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Lowbie Question: Tiger's FuryFollow

#1 Apr 07 2007 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I've been debating whether this is a good choice or not on my (currently) 27 Druid. I'm in Duskwood currently, which means a lot of skeletons (ie, my sole finishing move, Rip, is useless; no blood in skeletons!). I'm basically debating against just using solely Claw, or Claw combined with Tiger's Fury. Consider that I have around 250-270 AP in my cat form, and maybe... eh... 12% crit?

When is Tiger's Fury worth it? When do you use it, if ever?
#2 Apr 07 2007 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
With my 29 druid twink i sometimes use is i'm needing to claw (moslt shred).

I find it a waste of energy, only of use in PVP when your against a mage and know your only going to get a couple of hits in.
#3 Apr 08 2007 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
I use Tiger's Fury in two situations:

1) Late in a fight, mob's health down, other non-engaged mobs close by that I do NOT want my target to run toward. I let energy build up, activate Tiger's Fury followed by a quick Ferocious Bite to finish them off before they know they should run far far away from my sharp sharp teeth.

2) Fire up my Ravage opener if I'm hitting a clothie hard for fun, or opening with Ravage against a pounce-proof mob like an elemental.

When you're doing the openers/closers remember that TF runs out fast so make sure you have enough energy stored up that you can activate it and still have enough energy to fire off the attack you want to use before TF runs out.

At your level since you don't have the big openers I think I'd use it, hell why not, you're hitting so fast with your standard attack, and adding in your Claws, you'll get the TF bonus to a good number of hits.

My $.02.
#4 Apr 08 2007 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
My only use for it is a nice fat 1.1k ravage on a sitting clothie, preferably gnomes :P
#5 Apr 08 2007 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
for solo/pvp use, pretty much what jeebar said.

for raiding, its a nice static boost to damage that doesnt really "burst". good on mobs when you cant rip cause of bleed immunities (same goes for all non-raid instancing too). its basically a flat dps increase that helps ferocious bite and shred scale a bit better.
#6 Apr 09 2007 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
592 posts
In a raiding situation, Tiger's Fury is not worth the Energy. It's DPE ratio is horrible.
#7 Apr 09 2007 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
i never said it wasnt. i said it was a flat increase to dps that doesnt burst, i.e. doesnt push the aggro threshold, which druids are quite capable of reaching.

while the DPE of tigers fury may suck ***, the DPE of a dead druid sucks even more ***.
#8 Apr 09 2007 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
592 posts
Burning a Cower and saving the extra 10 Energy is better then using TF, imo.

Cower > FB will provide FB Base + Other Energy + 41.0 damage. (Because Cower costs 20 Energy as opposed to TF which is 30. Extra Energy is coverted to damage at a 1:4.1 rate. Therefore the 10 Energy you saved by burning Cower instead of TF will generate 41.0 damage instead of 40 AND lower your threat).

In JeeBar's first situation, Building Energy then FB will generate more damage then building Energy > TF > FB. TF increases damage done by 40, whereas each extra point of energy is converted to 4.1 Damage. Which means that his FB could be Damage + 123 (30 Extra Energy * 4.1) or Damage + 40 (TF's static bonus).

It's a tool for Resto Druids out grinding, and has some small use if you can TF while stealthed, then let your energy rebuild (4 Seconds since it's 30 Energy) and then opening.

The sad fact of the matter is, after the early levels, TF is an almost worthless skill. :P It'd be nice if they added some benefit like increased energy regen while under it's effects, or something similar.

Ugh, re-reading that it seemed confusing, so here's something simpler. :P

Cower Cost: 20 Energy
Tiger's Fury Cost: 30 Energy

Cower: Static Threat Decrease of 1170.
Tiger's Fury: Static damage increase of 40

Assuming the Feral Druid is in Cat form with 5 Combo Points and 100 Energy:

Druid who Cowers > Ferocious Bite:

Cower (-20 Energy) > Ferocious Bite with remaining (80) Energy = 968+(45*4.1) = 1152.5.

Druid who TF > Ferocious Bite:

Tiger's Fury (-30 Energy) > Ferocious Bite with remaining (70) Energy = 968+(35*4.1)+40 = 1151.5.


Cower > FB
Base Damage (Non Crit): 1152.5
Crit Damage: 2650.75 (Base * 2.3)
Threat Generated: 1480.75

Base Damage (Non Crit): 1151.5
Crit Damage: 2596.45 ((Base-40) * 2.3 + 40)
Threat Generated: 2596.45

So not only does TF do less damage, it creates more threat in the situation above.

Back to JeeBar's situation 1, the math works out like this:

FB Alone
Base Damage: 1234.5 (968+(65 * 4.1))
Crit Damage: 2839.35 ((968+(65 * 4.1)) * 2.3)

Base Damage: 1151.5 (968+(35 * 4.1))
Crit Damage: 2596.45 ((968+(35*4.1)) * 2.3 + 40)

Edited, Apr 9th 2007 6:13pm by ItharrAlexander
#9 Apr 09 2007 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
Geez its great having such informative druid scholars to seek sage advice from ^^
#10 Apr 09 2007 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
yes, cower > FB is good, but if a druid is raid dpsing, cower should always be on cooldown anyway.

TF has its purpose. its not the best skill in a druids ******** but ignoring is worse than using it, and it still provides a sizeable boost to shred DPS, especially with mangle up.

it, like many druid skills, serves a niche purpose.
#11 Apr 09 2007 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
592 posts
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one, Quor. :P

With a Rate of 1:3:1 DPE, TF is a completely worthless skill. In a sustained fight, you'd be better off saving that Energy for your next Cower, since, again in a sustained fight, a Druid will never be at 100 Energy.

To put it in perspective, here are the DPE Ratios for our other damage skills (Based on a Druid with 250 top end):

Mangle: 14.75:1
Shred: 16.12:1
Rip: 36.4:1
FB: 27:1

Tiger's Fury: 1.3:1

As an aside, the more Energy you have, the more FB becomes inefficient, because 4.1:1 DPE is not good.

FB (Base 35 Energy, 5CP): 27:1
FB (100 Energy, 5CP): 12.34:1

Also note that Rip's DPE goes down significantly if it is not allowed to run it's full duration.

All the calculations above are untalented with level 70 skills. If you factor in Talents, it gets worse because those talents add scalable damage increases to all skills (Drastically increasing their DPE). This does not occur with TF. TF's DPE will always be 1.3:1, whereas a skill like Shred, on Crit, will push 71:1 DPE.

For those unused to the acronyms, DPE = Damage Per Energy. Damage:Energy. How much damage you do per point of energy invested in the attack.

wow, I'm really bored at work today. :P

Edited, Apr 9th 2007 6:46pm by ItharrAlexander
#12 Apr 09 2007 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
well, thats all well and good, but youre thinking optimal conditions here. there are times when using TF is better than doing nothing. in BC youre rarely, if ever, fighting an immense immobile wall with millions of HP. fights in BC are dynamic, involving movement that often results in less contact time with the enemy.

so what do you do with a full bar of energy and nothing to use it on? youve got 2-3 seconds of movement time before youre back in range....may as well use TF. otherwise that energy that would have ticked back is "wasted".

its not a lot of dps. its doesnt have a very good DPE. but its better than letting possible energy ticks go to waste. and it still provides a sizeable increase to shred damage thanks to the modifiers inherent in shred and mangle.
#13 Apr 09 2007 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
592 posts
Well, I'll give you that. If you're at 100 Energy and have 2-4 seconds before you get to the mob, then yeah, TF.

Modifiers to mangle and shred? As far as I know, TF is a flat +40 to your end number on any attack. Is there an additional modifier on Mangle or Shred? AFAIK, The +40 gets tacked on AFTER all other modifiers (Mangle Dmg Boost to Shred, Savage Fury, etc) - To the best of my knowledge it gets no multipliers, not on crit, nada... Has that been change or is it incorrect?
#14 Apr 09 2007 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
TF +dmg gives damage to base druid attack damage. so basically its listed char sheet damage plus whatever TF is worth. in cat form, this is basically a flat DPS increase, since the normal attack in cat is 1.0 spd.

this new base damage (call it TFdmg) is then used as the base damage from which shred, claw, mangle, and ravage are derived from. hence, with shred, youre getting that 140% (or whatever it is) modifier. with ravage, you get that 280% (or again, whatever it is....i cant remember off the top of my head). with the mangle debuff granting +30% damage to shred, adding TF into your shred rotation increases the damage you get from it by a much larger amount that most think. if TF adds 40 damage, shreds 140% modifier turns that into 106 dmg more or so, which then gets modified further by 30% from mangle, for about 35 extra damage.

so ultimately, with shred and mangle modifiers, the 30 energy cost of TF (which was 1.3:1 DPE) now becomes a boost of 181 dmg instead of 40 (or a DPE of ~6:1).

thats not factoring in crits, or the +crit dmg boost talent, which further enhance the relative DPE contribution of TF.

essentially, with TF, you need to factor in the modifiers of the skills. on normal attacks, TF max rank corresponds to an AP increase of about 560 AP (its +40 dmg/sec, or 40 dps, and 14 AP = 1 dps, so 40*14). this "extra" AP is then factored, as base damage, into the attacks of your cat form druid. anything with a modifier on it (mangle, shred, ravage) receives a much bigger increase from TF than a mere 40 damage. also keep in mind that 560 AP is a bigger increase than the max rank of rampage, the warrior 41-pt fury talent, or even the highest rank of talented battle shout.
#15 Apr 10 2007 at 3:12 AM Rating: Default
even if it were the worst thing to use on a boss, tiger's fury is perfectly fine as a soloing tool.

use it to open ravage, use it it to kick mangle/shred, that alone makes it something to put on your "9" key.
#16 Apr 10 2007 at 7:46 AM Rating: Good
592 posts
Even with the modifiers, it's a garbage skill that's not worth the energy you burn to use it. Capping at 6:1 DPE makes it a skill not worth the energy cost with the exception of very isolated, very unique situations. Definetely not worth a hotkey. :P

So far, I've heard one specific instance (few seconds away from the mob and you're at 100 Energy already, might as well burn it) where it would be useful. Otherwise, the energy is better spent elsewhere.

PS: Unless it's a sitting Cloth, Pounce > Ravage.

Everyone plays their own way tho, I'm just discussing what's efficient and what's not.

Edited, Apr 10th 2007 12:06pm by ItharrAlexander
#17 Apr 10 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Thanks for all the advice guys; I've moved Tiger's Fury off of my hotbar. Sitting midway through 33 right now, I have Ferocious Bite to spend energy on now instead of TF. It is SO nice to have a new finisher. And I finally have an opening: Ravage (can't wait for Pounce!).

I'm impressed with myself; I went from like 23 to 32 over the weekend, and to 33 in a couple of hours last night. My druid is leveling faster than almost any character I have played; long live the furry friends!
#18 Apr 10 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
eh, to each their own. ive been able to work TF into most attack rotations i use in cat form, and its a great thing to pop when OoC goes off, followed by a mangle or shred > FB. damage is damage, and its still essentially 560 free AP. i know pretty much every damage class would kill for an instant +40 dmg on-demand ability.
#19 Apr 10 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
I am not speced Feral, so TF is a godsend, it is a few seconds of goodness in a otherwise reletivly lame Feral Attack.
#20 Apr 10 2007 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
592 posts

damage is damage, and its still essentially 560 free AP.

Yeah, that's the core difference in what we're seeing. In my view, You're basically trading a Mangle or Shred for a +560AP bump to your damage over the next 6 seconds.

Toss in the fact that BC released no new TF Rank (Dunno why, we get one every 10 levels prior, yet didn't get it at 70) and as your gear scales up, Mangle/Shred become more efficient uses of Energy, whereas TF's efficiency just goes down. Which is why TF is nice for Resto Druids and lower level Druids. :P

Honestly what they need to do is either A: Buff the Duration, B: Make it a Party Ability, or C: Give us a Fear Immunity during the duration. Any or all of those would make it a very worthwhile ability.
#21 Apr 10 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
fear immunity would be pretty wrong. duration or power wouldnt be bad, but fear immunity...oh man.
#22 Apr 10 2007 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
592 posts
Why not? Berserker Rage gives Warrior's Fear Immunity. Would a 6 second Fear Immunity for CAtform druids be THAT bad?

Yeah, it probably would. :D

But watching the other Fearing class QQ would be entertaining. :D
#23 Apr 10 2007 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
well, zerger rage also comes with a 30s CD, so thats 20s of fear vulnerability out of every 30s.

tigers fury is spammable, with no cooldown. yeah....
#24 Apr 10 2007 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Your attack speed in Cat form is 1.00, so Tiger's Fury would technically (or at least on my paper) increase your white DPS with whatever amount of damage your Tiger's Fury increases with.

If it's, say, +30 damage, your DPS should go up by 30. If you're doing 100 DPS as it is, 130 DPS is a pretty big leap.

Obviously it's not as pretty and pink as I just wrote it to be, but I remember doing some tests with it and white damage in Cat form. I think the conclusion was that the white damage actually went up by so much that I skipped a Claw and kept Tiger's Fury up at all times.

Then I got Mangle and all hell broke loose.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#25 Apr 10 2007 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
592 posts

Your attack speed in Cat form is 1.00, so Tiger's Fury would technically (or at least on my paper) increase your white DPS with whatever amount of damage your Tiger's Fury increases with.

Yes, that's correct. The problem is, we are not Rogues when we're in cat form. Rogue DPS is heavily based on white damage. Ours isn't. Our white damage blows chunks. The bulk of Druid DPS comes from Specials, which is what you're sacrificing for Tiger's Fury.

Tiger's Fury helps less and less as your DPS goes up.
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