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Hunter's Vs Rogue's?Follow

#1 Apr 16 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
What would you say is the best tactic against this elusive critter?
#2 Apr 16 2007 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
hit him/her before he/she hits you.
when you can start the fight on your terms, you have almost won immediately.
(aimed, serpent sting and keep flare ready for when he vanishes.)

if he/she gets you, your down to 20-40% health or so, depending on your sta. by the time you are not stunned anymore.
then spam the wing clip button, freezing trap, run and bandage/pot, see above for the rest.
(sometimes, your just to close to death to get away. when that happens, walk back to your corpse.)
#3 Apr 16 2007 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent

I love my rogue :]
#4 Apr 16 2007 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
If I see the rogue ahead of time it's usually a fight I can handle or at least do well in. Their ability shadowstep usually means my death though =( scatter shot along with wing clips and freezing traps are always good as it's been said above. Can get annoying when they take off serpent sting and hunter's mark with vanish and cloak of shadows I believe it's called. Flares are good for that but it may just be me but flares are kinda useless when guarding against a shadowstep. If I'm fighting a rogue that has that I generally see them vanish and use cloak of shadows to get rid of marks and instantly use shadowstep so flaring is not only hard to do with the near instant stun but doesn't help much anyway

Edited, Apr 16th 2007 5:37pm by Emries
#5 Apr 16 2007 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
In my experience, I can usually win against rogues who get the slip on me IF they do not use crippling poison. It's the smart twinked ones who have the poison, so until I get my trinket that removes it I'll just keep trying to catch them in stealth.
#6 Apr 16 2007 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
OT, but I cringed when I read the thread title.

One hunter, two hunters.
One rogue, two rogues.

Plural just adds an 's', at least in most cases. Using the apostrophe changes the meaning of the 's' completely.

A rogue's dagger. (The dagger of the rogue)
A hunter's bow. (The bow of the hunter)
A hunter's dangerous. (A hunter -is- dangerous)

As for your question:

I'm Beast Mastery spec'd, so I would do something like this:

He opens the fight with a stun:

1. Pop The Beast Within to break the stun.
2. Use Wing Clip to get distance.
3. Throw down a Freezing Trap as I move away (jump while throwing the trap to prevent the animation).
4. See below.

I open the fight:

1. Aimed Shot to chop off health.
2. Kitty attack.
3. Serpent Sting to prevent him from going into stealth.
4. Concussive Shot to keep distance (use Steady Shot after).
5. Intimidate to stun him for 3 seconds.
6. Throw down a Freezing Trap.
7. Repeat above.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Apr 17 2007 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,222 posts
not sure how it's work but:

Mark him + send in your best DPS pet. Keep a freezing trap in between you and your target at all times if possible. He will attempt to ignore the boar & rush in, which is why you keep a cycle of Concussive Shot--> Serpent Sting-->Arcane Shot, and keep laying the freezing traps as the timer is up. Rinse and repeat, and you should have a decent kiting victory.

*Note: Always carry potions (just in case)
#8 Apr 17 2007 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Have enough HP to last through his stunlock + spam Intimidate/Scatter Shot/Deterrence while you're in the lock, hoping for a break.

If you Scatter, drop a freezing trap, get to range and bandage. Odds are as soon as he's out of the trap he'll Vanish, so lay a Flare on the trap.

If you use Deterrence, Wing Clip/Counterattack him immediately and move to range. Use Antivenom if you have it (all serious PvP Hunters should), move to range and fight him like normal. Also, drop some Snake Traps/Frost Traps (you should have Entrapment).
#9 Apr 17 2007 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
I see alot of people saying to just go through the stun. Why the hell?

If you know a rogue is coming for you lay an Ice trap and keep flares active around you at all times. That way he cant get a stealth move off and he is frozen so you can get back and begin your kite.

Fight against rogue for me:
1. Accept Duel/Know rogue is around
2. Lay down flare then ice trap, repeat till fight begins.
3. Walk away while he is frozen.
4. Use steady shot while sending pet with intimidation in
5. Concussive shot, run past him and use wing clip, if he slows you use bestial wrath.
6. Continue auto-shot, arcane shot, serpant sting (keeps him out of stealth), concussive until he gets close.
7. Wing clip again and repeat step 6 until dead.

I've killed 70 rogues with this, at level 62. You can't allow them to build up combo points, get a stealth move, slow you down, or let them get very many hits on you.

#10 Apr 17 2007 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Feralist wrote:
I see alot of people saying to just go through the stun. Why the hell?

If you know a rogue is coming for you lay an Ice trap and keep flares active around you at all times. That way he cant get a stealth move off and he is frozen so you can get back and begin your kite.

Fight against rogue for me:
1. Accept Duel/Know rogue is around
2. Lay down flare then ice trap, repeat till fight begins.
3. Walk away while he is frozen.
4. Use steady shot while sending pet with intimidation in
5. Concussive shot, run past him and use wing clip, if he slows you use bestial wrath.
6. Continue auto-shot, arcane shot, serpant sting (keeps him out of stealth), concussive until he gets close.
7. Wing clip again and repeat step 6 until dead.

I've killed 70 rogues with this, at level 62. You can't allow them to build up combo points, get a stealth move, slow you down, or let them get very many hits on you.

You're not fighting good Rogues if you know they're around. A good Rogue will get the jump on yu 100% of the time, and a good Rogue will be able to continually lock you down for 5-8k HP at 70.

That's assuming they don't burn cooldowns; if they do, you're basically screwed without TBW.

EDIT: Or your PvP trinket.

Edited, Apr 17th 2007 11:47am by Theophany
#11 Apr 17 2007 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
666 posts
Being on a pvp server, this is my area of expertise. Many times I will be out farming, grinding, questing, etc. and some how get what I call, "Rogue Aggro". It can happen at anytime, it can happen anywhere, even if you constantly keep "Track Humanoids" on you will never see the good rogues coming.

So to counter this, I've devised a few methods for when I'm out in the world, that are time consuming, but have saved me many a time. Maybe some of these tips will help you with world pvp, maybe not, up to you.

First let's take a look at our methods of actually detecting a rogue.

1) Flare - By far our best method of spotting a rogue stealthing near us. The smart one's always stay away, but sooner or later they to will be seen.

2) Freezing Trap - Rogues can see your traps, there's no doubt about that, the problem is they don't realize the range of your traps before it's to late.

3) Track Hidden - Usually not as useful but it can still help for when you're trying to track one down that's constantly been in hiding around you.

4) Speakers - Yea it sounds wierd doesn't it? Nothing is more helpful then a pair of these baby's, once you hear that rogue sound, you're paranoid for life.

So puting this into perspective, when I go grinding, questing, etc. I pick a spot that's some what a remote location, not a lot of mobs spawn near it, and I can tend to pull back to it in case I need to. This is my marker so to speak and I will always go back here in case something bad goes wrong.

That being said, I always have a Freezing Trap up in this one spot. If I get to many mobs at once, or manage to aggro something next to me I just fall back to my trap. The same can be said for a rogue that's trying to sneak up behind me. As soon as I get out of stunlock, I run back to the trap. The key here is always keeping that trap up.

I usually only flare after the rogue is frozen, and I place it directly on top of him, since they love to Vanish and get rid of your hunter's mark. Obviously the key here is distance. You want to keep your distance, and a rogue loves to sprint and constantly beat down on you while trying to proc their poisons to keep you from running away.

Fortunately I'm a Marksman Spec. I have Scatter Shot at my disposal but I only use it when absolutely necessary. If the rogue is not using poisons and I don't get snared, I'll wing clip them and run away to safety, so I can continue to pelt them. If they are using poisons, I will scatter shot only when I get snared, mark them again, and get an Aimed Shot out if there's enough time.

After that I use Jump-Shot with a mix of Concussion Shot + Arcane Shot to wittle down the Rogue before they run away or die. Whenever my trap's are up from cooldown I ALWAYS place a new one down, even if I don't intend for the rogue to get trapped by it just yet, I always have one down.

Now my main strategy does not involve Serpent Sting, mostly because I will not use dot's against a rogue unless I'm in a group or with at least 1 other person. The reason for this is because even though a Dot will reveal them after they stealth, it will negate your traps and get you killed just as easily. 15 second duration on a Dot can mean life and death because you couldn't trap the rogue for more then 2 seconds.

Now your pet plays a minor roll when you get jumped in the wild. 70% or more of the time I am jumped by a rogue, it is while I'm fighting something. Apparently when a rogue see's my pet engaged in a mob, and I'm firing, it's just a sign that says, "Gank Me!" You don't want to pull your pet back right away, because then the mob will come back with you, and possibly get caught in your trap that you're trying to save for the rogue.

If at all possible, trap the rogue, and then finish the mob. If the mob has to much life, keep the rogue trapped and go to town while your pet keeps the mob busy, after a while sic your pet on the rogue for added DPS and annoyance. The mob may eventually turn to you, which is what FD is for.

Always be mindful of your surroundings, you don't want to be running into that nest of furbolgs because you took a wrong turn some where. Become familiar with the area, know where you can and can't run for easy escapes if you need to.

Also, and this is very important, TRACK!! Use track for what you need it for, then switch. If I'm looking for beasts, I'll Track Beasts, find one I'm looking for, then switch immediately back to Track Humanoid or Track Hidden (yes I'm paranoid but it's saved me so many times).

Being a hunter we really only have to sit there while our pet tanks a mob. Sure you can throw in a shot or a sting here and there, but in all honesty you're really just sitting there with Auto-Shot on, use this time to scan your mini-map. Watch for things that are constantly moving, names of people in particular. Track Beasts also works well for druids, but for most of the druids that jump me they are usually in cat form anyway, and stealthed, so Track Hidden works just the same.

It takes extra time and effort to set this up, but in the end it becomes second nature and you'll find yourself doing it from habbit, even during instances, it just becomes an instinct that you need your trap up at any given moment.

I got strategies for all the different classes, but as you can see my explanations are elaborate, perhaps I should write a guide ;)
#12 Apr 17 2007 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
4) Speakers - Yea it sounds wierd doesn't it? Nothing is more helpful then a pair of these baby's, once you hear that rogue sound, you're paranoid for life.

Too true, too true. Reminds me of a time in Badlands where I heard the stealth noise and turned looking for a cat and instead found a Rogue. Needless to say he died.

But really, if they get the jump on you, your only chance is to hope you can break stun/live through the stun so you can fight back.
#13 Apr 17 2007 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The stealth "woosh" sound has made be jumpy like crazy. If I see a Rogue go stealth I slam the music "pause" button on my keyboard controls and turn the in-game sound up to max.

Paranoia.. gotta love it.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Apr 17 2007 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
Thanks for the English lesson! Do you stop when you type, or is your grammer perfect on the run? Just Kidd'in Ya'll.....
#15REDACTED, Posted: Apr 19 2007 at 10:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Rogues wtfpwn Hunters all the time and now we hav dirty tricks and CoS :D
#16 Apr 19 2007 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
Mazra wrote:
OT, but I cringed when I read the thread title.

One hunter, two hunters.
One rogue, two rogues.

Plural just adds an 's', at least in most cases. Using the apostrophe changes the meaning of the 's' completely.

A rogue's dagger. (The dagger of the rogue)
A hunter's bow. (The bow of the hunter)
A hunter's dangerous. (A hunter -is- dangerous)

"Dear Mister Language Person: What is the purpose of the apostrophe?

"Answer: The apostrophe is used mainly in hand-lettered small business signs to alert the reader that an "S" is coming up at the end of a word, as in: WE DO NOT EXCEPT PERSONAL CHECK'S, or: NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ITEM'S.

"Another important grammar concept to bear in mind when creating hand-lettered small-business signs is that you should put quotation marks around random words for decoration, as in "TRY" OUR HOT DOG'S, or even TRY "OUR" HOT DOG'S."
—Dave Barry, American humorist, Tips for Writer's
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