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#1 Apr 16 2007 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
At lvl 41 i have around 22g which is the amount i had pretty much throughout the game. People say i should have over 100g since i got a free mount. I was just wondering how much g's i should have at my lvl

Valcyn-Lvl 41 blood elf pally
Server- Darkspear
#2 Apr 16 2007 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
depends. up to date gear? profession? 1st char? etc. 100g for pally on main sounds reasonable. gonna need 500+ by 60 tho.
#3 Apr 16 2007 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent

that is my character and he is my main. Im doing pretty good with getting plate im gunna run uldaman soon so i dont think ill be needing to buy any gear. So someone tell me how much i should have around my level.
#4 Apr 16 2007 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
Very nice gear actually, and it doesn't look like you got it from anywhere but questing/dungeons. And it doesn't look like you're working on your proff's either. So to be honest you should probably have maybe around or close to 80g at least is my guess. Since it's your main and you're spending more time doing everything you can and traveling more since you haven't been to places before I would assume you'd have more than 20g. I'm not an expert on gold to level ratio's but there's my 2 cents.

Anyone else?
#5 Apr 17 2007 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
It always depends on many things, some of which were mentioned already. A few things catch my attention in your Armory profile, though.

1- Blackskull Shield!? I've seen that shield on the AH for anywhere around 30-50g. If you've bought it off of the AH, no wonder you're outta money. And BTW, the shield isn't that nice, it's not worth so much money unless you plan on sticking in a PvP bracket for a while.

2- Low professions. I know working on your professions costs money, but it also can yield considerable amounts of money. Herbs eventually start selling for 4-5g each stack and some highly sought potions can be sold for about the same. Check the AH to find out which potions are worth making on your server, and which herbs sell well, and farm those a bit.

Otherwise, I dunno. Maybe you haven't gotten lucky enough with the drops? Maybe you missed some opportunity to make money with the AH? I can't tell much more than what I've said.

On my previous character, which was alone on a server, I had managed to get 120g by level 40 and after skills and mount had still over 25g left. Since you're a Pally you should indeed have around 80-120g if you are a bit careful with your money.
#6 Apr 22 2007 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
I have 58 gold on my 42 pally (first character), it could have been 65 by now because I was behind in smithing so I had to buy some bars/ores, I am earning back the money slowly by slowly selling those 10 silver rods I made.

By the way your blackskull sheild is not worth it, although it is an epic, it should not be worth so much money. Lol I see you got the pvp epic bracers and blue shoes like me, good stuff. And you have the carapace of tutenkash!!!! I been to RFD 3 times and it dropped once, but a warrior out-rolled me!!!

Can someone please comment about my character as well? He has 58 gold.
And for those itmes there I think I found all of them.
#7 Apr 23 2007 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
yah i have been saving up money and selling a lot in AH and stuff. I got about
50 g. And the shield i didnt buy myself a level 70 bought it for me
#8 Apr 23 2007 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
299 posts
Herbalism and Alchemy are pretty easy not only to level, but also to make money from. Pick everything that is useable as well as sellable. Goldthorn is used in a LOT of potions and that helped me along the way. Also, at your level (or pretty soon) you can find Swiftthistle and stacks of those do fairly well at the AH. Later on when you hit Outland you can grab things like Terocone and Netherbloom, both of which I've seen go for anywhere from 25-35g a stack. And, as was pointed out, potions and elixirs do well.

Your Armory page listed 75 skill for both Herb and Alch, so make sure you train the next level as soon as you can. Getting those skills up will open the higher level herbs and potions which you will certainly want. Like fishing and cooking, it gets harder to level those skills onces you go to the next higher zone, so if you level your talents while you're gaining XP, it will save you headaches later on.

Oh, and stacks of reagent fish also sell really well. Fishing is one of those lesser know, yet extremely useful talents.

You can also "farm" things like silk, mageweave, etc because tailors will buy stacks of that at the AH to level their skill. Trust me, one of my alts is a tailor and sometimes I would get fed up with it and just buy a stack of silk because I was one bolt of silk away from leveling. Another way to make some money is to farm lower level instances. There are some okay greens that will drop which you can either AH, vendor, or shard if you have an enchanter buddy. Like herbs, shards do well at the AH for the same reason that silk does. Just some thoughts.

It is a bit off topic, but I wanted to ask about your gear, You have a decent set, but are wearing healing pants with your Prot spec. I'm assuming you were off-healing an instance in which case, good to go for you. Those are very nice Healadin legs and, especially in 5-man instances, any spec can main-heal with the right gear. If those are your only set of legs, you may want to look at picking up some Prot leggings. Otherwise, you have some nice blues and an epic! That was a very kind 70 to buy you a sweet looking shield like that.

Best of luck lining your pockets!
#9 Apr 23 2007 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
You aren't going to make money in your general questing/leveling and selling stuff to vendors that you don't use.

You have to grind some mobs that give decent drops. In the 40's you can grind the apes in STV which drop fangs (or claws or something) that sell to vendors for 6s a piece. A couple of stacks of those and you have a couple gold.

Learn to use the AH. Download Auctioneer. It has a companion program called Bottom feeder; I've made decent money from the picks it's made for me. (For exxample, I see Big Iron Poles being sold for 1g, and I buy those and sell 'em for 2-2.5g). Hell, a stack of wool goes for a g on my server. At 40-ish, you could get that in an hour or so.

Also, fishing can be a decent money maker. Combine that w/ cooking and you can add to that.

Your main professions can be lucrative, too. Just gotta take the time to level them.

My suggestion is to create an alt that is the same side as yours. Take the few hours to level him to 5 and hit the nearest city. Park him near the mailbox/AH. Seed him with some gold (to pay the posting fees) and send him any greens, blues, fish, cloth, mats that you aren't going to use to put up for auction. Let him hold all your gold, so you don't get tempted to spend it on something stupid. he can search the AH for bargains and mail you stuff.

This way you don't have to take a break from adventuring to jump to the nearest city to auction/bank stuff.

There isn't an amount of gold you "should" have, but in my opinion, it should be more than 22g, especially since you didn't have to shell out for a mount.
#10 Apr 23 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
406 posts

My Pally just dinged 40, although I do not use my Pally directly to make gold, he usually stands with 30-60 gold. He is my main & 1st toon.

I keep an alt, @ lvl 10, in IF at all time, I mail him all my items to sell, and he has enchanting @ lvl 150. I disenchant to make all my gold, I can make close to 100-200 gold a week with this. I send money to my Pally when he needs it.

I highly recommend having an alt, making your money in AH, it saves u time from going back and forth from main cities to sell stuff, you can send everything in the mail. And it doesn't hurt to take up enchanting on your alt, there is always I high demand for enchanting items, which means ppl need to buy the mats to do it.
So buy up all the greens for low $$, and sell the disenchants for more.
b/c of this I was able to fit my pally pretty good @ when he dinged 40

#11 Apr 23 2007 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
You aren't going to make money in your general questing/leveling and selling stuff to vendors that you don't use.

You have to grind some mobs that give decent drops. In the 40's you can grind the apes in STV which drop fangs (or claws or something) that sell to vendors for 6s a piece. A couple of stacks of those and you have a couple gold.

That's not entirely true. While indeed the best way to make money FAST is to grind the more lucrative mobs, you can also still make a good amount of amount by regular questing/leveling.

I can't tell exactly how much I've made on my Pally but I've never, EVER, spent time grinding/farming. Granted, I don't need money because I've transfered a ******** of cash from my old main before deleting him. Still, I believe at level 55 I have made around 200-300g. (Transfered about 800g and now have about 1100g) I still spend a lot on the AH because I don't do instances much so I have to buy stuff to keep my gear updated and I sometimes have to buy a few things to level my Jewelcrafting skill. (Flask of Mojo, some gems, etc) So basically I made much more than 200-300g, it's simply what's left of everything I've made.

There's also the random lucky blue or very nice green drop that will fill that purse a bit faster, but of course you can't rely on that.

If you wanna farm, however, I suggest you try rock elementals. (Those just a bit southwest of Refuge Point in Arathi Highlands are wonderful. They drop grey stones that vendor for a few silvers each. Fill your bags and sell everything for around 5-6g.)
#12 Apr 23 2007 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
Search the web...there are dozens of free guides on how to make money
#13 Apr 24 2007 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
Here is my Prot Build,

Tell me what you think, I have mining and skinning, they have accumulated 89 gold for me. I had more but the hammer I used cost me like 30 gold. Maybe try mining and skinning. Just a thought

Blades Edge
Paladin 43

Edited, Apr 24th 2007 1:10pm by ruicke
#14 Apr 24 2007 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
Still no Holy Shield at 44? Yeesh, must be a pain to take on large groups of mobs. I think you spread your talents too early. Max one tree then move to another. (Or if you don't max, just get as high as you plan on going) Those 5 points in Imp BoM are wasted as you should be using BoSanc when fighting groups.

1/5 Div Intel
1/5 1h Spec
1/2 Sacred Duty

It's like you didn't know what to take so you just put 1 point in those before thinking you didn't really want them or something. :P

Anyway, if you've never respecced before I'd suggest you do one since the first is cheap. It would probably make your life easier. But if you're comfortable with what you're using, keep it that way.

And, umm, that hammer... 30g, huh? I hope you'll use it for a while cause in a few levels you could've gotten the Thrash Blade which has slightly higher DPS and a nice proc, even though devoid of stats. And it's a quest reward so it's essentially free. (Quest in Mara)
#15 Apr 24 2007 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent

This was my first attempt with a prot build, So this is news to me about not having holy shield, I'll look at some guides again and see where I can re do some things.

Yes, BOM was a waste I found that out after I did it, I just wanted to wait before I paid for the respect So I wouldn't make anymore mistakes and have to pay more gold.

I didn't know about this thrasher blade, ( no wonder I wasn't doing alot of Dmg ) My other alts are a ret pally and a mage so this is my first attempt.

Thanks for the critique


*Edit for grammer

Edited, Apr 24th 2007 1:41pm by ruicke

Edited, Apr 24th 2007 1:41pm by ruicke

Edited, Apr 24th 2007 1:44pm by ruicke
#16 Apr 24 2007 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
My Grammar is horrible today!
#17 Apr 24 2007 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
Heh, no worries.

This is the Thrash Blade. The quests (Horde and Alliance) are at the bottom of the page. Basically you have to clear Maraudon or, at least, find a group with the scepter and do a Princess run cause she's all you need to kill for the quest.

I usually find it to be a waste of money to buy BoE blues or purples from the AH unless you plan on stalling in a certain bracket for PvP or whatever. Otherwise you always, always, outlevel your equipment far too quickly.

If I can be so bold as to suggest a build, I'd say take a look at this. IMO a basic level 40 build. The 3 points in Shield Spec could be relocated to Toughness of Anticipation as you see fit. I went with Shield Spec but if I had to redo it I'd pick 3/5 Anticipation instead I think. Blocking more is very nice but Reckoning and Redoubt only proc on attacks that damage you so you must not block *too much* damage. =/

Anyway, from that build you can probably go and max 1h Spec or take Ardent Defender, up to you. If you plan on getting Avenger's Shield (which I picked because I'm on a PvP server) then max both and put one point somewhere, doesn't really matter much. Spell Warding can be nice since you have nothing much to use against casters. 2%/4% damage reduction is nice with your auras on top of it.

Mess around with it as you like but I wouldn't suggest going into Holy until you have all the highest desired tier from the Prot tree. You could, in fact, only get Holy Shield and go Holy after that. It's up to you.
#18 Apr 24 2007 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
Well my main is a 35 hunter. Ive had this char. for a few months. I level pretty slow because I play sports and dont play this game all the time but I had 150g. Too bad I just decided to reroll on a pvp server :(
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