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PTR Mend PetFollow

#27 Apr 21 2007 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
Kompera wrote:

Unless this is obfuscated wording designed to slip in a stealth nerf, I read "heal value increased" as "heals more over the duration". Can anyone on the PTR comment on this? Is the total healing done by the HOT increased over the Live channeled healing amount?

The amount healed per cast is increased... but it's not doubled. The duration increased from 8 seconds to 15 seconds.

Pets serving as MT is a PvE function. No one is tanked by a Pet in PvP.
Pets can't MT now, even with the Hunter doing nothing but healing, unless you count those few Hunters who piled on the +Healing gear and gimped their own DPS doing so. And that is an aberration which is being patched away.

Personally, I applaud any characters who take on an unconventional style -- and make it work (sorry melee hunters) -- so I don't like Blizzard's answer to the Azuregos video. Capping +healing would've been a better choice, in my opinion, since it still gives hunters choices.

Regarding your comment, though, I think this is a mindset that too many players have. "Gimped their own DPS doing so." There's more than one way to win a fight, and it isn't always by pulling out a cannon. Yes, the Pet Mending hunter may have a lower damage-per-second, but he has a vastly higher survivability, and therefore can do much more damage in the end.

You have to keep your mind open to new possibilities, and not let it be clouded by what's been done before.

#28 Apr 21 2007 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Sayis wrote:
The amount healed per cast is increased... but it's not doubled. The duration increased from 8 seconds to 15 seconds.
Then the ability to have different ranks of the HOT applied will be necessary to keep the Pet healing per second close to the Live ability. I would count this change as a nerf if the healing per second were cut in half. Pets go down very fast now, and the Cleave/Sweeping Strikes changes won't change this for those times when using the Pet as an off-tank is necessary to either occupy a mob or pull one off of a squishy.

In regards to massive amounts of +Healing gear:
I'm all for using unconventional tactics to win a fight which would be otherwise lost. The series of "Hunter vs World" videos shows how this can be done very effectively. By "aberration which is being patched away" I was referring to the presumed intent of Blizzard for the Hunter class. Here is the description of the class:
Blizzard wrote:
Hunters are deadly marksmen, capable of bringing their enemies down from a distance with bows or rifles. Skilled survivalists, they can track enemies or lay traps to damage and entrap their foes. Hunters also possess a primal connection to the beasts of Azeroth, capable of taming and training them to keep as loyal guardians. Wearing light to medium armor, hunters can also dual wield weapons in combat, fighting beside their pets in battle.

The Hunter is a vicious damage dealer. With their ability to pull extremely well and hit monsters hard from far away, they certainly help take down monsters more quickly. Their pets add to the damage count and can aid somewhat in managing monster aggro. The variety of traps allows the Hunter to control crowds to an extent, as well. The combination of their extreme range, decent damage, and trap capability, Hunters are the perfect pullers for any group.
Note that nowhere is it suggested that Hunters are able to let their Pet do all the killing while they provide it with healing. Almost all the descriptive text focuses on the Hunter doing high DPS. And so I am not surprised at all that the ability to do this kind of Pet healing is being removed, and I'm also not surprised that it isn't merely being capped. It seems clear that this is not a role that Blizzard sees as appropriate for a Hunter. Pew-pew-pew, yes. Pew-pew-heal, yes. Pew-heal-heal, no. And I'm ok with that.

Edited, Apr 21st 2007 3:53pm by Kompera
#29 Apr 21 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm going to be honest here, even if I'll get bashed over the head with something heavy for it, but if you want to heal, roll a Priest.

If you run around in +1000 healing and has Mend Pet as your favorite spell, you should seriously reconsider your class choice. I'm all for unconventional fighting styles, but it's just silly when you can solo something that is obviously not meant to be soloed. You don't need the added survivability anywhere unless you're trying to solo the world.

It might come as a shock to some of you, but this is a multiplayer game. You know, with other people in it? You don't need to take on the world on your own. In fact, we'd be more than happy to help out.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#30 Apr 21 2007 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
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*rolls eyes* I'm not saying hunters should run around as healbots. I'm just saying that it bugs me when a stat option is completely removed. +1500 healing is beyond excessive, and because of that there should be a maximum value that you can add.

You could add to it on the side, before, giving slight boosts to your pet's survivability without hurting your dps too badly. Now Blizzard's shutting that down, basically saying, "Stop thinking outside the box. Go shoot something!"
#31 Apr 21 2007 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
But isn't that what we're supposed to do?

We'll just end up with a Warrior in full +attack power and +agility gear using his crossbow do try and do our job while we do his.

It's crazy.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#32 Apr 21 2007 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Sayis wrote:
*rolls eyes* I'm not saying hunters should run around as healbots. I'm just saying that it bugs me when a stat option is completely removed. +1500 healing is beyond excessive, and because of that there should be a maximum value that you can add.

You could add to it on the side, before, giving slight boosts to your pet's survivability without hurting your dps too badly. Now Blizzard's shutting that down, basically saying, "Stop thinking outside the box. Go shoot something!"

I agree with you. I'd have loved to get some weapons that I could dual wield so I could put healing enchants on them. Also some of my PvE gear ciould have had healing enchants on them as well.

With Mend Pet as a HoT, that would have meant that I have a lot of solo capability. Capping it at some point so that Hunters couldn't solo world bosses would be natural, but removing the mechanic from the game, especially when you're reducing the healing caused by Mend Pet, is just silly and shows lack of thought on Blizzard's part.

I mean, we're supposed to be the best soloing class in the game, yeah?
#33 Apr 21 2007 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
I mean, we're supposed to be the best soloing class in the game, yeah?

Well, one of the best soloing classes, true. Mages have AoE grinding, and Warlocks are basically the same in soloing (we might be a little better).
But this is how Blizzard decides to nerf classes:

1.)Can this class better than a warlock?
2.)Does this class have a useful ability?
3.)Does this class have an ability the other WoW community doesn't like?

This is how Blizzard decides what to do with the nerfed ability:

A.)Get rid of the ability
B.)Pick a random idea about what to do with that ability out of a hat

I'm not good with math, but I consider this a overall a buff. That is to me, but to those who very much vaule the cleansing aspect of Mend Pet it might be a nerf. Granted, I took Imp. Mend Pet, and I used the cleansing aspect. But I never RELIED on it. I used it once every so often, but usally the first tick of it the buff was cleansed. Mabye when I hit 70 and be a complete arena junky this will change, but right now, it doesn't really bother me.
#34 Apr 21 2007 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Personally, I see it being a side-step rather than a nerf/buff.

However, if I had to pick one or the other, I would probably lean more towards a nerf than anything else.

In PvP, every last second is vital. It could be that second before the Shaman's shock spell is up. Or a second before your pet dies from a poison that a Rogue applied, who you have been fighting, or a Warlock's Corruption.

It is a nice change to have a HoT rather than a channeling spell here. BUT, I would prefer the old M.P. with a BM spec including its talent. Why?

In the current spell, you have 5 chances to cleanse a debuff, each with a 50% probability to cleanse over 5 seconds.

The old spell has 5 chances to cleanse with a 50% probability over 15 seconds.

That means, with the current M.P., you have 15 chances to cleanse over the 5 of the new M.P. in the same time.

I can see the clear winner in the debuff department. While it may not be vital to remove a debuff in the 2 second difference between the old and the new, it is much more likely you will see a cleanse before the 15 second time span with the old spell over the new spell.

Not only that, but you are more likely to cleanse multiple spells with the old version. Each may have the same probablility, but you have 3x as many chances to cleanse as the old spell. If you estimate one cleanse per cast, than the current version will dispel 3 DoTs over the new version's single.

I die fast enough from a DoT, and smart Warlocks will toss some instant cast DoTs on a pet to quickly remove it from combat.

In a raid situation, it is nice, as long as your pet isn't tanking. In a PvP situation it is okay, as you don't have to channel.

Overall, it makes the spell better in group PvP and group PvE, while gimping it more in PvP's moments of peace or solo PvE.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#35 Apr 21 2007 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
idiggory wrote:
In PvP, every last second is vital.
I agree. How you spend your time in a PvP match can be the difference between win and loss.

What happens more often in PvP: The Hunter dies, or the Hunter's Pet dies? I've done a decent amount of PvP, and in my experience the Hunter dies at least 5 times as often as the Pet, and that is a very conservative ratio.
Your play style can alter this ratio considerably, of course. Send your pet across the BG after opponents and the Pet will die unsupported rather quickly...

When you're counting seconds in PvP, what is more valuable: A few seconds in which a spell may be cleansed from the Pet, or a few seconds of free action on the part of the Hunter?

I believe that the HOT aspect of the proposed change makes this question a no-brainer. Reducing the time the hunter has to spend on Mend Pet from a 5 second channeled cast to a single GCD is a huge advantage in PvP.
#36 Apr 22 2007 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
idiggory wrote:
I die fast enough from a DoT, and smart Warlocks will toss some instant cast DoTs on a pet to quickly remove it from combat.

If the Warlock uses anything but Curse of Weakness on your pet, laugh at him. I don't know about you, but my pet has close to 5,000 health. My Warlock can't remove 5,000 health through instant cast DoTs. It's easier to Fear the pet or just let it do its thing with Curse of Weakness on than to try and take it out of the fight.

Every second counts, true, so why do you want to spend valuable seconds trying to cleanse your pet? No CC ability lasts more than 12 seconds in PvP and that's in theory. If you rely that much on your pet, you are doing something wrong. Concussive Shot, Wing Clip, Freezing Trap, Feign Death. We have so many tools to improve our survivability, but people are crying about the pet being crowd controlled for 4 seconds longer? Hunters - HUNTERS - complain about Mend Pet not receiving a +healing bonus anymore. A Hunter wearing +healing is to be ridiculed, in my opinion. If you need +healing to keep your pet alive you're doing something very wrong.

But it suddenly explains all the Hunters in "of the Sorcerer" and "of the Prophet" cloth gear.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#37 Apr 22 2007 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
This isn't an attack, Mazra, but I somewhat fear anyone who adds a point to a debate that sounds like "learn your fixed place in society". It erases creativity, it discourages exceptional actions and thinking styles and it locks talented people into a square box, just because the other people inside couldn't figure out how to find the exit.

I totally agree that a cloth wearing healbot isn't really the ideal image for a hunter. But trying to be a priest, and managing your gear and play strategies to levels that allow you to solo - and survive - things that you couldn't before are two very different things.

Sayis wrote: "I'm just saying that it bugs me when a stat option is completely removed. +1500 healing is beyond excessive, and because of that there should be a maximum value that you can add."

I completely agree with this. I do think that just buffing your healing as a hunter is excessive but I don't like the argument that strategies, which differ from someone else's are wrong and should be eliminated. Sure, cap it. Keep it from getting to the silly level where it won't be really benefiting anyone - except overpowered players.

But, on some level, in its most fundamental form, some people are making the heal angle work. I don't do it, myself - but that means nothing.

Kompera wrote: "I was referring to the presumed intent of Blizzard for the Hunter class. Here is the description of the class [...] Note that nowhere is it suggested that Hunters are able to let their Pet do all the killing while they provide it with healing. Almost all the descriptive text focuses on the Hunter doing high DPS."

I'll admit that Blizzard's text about hunters means very little to me. It's a vague roleplay-style description, to give some chunk of info. Yes, we use pets to keep distance and kill things. That's basically our role. But how we control our pet and then kill things is the player's choice.

Theophany wrote: "Capping it at some point so that Hunters couldn't solo world bosses would be natural, but removing the mechanic from the game, especially when you're reducing the healing caused by Mend Pet, is just silly and shows lack of thought on Blizzard's part."

Totally agree with this. We don't want hunters being too overpowered and being able to destroy every living thing in the game, certainly. But, I think that, cutting away individual play styles to box the class in is being short sighted.

It's like telling a rat that he has to work his way through the maze, to find the cheese... But he's not allowed to use his sense of smell to get it done.
#38 Apr 22 2007 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts

did blizz just make the #1 solo pve class a bit stronger in solo pve?
#39 Apr 22 2007 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
The new mend pet is a huge buff, if you were using +healing gear then its clear you're trying to solo something which would be impossible otherwise. The reason why they took it away is that they dont want people to be soloing mobs like this, soloing azuregos for example gives you a huge amount of money.

In terms of anything other than this, its a massive buff. I respecced beast mastery this morning, and managed to get myself into an arena situation where I fought a holy paladin for the best part of 20 minutes. If I was able to use the new mend pet, it would have been a whole lot faster.
#40 Apr 22 2007 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The Smallsword of Doom wrote:
This isn't an attack, Mazra, but I somewhat fear anyone who adds a point to a debate that sounds like "learn your fixed place in society". It erases creativity, it discourages exceptional actions and thinking styles and it locks talented people into a square box, just because the other people inside couldn't figure out how to find the exit.

You're right, I shouldn't tell people how to play the game, it was wrong of me. Being a Feral Druid, I get my share of "l2p" comments in the game. It's just that more than once I've grouped up with a Hunter wearing healbot gear for Hellfire Citadel and doing less damage than another Hunter his own level. Heck, less damage than ANYONE his level.

Excessive pet mending is only really needed when soloing and I shouldn't care about what people do when they solo. It's just that a lot of people forget to get a second set of equipment for when they're in a team. Having a lot of +healing will not help you in PvP nor will it make the group/raid leader happy.

Plus it annoys me to no end when Hunters outroll my Warlock on BOP cloth drops with +damage/healing.

Edited, Apr 23rd 2007 12:05am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#41 Apr 22 2007 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
the problem isnt the Azuregos vid (there will be something like that not to long from now) but al the wannabee's who think they can do it too and start rolling for +heal gear.
i have 1 +heal trinket, and it has come in handy. healing my pet for a bit extra, and if needed (adds or so) heal my pet back to full within 2 mend pets.
and i am sad to see that go.
best way to solve it is (in my opinion) to make + healing get less and less effective for non druid/shaman/paladin/priests.
this way, hunters can make good use out of it, but wont be able to solo raidbosses.

now i guess i'll vendor my oshu'gun relic. and remember the little bit of extra fun it gave me.
#42 Apr 22 2007 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,292 posts
Smallsword wrote:
I'll admit that Blizzard's text about hunters means very little to me. It's a vague roleplay-style description, to give some chunk of info
It doesn't have to mean anything to you. It only needs to mean something to the designers at Blizzard. They have a conception of what a Hunter, or any other class, should be able to do within the scope of the game setting. It's not role playing fluff, it's game design being communicated to the player base. It has to exist in some form or another, or how else would a player be able to decide what class they might like to play?

It's almost inevitable, when you consider the number of players compared to the number of developers and play-testers, that a sufficiently bored or resourceful player will find a way to exceed those conceptions. Which is why they get patched away once the designers become aware of them. This is the give and take of game balance, and it makes for a better game in the end for all of the players.

That's not to say that I don't understand your objections. It is natural for a player of a particular class to dislike any change that limits options they formerly had, or reduces the effectiveness of their character they have spend many hours/days/weeks playing. That same player will naturally cheer any buff to their preferred character class. It's human nature. It takes a broader viewpoint to understand why those changes, both good or bad, might be necessary.
#43 Apr 23 2007 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
3,043 posts
Also, again, the class descriptions given by Blizzard have changed multiple times, and even those who work with Blizzard have said that they are not meant to encompass everything the class can do... if they even give an accurate idea in the first place.

Change may be necessary, but it is in fact possible to balance something without removing it entirely. Also, there are some exceptional players who can accomplish amazing things, yet Blizzard often institutes changes following such rare accomplishments, not only preventing these extreme examples, but even things moderately resembling them.

At one point in a time, a warrior who had obtained both the legendary Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker and the 300 Engi requiring, Molten-core pattern drop Force Reactive Disk. He traded out his plate armor for lots of leather that boosted +nature damage, and with a pally friend two-manned BRD. Not three weeks after that video was put out, Blizzard removed the ability for any affects from items to benefit from +spell damage.

Nevermind that the warrior had an epic, extremely hard to obtain and craft shield, the most difficult to obtain legendary sword, and sacrificed most of his defense to do an instance that had little to no level 60 value.... they removed the possibility altogether, preventing anybody from buffing an item's effect to any degree.

In the case of Azuregos, the hunter's gear would have taken an extreme amount of time to obtain, including time to build rep to get the enchants he used on some pieces. Not to mention he was wearing 3 pieces of Giantstalker for the set bonus that boosted Mend Pet's effects, armor that's no longer easy to obtain in a post-BC game. And even after all that, he had to spend two hours of his time to kill a level 60 raid boss that dropped loot he had no need for.

I agree that balance is necessary in a game, but to create such broad changes due to the extremely unlikely efforts of a few players seems poorly conceived.

Even then, I'm not condemning Blizzard for their choice, I just feel like such things could be handled better.

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