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who says Paladins cant do dps?Follow

#1 Apr 13 2007 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
I have an lvl 22 Paladin i do very hight dps

in battle grounds 1v1 i can kill most people (as long as there 20-26)
i have 1100 health and 600 mana.

when when i enter the fight i put on Seal of the Crusader before my opponent hits
or i hit him i do Judgement now he has an 50+ holy damage on him soon as i put that on him i swich to Seal of Righteousness so im hiting 90-120 normal damage +
50 damage per hit and 40+ fire damage (fire enchant)and for some reason also another 10 thats 150-220 every 3.20 second the (bottom 150 dose not include 40+ fire damage) in 3-5 hits hes got 200 health left so i stun hit him once more and
do Judgement on seel of Righteousness (hits instantly 60-100) if hes still living
i do Consecration and leave him to die.
#2 Apr 13 2007 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Things change as you get to a higher level too. For example, a warrior's rend is the most powerful ability in his ******* before level 10, at the mid-20's it's somewhat useful, but after level 40 you only use it to DOT rogues to keep them from vanishing, not for any sort of damage output. Paladins have very high DPS at the lower levels, but it tapers.

Of course, ret still can DPS, and holy has some talents, but go in with a prot or a healadin and try to DPS and you'll find out why we're so damn slow.
#3 Apr 13 2007 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
I have an lvl 22 Paladin i do very hight dps

I'm assuming you also have verigan's fist. At your level that is a very high dps output, but you answered your own question by stating you were only level 22.

Ret itemization really tapers off later on, and if you get a lucky crit string you can get very high dps. But for the most part you'll get a 20-25% crit rate and still see crap for dps. SoC is unreliable due to the low PPM, and Crusader strike uses spell damage, which most ret paladins have a VERY small supply of.

Paladin Ret DPS tapers off somewhere around 40-45. YOu'll see.

Holy (since you say you have SoR not SoC) becomes more viable at 60ish when you can start stacking spell damage and crit chance.

Edited, Apr 13th 2007 3:39pm by TheMalkavian
#4 Apr 14 2007 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
Iv'e yet to see a paladin at the top of the damage meters, and i doubt i ever will.
#5 Apr 15 2007 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
iv got to the top for lvl 20-29 wsg (u cant do it at lvl 19 because there are so many twinks)
#6 Apr 15 2007 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
lol, u knew i'd jump in here. what happened to Gaudion btw?

more on the way
#7 Apr 15 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
there are time when a pally can be on top of dps meters

my experiences:
me (pally tank), holy pally for dps, mage, hunter, priest in Shattered Halls

Holy pally had top dps at 33%
mage was second at somewhere between 24-28%

also keep in mind that pally dps is gear and situation dependant, this guy had LOTS of +spell damage and used aoe
#8 Apr 15 2007 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
814 posts
Paladins can get decent DPS, but compared to the other claases its kind of pathetic. I dont care what you say Tommy, Ret. pallies pale in comparisn to every other classes DPS/Melee build. Maybe we can keep up with Enh. Shaman since windfury got nerfed, but I dont know.

lol, u knew i'd jump in here. what happened to Gaudion btw?

Probally on the shaman forums -.- I'll take over for him with your guys usual argument.
#9 Apr 16 2007 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
Yay, Setai! :D

About those screenies... It's impossible to know how good were the others, if anyone went AFK for a while, etc, etc.

Sadly those screenies mean little and most Pallies seem to agree that to serve groups well Holy/Prot are more useful for the Greater Good. There are classes much more suited for DPS and I wonder why you wouldn't use the powers granted to you. (Healing, tanking)

EDIT:Toned down the post

Edited, Apr 16th 2007 1:34pm by Selverein
#10 Apr 16 2007 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
About those screenies... It's impossible to know how good were the others, if anyone went AFK for a while, etc, etc.

you see a pally on top and you automatically assume: shenanigans!

nothing out of the ordinary. i wasn't critting lil snakes or consecrating everything in sight. in fact my screenie doesn't show me throwing holy wraths out at the non-leet skellies later on. nobody was gimped or afk. just plain *** whoopin.

Sadly those screenies mean little and most Pallies seem to agree that to serve groups well Holy/Prot are more useful for the Greater Good. There are classes much more suited for DPS and I wonder why you wouldn't use the powers granted to you. (Healing, tanking)

i don't understand "There are classes much more suited for DPS". i did out-dps them. therefore i am much more suited for dps. unfortunately they are ONLY dps.

i was OT the whole run and #2 in healing. i ended just behind the hunter for dps due to spot healing on a couple bosses because the hunters and warlocks required extra healing.

question is: why not take 3 Ret pallies for dps. if the pally can out-dps the warlock/hunter AND withstand more dmg AND cast 2 stuns per min AND prevent wipe AND heal themselves AND increase the parties utility AND bounce aggro as needed?

people get defensive when you make their roll look futile
#11 Apr 16 2007 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
i don't understand "There are classes much more suited for DPS". i did out-dps them. therefore i am much more suited for dps. unfortunately they are ONLY dps.

Yes, you are talking about who? Yourself! Your skills only. I will not doubt for a second that you are a great Ret. Paladin and can realize the paladin to its fullest potential. But alas its just you, not the whole class. You may DPS better then a warlock or hunter, but that is because you outskill them. Now if we had each class played to its fullest potential Paladins would just be straight out beat by everything else.

I am very tempted to say that pallies have the worse DPS tree out of all classes. But of course Ret Paladins can do DPS. Its what they're specc-ed for! But they just pale in comparison to the other classes.

question is: why not take 3 Ret pallies for dps. if the pally can out-dps the warlock/hunter AND withstand more dmg AND cast 2 stuns per min AND prevent wipe AND heal themselves AND increase the parties utility AND bounce aggro as needed?

Druids, Shamans, and Warlocks can pretty much do all that. Whats your point? A feral druid has alot more DPS then a paladin yet he can Battle Rez healer if he dies, tank better then any Ret. pally, and has about 4 stuns.

Shamans have totems that boost utility to the max, can heal, rez THEMSELVES for anti-wipe. Only thing is that they dont have any stuns.

Warlock can off-tank with pet, heal themselves incase healers busy, prevents wipe by soul-stoning rezzer, and has MASSIVE DPS.

So yea, maybe those are a couple reasons why poeple will not take 3 Ret. Pallies over every other DPS/Hybrid class
#12 Apr 16 2007 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
i've said so many times ingame:

pallys can do anything,.... except CC. Stuns dont last long enuf.
#13 Apr 16 2007 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
i think ima start a Blog, lol

joined my buddy to help him through Underbog. joined by a 70 fire mage:

i'll save you some time:

#14 Apr 16 2007 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
Setai, marry me?

As far as this discussion goes? Gratz on the screenies. They're cute.
#15 Apr 16 2007 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
tommyguns wrote:
i think ima start a Blog, lol

joined my buddy to help him through Underbog. joined by a 70 fire mage:

PM'd you, in case you didn't see it. Kind of difficult to notice when you have a message (IMO).

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 12:11am by PvPaladin
#16 Apr 16 2007 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Here's the question: how many people was your damage meter synced with? That you got highest damage by your meters is great and all, but when I run unsynced meters I usually show that hunters do less than 2/3 of the damage I deal, when in fact the synced meters prove they did more damage than me.
Unsynced meters = useless egobooster.
Now, if they were synced, gratz to you. I haven't been able to do isntances myself for a while, so I'm forgetting the total damage output on each instance, so I can't tell for sure how great the total damage is, but I'm pretty sure it's still very good ;)

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 12:28am by lsfreak
#17 Apr 16 2007 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
206 posts
Or you just go grind mobs for 15 minutes.

Seriously, mathematics says Ret Pallies ain't doin so well. I'm not overturning basic math on the basis of something that may or may not mean anything.
#18 Apr 17 2007 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
At one point, I believed my Paladin could out-DPS many other classes. I've discovered that, while correct skill use can heavily increase my damage output, when playing with equal-leveled and equal-skilled members of other classes my damage output simply does not add up.

Don't get me wrong, the damage a Paladin does is an excellent addition to any team, but by no means does it compare to that of the other classes. Maybe if I spent a ton of money building a set of astronomically high +STR and +AGI gear, I would rank up there on the DPS scale, but it's really not worth it to me.

The beauty of the Paladin does not come from our ability to deal damage quickly. We have no need at all to send out as much damage as a Rogue or Warlock, and with good reason.

We have massive survivability.

We're made to slowly deal damage over time while our enemies go psychotic with every blast in their ******* trying to find a hole in our armor. And when they do? *Bam*, we are back at full life again, still slowly cutting away their lifebar, and much to their dislike still standing.

As for your three-Paladin idea, I seriously do not recommend it. While the team you have built in your head may seem perfect to you, you are obviously too full of your class' abilities. The most effective possible team is one with a variety that works well together.

So what if Paladins cannot match the DPS of the other classes? We arguably have the longest lifespan, and thanks to our Auras, Buffs, and Heals we can increase the lifespan of an entire party tenfold. Let the Warlocks and Mages blast away, let the Fighters, Rogues, and Hunters show your enemies what real melee damage is, and let the Priest and Druid back you up while you back up everyone else; They would all have wiped already without you.

But, you know what?

You would be dead without them, too.

#19 Apr 17 2007 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Unsynced meters = useless egobooster.

synced meters only make sure everyone shows the same numbers. ie) if a hunter were to kite a mob away from the party it would keep track of his dmg while he's out of your recording range. my mage was never more than 50 yards away from me.

Seriously, mathematics says Ret Pallies ain't doin so well.

is it the math that pallies deal unmitigated Holy dmg? or the math that we take advantage of every buff and totem? or the math that most of our offensive are instant strikes? or the math that we can deal melee while mob is spell immune? or the math that we are mana friendly? or the math that we are still alive dealing dmg?

truth is, the mage i ran with racked up massive dmg on aoe alone. aoe is still very valid dps, but on big/boss fights i was leaving him in the dust. while he was done charging a fireball i had already delivered my dmg worth 2 fireballs. i wont lie, i constanly had Sanc up, JotC, SoC, and WF totem...not much use to a mage. however, the mage also didn't need to poly very much so he was balls-out dps while i had RF up and Salv on him.

Ah well, im 5 bars to lvl 70. next i get Avenging Wrath, bigger BoM and JoC...more dps for me.
#20 Apr 17 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
i wont lie, i constanly had Sanc up, JotC, SoC, and WF totem

Yeah... Aren't a lot of fighting styles that benefit more from WF than a big, fat, slow two-hander.

But anyway. Like it was said in this thread or other threads: Maybe you can use Retro to its full potential, contrarily to many players, but the average Rogue will still out-DPS the average Retro Pally. Same for Mages or any other class. Pally is just about the last class made for DPSing. Not that they can't, cause yeah they have the amazing holy damage skills which bypass armor and all, but they just don't measure up to good players with hardcore DPS classes.

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 10:31am by Selverein
#21 Apr 17 2007 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
814 posts
Setai, marry me?

Please be a girl... *prays intently* (is intently even a word?)

truth is, the mage i ran with racked up massive dmg on aoe alone. aoe is still very valid dps, but on big/boss fights i was leaving him in the dust.

The hell?!?!? Theres no way! Unless mage was doing to many 7k crits and pulled boss, had to stop casting, then got braind dead and forgot where the fireball button is...

There just no way in heaven, hell, earth, or WoW a paladin can out DPS an average mage. Not even an Arcane one.

Plus another thing. You admitted to having a WF totem with you. WF only affects melee weapons, meaning the mage and hunters weren't affected by it. Even though that could help you ALOT you still shouldnt have passed them if they were played right.
#22 Apr 17 2007 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
There just no way in heaven, hell, earth, or WoW a paladin can out DPS an average mage. Not even an Arcane one.

my first Shattered Halls run :D got my mount and lvl 70 spells. now im broke.

#23 Apr 17 2007 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Once again, if you're not synced with the other damage dealers, your's means sh*t. Damage meters are unreliable beyond about 20 yards (when I'm at max Flay range I sometimes don't even pick up the mages, much less the rogue...), and those casters would have been as much as 40+ yards away. Show me a meter synced with the mage, and I'll give you credit... until then, it's still a worthless show of numbers.
EDIT: Sorry if I seem like an ***, but I know how much my unscynced meters mess up. Worthless in groups beyond showing me my own mana efficiency, and maybe harassing the healer as to how much healing VE did compared to him :P

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 11:48pm by lsfreak
#24 Apr 18 2007 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
814 posts
Forget showing the meters, I want to see this in person...
#25 Apr 18 2007 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
Wait... Rogue had that much less damage done than Hunter? Huh... yeah...
And tank has that much damage done?...

I dunno, there are a few things that look wrong with that screeny.

All in all, let's just close the topic, m'yeah?
#26 Apr 18 2007 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
2,029 posts
Oh no, a tanking pally will be putting out lots of damage, as unlike a warrior most of his threat comes directly from damage (similar to a druid). It's just that it shouldn't be comparing to primary DPS at all.
Also, at least in the groups I'm with, rogues are almost always the worst DPS. I'm generally slightly above them (on synced meters), and I rarely get more than 67% of the top DPS'er damage. Though that's probably because the group I run with has a tendency to kill the mob before they can get enough combo points on most trash >.>
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