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PTR Mend PetFollow

#1 Apr 16 2007 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
In the new patch, they are changing mend pet to a heal over time version.
What that got me thinking is, does this make the BM talent Improved Mend Pet much more valuable?

I haven't been able to actually see the new mend pet in action with the PTR, but maybe someone who has it can help me. If it still ticks once a second, this can be a GREAT way to get your pet out of a freeze traps/novas/sheep/fear etc, and quickly turn the tide of a battle. Also if you are a BM hunter and BW/TBW happens to be on cooldown, this might be the talent that makes all the difference.

Can anyone confirm it will work like this? And if it does, would rank 1 mend pet (for the sake of mana) be the thing to use?


Edit: Just read that the new mend pet is a 15 sec spell with a tick every 3 sec. This makes this strategy not as great :p Sorry ><

Edited, Apr 16th 2007 11:30pm by looneytoon
#2 Apr 16 2007 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
o Replaced the current "Mend Pet" channel spell with an instant cast heal over time.
o No combat reset, resets global cooldown
o The mana cost has been reduced and the heal value increased.
o Duration on Heal Over Time increased to 15 seconds in 3 second increments.
o Changed the graphic to better represent the Heal Over Time effect on the pet.
o The "Mend Pet" heal over time buff is now able to be dispelled.
o Bonus healing gear will no longer effect "Mend Pet".
o Added a 10% and 20% reduction to the mana cost of "Mend Pet" in "Improved Mend Pet" talent (Beast Mastery).

So it's every 3 seconds now, not every second. I am mad they are removing the +healing effect from it...although it does heal more it will probably allow less burst healing. It seems it went to a more mana-efficient version, and a more DPS-friendly version, but it's less time-efficient as far as healing goes.

I'm interested to see the change, it will affect solo play a lot I think. It will generate threat slower, and the mana cost will be lower, but we can't heal as fast...seems a fair exchange but not necessarily a buff to me (and if so a smaller one than it appears).
#3 Apr 16 2007 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
IMO it's a pretty big nerf for BM, a buff for everyone else.
#4 Apr 17 2007 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
Well... I wouldn't call it a big nerf for BM exactly. Earlier BMs had one problem in boss fights, and fights where the pet took a heavy beating. They had to stop doing damage to heal their pets. Keeping the pet alive almost stopped you from doing personal damage at all. Now, a BM Hunter can heal his/her pet without having to stop doing damage. This is one step closer to making BM a viable Raid build.
#5 Apr 17 2007 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
I could very well be wrong but while I like some of the things that has happened to it, I have to say I kind of liked it better when it healed every second for as much as it did. Sometimes the pet needs a very fast heal in order to stay alive and every second of healing counts and having to wait for the next tick could kill the pet. So now instead of being able to wait to the last second to heal I would have to heal the pet much sooner. Not that big of a deal I suppose but for someone who tends to be lazy when it comes to healing his pet it might still cause problems from time to time. Sorry if this post doesn't make too much sense or is incomplete...haven't had any sleep >_<
#6 Apr 17 2007 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Emries wrote:
I could very well be wrong but while I like some of the things that has happened to it, I have to say I kind of liked it better when it healed every second for as much as it did. Sometimes the pet needs a very fast heal in order to stay alive and every second of healing counts and having to wait for the next tick could kill the pet. So now instead of being able to wait to the last second to heal I would have to heal the pet much sooner. Not that big of a deal I suppose but for someone who tends to be lazy when it comes to healing his pet it might still cause problems from time to time. Sorry if this post doesn't make too much sense or is incomplete...haven't had any sleep >_<

But the cast is instant, like Renew, so you can cast it without breaking your rotation much. So you have to cast it earlier, but it's an instant cast HoT spell now!

Am I the only one who sees this a buff?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Apr 17 2007 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
It's certainly a buff I think, certainly easier to heal them and keep them alive.
Now you can heal your pet when you're taking a beating!!
The only downside is that the Improved mend pet will have a harder time if it's still 50% chance of removing status effects.
#8 Apr 17 2007 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
No Mazra,

I like it very much as well.

For solo playing every mob that hit my pet that hard that it needs more heal than a few hundred HP every 3 seconds I'll likely kite or take down in a group.

For groups and instances I can add a hot on my pet now and then and don't waste to much of my damage. That is great. Healers do not have to concentrate on my pet as well, I can heal it myself, and it does not take much time. Combined with this AOE avoidance thingy I hope my pet can survive most fights with a hot or two.

And even for BM specced hunters I don't see it as a big nerf. Just start healing your pet earlier.
Everything that does too much damage can/should be kited or taken down in a group as well, so where is the problem. While you kite your pet can fight the mob as well, you just have to generate some hat to offset your pet's damage. This should be doable with standard gear.
#9 Apr 17 2007 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
No one answered this in the main PTR Notes thread, so I'll ask again here... can you cast multiple ranks of Mend Pet simultaneously?

If so, that pretty much alleviates the problem of slower healing, and of fewer IMP ticks.

I see the HoT as more of a buff than a nerf, but it will require some getting used to. Instead of waiting until the pet is badly hurt to begin healing (since you used to want to hold out as long as possible to continue personal dps), you would cast it very early on, and probably keep it active throughout the fight. Much like a druid's Renew.

However, with the druid parallel, it makes me yearn for a Mend Pet version of Regrowth, where we can have a cast time for a more significant heal for those more desperate moments.
#10 Apr 17 2007 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
Sayis wrote:
No one answered this in the main PTR Notes thread, so I'll ask again here... can you cast multiple ranks of Mend Pet simultaneously?

If so, that pretty much alleviates the problem of slower healing, and of fewer IMP ticks.

You can right now in the PTR, but I am pretty sure that will be changed before it goes live.
#11 Apr 17 2007 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
As a BM hunter, this patch thoroughly satisfies me. Last night I joined a group fighting Moroes, and I noticed how well they set up the buffs and I wrote down a few stats that my pet had:

Armor 16574
Dmg Reduction 60.04%
Life 7152

We were lucky enough to get the prot warrior as one of Moroes' adds. My job was to kite/trap this mob during the boss fight. I thought with the buffs the group had going, why not put my pet on it?

You're telling me that slapping a hot on my pet for this (or two, depending on whether we can use multiple ranks of mend pet) is a nerf for a BM hunter?

I beg to differ. IMO this might make BM spec not only a viable raid option, but a very good one as well. Just a thought...
#12 Apr 18 2007 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
As a BM Hunter, it doesn't look like a nerf to me, either. Send Pet, start weaving Auto and SS, throw a Mend Pet into the rotation before the Pet has even taken the damage the HOT will heal, and keep shooting. It looks like it has the potential to reduce downtime between fights while grinding, and increase Pet survivability in Instance fights.
But I'll reserve judgment until I see it in Live.

For those on the PTR, does it work like an instant cast version of the current Hunter and Warlock Pet healing spells? There's no need to target the Pet, correct?
#13 Apr 18 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
Just my two sense guys not as a BM hunter but instead as a Draenei MM Hunter. Due to my racial ability, I have a very good experience with HoT healing on my pet and let me tell you it rocks. Now with two HoT's it will rock even better.

As some have even guessed that the adjustment will be to simply get the heal going sooner. Since it is an instant it will be no big deal to throw it on and get back to work on killing the mob.

I don't see this as a nerf I see this as a buff. Yes I understand that the HoT will be a bit slower on the heal in the first few secs so you have to get it going earlier. But the fact that you can get back to DDing is a buff that allows you to help get the mob back down. They also have cut down the mana required so that too is a buff.
#14 Apr 18 2007 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Let me be clear on why it's a nerf, for those that don't PvP.

Mend Pet no longer ticks every second, thus it takes longer to clear debuffs on your pet like Crip Poison, etc.

It also heals for more per tick, but it heals for less overall. Pets will no longer be able to MT with a Hunter solo healing them.

My not seem like a big nerf, but it's definitely there.

Most of you seem to focus on PvE while I focus on PvP though, so ignore my rant. I really doubt that I'd ever spec BM now, because of the Mend Pet changes. Smiley: frown

Don't get me wrong, though. It's a huge buff to MM and SV Hunters, and PvE in general.
#15 Apr 18 2007 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
It is a nerf for beast masters, who very much value the cleansing aspect of Improved Mend Pet in its current state. Further, while it might be that you can now shoot while mending, it will make soloing certain elites impossible that were extremely difficult before since the HPS (healing per second) is lower on the newer version and +healing does not affect the spell.

Put those two things aside, and I love the change. The first doesn't affect me, and I don't deal with the second TOO often. However, on those occasions where I do try to solo some Outlands elite (and why can I not even solo the level 60 rares in Hellfire?) it will prove detrimental.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#16 Apr 18 2007 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Overall I don't think it's a buff or a nerf, but simply a change. For PvP while it may not help your pet as much, it also is something you can do on the run. So it helps you more than your pet in that aspect. So what it seems to me is that this is more buffing hunters and nerfing pets, overall making the hunter+pet class still just as even.
#17 Apr 18 2007 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I've got mixed feelings about it

My pet sometimes ends up tanking alot in groups, well offtanking mainly but usually tanking bosses, let the Warriors who aren't specced to tank do what they're specced to

My pets have a nice amount of armour and life ofc nothing compared to a Warrior or Druid or pally, but freeing the up to dps can have an overall bonus...I don't expect this to continue past level 60 however

Anyway now the backgrounds set I think this is a great addition, it'll allow me to aid in healing my pet whilst not knocking me down on the DPS meters, Well the meters don't matter but I killing mobs faster does
#18 Apr 18 2007 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
I'd still like to see how it hits live... as long as we can stack ranks, it should be workable.

With the reduced mana cost, and further reduced mana cost with Improved Mend... it may actually be feasible to stack two ranks at a time. Particularly ranks 1 and 2 for debuffing.

Plus, for PvPers, you can activate both two mends at the start of combat, preemptively prepping to counter CCs rather than having to do it after the fact. Timed correctly, you could get 2 debuff attempts per 3 seconds... still not as much as current MP, but not bad.

For soloing elites, it's true that you can't pump out as much HPS (although you might with stacking), but you can start the healing earlier on and you deal more personal dps. Because of you dealing more ranged damage, that shortens the fight, and you'll end up needing less healing than you would currently.

So... I'm not going to say it's good or bad, until I see how it hits Live and have the opportunity to test it in action.
#19 Apr 21 2007 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,668 posts
Can't you just spam rank 1 mend pet for cleansing? Don't need it to wear off before renewing it right? Or is there a cooldown on cast?
#20 Apr 21 2007 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
I really doubt that I'd ever spec BM now, because of the Mend Pet changes.

and guess what you just did last night?
(soory couldnt resist that =P)
#21 Apr 21 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Theophany the Sly wrote:
Let me be clear on why it's a nerf, for those that don't PvP.

Mend Pet no longer ticks every second, thus it takes longer to clear debuffs on your pet like Crip Poison, etc.

Sorry, but I'm laughing my *** off right now.

Before the patch Mend Pet would have a 50% chance to cleanse every second, right? After the patch it's every 3 seconds, so a max of 6 seconds to cleanse your pet, instead of 2 seconds. That's 4 seconds you lose. Now, tell me, what debuff is so dangerous you can't wait the extra 4 seconds? Heck, why do you even need Improved Mend Pet? I have never included it in my builds because in any case I would have to channel Mend Pet instead of running away or firing at my target. Running away or firing at target has proven to be more effective than standing still, mending your pet, by the way.

Now, with the new patch, you can cast Mend Pet on your pet before you send it into the heat of the battle and every 3 seconds it'll be healed and have a 50% chance of dispelling debuffs. How is that NOT an improvement over a channeled spell that required you to be within 20 yards or so? Seriously, tell me.

You lose your 2-second cleanse to a 6-second cleanse, if you have the talent, yes. But in trade you get a spell you can cast on the go, which will benefit your pet even if it moves out of range and will enable you to focus on the target.

Ps. Bestial Wrath is all you should need as far as anti-snares go.

Edited, Apr 21st 2007 4:54pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#22 Apr 21 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Mend pet has increased range now (not in PTR but in TBC).
#23 Apr 21 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
30 yards? Scratch that one off the list then.

Still isn't a nerf.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Apr 21 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
Mazra wrote:

You lose your 2-second cleanse to a 6-second cleanse, if you have the talent, yes. But in trade you get a spell you can cast on the go, which will benefit your pet even if it moves out of range and will enable you to focus on the target.

Ps. Bestial Wrath is all you should need as far as anti-snares go.

4 seconds can be a long time in combat. Scatter Shot stuns for less time than that. Intimidate is only half as long. Yet they are still very useful.

Preemption, however, does have its merits. That's why I'd still like to see how it works in combat.

As for BW, it's on a 2-minute cooldown. Most crowd controls are not. Although I won't downplay its effectiveness, you have to keep in mind that it's not all-powerful.
#25 Apr 21 2007 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
We gettin a talent reset with this one?

Probably not, but I can always hope!
#26 Apr 21 2007 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Theophany wrote:
It also heals for more per tick, but it heals for less overall.
PTR wrote:
The mana cost has been reduced and the heal value increased.

Unless this is obfuscated wording designed to slip in a stealth nerf, I read "heal value increased" as "heals more over the duration". Can anyone on the PTR comment on this? Is the total healing done by the HOT increased over the Live channeled healing amount?

Theophany wrote:
Pets will no longer be able to MT with a Hunter solo healing them.[...] Most of you seem to focus on PvE while I focus on PvP though, so ignore my rant.
Pets serving as MT is a PvE function. No one is tanked by a Pet in PvP.
Pets can't MT now, even with the Hunter doing nothing but healing, unless you count those few Hunters who piled on the +Healing gear and gimped their own DPS doing so. And that is an aberration which is being patched away.

As others have mentioned, Beastial Wrath is a great counter to any snare effect on the Pet. And an early casting of a cleansing HOT will allow the Hunter to preempt snares when that ability is on cooldown. Currently in Live the Hunter must act after the Pet is snared to try to cleanse the effct. After the patch, weaving in an early HOT can provide that counter without any further attention from the Hunter needed.
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