that, there will be a perma-ban. If you don't stop griefing, you won't think it's so funny then. Let's see you laugh that off, fuzzbrain.
#16 Apr 09 2007 at 4:42 AM Rating: Good
If you to claim to be a some kind of serious PvP, but you're credentials are you play on a PvE server with your PvP flag, and you fight opponents to "slow down their progress", you don't have much ground to stand on. A serious PvP player would either play on a PvP server, or rush through the PvE content and spend their time in the Arena or BGs on a PvE server. You're just another griefer.
#17 Apr 09 2007 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Maybe you should check out the Blizzard website, which has a few recommendations for friendly courteous play.

One such example suggests that if you see a player going for a mob, let them have it...they respawn you know. Unfortunately, the reality is that players are all too impatient, selfish, indeed sometimes evil minded about this evidenced above.

I applaud Blizzard for warning you. According to the terms of service, what you have done is in fact "physical harassment". If you keep up your choice of "tactics", I hope they ban you permanently. Then you will have to create a new account on another server, hopefully a PvP one, where you will be lumped in with all the other juveniles who enjoy this stuff and the GOOD PvPers who will teach you a lesson for playing this way.

Ugh...I will never understand why people feel the need to interrupt your gameplay experience.
#18 Apr 09 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Dear OP,

You're the reason my blood pressure is too high. Please re-roll or stop.


Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Apr 09 2007 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Honestly, this is why Bliz should have some sort of PvE-> PvP server transfer.

Then problems like this have a solution, I am not here to defend sjdschool as a person, but more as a example. I started my first toons on PvE and loved it. When I got to 60 i quickly became bored and started more PvE toons, yet it was not untill I finished out my PvP(server) lock that I understood why i was bored, you see I chose the wrong type of server, and now I have 2 level 60's on PvE servers(notice they didnt even get leved in TBC) and they are useless. I would love to play them, usualy the idea of type transfers starts a uproar. Folks get upset that folks leveled on PvE and now want to bring the Eazy to aquire gear(or thats the argument) to a PvP server where leveling and gear collection is harder(or so they say). This type of transfer would allow cases liek this to be mute, Always flagged? well lets just move you to a PvP server... Ta Daaa

Ok, maybe i am just totaly off my rocker.
#20 Apr 09 2007 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
DP goodness

Edited, Apr 9th 2007 11:56am by Capitolg
#21 Apr 09 2007 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
Honestly, this is why Bliz should have some sort of PvE-> PvP server transfer.

No, this would ruin the game. If I have to level and get ganked in hillsbrad stv etc then so do you if you want to play PvP.

If you like PvP so much reroll.
#22 Apr 09 2007 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Thanks for proving my point, that somebody would end up crying that it was eazyer for somebody else. Now take a moment and look in the mirror, Did you level you lock pre class evaluation? if no, Hey pot, this is the kettle. If so, why are you not upset that some locks got to level in "Eazy mode" while you leveled with a useless version of Deathcoil? or a crappy Demo tree?

If I have to level and get ganked in hillsbrad stv etc then so do you

Nice to see that the game revolves arround you
#23 Apr 09 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Default
Then problems like this have a solution, I am not here to defend sjdschool as a person, but more as a example. I started my first toons on PvE and loved it. When I got to 60 i quickly became bored and started more PvE toons, yet it was not untill I finished out my PvP(server) lock that I understood why i was bored, you see I chose the wrong type of server, and now I have 2 level 60's on PvE servers(notice they didnt even get leved in TBC) and they are useless. I would love to play them, usualy the idea of type transfers starts a uproar. Folks get upset that folks leveled on PvE and now want to bring the Eazy to aquire gear(or thats the argument) to a PvP server where leveling and gear collection is harder(or so they say). This type of transfer would allow cases like this to be mute, Always flagged? well lets just move you to a PvP server... Ta Daaa

QFT. I would LOVE to move to a PVP server because unfortunately as I said before, when I started the game I just chose a server that happened to be PVE because it was the one my friend was in. I find it quite funny that "Dragon-Master" Mike seems to think he knows me from my grand total of 12 posts. To be honest I DO spend 98% of my time in BG or Arenas, I only farm elementals when I need cash for repair, or for Runed living Rubys to increase my spell damage. I ALWAYS leave myself flagged when grinding... ALWAYS
#24 Apr 09 2007 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
The thing is.. flagged or not.. I agree with the guy you flamed, he just stated it wrong.

If you can transfer PVE ---> PVP why would I EVER roll on a PVP server.

This is just cruel to EVERYONE who leveled up on PVP.

And to quote you.. "Nice to see that the game revolves arround you"
YOU should clearly be allowed to re-roll on a PVP server after getting easy mode
It's obvious that EVERYONE who levelled up on PVP servers = the one guy in the post you replied to.

Sure, on PVP servers you can avoid the war zones [STV] but you cannot avoid it completely.

Edit: Ok you levelled before buffs? Great. Now what about EVERYONE ELSE ON A PVE who didnt?
We should make special rules for you?
"Nice to see that the game revolves arround you"

Edit: Sorry if you think this is flaming, i didn't intend it to be, but I may have got carried away.

Edited, Apr 9th 2007 4:07pm by Bravery
#25 Apr 10 2007 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
sjdschool wrote:
I ALWAYS leave myself flagged when grinding... ALWAYS

And you do your best to irritate and provoke other (nonflagged) players to attack you.

Your kind is the main reason why I play on PVE server. I do not want to spend my money and time to give frustrated kids like you chance to have wet dreams from spoiling my game.

Good job Blizzard, I sincerely hope they ban you next time.
#26 Apr 10 2007 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
I regret rolling on a PvP server. I never enjoyed ganking, i've never been on a killing spree around STV. I just rolled on the server where my friend played.

Too many frustrated rogues on elemental plateau stealthed and not killing anything.. just ganking mages / warlocks grinding on their motes. Hey.. they're useless in raids.. let's **** up other people's pleasure of gaming.

You can remain flagged in PvE server all day long. People who roll on PvE servers don't want to attack you! You just remain flagged so that some noob who doesen't know the difference between you and a mob attacks you by mistake and you get a free kill. People like you spoil my game experience. Go to BGs and stfu.
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